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About BankCell

The plugin allows you to grant permission to players who will be able to save some loot.




This plugin and the ability to store your belongings in a safe deposit box, which you can open using one of the specified commands. You can limit the number of items you can put in a cell, and also set up a blacklist of items that cannot be put in a cell. You can assign privileges to use a cell depending on the group of players.The player can also transfer their items from wipe to wipe.


How does it work?

  • The player prescribes a chat command, which is specified in the config. It opens a cell with slots that are configured in the config.
  • He can put items there that are not blocked in the config.
  • Closes the cell and the items are successfully saved.
  • If the player runs out of privilege, when trying to open a cell, he will return all items to his inventory.


en - example of plugin configuration in English

ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian



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