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Everything posted by Jbird
Just realized there are two people in the ticket. Are you working together? Is that the most recent version of carbon? I don't have a bookmark to check the current version.
I will add something to our notes about this. Currently it is set this way as the point of the event is for it to be a challenge to free and protect the hostages while under fire from waves of enemies. But I will add a note for consideration in future updates.
You use this option for other things and it works? You have tried it for the default options of 0 or 1 for type, reloaded both plugins, and this does not work? What version of NpcSpawn are you currently using?
Will look into this and possibly add it to our notes if needed.
- 1 reply
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Can you confirm carbon is updated? The plugin looks like the right version, can you also confirm the version of NpcSpawn?
Can you confirm that Carbon is updated?
I will answer your questions but if you answer mine we might get to a solution faster. "Настройка Notify": { "Использовать ли плагин Notify? [true/false]": true, "Тип": 512 }, To my knowledge or at least the default Type is either 0 or 1 for the Type of notifications. Do you have a type 512 somehow?
You are welcome, thank you for letting me know, and glad to hear it!
Can you share your main config file? If you would like to you can join the Mad Mapper Discord to make a more private ticket to do so and tag me there. The link is in a few places including my profile. It does help to know what messages you are looking for, and if you get any errors while the plugin loads or while it is running, for example when those messages should be appearing. NpcSpawn is also up to date correct? Just covering the basics.
What else are they wearing in addition? If you want, join the Mad Mapper Discord, the link is in my profile as well as a few other places. If you create a ticket and tag me you can more privately drop your config and have me help look over the changes you're making and make any other suggestions or answer any other questions as well.
You can give them different outfits but have to use the correct short name and cannot combine things that players could not wear, like a full suit skin plus armor for example. Another option is to use the frankenstein parts as armor, but this gives the NPCs high armor stats and make them more more difficult to do. It is best at least to start, with using other outfits instead.
First I want to ask as it gets missed sometimes, are you noticing that there is more than one preset in the config? By default I think there is 3 if I remember correctly. But alternatively, if you are getting more than you indicated are you just coming across the other boats? Curious why you'd only see the one you set if more are spawning. Feel free to jump in the Mad Mapper Discord to create a ticket, tag me if you do.
BetterNpc is not going to spawn cargo ships. You are reloading only BetterNpc and you're getting Cargo Ships?
And what message(s) is/are not showing up in Notify?
Does Skill Tree allow custom files, for example can it give rewards based on an NPCs 'name'? Off the top of my head I don't think SkillTree is specifically written into the plugin I know at least 1 or 2 plugins have been added over time as far as rewarding points of some kind for killing. I feel like SkillTree might have the customization configuration options but if not let us know especially if you've reached out to that developer and gotten any feedback from them let us know.
- #abilities
- #boss
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Excellent. Glad to hear that took care of the issue, and thank you for letting me know!
Ha! Just noticed I said BetterLoot but I meant AlphaLoot haha! The plugin is technically already working with it but just needs updated as I believe the newer API has been added somewhat recently. I believe it's already being implemented but know for sure that KpucTaJl is aware of the new API and intends to add it, so stay tuned!
NRE are often a configuration error. Are you able to tell me what is occurring when the error is appearing? Do you use default configuration or have you customized some of the configuration yourself?
Can you confirm what version of the plugin you're using? I know this was updated in most of the plugins not long ago but will check into it on our end as soon as possible.
I feel it, would love to know what could be causing this in some places that we haven't been able to reproduce it. It's happened enough times that there is potentially something going on, we just have no idea what because we can't get it to happen. Has to be a specific plugin or something. If that doesn't work try 1, so far 2 or 1 has completely taken care of the issue and the kicks stopped. Let me know if they don't work though.
Do you have any information by chance leading up to this happening? Something is going crazy there and if you have any details leading up to that it will help diagnose the issue. Something I want to share. This is the line referenced in the error you shared which is 1689 if (Npc.Config.States.Contains("RoamState")) AddState(new RoamState(Npc)); I am wondering if you can find what NPCs this might be referring to and check their roam range in your configuration. See if anything looks off there because that is my first guess. Alternatively if needed we may also check with the Carbon team since I see that you're using Carbon, and just make sure that's not a repeatable issue that's happening on Carbon that we can sort out that way in the back end of stuff.
This is a link to an old uMod help ticket for Rust it seems I can't even tell what the plugin it was posted on otherwise. But I think wrong link essentially sorry. Are you able to provide details for what kind of damage is taking place? Need to understand the entity being damage and what's going on in this instance and we can address it.
There may still be something we have not been able to diagnose as a potential cause, but there is a fix that may work for you. Since the October Facepunch update and since, I've had about 2 or 3 reports of it. In testing on a server with a small amount of plugins on it, I have not been able to reproduce this at all. I have high ping as well I am testing on a strong server but in EU, and I am in the US. We haven't found a fix but have found in many instances there are questions of server performance or client performance and connection to the server, such as high ping. Now like I said I do have a potential fix though. In those few instances we had, the flyhack level was reduced to a comfortable level, and it no longer happens. antihack.flyhack_protection The default value when entering this command into console, or adding a line for it in your server.cfg for example, the default value is 3. I have reports that lowering it by 1 or 2 points, has stopped this from happening on the server. Be sure to save the setting or add it to your startup info or cfg file so that it does not revert.
Too professional? You just answered my question! haha Thank you even if you thought I was asking for more. Now the only issue is I wonder why a message for Convoy and Caravan could result in a BossMonster error. Would you feel comfortable joining the Mad Mapper Discord? You can create a more private ticket there and share your config. I will look for any clues as to anything that could cause this error if you'd like. I will go ahead and tag @Adem so that he can read some of the information in this ticket. When I am able next I will personally test all of those plugins at the same time, but there likely is a special situation in your case that we will need to diagnose if you are up to looking into it further together. KpucTaJl is the developer of NpcSpawn and BossMonster Adem is the developer of Convoy and Caravan Just for reference, and I do support. I hope I am able to help and apologies if any of this has been frustrating so far.
Perhaps you have had the plugin for awhile. If that is the case, you may not have noticed that as new locations are added, those files are in the download. However they need to be moved manually. Check this for files like FerryTerminal and RadTown and make sure they are all added in your servers data files.