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I have no idea what this corresponds to, sorry. Just curious whether your configurations are default or if you change anything. It doesn't affect much but anything you use custom we could use to test on our end as well. But most likely it is another plugin, or something going on with the server, that is causing this. We will see if we can reproduce it otherwise. If you are able to use a test server, testing without other plugins loaded, and then with them, will be ideal to start to narrow down the cause.
So just at a glance I am noticing a couple things worth noting. The frame rate is 21 frame rate average is almost 23. That is not terrible but that is a bit on the lower side, much below that and I would essentially expect some issues here and there. Do you have the server FPS convar set to anything specific or is it just running the default FPS setting? Something else that stands out and is worth at least some testing to confirm or deny, ZombieHorde has the highest hook time on the list, try unloading that for a little while and see if that changes anything by itself. If so then we can go from there and see if we can tweak both to be able to work together for you.
Does the event run properly? Any errors reloading the plugin or while it is running? Do you customize the configuration at all or is it a default configuration?
Are you able to check the average frame rate the server has when this is happening? Do you have a test server or any time you are able to unload other plugins to test interaction with another plugin(s) that might be causing what you're experiencing?
Is this happening every time the event runs, or is there a chance that this has happened when the server reboots? Some server hosts do not properly shut servers down by their console and scheduled restarts and can cause some odd issues like that. Do you have RustEdit dll up to date? Does the event run properly? Any errors reloading the plugin or while it is running? Do you customize the configuration at all or is it a default configuration?
Are you able to get any video of an example? The more details you can provide the better it is to determine if there is an issue and what it would be. The most common possibilities if this is happening for everyone on the server, and it is constant, that it could be either configuration settings, interaction with another plugin, or either performance or memory issues with the server itself. But those are just guesses without some more detail. How many players are noticing the same thing? How frequent or constant is this? Is it all NPCs or just certain locations? Do you customize the configuration files or use the default NPC settings? Also one last one, what gun are they given or what other items are they given and could they be using a med for example, or using a gun that they are reloading or has a slower fire rate?
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Feel free to jump in the Mad Mapper Discord to create a ticket there. Follow the same steps that I mentioned above. I am still waiting for feedback regarding whether this happens with other plugins loaded, as this is not being reported aside from these two reports and not reproducible so far. I can see it happening in certain locations at times but we need details if possible, even if it is just happening constantly then need to test without other plugins and see if we can find the cause.
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Of course no problem. In my head it was easier haha but it would be a bit more complicated and KpucTaJl is fine with adding a hook next time he sits down to update so you can continue to work on this if needed just knowing that will come most likely with the next update for the plugin.
This is already possible. By not assigning an ID this will work on any map. The custom ID process is helpful in instances because the work is done once and then can be used any time that map is used again. But by not assigning an ID it will run on every or any map otherwise. Willing to check over your settings, there are two different settings that can help keep NPCs where they are intended. Otherwise we would need more details to know where there is an issue occurring before we could make any changes. If you want you can jump in the Mad Mapper Discord to share more of the details like the map details, screenshots, configs and such. If you do that just tag me and KpucTaJl in the ticket.
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Yes so I'm sorry you spent that time sorting that out I would have explained it for you. NpcSpawn config it says at the end of your message you noticed, but it is where you can set the base NPC for NpcSpawn. There is not a timeline but there is already a note from a short while ago considering choosing the base NPC for each plugin or possibly preset. Currently there are some plugins that there is no ability to share hooks or API to make them compatible that is the one time that using anything NpcSpawn has not been ideal recently. Granted there are many other options that are, KpucTaJl the developer will likely add something the next time the plugin(s) are updated. Just keep in mind this affects a large library at this point so likely to add something like this every single plugin that uses it will need the update too. So it requires some consideration and planning. Otherwise I am a little curious how you were able to sort it but mostly just glad to hear that you did! Thank you for the feedback and follow up messages.
Most of the instances of this error occurring and looking into it, it's a harmless error and essentially just a result of another plugin calling that hook at the same time. There have also been other instances of things missing where this occurs but those instances have been rare. If you want to enable again and test for any issues feel free to let us know. Most likely just have another plugin affecting airdrops though and it's harmless in the majority of the instances where it's come about.
There are a few ways to go about it. But the developer will add a hook in the next update. I don't have an exact timeline for you but it's been added to our notes.
Check your NpcSpawn and BetterNpc versions, make sure they are up to date. Do you have PVE mode set for the server? server.pve Is this true or false for your server? If neither of those do anything for you, and if you would, can you join the Mad Mapper Discord and create a ticket there? We can dig more into it and sort it out. I'll take a look at your TruePVE settings and a few other things to try to get to the bottom of what's happening for you unless one of those questions lead us to the issue and fix.
I would reach out to the developer of that plugin to allow to set custom NPCs by their custom names or add API, something to this effect. Maybe they can even be decided by what they are wearing if nothing else. You can change the base NPC to whatever you want in the NpcSpawn configuration. The configuration file was changed to actually include this instead of needing to change it in the CS file, as well as the targeting options that have been included there. NpcSpawn and the plugins that use it have always had one base NPC type.
It is certainly a possibility that the recent update caused some compatibility issue of some sort. Short term try running each plugin without the other loaded, and see if the error occurs for either event without the other loaded.
Whatever is listed in the NpcSpawn config file will be the base for all NPCs yes. There are plugins that can track custom names of scientists for example, this is the best option depending on what you are trying to do. If you can provide more details for what exactly you are trying to do I can give more answers.
You can already use the following hook to carry out any ideas regarding targeting with those NPCs. OnCustomNpcTarget
Just to add additional clarity, I explained this in my previous response, but AlphaLoot does not have API to do what people want us to be able to do with it regarding NPC. But also people just don't realize how Rust loot tables usually look and work, as the plugin uses basic Facepunch rules for loot and follows them in this regard. The issue is that a percentage that some thing is small, is actually a bit high. My best recommendation for when people are struggling with the loot table or think their is an issue with it, that they review a default loot table and compare it to theirs, to see how different it is. Common sense and a first attempt at making a loot table, is very rarely anywhere near the probabilities of what people are expecting and more used to seeing, without knowing what's happening under the hood. Simply put AlphaLoot doesn't work well with custom NPCs, or an option to tell AlphaLoot what to use would have been implemented at any time for a long time now if API were to get added to allow it.
There was work to allow AlphaLoot as an option but the issue is that it doesn't work like other plugins. AlphaLoot doesn't allow for other plugins to be able to tell it to pull a loot table, it will only pull from the containers loot table. In the instance of NPCs then this means whatever NPC is used as a base, AlphaLoot will only use the profile for that short name. This is controlled by the main NpcSpawn config and you could use a lower tier NPC if you wanted if nothing else. But basically a lot of people assume that you can choose AlphaLoot then select the prefab path, but AlphaLoot just doesn't work like that or have API to do anything otherwise. It's just how that plugin works. It makes sense in theory it just isn't possible with the way that AlphaLoot is written, and because no API has ever been added for other plugins to use. AlphaLoot basically is like no this is what it is you're not telling me what you want it to be haha basically. AlphaLoot was added as an option after quite a few requests but unfortunately getting it to work like other loot table plugins just isn't possible.
First do you see the hot air balloons at the event when it is running? At first the developer thought possibly not but actually looking more at the error he thinks they are there but something is removing the Rigidbody from the balloon. The developer shared this that could help clear that error up potentially. airBalloon.myRigidbody.isKinematic = true; -> if (airBalloon.myRigidbody != null) airBalloon.myRigidbody.isKinematic = true; This would fix port of the issue but finding what is removing the Rigidbody from hot air balloons on the server whether plugin or not, would still cause the Sam Site error since it does not have one. The other concern though that doesn't even make sense and was a big reason I wanted to talk to him before responding, is that the code is saying that the hot air balloon was trying to attach to cargoship, which makes no sense at all really. It will be best to test without other plugins, and then compare with plugins you do have loaded to find out which ones are causing the issues leading to the errors. I am assuming the issue happens every time the event runs?
And just to add clarity since it is a good idea to share the fix for others, this is a one off situation where you would otherwise just use the normal short.name. Thank you for creating a ticket and glad we could sort this out quickly. Sorry I didn't remember it because I am sure I've been told at some point before! So for example. 12466 - assets/prefabs/ammo/40mmgrenade/40mm_buckshot.item.prefab 12467 - assets/prefabs/ammo/40mmgrenade/40mm_grenade_he.item.prefab 12468 - assets/prefabs/ammo/40mmgrenade/40mm_grenade_he.prefab 12469 - assets/prefabs/ammo/40mmgrenade/40mm_grenade_smoke.item.prefab 12470 - assets/prefabs/ammo/40mmgrenade/40mm_grenade_smoke.prefab You would use short_name from the prefab. 40mm_buckshot 40mm_grenade_he 40mm_grenade_smoke
Create one and tag me and KpucTaJl in it. If anything would be adjusted it would be NpcSpawn as it is the core for all of the NPCs and where this would get added. When he is back home and free he will answer and I'll leave the ticket open until then.