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I have probably been told that at some point but it's been so long that I had forgotten. Apologies. When I talk to KpucTaJl next I'll ask about it, or I might just put it in our notes otherwise just to double check. Or honestly if the ticket isn't closed in Discord yet we could just keep it open long enough to see if that's something that would be added or if there is a reason it wasn't added. Thank you for the follow up!
When you have a little time would you be able to test or get someone to test the event while you are watching console, and see if you are able to tell what is being damaged when the error is occurring? Any additional details like that so that when the developer gets home soon we have as much information as possible to go on.
I understand that is why I said there are other reasons as well. I did add a reference to our notes though for future updates and such.
Okay we will look into this, KpucTaJl is away from home but I'll let him know about it and we will test and see what we can find out on our end, if anything else comes up before you hear from us just let me know.
The developer will be home soon and I'll discuss with him, it might be intentional on train tracks I honestly don't remember for sure. The NPCs are in a few instances removed depending on where the heli comes down, but very few instances honestly. Thank you for reporting and for the follow up. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't happening frequently.
Do you have the right plugin selected at the beginning of that section, or do you have multiple selected?
I will add a reference about this. Other events were recently updated to help when players are inside an area that becomes locked when the event starts. Generally there is the warning before so players know to expect it. Still I can ask if that is a possibility that would be simple to implement. If nothing else were there other reasons you asked besides players getting stuck in certain areas, as that is something we are already working to avoid.
In what way are they not working, are you saying that the reward was not given? Add as many details as you can please.
They are different plugins entirely actually. You may need to tweak RustAdmin or disable the notification for that file perhaps, but they are just two events at the same location by different developers.
When you change maps and you know that boss will not have a location, just disable that boss file for the wipe, and enable it next time you have the monument again.
Sounds like a plan.
Any time. Sounds like a plan!
Have you had the event for some time? Perhaps at one point when you updated you missed that the config may have needed to be cleared, or data files replaced. It hasn't been needed for some time but that is my first thought. Second thought would be a configuration issue. Does the plugin load without issue? If none of those thoughts help I would try a fresh install. If it persists at that point please let me know.
Glad to hear it, we've wanted to get the plugin working more efficiently after the big water update, glad to hear it's been running well for you! Boats can raid players bases, but they would obviously need to be close to the shore. They would need to have aggro in some way as well, I don't believe players can hide behind a base to try to have it attacked at least not that has been reported any time that I can remember. I am curious how much information and detail you can share regarding getting them to raid another players tugboat, unless it is by standing on it and having many of their attacks miss? Any details and especially video and such can be helpful in responding to that feedback. Thank you! Also worth considering in that scenario, don't tugboats technically get auth, or can't you add auth area to them by adding a TC? Might need a certain plugin but I feel like that was a thing one way or another. Regardless we can look into it. I think we already have a request for this, if we don't I'll add a note but if we already do I'll just add an extra reference to it. Will ask about all of the above, especially the potential for other boats. Motorboat might be most likely but I'll ask about all of it or add a note for it as well. Yes it uses coordinates. Since the Y coordinate is determined by the water it doesn't matter much what gets put there, but the x and z coordinates will dictate the location otherwise, so that you can do exactly what you are considering and place them near certain locations. Just remember it will need changed between maps.
We can't know how many people who want something unless they let us know. But I added the note. Have fun with it!
Are you saying the NPCs were deleted? This is showing the servergibs being deleted which I believe are the pieces of heli that you can break. Where did the heli go down? Did you grab a clip or any screenshots of where it went down or any of that? I know that it is really common for some of the parts to get deleted but I'm not sure what would have caused the NPCs to despawn. That would be a first. Will need more information or to be able to try to recreate most likely to say for sure.
Interesting, and makes sense why you would report it here. Create a ticket for Convoy on the site, or if you'd like, join the Mad Mapper Discord and create a ticket there. You can tag me in it too, tag Adem at first to look into whether it's an issue with Convoy that we can sort out and we will go from there wherever you choose to post it.
The biggest hurdle people run into is understanding Rust's core loot system and how it works. Myself included early on, we try to make our own loot table and percentages but don't actually understand the way Rust pulls loot. A quick tip though that might help illuminate the issue is that Rust by default looks at a loot table, chooses a random item, then rolls the chances of it dropping, and moves on to the next slot. By general assumption the percentages for more randomization need to be much lower than most expect just based off of common sense. The next best way to see something more randomized, would be to look at the drop chance on a normal Rust loot table. This will give a better idea of how low most things are, to really randomize the process. Most people would thing for example, 5-10% seems small. It's actually huge when the system is running the calculation at incredible speed to fill the loot. With those higher percentages it will often end up grabbing really similar items often. Anyway I hope that provides a bit of clarity. The issue is mainly that people want to use their favorite loot table, and apply it to a plugin that has a custom table built in, and nobody really understands how loot is pulled so some people that try that, end up opting for another method instead. Not all plugins have engaged developers that will add API or make adjustments themselves to work better with other plugins, like in this case, so KpucTaJl has done the best he can to add anything that gets requested. AlphaLoot was one of the last to be added because it's just not easy to work with it as it's main focus is replacing the default loot on the server. I hope I am making at least some sense just trying to explain some of the behind the scenes aspect. Correct, this will be the base NPC for anything that uses NpcSpawn on the server, since that is what spawns and controls the NPCs as a core. I actually added a note myself after other feedback had given me the thought that possibly being able to choose the base by plugin maybe even preset, instead of just having one base for all, could be helpful for some servers. No promises but the note is in there for future updates so if we can find a way to do that without it negatively affecting the performance then it very well may be added in a future update.