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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. This is likely because there is another plugin with the same name. The version is otherwise correct.
  2. Interesting question because depending on how you're having the others spawned in, this one still might initially spawn at random. I was going to say that you could increase their respawn timer to longer than a normal restart timer for the server, ensuring that it never spawns again unless with command. This is worth some consideration though thank you for the feedback.
  3. Jbird

    Not Working

    There are data files or folders missing. It gives the path it is looking for in the error (image you attached). oxide\data\BossMonster\Bosses Check here make sure any other data files are moved over as well as it will look for those folders and files as well. Even if a folder is empty it needs to be moved over into your server.
  4. Please create your own ticket here or in the Mad Mapper Discord and we will help you. But this means one or more files are corrupt or missing. It shows only some of the files loading then eventually an error and the loading stops. You may be missing the Custom folder even if it is empty it needs to be there. Or another file or folder is out of place or has an error.
  5. Yes and look for the configuration settings closely as there are specifically options for this to help ensure they spawn in the correct place.
  6. Jbird

    Defendable Bases

    Are they being removed between waves? They should be. Just want to know this for our notes if you don't mind checking. I will add something to our notes either way, as I figured we may need to seek blocking some items entirely. It is giving me a couple of ideas honestly.
  7. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Go to your NpcSpawn config file. That is what will be pulled, whatever you have set there. By default it is heavy scientist.
  8. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    I am not familiar enough with CustomLoot to know what it does or doesn't do to be fair. It might do exactly that. Would it have the same loot table for everything from that plugin? Essentially I just know that most loot table plugins are going to be pulling the heavy scientist loot table or whatever other NPC gets set in the configuration, as a base for all NPCs.
  9. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Most likely you are saying use the heavy scientist loot table from CustomLoot. Unless CustomLoot has added a way to add custom Bosses or something else then I am not sure why you thought it would add anything specifically.. It just allows you to use that plugins loot tables, whatever it has. All NpcSpawn NPCs use the base prefab path that is in the configuration file.
  10. Jbird

    Defendable Bases

    barricade.woodwire barricade.concrete barricade.metal barricade.sandbags barricade.stone barricade.wood barricade.wood.cover
  11. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    I am not familiar with CustomLoot to be honest. There is a custom loot table in the bosses configuration file that you can customize as you wish. Is this what you are asking? A custom loot table in each bosses file if desired.
  12. Jbird

    Npc Spawn

    First I want to point out that depending on their sense range and some of those settings you can likely limit their interactions quite a bit already. I am curious specific details for what places you have both NPCs and how you are envisioning their actions. Me personally I like simpler because the more we ask for NpcSpawn to do things and check things the more performance it uses, and those small amounts add up when they are being used across the server. Though if you have specific scenarios and reasons then we might want to consider an option to have some kind of targeting check or damage check of some kind when attacking other NPCs.
  13. I have a conversation going with both developers. Will come up with something and on our end it could end up in our notes for a future update depending on what they decide.
  14. Jbird

    Defendable Bases

    There is a configuration option for items to be deleted in the event zone. This will continue to delete those entities at the beginning of each wave. Add these and other similar defense entities to the configuration file by short name.
  15. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Just to confirm, are you saying that the NPCs are only doing bleeding damage, and not any other damage when attacking? PveMode would not keep them from damaging you, if you mean the plugin PveMode. This just locks looting of the NPCs to the person that does the most damage. We would need to start with the configuration for the NPC group or groups where this is happening first, and go from there. If you are in the Mad Mapper Discord or want to join, you can create a ticket there and share more details so we can troubleshoot this. It is not a result of PveMode but may be another configuration setting between BetterNpc and SimplePVE.
  16. Jbird


    ImageLibrary is a separate plugin. The file download comes with the folders and files you need. You can move the entire Images folder over, or you can make a folder called Images (not inage) and move all of the images over from the download into your server.
  17. Jbird

    More NPC's

    You are welcome. Any time.
  18. Jbird


    By both plugins I assume you mean NpcSpawn and SupermarketEvent? Reload each plugin and check for errors during loading. Perhaps you are missing data folders or files.
  19. Jbird

    More NPC's

    Yes adding additional spawn points would allow you to add more NPCs.
  20. Jbird

    Console Spam

    Nice! Glad to hear it, thank you for the feedback on it. Try shooting the bags that drop from NPCs. I have a feeling it might be those, or just shoot anything to see if you can figure out what is causing it, likely something added by the plugin, but also an interaction with another plugin if that is the case.
  21. Jbird

    not sure what this means

    What map are you currently using? I assume it happens during the event, does it start and then stop again at certain times? Are you in the Mad Mappers Discord or would you be willing to join it? If you are, jump in and create a ticket. Tag me and KpucTaJl and we will look into this.
  22. Jbird

    Suddenly no more NPC?

    Reload BetterNpc and share all of the console messages when it is loading. You can also jump in the Mad Mapper Discord if you'd like it's sometimes easier to communicate there.
  23. Jbird

    Console Spam

    The error is appearing when something takes damage. It seems like it may be a decor item. Are you aware of what is being damaged when the error occurs? Try shooting one of the backpacks they drop and see if that is creating the error. If so then likely another plugin is causing this. So far it is the only error like this that we have received. This is from the other ticket that was created that you replied to. What map is this happening on? Does this seem to be happening when the motorcycle NPCs are appearing and driving around, and stop when they do?
  24. Jbird

    not sure what this means

    Please reply in your ticket, or is there a reason you replied in this one?


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