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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Jbird


    Added to our updates feedback and suggestion notes for future looks at the plugin for updates.
  2. Jbird


    Just a suggestion but have you also considered lowering the reward for killing animals? Added to our updates feedback and suggestion notes for future looks at the plugin for updates.
  3. Jbird


    There will always be players trying to find ways to make things easier. Such is Rust! Added a note for the developer to consider if he would like to find a way to combat this. I assure you players always find a way though haha.
  4. Jbird


    Added to our updates feedback and suggestion notes for future looks at the plugin for updates.
  5. Jbird


    I just want to apologize to anyone here that went without replies! Somehow two of the more recent plugins have not been giving me any notifications for discussion entries although I am following both of them the same as the other plugins in the library. Generally I get all notifications but due to missing this somehow these two plugins went without replies. Sorry to all and please forgive the barrage of replies that will now ensue!
  6. Jbird

    Custom Magazine

    Honestly we would need to test this to find out. I'm unsure and I think it might just go by the base ammo. We could link the developers up to discuss or something along those lines possibly to test it and find out. If the weapons base ammo is set first I think it could work but it's hard to say especially without experience with that plugin. Sorry for the delayed response by the way following up on all of the Discussion tabs.
  7. Jbird

    Air Event

    Hello my friend, any luck here? Just checking.
  8. Jbird

    Harbor Event

    Thank you by the way for creating a ticket! If there's anything helpful we figure out we should remember to try to drop a note here if it's something that could affect others as well.
  9. Jbird

    Junkyard Event

    I remembered something else as it came up in another ticket and was found in the configuration file. Perhaps you have set too many NPCs and there are not enough places for them to spawn into. When this happens they will be sent to the GC point (0,0,0 coordinates) and obviously will be difficult to find there as this should generally be underneath the map, hopefully at least! Count the amount of spawn points and make sure the number doesn't go above that, or add more spawn points.
  10. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    Well he doesn't speak English, but think what you will you obviously have a very strong opinion and I don't care to waste my time explaining things when you're going to arrive at the same conclusion. You have three options. Unload the plugin, get a better machine, or reach out to the developer because I'm pretty sure I've said once if not more than once that the developer is willing to offer discounts on other products due to some people not being able to run the plugin on their server without a big performance impact. If you would like to go to the Mad Mapper Discord or reach out to the developer directly nobody is stopping you, and I've encouraged it. He can show you how low the impact is on a better machine. If all you want is to repeat your opinion though I will not continue to go back and forth with you. I've been completely transparent but you are welcome to think and feel the way you do so I'll leave it at that. I hope you will too or will reach out if you really care about any kind of resolution.
  11. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Yes I think maybe it should be fixed. So you should perhaps reach out to the plugin that is causing the problems. Have you tried reaching out to that developer already? It is difficult at times to resolve something without any errors so as many details as you are able to provide can be the difference that may be needed to sort that out.
  12. Jbird

    Npc Spawn

    Added to our updates feedback and suggestion notes for the next times that the plugin is reviewed for updates. Thank you for the feedback.
  13. Jbird

    NPCs in Bushes

    I've added a note regarding checking into this to see if there is anything overwriting their behavior in the plugin the next time the plugin is being looked at for updates and suggestions. Thank you for the feedback @rogder dodger!
  14. Jbird

    Event did not end

    This information is in the plugin Description. Foundations can be checked by players as they are building to ensure they are in a good place to run the event, and will show a grid and has either a check mark or one of the symbols above to indicate if it is eligible to run the event or not. So if you decide to install again, just share with players the command so they can check their base as they are building it, or at least before trying to use the flare, to see what reasons they might not be able to run the event there. So far we have had no other reports of the event not ending but if we do and we get enough information to reproduce and diagnose it we will take care of it quickly.
  15. Jbird

    Cool Time

    Are you referring to the time before another event starts? If so it's in the beginning of the config in seconds. "Minimum time between events [sec.]": 10800.0, "Maximum time between events [sec.]": 10800.0, Is this what you mean? Change this and use something to convert minutes to seconds if needed.
  16. Jbird

    Magnet not working

    It has fuel correct and is moving otherwise? It toggles are you trying to hold it down or just pressing it once? Check your controls or consider if you have any plugins that could be affecting the vehicle. The plugin doesn't control the magnet in any way it just spawns a second one in if you configure it to, otherwise that's a normal Facepunch vehicle so there's not much that could be done plugin side.
  17. Jbird

    Event did not end

    Can you explain a little more what happened in regards to the event not ending and them not being able to rebuild? Has anyone else tried yet and is it a one time thing? Not sure what would be causing it just yet especially without errors but certainly want to know more if it's persisting. If it just happened the one time, I've seen a lot of really odd stuff happen here and there in my time that is either a one time thing or fixes itself. Let me know.
  18. Jbird

    Help with Custom map position

    You added the RAND switch in the editor right? I'm assuming you did since it's loading the file. Either way I see an issue with the custom map file. You removed some of the formatting. { "ID": "530.775", "List of bosses": [ { "Boss Name": "Michael Myers", "List of positions": [ "(591.96, 101.40, 25.98)" ] } ] } This is based off of the location in the file you shared. You have a different location in the example text you sent. Not sure which you are using, but fixed the formatting on the file. Gasoline.json
  19. Jbird


    The most common reasons if you have NPCs left would be that they did not have enough spawn points for the number you set, and they are below the map at the CG point (0,0,0 coordinate), or occasionally they can run off depending on certain configurations and other players or NPCs that pull them away from the main area.
  20. Jbird

    Harbor Event

    Do you mind creating a ticket in the Mad Mapper Discord and tagging both me and KpucTaJl in it? Will look more into this. Has this been the same map or different maps? Want to look first at any plugins affecting cargo. We aren't getting any other reports of it happening.
  21. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    It works. I am not selling it either I just provide support. As I already said you're entitled to your opinion but I've already explained that it works. It is actually THAT simple. Not here for your respect, didn't expect or ask for it. But if you're quite done now leave the discussion for people that have questions. Otherwise you have already been offered to reach out to the DEVELOPER to discuss further.
  22. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    I'm not going to go back and forth you're entitled to your opinion. I don't know where I said anything was 'okay' but the plugin was fine before Facepunch came out with a huge update that affected it. Not sure what else can be said or how I can explain it more clearly and plainly. Just minutes ago I told you that you can reach out to the developer if you're server is that affected and you'd like to discuss options. Otherwise not much else other than to debate back and forth and I'm not going to do that. If you feel that strongly that's fine but I am here to support and answer questions otherwise.
  23. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    The plugin still works and runs fine on high end machines.
  24. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    It is very unfortunate that the water update impacted the plugin so much as it was really fun and only got to be enjoyed for a short time before the update really screwed it up. If you like anything else in KpucTaJl's library go to the Mad Mapper Discord and create a ticket. Goes for anyone with this issue. The developer is usually willing to offer a discount on another title due to the issue the plugin has after that update.
  25. Jbird

    Junkyard Event

    Has it happened more than once or was it isolated? Perhaps they got pulled away from the area or something like that?


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