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Everything posted by Jbird
Are you familiar with FTP setup for access to files? It is saying that access to the data file is denied. If you need any reference to how this can be achieved to fix that error I can share a link that goes over allowing access. You can also talk to your host if you are using one. But generally will need to set up an FTP connection like FileZilla for example, and allowing access to all of the necessary folders.
Glad to hear it and no worries @Ross Hunt!
Lays eggs at sea? What do you mean by air wall? Can you show us an example and get a video clip? We have had no other reports but we will look into it if you can show us what is happening and please share any details you can think of or notice.
Understood will reply soon with more of a response but will review that with K.
Check as most all sections should already be in the monument folders. For custom locations it is always needed to set the location for each map as it will not read custom locations by map markers, it will only read the default monument locations including most all sections like tunnels and underwater labs. They have their own folders. For custom locations always use the custom folder and specify the location as you explained otherwise.
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Jbird replied to Lizard_King's Support Request in Support
Can you share the whole error? You may need to check server logs to get more of the error. -
Thank you for confirming @geekyplaster!
Understandable but we need to be able to see or reproduce the issue to be able to fix it.
Would you be able to get video of this happening @LizardMods in the safe zone? KpucTaJl would like to see this where the boss is attacking the safe zone as they should not be able to. Are they people spawning in for the first time?
Thank you, it does seem like only their special abilities are doing damage in these instances right @LizardMods? Appreciate the video and feedback.
Try it again but try to also make sure that they understand how it works and give as much detail as possible when reporting. I think there may just be some confusion. If you can recreate with your testing let us know.
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Jbird replied to Lizard_King's Support Request in Support
If nothing else and it seems to be tied to something specific try a fresh config and or data file install. Also check recent update notes you may have skipped. -
Have you asked that developer what they need to be compatible? It should be able to be done from that plugin potentially, aren't most things tracked there? I will add this to our notes for future updates regardless but just wanted to ask.
Set this to true for any wandering bosses, or bosses you just want to have to need visual detection. "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, Or reduce their sense range. "Sense Range": 50.0, Or do both.
You can change those settings in each event @Craft there is a section for PveMode within each event itself. I am slightly confused on what is happening perhaps a video will help. Is it happening in certain events only by chance or all? If you ever went from an older version and updated past a couple versions make sure to check notes you may have errors in some files if you do not see important update notes when fresh configs are required for example. Above I see ArmoredTrain so check that config first but check all events and set them there as intended because there are blocks for loot and such but each event can be configured separately.
Not really not that I can think of. Mostly just adding a 0 to each number, I know it's a little time consuming but it's hard to build a default config that fits all. Only other way to do it is if you had a 10x loot table you like already written you could use that and instead of editing all the values you'd just be configuring what loot table(s) to use.
I answered this once just recently but I think it was a different name. Are you in the Mad Mapper Discord or would you want to join to jump in a ticket? Need to check Convoy and ArmoredTrain because I believe the NPCs are driving most things around lately without an issue so check there first with Adem but KpucTaJl and myself will be around as well depending on what is found there.
What version of NpcSpawn do you have? There has been a safe zone option in there for awhile is that set? Otherwise check a few other things like the bosses configuration for sense range and if they sense in radius or not. It sounds like the bosses effects. Let me know once you've checked those though and we will go from there.
Alright. Since those are Adem's plugins would you jump into the Mad Mapper Discord and tag him in a ticket or create a support request in one or both of his plugins to point out the issue and it can be looked into. Of course if there seems to be any indication NpcSpawn needs to be the source Adem and KpucTaJl speak often so they would be able to sort out anything between the two once we confirm if there is any issue with the event plugin being used. To my knowledge they are driving and flying and such at the moment in other events. There may be a config issue to look for so if you haven't yet, make backups of your current files and remove them and reload the plugin to create a fresh config and see if the issue persists.
Are they on a team? Can you share more details about this?
Were you getting any errors? Did you check the versions of the other two plugins?
You have options. Using the part of the configuration you shared you can only make one outfit from it. There is the option to use kits but it affects performance more. You can create kits for the NPCs in that plugin and list them.
Is this oxide or carbon and are you running pterodactyl by chance? Not seeing a plugin that would cause the issue at a glance but it does sometimes happen even unexpectedly. If you have a chance try unloading the other plugins and loading just NpcSpawn and SupermarketEvent. Something else I would recommend depending on what you have tried so far, sometimes simply removing and reinstalling fixes odd issues. But this is the only time I have seen or heard of this particular issue so far. No error occurs at all while the event is running, perhaps when the prefab spawns in?
Reload the plugin and share the loading messages on the server. Sometimes that error occurs when a folder or file (or more than one) are missing. Did the custom folder copy over, even if it is empty?