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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Jbird

    Water Event

    Thank you @dustyhansen and @Scalbox for the communication and follow up back and forth. Glad that is resolved. If there is anything needed on our end just let either me or KpucTaJl know! He sees and responds quicker on Discord but don't hesitate at all.
  2. Jbird

    Water Event

    Has this been sorted out with updates and such recently? This looks to me to be something server or plugin that needs updated or freshly installed. You are the second person to post a similar error recently so I am wondering if you both use Carbon, or maybe something other than a typical windows server setup? Has any of that been updated recently or can it be updated?
  3. Jbird

    Water Event

    What super card are you using? If it is it's own plugin then I would ask there and it could very well just be from the recent forced update. A lot of plugins were affected. Keep an eye out for that plugin to be updated.
  4. Jbird

    Water Event

    Thank you for the kind words and suggestions. I've added these two notes to our suggestions and notes for updates, next time the developer is coming around to do updates on this plugin he checks our shared notes. Thank you and have fun with it!
  5. Jbird

    Water Event

    "Number of ammo": 999999 I would just make this a crazy number that's unlikely to run out. I would recommend against going over whatever limits the server might have so I think for example I wouldn't go like into the multi millions ha. But otherwise for example make it 1 million or 999,999 or something like that and it is incredibly unlikely to run out.
  6. Jbird

    Water Event

    Has this been sorted out with updates and such recently? This looks to me to be something server or plugin that needs updated or freshly installed. It does site a specific line and position to check to see if there would be an error there, but I really think this is probably resolved by now. Sorry for the delayed reply.
  7. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Some tips to add, thank you @Thunderchile good tips so far I will repeat some of them. Increase health make the boss harder to kill "Health": 5000.0, Increase attack range and damage multipliers make the boss more of a danger "Attack Range Multiplier": 1.0, "Scale damage": 1.0, Increase their senses and help the boss find players quicker "Sense Range": 50.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 10.0, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, Decrease distance cutoff for damaging boss and force players closer "The distance at which you can apply damage to the boss (use 0 at any distance)": 100.0, Lastly it's a whole thing but get into the boss abilities and give them arenas or small places to guard
  8. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Try removing the 路径上加载文件 boss file and reload the plugin. Perhaps it is an error with only that Boss since this file is shown in the error you shared. If it loads without an error then there is a mistake in that configuration that will need fixed, or you can create a new one and build it again whatever is easiest for you.
  9. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Do you mind expanding on this? What is the NPC loot plugin affecting this? When you reload the plugin do you notice any errors or additional messages other than successful loading messages? What methods have you tried so far in regards to the configuration? If you are up for it feel free to jump in the Mad Mapper Discord and create a ticket there. You can tag me and the developer and we could dig into that more. We could link up the devs if needed.
  10. Jbird


    If there was anything you were attempting to change and had any issues, you can create a ticket in the Mad Mapper Discord or let us know here what you were trying to do and we can give you some tips.
  11. Jbird

    37 Items Remaining

    Video is always helpful so we can fully see what's going on. Can you confirm the version of the plugin that you're running right now? Have you followed the update notes when you are updating the plugin, and ensuring you create a fresh config when it has been needed? It's not often or all the time but some updates change the configuration enough that a fresh config is required.
  12. Jbird

    Exploit on Prison Gates

    Do you know if you have the RustEdit dll installed?
  13. Jbird


    If they are from this event, it could be that you have too many NPC assigned and not enough spawn points for them. They could also be BetterNpc custom files. Those are the two most common issues that lead to NPCs under the map like this.
  14. Jbird

    please add this..

    It is not announced there but added to our internal notes for future updates.
  15. Yeah there were a few errors going on there. Glad to hear it's solved thank you for the update!
  16. Looks to be an issue that not all files were moved over from the download into the server. There are messages I cannot see and extra messages there but that looks to be the issue is that items are missing from the download that need moved into your server folders.
  17. Jbird

    Won't load after wipe?

    Try with the new update and let me know if you still have issues after updating.
  18. Jbird

    Performance Issue

    Depending on your settings and population that could be normal expectations. NPCs especially after some of the updates take up more of a performance hit as they are added. But there have been updates to combat this and keep the performance drain to a minimum. Those are still healthy numbers that I am seeing. NPCs have the ability to stop movement and such when no players are nearby to help with performance. But the plugin can add a LOT of NPCs to a server so you could review your numbers and amounts and disable some of the less necessary presets or reduce numbers if you would like.
  19. Jbird

    AirDrop NPCs Delay

    Has been added to our notes for future updates for review and consideration. From what I remember that is not normal behavior I believe they normally actually wait for the drop to hit ground but will look into it as well.
  20. Jbird

    Console Spam

    Excellent thank you for the update @Watcher!
  21. Jbird

    getting error in console

  22. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    I understand, if you have any way to increase the stats of your server you might not have the issue but otherwise we understand and apologize about the inconvenience. The water update really had a huge impact on the plugin. If you want you can jump into the Mad Mapper Discord and tag me in a ticket if you want to discuss a few things.
  23. Interesting, in case you can check it before I could, let me know if putting that back to default stops it. That would be odd but the odd stuff we discover modding this game I wouldn't be too surprised either.
  24. Jbird

    Npc Spawn

    If the plugin has ability to read custom NPC names perhaps you could break it up individually. Otherwise you can change it to a different NPC that rewards less, and it will change for all of the NpcSpawn NPCs at once.
  25. WaterEvent is on 2.1.6 though there isn't anything about this in the update notes. Just making sure one or both weren't a few versions back. Have you done anything you can think of to customize things? I honestly can't think of any config option that would have this result but just trying to throw ideas out.


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