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Everything posted by RIPJAWBONES

  1. Version 2.0.0


    Allows players to run commands using configured key combinations. These custom key binds provide a convenient way for players to interact with commands. Permissions: keybinds.use keybinds.player keybinds.minicopter keybinds.scraptransporthelicopter keybinds.attackhelicopter keybinds.ch47 Command: /keybinds Players can use this command to disable or enable the key binds. Configuration Example: { "Global Settings": { "Auto Enable Key Binds": true, "Global Cooldown Enabled": true, "Global Cooldown Time": 1.0, "Global Cooldown Message Enabled": true, "Global Cooldown Message": "You must wait {seconds}s before using any keybind.", "Enable Player Key Bind Notifications": true, "Message Settings": { "Message Icon SteamID": "76561197960839785", "Message Prefix": "[Key Bind Manager]\n", "Message Prefix Color": "#5af" } }, "Player Keybinds": { "FIRE_THIRD": { "Command": "/menu", "Permission": "keybinds.player", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "SPRINT_AND_FIRE_THIRD": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.player", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "USE_AND_FIRE_THIRD": { "Command": "/shop", "Permission": "keybinds.player", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "USE_AND_RELOAD": { "Command": "/kit", "Permission": "keybinds.player", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." } }, "Minicopter": { "DUCK": { "Command": "/takeoff", "Permission": "keybinds.minicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "FIRE_PRIMARY": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.minicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "FIRE_SECONDARY": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.minicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "FIRE_THIRD": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.minicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "RELOAD": { "Command": "/radio", "Permission": "keybinds.minicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "SPRINT": { "Command": "/hover", "Permission": "keybinds.minicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "USE": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.minicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "SPRINT_AND_FIRE_THIRD": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.minicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "USE_AND_FIRE_THIRD": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.minicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "USE_AND_RELOAD": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.minicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." } }, "Scrap Transport Helicopter": { "DUCK": { "Command": "/takeoff", "Permission": "keybinds.scraptransporthelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "FIRE_PRIMARY": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.scraptransporthelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "FIRE_SECONDARY": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.scraptransporthelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "FIRE_THIRD": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.scraptransporthelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "RELOAD": { "Command": "/radio", "Permission": "keybinds.scraptransporthelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "SPRINT": { "Command": "/hover", "Permission": "keybinds.scraptransporthelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "USE": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.scraptransporthelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "SPRINT_AND_FIRE_THIRD": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.scraptransporthelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "USE_AND_FIRE_THIRD": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.scraptransporthelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "USE_AND_RELOAD": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.scraptransporthelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." } }, "Attack Helicopter": { "DUCK": { "Command": "/takeoff", "Permission": "keybinds.attackhelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "FIRE_PRIMARY": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.attackhelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "FIRE_SECONDARY": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.attackhelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "FIRE_THIRD": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.attackhelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "RELOAD": { "Command": "/radio", "Permission": "keybinds.attackhelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "SPRINT": { "Command": "/hover", "Permission": "keybinds.attackhelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "USE": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.attackhelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "SPRINT_AND_FIRE_THIRD": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.attackhelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "USE_AND_FIRE_THIRD": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.attackhelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "USE_AND_RELOAD": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.attackhelicopter", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." } }, "CH47 Helicopter": { "DUCK": { "Command": "/takeoff", "Permission": "keybinds.ch47", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "FIRE_PRIMARY": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.ch47", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "FIRE_SECONDARY": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.ch47", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "FIRE_THIRD": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.ch47", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "RELOAD": { "Command": "/radio", "Permission": "keybinds.ch47", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "SPRINT": { "Command": "/hover", "Permission": "keybinds.ch47", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "USE": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.ch47", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "SPRINT_AND_FIRE_THIRD": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.ch47", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "USE_AND_FIRE_THIRD": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.ch47", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." }, "USE_AND_RELOAD": { "Command": "", "Permission": "keybinds.ch47", "Cooldown": 0.0, "Enabled Cooldown Message": true, "Cooldown Message": "Cooldown! You must wait {seconds}s to use the {command} key bind." } } } Leave the command empty to disable the key bind.
  2. Version 1.0.2


    Allows players to respawn at the Outpost or Bandit Camp upon death you can choose between sleeping bags or custom UI buttons. Support for permissions, adjustable cooldowns, hostility clearing, configurable UI offsets, UI sizes, UI images, and color. You can disable or enable Outpost or Bandit Camp respawns. View all options in the config example below. Configuration Example: { "Options": { "Enable Sleeping Bags (Disables UI)": false, "Enable Permissions": true, "Enable Outpost": true, "Enable Bandit": true, "Enable Cooldown": true, "Enable Auto Wake Up": true }, "Outpost": { "Use Permission": true, "Cooldown": 300.0, "Unlock Timer": 0.0, "Remove Hostility": true, "Use Auto Wake Up": true, "Outpost UI Settings": { "Button Title Text": "Outpost", "Button Respawn Text": "RESPAWN »", "Button Cooldown Text": "COOLDOWN!", "Button Color": "0.34 0.39 0.21 0.8", "Button UI Image URL": "https://i.imgur.com/nqFeINB.png", "Button UI Size": 1.0, "Button Horizontal Offset": 0.0, "Button Vertical Offset": 0.0 }, "Outpost Sleeping Bag Settings": { "Sleeping Bag Name": "Outpost", "Bag Location Cycle": false, "Respawn At Sleeping Bag": false } }, "Bandit Camp": { "Use Permission": true, "Cooldown": 300.0, "Unlock Timer": 0.0, "Remove Hostility": true, "Use Auto Wake Up": true, "Bandit Camp UI Settings": { "Button Title Text": "Bandit Camp", "Button Respawn Text": "RESPAWN »", "Button Cooldown Text": "COOLDOWN!", "Button Color": "0.34 0.39 0.21 0.8", "Button UI Image URL": "https://i.imgur.com/nqFeINB.png", "Button UI Size": 1.0, "Button Horizontal Offset": 0.0, "Button Vertical Offset": 0.0 }, "Bandit Camp Sleeping Bag Settings": { "Sleeping Bag Name": "Bandit Camp", "Bag Location Cycle": false, "Respawn At Sleeping Bag": false } } }
    Works great! There has been a issue with Rust since they added Bradley to launch site if players disconnect in certain locations at launch site Bradley shoots rockets non stop above the disconnected player and they do not kill them causing very annoying explosion sounds across the server until the player is manually killed, this plugin fixes that issue! Also very helpful if you run day time only on your server this plugin gets rid of all the sleepers at the safezones!
  3. Hey, I'll be updating the plugin with your requested feature added to the config in a moment Along with some other config settings
  4. Hey, I'll try to implement this now
  5. Version 1.02


    This plugin brings a unique feature to rust allowing binoculars to scan bases. When scanning bases with the base scanner binoculars it displays detailed lists of items found during scans, enabling players to plan their next moves or share their discoveries with others, this is very useful for frustrated raiders. Player must look through the binoculars and press the USE button to scan bases. You can add the custom binocular item to your shop or kits plugin and you also have the ability to allow players to find the Base Scanner binoculars in loot crates, check the config. Skin ID: 3055785790 Console command for shop or kits plugin: giveplayer.binoculars "SteamID" Detected scannable contrainers: Large Wood Box Wood Storage Box Coffins Toolcupboards Furnances Vending Machines Drop Boxes Camp Fires Fridges Lockers +more Permission: basescanner.use - Allows players to use the binocular scanning feature. Configuration: { "PlayerBuiltBaseOnly": true, "CooldownSeconds": 30, "ScanRadius": 1.3, "SpawnInLootCrate": true, "LootCratePrefabName": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "Chance": 10.0 } Console Commands: giveplayer.binoculars "SteamID" Credits: Thanks to "TRAP BOX" for the creation of the Custom Skin for the binoculars.
  6. Version 2.0.2


    This is a great addition to Rust servers that provides players with a convenient respawn option. Upon death, players are presented with buttons on the death screen that allows them to respawn at the outpost or bandit camp, offering a strategic advantage in gameplay. This feature enhances the overall player experience by streamlining the respawn process and encouraging outpost and bandit camp utilization. This plugin has been used since 2019 on some popular servers, players enjoy the option of spawning in a safe zone. If you cannot afford to pay for this plugin wishlist it and send me a message asking for it and I will give it to you for free. Features: Supports your own set spawn locations. Supports all monuments and custom monuments. Supports custom map locations. Player cooldowns. Removes players hostile timer when they respawn at outpost or bandit camp. Ability to set the players spawn Health, Calories and hydration when they respawn using the custom button. Ability to set a spawn kit or multiple spawn kits for when players respawn at the outpost or bandit camp, must be using a Kits plugin. (If you choose to have multiple spawn kits in the config it will choose a random one when a player respawns using the custom button.) User-Friendly UI: The respawn button is presented in an intuitive and visually appealing manner, ensuring ease of use for players. Optimized Performance: The plugin is designed with efficiency in mind to ensure minimal impact on server performance. Permissions: outpostrespawn.outpost Players with this permission can respawn at the outpost. outpostrespawn.bandit Players with this permission can respawn at the bandit camp. Admin Chat Commands: /savemonument - This saves the monument that the admin is standing at to the config. /setmonument - This saves the monument spawn location the admin is standing at to the config. /setcustommonument - This saves the custom monument spawn location the admin is standing at to the config. /setcustomspawn - This saves the custom map location the admin is standing at to the config.
  7. Version 1.01


    Players can activate a nitro boost for their Helicopters, temporarily increasing their speed. This plugin enhances the Rust gameplay experience by introducing a dynamic feature for Helicopters, providing players with the option to engage in high-speed flight with strategic considerations. Features: Permission: Players must have the minicopternitros.use permission to activate the nitro boost. Enabled: If set to false it will disable the plugin functions for that helicopter. ModifiedHelicopterSpeed: Adjusts the modified speed of the Helicopter during nitro boost. VelocityModifier: Sets the additional velocity applied in the forward direction when nitro is activated. NitroDurationSeconds: Determines the duration of the nitro boost in seconds. CooldownSeconds: Sets the cooldown period (in seconds) before a player can use nitro again. NitroButton: Specifies the button used to activate nitro. EffectPrefab: Allows customization of the nitro effect using a specified prefab. MinimumGroundDistance: Blocks the usage of the nitro boost if the player is too close to the ground. Chat Command: Players can trigger the nitro boost using the chat command /nitro. Cooldown: The plugin has cooldown timers for each player to prevent spamming of the nitro feature. Players receive feedback on the remaining cooldown time if they attempt to use nitro during this period. Effect Visuals: When nitro is activated, an effect prefab is displayed to indicate the nitro boost. If you cannot afford to pay for this plugin wishlist it and send me a message asking for it and I will give it to you for free. If you need any help add me on discord RIPJAWBONES#0001 and send me a message. Configuration: { "Helicopters": { "minicopter.entity": { "CooldownSeconds": 30, "EffectPrefab": "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/effects/rocket_fire.prefab", "Enabled": true, "MinimumGroundDistance": 15.0, "ModifiedHelicopterSpeed": 2.0, "NitroButton": 128, "NitroDurationSeconds": 2, "VelocityModifier": 5.0 }, "scraptransporthelicopter": { "CooldownSeconds": 30, "EffectPrefab": "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/effects/rocket_fire.prefab", "Enabled": true, "MinimumGroundDistance": 15.0, "ModifiedHelicopterSpeed": 2.0, "NitroButton": 128, "NitroDurationSeconds": 2, "VelocityModifier": 5.0 } } } Keybind Options: DUCK = 64, SPRINT = 128, USE = 256, FIRE_PRIMARY = 1024 FIRE_SECONDARY = 2048, RELOAD = 8192, FIRE_THIRD = 134217728, You can adjust the NitroButton number in the config to another available key listed above, be sure to use the number.
  8. Hi, I will post a video soon.
  9. Version 1.0.1


    This plugin brings a new unique aspect to the cargo ship, it allows it to start sinking! Explosions cause the cargo ship to start sinking and players are notified. The time the cargo ship starts to sink can be set in the config its currently set to 30 minutes as default so the cargo ship can circle the map and players have a chance to loot it before it sinks. Note: This is a simple plugin that sinks the cargo ship after a set time. If you cannot afford to pay for this plugin wishlist it and send me a message asking for it and I will give it to you for free. If you need any help add me on discord RIPJAWBONES#0001 and send me a message.
    Very neat plugin, works as expected, players love it, great support!
  10. Nice plugin just needs slight adjustments and some config settings would be nice
    Great plugin! I use it on a high pop server players love it! Great support!
    Great plugin! Works as expected, very clean UI, easy to change positions in config. Plugin has great support!
  11. Please add small oil rig. Also a small button to show/hide ui would be nice! Great plugin!
    Nice plugin but with the UI you can not set proper amount instantly or quickly it would be great to be able to edit amount instantly instead of clicking 1 at a time at this point the UI is pretty useless. You also can not set the min amount and max amount to the same number with the UI you can only do this by unloading the plugin editing the data file then reloading it. You can't set the rarity of the item or the chance of it spawning in the crates. If the plugin is to be adjusted I'd give it a 5/5 but as it is the free betterloot plugin is good option but keep in mind this allows custom items in crates. A quick nice update is if you add some ui quantity button increments of +10 +25 +100 +250 +1000 and -10 -25 -100 -250 -1000
    The players are enjoying this! Very nice look and simple to use. +Responsive dev, Thanks!
    We love it, nice work!
  12. So if Rustedit.dll has updated the Rust Server needs to restart after the first boot up for the .dll to update in the managed folder (Rust Edit has auto update feature but your server needs to start up twice.) This is usually on force wipes but a patch can happen anytime, it's for custom maps. I only run custom maps for the last 2 years so I can't really use this plugin until it supports custom maps but its still nice for people using Procedurals. If the .dll has a update and your server boots up on linux, it shuts your server down automatically and updates the .dll but the server then needs to be started again.
  13. This is sweet! I'm also very interested in the custom maps for voting. I was also wondering if there was the option to choose the day and time that it auto wipes and what it wipes, example one of my servers map wipes weekly on Fridays 8am EST and blueprints wipe monthly on force wipe first Thursday of the month
    I'm using this on multiple servers players are enjoying it! I like that it automatically sets the gas stations and supermarket locations, the plugin is automatic the config has nice options and is very easy to edit and the creator is very responsive. Worth $20, this is an easy 5 stars I recommend this to anyone that has a server using Ecomonics or a GUI Shop system it gives players something new to do.


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