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Minicopter Nitro 1.01

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About Minicopter Nitro

Players can activate a nitro boost for their Helicopters, temporarily increasing their speed. This plugin enhances the Rust gameplay experience by introducing a dynamic feature for Helicopters, providing players with the option to engage in high-speed flight with strategic considerations.


  • Permission: Players must have the minicopternitros.use permission to activate the nitro boost.
  • Enabled: If set to false it will disable the plugin functions for that helicopter.
  • ModifiedHelicopterSpeed: Adjusts the modified speed of the Helicopter during nitro boost.
  • VelocityModifier: Sets the additional velocity applied in the forward direction when nitro is activated.
  • NitroDurationSeconds: Determines the duration of the nitro boost in seconds.
  • CooldownSeconds: Sets the cooldown period (in seconds) before a player can use nitro again.
  • NitroButton: Specifies the button used to activate nitro.
  • EffectPrefab: Allows customization of the nitro effect using a specified prefab.
  • MinimumGroundDistance: Blocks the usage of the nitro boost if the player is too close to the ground.
  • Chat Command: Players can trigger the nitro boost using the chat command /nitro.
  • Cooldown: The plugin has cooldown timers for each player to prevent spamming of the nitro feature. Players receive feedback on the remaining cooldown time if they attempt to use nitro during this period.
  • Effect Visuals: When nitro is activated, an effect prefab is displayed to indicate the nitro boost.


If you cannot afford to pay for this plugin wishlist it and send me a message asking for it and I will give it to you for free.

If you need any help add me on discord RIPJAWBONES#0001 and send me a message.


  "Helicopters": {
    "minicopter.entity": {
      "CooldownSeconds": 30,
      "EffectPrefab": "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/effects/rocket_fire.prefab",
      "Enabled": true,
      "MinimumGroundDistance": 15.0,
      "ModifiedHelicopterSpeed": 2.0,
      "NitroButton": 128,
      "NitroDurationSeconds": 2,
      "VelocityModifier": 5.0
    "scraptransporthelicopter": {
      "CooldownSeconds": 30,
      "EffectPrefab": "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/effects/rocket_fire.prefab",
      "Enabled": true,
      "MinimumGroundDistance": 15.0,
      "ModifiedHelicopterSpeed": 2.0,
      "NitroButton": 128,
      "NitroDurationSeconds": 2,
      "VelocityModifier": 5.0

Keybind Options:

  DUCK = 64,
  SPRINT = 128,
  USE = 256,
  RELOAD = 8192,
  FIRE_THIRD = 134217728,

You can adjust the NitroButton number in the config to another available key listed above, be sure to use the number.

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