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Everything posted by RIPJAWBONES

  1. You can add any vehicles you want to the config using the .prefab path. I'll add all the vehicles in the default config in next coming updates.
  2. Alright sounds good, I'm currently working on decent update its coming soon and then a UI update afterwards.
  3. Yea, I'll see if I can update it to work with carbon, if I run out of time and can't have it done soon I'll refund you.
  4. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.8
  5. Updated and fixed

    How to change icon?

    Don't think it's possible for minicopter icon unless it's a image over the bed, however it can be the Camper RV as that's a bed prefab, if you can send me a screen shot of the minicopter icon or server that you seen this on I'll check it out, but pretty sure it's not possible unless it's just a image over the current icon as I checked/tried before released.

    Won't compile

    Hey, we just tested with only the horse and it works fine. Make sure you download the latest version as it looks like you have 1.0.4 downloaded latest is 1.0.5 Try this config { "MsgSettings": { "Message Icon SteamID": "76561197960839785", "Message Prefix": "[VehicleSpawner]", "Message Prefix Color": "#5af" }, "Prefabs": { "Horse": { "AutoMount": false, "BlockButAllowInBuildingAuthorized": false, "BlockButAllowInSafeZone": false, "BlockInAuthorizedArea": true, "BlockInBuildingBlocked": true, "BlockInSafeZone": true, "BlockOnLand": false, "ChatCommands": [ "horse", "myhorse" ], "CooldownTimer": 180.0, "DisableUIButton": false, "FuelAmount": 0, "LockFuel": false, "Permission": "vehiclespawner.horse", "PrefabPath": "assets/rust.ai/nextai/testridablehorse.prefab", "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "SkySpawn": false, "SkySpawnHeight": 50.0, "SpawnDelay": 10.0, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "SpawnHeight": 3.0, "SpawnOption": 1, "UseTracks": false } }, "Settings": { "AmountOfPrefabsAllowedAtOnce": 2, "BlockNearPlayer": { "IgnoreTeam": true, "PlayerDistance": 5.0, "UsePlayerDistance": true }, "DestroyOnDeath": true, "DestroyOnDisconnect": true, "GlobalSpawnCooldownTimer": 10.0, "UseCombatBlocked": true, "UseRaidBlocked": true }, "UiPermission": "vehiclespawner.ui", "UsePermission": "vehiclespawner.use" }
  8. Yes already does this. You have to set the bags/spawn locations the first time so it has the locations you want then it and saves the locations. In the next update there will be some default locations.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin enables administrators to set up multiple respawn points for all players with permission using sleeping bags you can place them at monuments and custom locations. It offers features such as bag placement automation, permissions, cooldown between uses, removing hostility, random kit fetching upon respawn, and more. Admins can manage respawn points dynamically, even across map changes, and players benefit from custom spawn locations. Commands: /setbag - places a bag /setspawn - sets spawn point
  10. Hello, video coming soon.
  11. Version 1.0.6


    Ready to elevate your modded Rust server by allowing players to spawn a variety of vehicles through chat commands? With this plugin, players gain the ability to spawn vehicles, you can use any vehicle prefab in the game that you want making exploration and transportation within the game effortlessly convenient. The plugin comes with optional restrictions to balance gameplay, including limits on the number of vehicles a player can have and cooldown timers and blocks to prevent spamming at certain timers or certain areas. Customization options are extensive, allowing server admins to adjust spawning methods and spawn distances, fuel amounts, and even specific permissions for different vehicles. Additionally, the plugin supports UI customization for a seamless integration with your server's interface. Whether for rapid movement across the map or just adding fun elements to your server, Vehicle Spawner ensures that your adventures in Rust are never a dull moment. Key Features Spawn any vehicle prefab in the game you can add or remove any that you want to the config. Limit the number of vehicles per player to maintain server balance. Customizable vehicle spawn settings, spawn method options, cooldowns and permissions. UI support for easy vehicle management for players, no commands needed. Special conditions for vehicle spawning, including safe zone, authorized, raid and combat block checks. Permissions vehiclespawner.use vehiclespawner.ui Key bind input BUTTON.FIRE_THIRD ( Middle mouse button ) Press/click it to toggle the Vehicle Menu UI on screen. Hold it down while menu is minimized to fully open it. Commands /vehiclemenu Allows players to toggle UI. /no <Config Chat Command> Allows players to remove a vehicle type by placing /no before the chat command from the config. /destroyall Allows player to remove all there vehicles at once. Default Configuration: Note: you can add as many vehicles as you want using the prefab path. { "MsgSettings": { "Message Icon SteamID": "76561197960839785", "Message Prefix": "[VehicleSpawner]", "Message Prefix Color": "#5af" }, "Prefabs": { "Attack Helicopter": { "AutoMount": false, "BlockButAllowInBuildingAuthorized": false, "BlockButAllowInSafeZone": false, "BlockInAuthorizedArea": true, "BlockInBuildingBlocked": true, "BlockInSafeZone": true, "BlockOnLand": false, "ChatCommands": [ "attack", "myattack", "attackheli", "myattackheli", "attackhelicopter", "myattackhelicopter", "atkheli", "atk", "myatk", "myatkheli" ], "CooldownTimer": 180.0, "DisableUIButton": false, "FuelAmount": 0, "LockFuel": false, "Permission": "vehiclespawner.attackhelicopter", "PrefabPath": "assets/content/vehicles/attackhelicopter/attackhelicopter.entity.prefab", "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 90.0, "z": 0.0 }, "SkySpawn": false, "SkySpawnHeight": 50.0, "SpawnDelay": 10.0, "SpawnDistance": 8.0, "SpawnHeight": 3.0, "SpawnOption": 1, "UseTracks": false }, "Balloon": { "AutoMount": false, "BlockButAllowInBuildingAuthorized": false, "BlockButAllowInSafeZone": false, "BlockInAuthorizedArea": true, "BlockInBuildingBlocked": true, "BlockInSafeZone": true, "BlockOnLand": false, "ChatCommands": [ "balloon", "myballoon", "hotairballoon", "myhotairballoon", "myhab", "hab" ], "CooldownTimer": 120.0, "DisableUIButton": false, "FuelAmount": 0, "LockFuel": false, "Permission": "vehiclespawner.balloon", "PrefabPath": "assets/prefabs/deployable/hot air balloon/hotairballoon.prefab", "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 90.0, "z": 0.0 }, "SkySpawn": false, "SkySpawnHeight": 50.0, "SpawnDelay": 10.0, "SpawnDistance": 12.0, "SpawnHeight": 3.0, "SpawnOption": 1, "UseTracks": false }, "Car": { "AutoMount": false, "BlockButAllowInBuildingAuthorized": false, "BlockButAllowInSafeZone": false, "BlockInAuthorizedArea": true, "BlockInBuildingBlocked": true, "BlockInSafeZone": true, "BlockOnLand": false, "ChatCommands": [ "sedan", "mysedan", "car", "mycar" ], "CooldownTimer": 180.0, "DisableUIButton": false, "FuelAmount": 0, "LockFuel": false, "Permission": "vehiclespawner.car", "PrefabPath": "assets/content/vehicles/sedan_a/sedantest.entity.prefab", "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "SkySpawn": false, "SkySpawnHeight": 50.0, "SpawnDelay": 10.0, "SpawnDistance": 6.0, "SpawnHeight": 3.0, "SpawnOption": 1, "UseTracks": false }, "Chinook": { "AutoMount": false, "BlockButAllowInBuildingAuthorized": false, "BlockButAllowInSafeZone": false, "BlockInAuthorizedArea": true, "BlockInBuildingBlocked": true, "BlockInSafeZone": true, "BlockOnLand": false, "ChatCommands": [ "chinook", "mychinook", "ch47", "mych47" ], "CooldownTimer": 180.0, "DisableUIButton": false, "FuelAmount": 0, "LockFuel": false, "Permission": "vehiclespawner.chinook", "PrefabPath": "assets/prefabs/npc/ch47/ch47.entity.prefab", "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 240.0, "z": 0.0 }, "SkySpawn": false, "SkySpawnHeight": 50.0, "SpawnDelay": 10.0, "SpawnDistance": 10.0, "SpawnHeight": 3.0, "SpawnOption": 1, "UseTracks": false }, "Horse": { "AutoMount": false, "BlockButAllowInBuildingAuthorized": false, "BlockButAllowInSafeZone": false, "BlockInAuthorizedArea": true, "BlockInBuildingBlocked": true, "BlockInSafeZone": true, "BlockOnLand": false, "ChatCommands": [ "horse", "myhorse" ], "CooldownTimer": 180.0, "DisableUIButton": false, "FuelAmount": 0, "LockFuel": false, "Permission": "vehiclespawner.horse", "PrefabPath": "assets/rust.ai/nextai/testridablehorse.prefab", "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "SkySpawn": false, "SkySpawnHeight": 50.0, "SpawnDelay": 10.0, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "SpawnHeight": 3.0, "SpawnOption": 1, "UseTracks": false }, "Minicopter": { "AutoMount": false, "BlockButAllowInBuildingAuthorized": false, "BlockButAllowInSafeZone": false, "BlockInAuthorizedArea": true, "BlockInBuildingBlocked": true, "BlockInSafeZone": true, "BlockOnLand": false, "ChatCommands": [ "mini", "mymini", "minicopter", "myminicopter" ], "CooldownTimer": 0.0, "DisableUIButton": false, "FuelAmount": 0, "LockFuel": false, "Permission": "vehiclespawner.minicopter", "PrefabPath": "assets/content/vehicles/minicopter/minicopter.entity.prefab", "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 90.0, "z": 0.0 }, "SkySpawn": false, "SkySpawnHeight": 50.0, "SpawnDelay": 0.0, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "SpawnHeight": 3.0, "SpawnOption": 1, "UseTracks": false }, "RHIB": { "AutoMount": false, "BlockButAllowInBuildingAuthorized": false, "BlockButAllowInSafeZone": false, "BlockInAuthorizedArea": true, "BlockInBuildingBlocked": true, "BlockInSafeZone": true, "BlockOnLand": true, "ChatCommands": [ "rhib", "myrhib", "mybigboat", "bigboat" ], "CooldownTimer": 10.0, "DisableUIButton": false, "FuelAmount": 0, "LockFuel": false, "Permission": "vehiclespawner.rhib", "PrefabPath": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rhib/rhib.prefab", "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "SkySpawn": false, "SkySpawnHeight": 50.0, "SpawnDelay": 5.0, "SpawnDistance": 10.0, "SpawnHeight": 3.0, "SpawnOption": 1, "UseTracks": false }, "Row Boat": { "AutoMount": false, "BlockButAllowInBuildingAuthorized": false, "BlockButAllowInSafeZone": false, "BlockInAuthorizedArea": true, "BlockInBuildingBlocked": true, "BlockInSafeZone": true, "BlockOnLand": true, "ChatCommands": [ "rowboat", "row", "myrow", "myrowboat", "boat", "myboat" ], "CooldownTimer": 10.0, "DisableUIButton": false, "FuelAmount": 0, "LockFuel": false, "Permission": "vehiclespawner.rowboat", "PrefabPath": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rowboat/rowboat.prefab", "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "SkySpawn": false, "SkySpawnHeight": 50.0, "SpawnDelay": 3.0, "SpawnDistance": 9.0, "SpawnHeight": 3.0, "SpawnOption": 1, "UseTracks": false }, "Scrap Transport Helicopter": { "AutoMount": false, "BlockButAllowInBuildingAuthorized": false, "BlockButAllowInSafeZone": false, "BlockInAuthorizedArea": true, "BlockInBuildingBlocked": true, "BlockInSafeZone": true, "BlockOnLand": false, "ChatCommands": [ "scrap", "myscrap", "heli", "myheli", "helicopter", "myhelicopter", "scrappy", "myscrappy", "scraptransport" ], "CooldownTimer": 10.0, "DisableUIButton": false, "FuelAmount": 0, "LockFuel": false, "Permission": "vehiclespawner.scraptransporthelicopter", "PrefabPath": "assets/content/vehicles/scrap heli carrier/scraptransporthelicopter.prefab", "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 180.0, "z": 0.0 }, "SkySpawn": false, "SkySpawnHeight": 50.0, "SpawnDelay": 5.0, "SpawnDistance": 8.0, "SpawnHeight": 3.0, "SpawnOption": 1, "UseTracks": false } }, "Settings": { "AmountOfPrefabsAllowedAtOnce": 2, "BlockNearPlayer": { "IgnoreTeam": true, "PlayerDistance": 5.0, "UsePlayerDistance": true }, "DestroyOnDeath": true, "DestroyOnDisconnect": true, "GlobalSpawnCooldownTimer": 10.0, "UseCombatBlocked": true, "UseRaidBlocked": true }, "UiPermission": "vehiclespawner.ui", "UsePermission": "vehiclespawner.use" } PREVIEW / TUTORIAL VIDEOS COMING SOON!
  12. Hey, just updated the plugin it now supports scrap helicopters and attack helicopters also it creates sleeping bags for players when you grant them the permission now. Set the FuelAmount in config to 0 if your using a unlimited fuel plugin.
  13. Hey, It creates there sleeping bag when they connect to the server so after you give perm they would need to reconnect for there bag to be created or you can reload the plugin after you grant perm to a group. Update coming today for starting fuel amount .
  14. Version 1.0.8


    NEW PERFORMANCE UPDATE COMING SOON Add new respawn options for players on your Rust server with Helicopter Respawn. This plugin automatically deploys sleeping bags named "Minicopter", "Scrap Heli" and "Attack Heli" for players at randomized locations, when players respawn using the custom sleeping bag they are automatically mounted on a flying helicopter. Say goodbye to tedious respawn processes and hello to swift returns. Sweet revenge awaits, with Helicopter Respawn keeping players engaged in the game. Automatically places sleeping bags for players. Spawns a helicopter and mounts the player on it upon respawn. Randomly selects a location for sleeping bag placement. Customizable sleeping bag name and respawn time in config. Customizable sleeping bag height and randomize spawn kits in config. Permissions: helicopterrespawn.minicopter helicopterrespawn.scraphelicopter helicopterrespawn.attackhelicopter
  15. Hey, sorry for late response, plugin update coming soon it will have this fixed.
  16. Pending, need video or error of how this happened.
  17. When the player connects to the server it checks to see if they are dead. When the plugin is loaded it checks to see if players are online and dead. When the plugin is unloaded it destroys the UI. When the player respawns it destroys the UI and buttons. Even if you press f1 and bind kill to a key and respawn to a key it destroys it. I use it on high pop servers with no issues. If you can send me a video of how that happened or any errors I can help from there. I tried many hours multiple days now trying to get that to happen and it would not, you are the only person with this issue. The only thing I can think of its a conflict with another plugin you are using or your server was glitched out in some way. However I can send you a custom version of the plugin with additional checks to ensure the player is alive and the UI will be destroyed, but it shouldn't be needed at all.
  18. B is not available but press E + R at the same time would work press middle mouse button would work press e and middle mouse at the same time would work press shift and middle mouse would work
  19. Use it on my 60-100 pop server no issues, not bad on performance with or without the cooldowns. Every time someone shoots would be using the primary attack which the plugin does not include but does include the fire third which would be the middle mouse button. Even if it was primary attack button and every time they shoot it still would not cause performance issues unless the server is on a very low performance vps or dedicated machine. I included blocks for the binds and commands from being spammed.
  20. Add me on discord, I will send you a custom version that you can set the respawn locations. RIPJAWBONES#0001
  21. Is it a custom outpost your using ?


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