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Everything posted by imthenewguy

  1. If you can keep an eye out for what might trigger this, be a respec or something else, I would appreciate it. Cannot seem to find an issue with the code that might cause this.
  2. Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  3. Do you know if the values of the buff are what you are receiving in benefits, or if it uses the new values? Also what version are you running?
  4. imthenewguy

    Mobile Phone

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  5. imthenewguy

    failed to call hook

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  6. imthenewguy

    Several monuments

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  7. imthenewguy

    Several monuments

    Auto setup is for safe zones only at this point. If you place a box manually at a gas station, you can assign it as a global storage box using the "addglobalstorage" command. I will add choices for colour on the next update!
  8. imthenewguy

    Mobile Phone

    Hmm, I had a look at the MobilePhone class. I can change the number on the server and the client, but the call doesn't seem to connect. Might be safer to have this added to the prohibited item list so players can't join if they have it on their person.
  9. imthenewguy

    Mobile Phone

    Ahh, shows how much I've played as of late lol. Ill suss out if there is a way to re-assign the number. If not, you will need to add it to the "Prohibited items" list in the InventoryManager config.
  10. Hey mate, any luck with this one?
  11. imthenewguy

    Mobile Phone

    Got a link to the plugin?
  12. imthenewguy

    failed to call hook

    Only thing I can do is add null checks to the hook and see if that fixes the issue. I will be getting a server up and running soon with a playerbase. Will keep an eye out for errors on my end as well.
  13. imthenewguy

    failed to call hook

    Do you know when this is triggering/what a player is doing to trigger it by chance?
  14. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.7
  15. imthenewguy

    failed to call hook

    Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  16. I will push a patch that will prevent seeds and other deployables from being obtained due to the current umod bug, but worms and grubs can't be prevented as we don't have the hooks to do so
  17. Collectible entities don't have durability as they don't have a hit box, so they can only be collected. There is a failsafe (due to the changes to the umod hooks) that respawns the item if they are collected. If you can find out when they are being removed, that will help a lot.
  18. Actual rust bushes or the harvested crop bushes? Also when is it happening, during the game, during restart?
  19. You can just change the string in the lang file to a white space. "AccessReminder": " " Keep in mind it will only display once per player per plugin restart, after they gain xp.
  20. You don't have an option like this? "Prevent deployable items from being recycled": true, Which items allow you to gather?
  21. As an interim solution you can adjust the base item to something else if you want, or disable drops by setting the value to 0 in the config. I will look at adding recycler prevention for items that contain a skin moving forward. Didn't even think of recyclers lol.
  22. Odd. I have added a validation to check the dictionary for any existing entries prior to being added. Should prevent this moving forward. Will be in the next release.
  23. I recommend confirming it for yourself. I have checked on my main server and my test server and I receive xp drops from looting crates and destroying bradley. One thing to remember is that the killer is the player who lands the last hit on bradley, and the player who gains xp when looting a crate is the first one to do so. Any subsequent looting after the first player loots a crate does not reward xp. I will add an API call for getting the player xp and level, and I will look at raidable bases. Can't see any api info on the sales page for XDQuest.


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