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Everything posted by imthenewguy

  1. It's skin and item based, so as long as the item shortname and the skin are correct it will work.
  2. imthenewguy

    Error after giving box

    Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  3. Will be added to the next update.
  4. To prevent certain players from accessing it? I will add a permission that is required for players to access the storage network. If they don't have it, they will receive an no perms message when they attempt to open the box.
  5. imthenewguy

    Error after giving box

    What did you type to give the box? Remember to wrap the name of the player in quotation marks.
  6. Version 1.0.6


    This plugin creates a global storage system for each user. It will automatically create a storage container at each of the safe zones on the map (Outpost, Bandit camp and each Fishing Village), that users can use to access their global storage chest. The contents of this chest can be accessed from any other global storage chest on the map, or via the chat command (with permission). Chests can also be added manually via a chat command, or deployed via a skinned item which can be given via a chat or console command. Multiple players can use the chest at the same time, all of whom will access their own storage. Permissions globalstorage.admin - Required for certain chat commands. globalstorage.chat - Required for using the "gstorage" chat command. globalstorage.access - Required to access a the global storage chest. Chat commands Command: giveglobalbox Parameters: <optional: target name> <optional: quantity> Description: Gives the player a deployable Global Storage chest. Example: /giveglobalbox "new guy" 10 Permission: globalstorage.admin Command: gstorage Parameters: None Description: A chat command to open the players global storage. Example: /gstorage Permission: globalstorage.chat Command: addglobalstorage Parameters: None Description: A chat command to set a deployed chest as a Global Storage chest. Example: /addglobalstorage (while looking at a large wooden box). Permission: globalstorage.chat Command: addcustomlocation Parameters: None Description: Spawns a box using the users location and orientation. Location is saved to the config so will persist through wipes. Only recommended for servers that use the same map each wipe. Example: /addcustomlocation Permission: globalstorage.admin Command: removecustomlocation Parameters: None Description: Removes the targeted custom location box and deletes it from the config. Example: /removecustomlocation (while targeting a custom location box) Permission: globalstorage.admin API object CanAccessGlobalStorage(BasePlayer player) { // Returning a boolean value prevents the global storage from being accessed. return null; } void OnGlobalStorageOpened(BasePlayer player, StorageContainer container) { // Triggers after the container has been opened. }
  7. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  8. The only thing I could to do replicate this issue was to start looting the bbq and destroy it while i was looting it. I have put a fix in place for that. I have also put a fail safe in place that will prevent players from clicking on the cooking menu button if they arent looting a bbq.
  9. imthenewguy


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  10. imthenewguy


    What error are you getting when the command is typed?
  11. Yeah it's the models specifically; the admin rocks. They were originally brought into the game to allow admins to plug holes/block off areas etc as a tool, since custom mapping was becoming a large part of the community. The plantable corn/pumpkins etc will be fixed next oxide patch. The day after I release it, they patched oxide and changed the way the OnCollectableGathered hook works. I have raised it with wulf. Hopefully he pushes the fix in the next oxide release.
  12. Ahh yep I see the issue. Will fix it in the next release.
  13. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  14. If you look at the base_shortname of the sausage item in the config file, you will see it is "blood". This is the base item that is reskinned/renamed to look like a sausage. "sausage": { "enabled": true, "base_shortname": "blood", "skin": 2572182986, "gathered_from": 19, "dropWeight": 0, "max_count": 0, "imageURL": "https://i.imgur.com/XFrZotc.png", "market_enable": true, "market_buy_price": 10.0, "market_sell_price": 5.0, "market_quantity": 0 }, If you want it to be edible, change it to an item that can be consumed, such as "chicken.spoiled". This will make any NEW items that are created edible. I recommend doing this on a fresh wipe. Sausages provide no benefit/buff and are used as an ingredient in meals. The meals themselves are all default edible.
  15. imthenewguy


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  16. @Jeff.Thibault1 How did you go with this mate? Still having the issue?
  17. imthenewguy


    In the config, where it mentions the ingredient information. Set the "max+count" to whatever you want the maximum potential drop amount to be. Default is 3 or so. "cinnamon": { "enabled": true, "base_shortname": "blood", "skin": 2572179255, "gathered_from": 3, "dropWeight": 100, "max_count": 3, "imageURL": "https://i.imgur.com/7ZtbnWK.png", "market_enable": true, "market_buy_price": 10.0, "market_sell_price": 5.0, "market_quantity": 0 },
  18. Can you translate what it says in the description for me please?
  19. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  20. 'how did you go with this?
  21. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.4
  22. Patched in 1.0.4
  23. Have added all 3 features. Will be released when 1.0.4 drops
  24. Changed Status from Closed to Not a Bug


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