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Everything posted by imthenewguy

  1. Yes and no. From a configuration point of view it was easier running it from a string, due to the way the ingredient class system was created, and for readability.
  2. Based on how the plugin functions, meal stacking isn't possible. The plugin uses the item.name of the food, and when stacked, the name is reset to the name of the base item used (ie raw chicken etc), meaning the buffs wont trigger when consumed.
  3. Add me on discord . I can probably add a function to log the issue and where it is coming from. im the new guy#0001
  4. Very odd. I'll have to work out what the issue is.
  5. Unfortunately not. You can disable them and replace them with something else though Example of Lucky Shot being changed to something else Before "Lucky Shot": { "enabled": true, "max_level": 5, "tier": 3, "value_per_buff": 0.01, "buff_info": { "Key": 50, "Value": 1 }, "icon_url": "https://imgur.com/wG7cG8X.png" }, After "Advanced Tamer": { "enabled": true, "max_level": 5, "tier": 3, "value_per_buff": 0.1, "buff_info": { "Key": 25, "Value": 1 }, "icon_url": "https://imgur.com/wG7cG8X.png" }, Line 1: Change this to what you want it to be called in game. Make it unique to any other buff. Line 2: enabled/disabled. Will not show if set to false. Line 3: Max level that the node can be levelled to. If it is an I/O node, make sure its max level is only 1. Line 4: the line that it appears on. Tier 1 is the first line, 2 the second and 3 the last. Make sure there is no more than 3 of each per line per tree or they wont display. Line 5: This value is relevant to the buff_info value. For example if it is a simple on/off type buff like the "Rugged up" buff, it requires 1 to be put to it. If it is a Percentage like most of the other buffs, then you can put whatever value you want. 0.1 = 10%. 1.0 = 100%. You can see in my examplke that I used 0.01, which means I want the buff to increase by 10% per skill point. Line 7: The Key is the buff type being assigned to this. The main page has a list of buffs with the corresponding number associated to it. Line 8: The value is the type of progression the buff has. 0 = On/off (see Rugged up for an example). 1 = Percentage (see any yield buffs for an example). 2 = Seconds (See Optimised Recycler for an example). Hope this helps.
  6. imthenewguy


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  7. imthenewguy


    In the config there are 2 options. Set the npc name to match whatever you put in this field "Name of the human NPC that will open the job menu.": "Centrelink" Or add the IDs of any NPCs that you want to open the menu to this field "IDs of NPCs that will open the job menu": { "12345613123", "51513231231" }
  8. You might be able to adjust the lang file text so something like "" for any particular message that you don't want displayed.
  9. imthenewguy

    How do I fix this?

    I am going to re-write this plugin. Stay tuned.
  10. Do you know what is being damaged when this triggers?
  11. imthenewguy


    Version 1.0.5


    Skirmish is a plugin and prefab combo that generates paintball games on your server. The plugin automatically runs the event at a set interval (or consecutively with other games if using EventHelper to manage it), and allows for players to join from anywhere using the /skjoin chat command. The game randomly chooses between free-for-all and deathmatch game modes. Players are eliminated when they take enough hits and the last person/team standing is declared the winner(s). The package comes standard with 2 default arenas: Sewers and Warehouse. These can be placed anywhere under your map and do not require any manipulation other than drag and drop in RustEdit (just make sure they are under the terrain). Automatic running of games. No chat commands or setup is required as the plugin finds the arena's automatically when a server wipes. 2 Game mode types included: Free-For-All & Team Deathmatch. Configurable magazine capacity, team clothing and rewards. Supports setup for your own arenas with ease. 2 arenas included: Warehouse and Sewers. Uses EventHelper to manage players entering and exiting the arena. Strips their items and saves their stats on entry, then restores their items and stats when they leave. There are a number of chat commands that can be used to initiate, end, join, leave and setup a game. Command: skstart <optional: time override> <optional: arena name> Description: Manually starts the game. The time override parameter states how long the lobby will run for before the game begins. The arena name parameter allows you to select a specific arena to play in. Example: skstart 120 "Warehouse Arena" - would start a game in 120 seconds at the warehouse arena. Command: skend Description: Ends the current game of Skirmish and teleports players back to their start location. Example: skend - ends the game. No parameters required. Command: skcleardata Description: Clears all player reward data. Example: skcleardata - clears the data. No parameters required. Command: sksetlobby Description: Sets the lobby destination (where the players wait for the game to begin). This is only required if you AREN'T using the warehouse arena, as the warehouse arena automatically sets the lobby destination for you. Example: sksetlobby - Sets the lobby at your current position. No parameters required. Command: skprize Description: Used to redeem outstanding prizes for winning a game. Prizes accumulate for each win. Example: skprize - redeems the prize to the players inventory. No parameters required. Command: skjoin Description: Joins any active skirmish games that are running. Example: skjoin - performs a number of checks on the player then joins the lobby. No parameters required. Command: skleave Description: Leaves the current event and puts the player back where they were with all of their items/stats. Example: skleave - leaves the event. No parameters required. Command: sk Description: Displays a UI to start the game with. Allows for arena, mode and lobby delay to be selected. Example: sk- opens the ui This plugin allows for map developers to create arenas and ship them with support. Server owners can also create arenas out of existing structures using the same logic (although a fenced off area is recommended so players don't run off). You can follow this video tutorial for more information on adding support for your arenas. Rust prefabs list: https://www.corrosionhour.com/rust-prefab-list/ Template to ship with your map: https://pastebin.com/XGbwhHuC Example config: https://pastebin.com/1yiDjveu SkirmishSpawns plugin: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e0kAA86AzKLTymF4-HUVHkojVKQBZe1x/view?usp=sharing skirmish.admin - required to start/stop a game and clear data. Required: EventHelper ImageLibrary Works with: NightVision A list of supported arenas will be listed here. If you would like to add support to your arenas, please pm me the link to the submission and I will add it to the list. Street Arena [Pookie/Telephone.deployed]
  12. You can't lose levels with it.. May or may not change that down the track. There is a few things. That need to be taken into account.
  13. That is what inspired it haha. You can change the icons and names. Added the example config to the bottom of the description.
  14. Version 1.0.4


    Skill Extractors is a plugin that allows players to extract some of their excess xp and store it into an item. This item can be traded or given to another player, who can inject the xp into themselves. Check out the video for more information about it. Chat/Console commands /giveextractor <name/ID> <skin/size/element> /giveinjector <name/ID> <skin/size/element> Example config: https://pastebin.com/Zkk7QFLT
  15. Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  16. Closing this for now as I havent heard back. Pm if the problem continues
  17. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  18. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  19. imthenewguy

    Please fix

    Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  20. The only reason I can see this triggering more than once to save the "ele" button is if you have anchor entity sets that match. This could be caused by duplicating the arena so that there are 2 sets of buttons and 2 pookie bears. Have you clicked the "Remove Duplicates" in RustEdit? I haven't adjusted any of the anchor points with the plugin, so all changes made should not affect the way that the IO is acquired.
  21. Unload it. Delete your old data file. Reload it.
  22. Might be something I do down the road but it won't be any time soon unfortunately as I would have to write a large majority of the code to accommodate. I like the idea of changing elements. Need to brush up a little on my CUI skills and learn how that works functionally though.
  23. Yeah I think I will have to make one up.
  24. Version 1.0.3


    This plugin and prefab combo adds a functional fishing competition event into your server. Players can type the chat command in to join the event when it starts, teleporting them to the platform to compete in the competition. Setup is very easy and requires little to no RustEdit experience, as the tutorial video covers the placement and setup on your server. This submission features a prefab and plugin combination. The download includes everything required to add this to your map and run the game on your server. Some of the highlights include: Completely automated event handling - the plugin handles the joining and running of the game. Join from anywhere - players can join the minigame from anywhere on the map by typing the join command. This will strip the players items from them and place them in the lobby for when the game begins. Items are returned to the player and they are redeployed where they joined from after the game ends. Includes a custom "professional" rod item that the players fish with. This allows you to set the tensile strength of the rod so it won't snap as often. Customizable prizes - can also include custom items from other plugins. The option for players to keep the fish that they catch during the event. Support for FishingTreasure - can add a temporary hotspot to the event, increasing the chances of obtaining a casket while participating. There is also an option to let players keep the caskets that they fish. Fish specific competition options - the competition can allow any fish to give the player a point, or require the player to try and catch a specific fish type. Chat command: startfc <optional: time override> Description: Forces the game to start. Time override will dictate how long until the game begins. Chat command: endfc Description: Ends the current competition and returns players to their start locations. Chat command: gofish Description: Joins any active events that haven't started yet. Chat command: leavefc Description: Leaves the current event. Chat command: fcprize Description: Rolls and gives the player a prize if they have outstanding prizes from winning. fishingcompetition.admin - Allows you to use the startfc and endfc commands.
  25. imthenewguy

    No trees

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed


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