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Everything posted by imthenewguy

  1. Do you mean if the player has the HUD open for a box that is deleted, and attempts to create a new tab for that box?
  2. Leave it default. By default it picks random effects, and all 3 entity types are enabled by default (NPC, Animal and Player).
  3. Updated front page, down the bottom
  4. Also to answer your question, yes you can simply disable any effects that you do not wish to use, even if you only have 1 enabled. Simply set the following field under the specific effect to false. "enabled": false,
  5. The list is 9 effect categories. There are a number of effects within that. Will update the listing with a separate list.
  6. imthenewguy


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  7. imthenewguy


    Havent seen or heard of that issue. The only reason the item would be unskinned is if it is destroyed or if they changed the skin themselves. If they do that, they destroy the item.
  8. imthenewguy


    Good spot. These were technical things that didn't really amount to any real impact for end users. It was a requirement from the other site in order to release it. Will patch it on here though for the sake of release xD
  9. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  10. Version 1.0.8


    Death effects is a plugin that adds different effects when a player, npc or animal dies. The effects are customizable and it is easy to add your own via the configuration. The plugin comes with 99 unique death effects! There is no permissions or commands required, simply add it to your server, configure the trigger entities and the effects that you would like enabled/disabled! Players with the deatheffects.select permission can now select the effects that they want to trigger when they kill something. A random effect from their chosen effects will be selected each time. Only effects that are enabled in the config can be selected. Command: /deatheffects Chat command deatheffects - brings up the ui. detoggle - toggles effects on/off detoggleclient - toggles the effects to be server-side/client-side Permission deatheffects.select - allows the player to use the UI. deatheffects.use - required to trigger a death effect Effects table 0: EffectSpawn, 1: EffectStack, 2: EffectCircle, 3: EffectSpiral, 4: PrefabSpawn, 5: PrefabStack, 6: PrefabCircle, 7: PrefabElectrical, 8: ItemStack Default effects spiral underwater explosion spiral dig spiral gold egg open spiral gold bag open spiral egg explode spiral splash spiral tree bonus spiral tree marking spiral codelock fail spiral bradley shell explosion spiral reskin effect spiral plug effect spiral blood effect spiral landmine circle underwater explosion circle dig circle gold egg open circle gold bag open circle egg explode circle splash circle tree bonus circle mlrs explosion circle kayak splash circle tree marking circle crossbreed blue circle crossbreed yellow circle 40mm explosion circle code lock fail circle bradley shell explosion circle sam launch circle reskin effect circle blood effect circle landmine stacked underwater explosion stacked dig stacked car collision stacked underwater fireball stacked tree impact stacked tree marking stacked train barricade stacked splash stacked mrls backfire stacked mrls explosion stacked 40mm explosion stacked codelock fail stacked gold egg open stacked gold bag open stacked egg explode stacked ore finished stacked bradley shell explosion stacked reskin effect stacked blood effect stacked landmine single underwater explosion single dig single car collision single crossbreed blue single crossbreed yellow single underwater fireball single tree impact single train barricade single splash single debris single airburst single mrls backfire single mrls explosion single 40mm explosion single gold egg open single gold bag open single egg explode single junk despawn single bradley explosion single bradley shell explosion single heli rocket explosion single heli rocket explosion 2 single sam launch single c4 launch single reskin effect single grenade explosion single scream single landmine single stone gravestone single wood gravestone single chicken single skull spike candle single skull spike pumpkin single skull spike skulls single fireball single beach parasol single firecrackers stacked chicken stacked firecrackers circle skull spike candle circle skull spike skulls discoball teslacoil siren light siren light orange item stack skulls Config example: https://pastebin.com/BPUV9PvA
  11. im not too sure man. It would be worth asking around on Rust specific forums/reddit or discords.
  12. No clue man. It seems to be a client side setting that requires the admin flag to function,
  13. Uhh no idea what is happening there. The only thing I can thing of is they have some client settings enabled that requires the admin flag (which is granted for a frame in order to render the floating text). This must become visible as a result of being flagged admin for a frame. Screenshot is too blurry to make out any of the text though.
  14. If they are within a set distance of a global storage container they will get the UI.
  15. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  16. Have added an option to teleport players to a random point on the surface instead of slaying them. Will be included in next release.
  17. Yeah i would have to remove the lobby slay and have them spawn randomly at the surface or something.
  18. imthenewguy


    Download the attached plugin and put it on your server. Go to a container and add a few tabs. Type /entinfo while looking at the physical container. It should print a string to your console. Copy paste that string into a reply here. Restart your server, open the box and see if the containers are there or not. If not, type /entinfo while looking at the container again and copy the string into a reply here as well. I want to see if the 2 networkd ID's match up. EntInfo.cs
  19. How often is it appearing and do you know what is being consumed?
  20. It is unfortunately a RustEdit/Facepunch issue. Nothing can be done about it
  21. imthenewguy


    The storage data is located in oxide/data You can have a look and see if there is anything on there, but if the plugin isn't reloading the data, it means it's being wiped for some reason. Do you have the following set to true in the config? "Track the loot inside of containers (will inflate the size of the data file significantly). Useful if the containers randomly get deleted as loot will be restored from data.": true,
  22. Will fix in the next release haha.
  23. I have an update coming that has just finished being tested. It will drop any black listed items to the floor near the player when they close the container.
  24. imthenewguy


    They work perfectly on our server
  25. I think the all terrain skis is a global thing. Not sure about snow mobile speed. Will need to see what people much smarter than me can conjure up xD


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