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Island Chronicles

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Everything posted by Island Chronicles

  1. Will there also be a version for carbon? Because there it outputs the following: "Failed compiling 'C:\GameServer\RustLos-TestServer\carbon\plugins\SendPhotoDiscord.cs': 1. the name 'App' does not exist in the current context [CS0103]. (SendPhotoDiscord 45 line 491) 2. 'CuiInputFieldComponent' does not contain a definition for 'HudMenuInput' [CS0117] (SendPhotoDiscord 7 line 741)"
  2. Hi, will there also be a version or update for carbon for this?
  3. Version 1.0.2


    Are you tired of filling up multiple "public" containers only to see that person X has walked by and completely looted them? "STORAGE LOCK" is our solution. With a simple chat command you can now lock certain public containers. The command will automatically fill the containers with 1 or more predefined items. Already implemented containers: - Hitchtrough - Cursed Cauldron - Lantern - Tuna light - Skull fire pit - Hobo barrel - Bonfire - Chinese lantern - Fireplace - Fireplace - Tool cabinet Locked fireboxes do not turn off anymore, as far as the charcoal slot is full. (Attention: these containers do not produce charcoal at all). Just be sure to set the predefined amount of resources high enough so you don't get any nasty surprises. -------------------------------- Sind Sie es leid, immer wieder mehrere "öffentliche" Container aufzufüllen, nur um zu sehen, dass Person X vorbeigegangen ist und sie komplett geplündert hat? "STORAGE LOCK" ist unsere Lösung. Mit einem einfachen Chatbefehl könnt ihr nun bestimmte öffentliche Container sperren. Durch den Befehl werden die Container automatisch mit 1 oder mehreren vordefinierten Gegenständen gefüllt. Bereits implementierte Containers: - Hitchtrough - Verfluchter Kessel - Laterne - Tunalicht - Totenkopf-Feuergrube - Hobo-Fass - Lagerfeuer - Chinesische Laterne - Feuerstelle - Feuerstelle - Werkzeugschrank Verschlossene Brennbehälter schalten sich nicht meh aus, insofern der Holzkohleslot voll ist. (Achtung: Diese Container produzieren gar keine Holzkohle) Achten Sie nur darauf, die vordefinierte Menge an Ressourcen hoch genug einzustellen, damit Sie keine bösen Überraschungen erleben. { "Main config": { "Debug": false, "Use Permissions": true, "Use Permission": "storagelock.use", "Auto Lock Permission": "storagelock.autolock", "Chaticon": 76561199180049293, "Chat Prefix": "[<color=#00ffff>StorageLock</color>] ", "Chat Command": "lock", "Items set invulnerable?": true }, "Container Settings": { "hitchtrough.deployed": { "Items": [ { "Input Item": "pumpkin", "Input Amount": 10000 } ], "Remove charcoal": false, "Autolock when player has permission": true }, "cursedcauldron.deployed": { "Items": [ { "Input Item": "wood", "Input Amount": 100000 } ], "Remove charcoal": true, "Autolock when player has permission": true }, "lantern.deployed": { "Items": [ { "Input Item": "lowgradefuel", "Input Amount": 100000 } ], "Remove charcoal": false, "Autolock when player has permission": true }, "tunalight.deployed": { "Items": [ { "Input Item": "lowgradefuel", "Input Amount": 100000 } ], "Remove charcoal": false, "Autolock when player has permission": true }, "skull_fire_pit": { "Items": [ { "Input Item": "wood", "Input Amount": 100000 } ], "Remove charcoal": true, "Autolock when player has permission": true }, "hobobarrel.deployed": { "Items": [ { "Input Item": "wood", "Input Amount": 100000 } ], "Remove charcoal": true, "Autolock when player has permission": true }, "campfire": { "Items": [ { "Input Item": "wood", "Input Amount": 100000 } ], "Remove charcoal": true, "Autolock when player has permission": true }, "campfire_static": { "Items": [ { "Input Item": "wood", "Input Amount": 100000 } ], "Remove charcoal": true, "Autolock when player has permission": true }, "chineselantern.deployed": { "Items": [ { "Input Item": "lowgradefuel", "Input Amount": 100000 } ], "Remove charcoal": false, "Autolock when player has permission": true }, "furnace": { "Items": [ { "Input Item": "wood", "Input Amount": 100000 } ], "Remove charcoal": true, "Autolock when player has permission": true }, "fireplace.deployed": { "Items": [ { "Input Item": "wood", "Input Amount": 100000 } ], "Remove charcoal": true, "Autolock when player has permission": true }, "cupboard.tool.deployed": { "Items": [ { "Input Item": "wood", "Input Amount": 1000000 }, { "Input Item": "stones", "Input Amount": 1000000 }, { "Input Item": "metal.fragments", "Input Amount": 1000000 }, { "Input Item": "metal.refined", "Input Amount": 1000000 } ], "Remove charcoal": false, "Autolock when player has permission": true } } }
  4. [TactiDllPluginLoader]: Loading C:\GameServer\RustLos\oxide\plugins\IMRGAntiTerrainDeath.dll... IMR .dll Verification failed. Please install the newest version of the IMR Tools Package and the newest version of IMRGAntiTerrainDeath. If you are still having trouble after that feel free to contact IMR Games (by creating a Suppport Request) on the website you bought this plugin from. Please be sure to supply the below information should contacting IMR Games be necessary: System.Exception: Verify C:\GameServer\RustLos\oxide\temp\tacticompiler\IMRGAntiTerrainDeath_2b375fe7_9745_4ed7_82fb_9831c74be045 ---> Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.DllVerifyException: Member Reference LogToFile (RID: 24) in [Unknown Parent] not found void Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.LogToFile(string,string,Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin,bool) at Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.Verify.VerifyAssemblyInternal (System.Reflection.Assembly assem, System.String assemPath) [0x00200] in <be87a326de994b6891a36c917b26c050>:0 at Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.Verify.VerifyAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assem, System.String assemPath, System.String plName) [0x00024] in <be87a326de994b6891a36c917b26c050>:0 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.Verify.VerifyAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assem, System.String assemPath, System.String plName) [0x0003f] in <be87a326de994b6891a36c917b26c050>:0 Could not load plugin IMRGAntiTerrainDeath (Exception: .dll Verification Failed. Please see line above plugin initialize message) at Oxide.TactiDllPluginLoader.Verify.VerifyAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assem, System.String assemPath, System.String plName) [0x00071] in <be87a326de994b6891a36c917b26c050>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.TactiDllPluginLoader.GetPlugin (System.String filename) [0x00066] in <be87a326de994b6891a36c917b26c050>:0
  5. What is the current status of the change? Is it already in progress?
  6. So I can take ID 4531564 out there, for example? But the problem is that my plugin has a simple solution and it would not be compatible with yours. And in your script only 4 lines would have to be added, which I can even give you with line numbers where these would have to be added
  7. Among other things, we use ingame deployed for lighting, which are locked. But if they produce locked charcoal, they will run out after a while because they are locked
  8. Hi, could you maybe add a query when creating the charcoal? "if (oven.allowByproductCreation == false)" Would like to use a plugin to do the charcoal creation for a few certain objects, the plugin overrides the default if this is activated and there is no way to pass this to the individual objects, so my suggestion would be to query Rust's own query as well. Then I can pass this to the object. I am happy to PM you an excerpt of how I changed this in the SimpleSplitter to ensure this
  9. We have locked some of our containers and found that you can loot up to the original stack size, even though it is locked. Would it be possible to include a query as to whether the container is locked?
  10. Are there already updates to the Blueprints? Is this already in progress? So that we can plan whether we have to use a different loottable for the next season or whether the days an update comes with it.
  11. Hi, is there a way to set one door as an entrance and another only as an exit? If not, would it be possible to add this?
  12. Please close
  13. I noticed that with the same basic items (other skins etc.) there are problems that only the first item of the basic item is called. Example we have a pizzeria as a shop and it has 4 items, the basic item is fish.cooked, these are distinguished by skin and title, but in the shop no matter what you select, the first pizza is always selected. Here it doesn't matter whether buying, selling or editing, it's also a problem if the item exists in several categories. A solution to the problem would be if a distinction is made here not only on the basis of the basic item, but also by means of ItemID, SkinID, DisplayName/Title and Category, that would solve the problem, or if the item gets its own ID in the config, through which the differences are made becomes.
  14. Island Chronicles


    Is it possible to deposit an exchange course for the respective economics. Example if ServerRewards has (1 Scrap/Rust Taler) => Economy (250 Scrap/Rustis), an item that costs 200 Scrap would cost 200 Rust Talers, which would cost 50,000 Scrap. And/or That you could store the currency (optional) for each category
  15. Island Chronicles


    Hi, unfortunately not at the moment, but @Meventsince you have already installed this in your shop plugin, opening tabs (categories) via an NPC would certainly be possible and we could also install this function very well on our RP server.
  16. Oh yes, I'm an idiot ^^ Can already say the error message is no longer displayed and with -1 (1.2.15+) in the price to hide is also possible. I noticed, especially when it comes to the same basic items (other skins etc.) there are sometimes problems when opening the editing (the first item of the basic item is called up), here there might be a statement from ItemID when opening, SkinID, DisplayName/Title and Category a sensible way to use it. Here are a few more suggestions: - Permission to execute the chat command would be good (if you want to do this purely via NPC's)
  17. Island Chronicles


    That's great, but maybe an option would be better, because we have used 0.0 by buy, e.g. to store pure sale items, since the buy button was not displayed then Possibility would be to add an option to the item to disable buying and/or selling or to offer buying/selling for free. Because currently we would always have to undo the change manually for 1.1.15+
  18. Hi, we have a problem, if I only put one NPC with a shop, then everything works, but with a second NPC that has a different shop, there are problems, but shops with items are available for every NPC Failed to call hook 'OnUseNPC' on plugin 'Shop v1.2.14' (ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index) at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.Shop.MainUi (BasePlayer player, System.Int32 catPage, System.Int32 shopPage, System.String search, System.Int32 searchPage, System.Boolean first, System.Boolean categories, System.Int32 iCategory) [0x00fae] in <203d0426e5884053b13a0644af3fb22f>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.Shop.OnUseNPC (BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player) [0x00049] in <203d0426e5884053b13a0644af3fb22f>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.Shop.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00c83] in <203d0426e5884053b13a0644af3fb22f>:0 at (wrapper dynamic-method) Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod_Patch1(object,Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod,object[]) at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <d5f57e12edfe4fa0b5c5dbdd9b51eff8>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <d5f57e12edfe4fa0b5c5dbdd9b51eff8>:0 </size> And here is the config for it Shop.json
  19. That would be awesome if that comes, do you think you can do it by the next wipe? We would like to use that, the sooner, the better, to make adjustments and balancing, of course
  20. Does anyone have experience with blueprints being added via the loot table? When we add blueprints, they are not displayed even though they are at 100% (empty field) and after the box is empty, it doesn't disappear. Did I do something wrong there?
  21. We have also activated Quicksmelt and use "stacks", as I said with version 2.1.1 it still worked without any problems.
  22. When will the updates that are already available on Lone Design come?


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