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Photo Sender (Discord) 1.0.3

   (1 review)

8 Screenshots

  • 36.8k
  • 232
  • 5.66 MB

About Photo Sender (Discord)

Your players will be able to publish images at any time on your discord server using the polaroid of the game and thus its location the name of the server on which the player will play.


Plugin language : EN , FR
Image format for sending: 854x480 (limited due to rust)
Type of format for sending: .png

Contents :

  • SendPhotoDiscord.cs
  • SteamAvatar.php ( create your own steam avatar download server 'This file is not required for operation plugin!' )
  •  Coupons ( 26-08-2022 / 30-09-2022 ) : ( Grocery Store + | 35% ) | ( Gas Power Station  | 40% )

Commands :

/photo ( Spawn polaroid )

Permissions oxide :

oxide.grant group default SendPhotoDiscord.use
oxide.grant group vip SendPhotoDiscord.vip      

 Permissions  carbon:

carbon.grant group default SendPhotoDiscord.use
carbon.grant group vip SendPhotoDiscord.vip      


Install : rust\oxide\plugins\SendPhotoDiscord.cs

Config : rust\oxide\config\SendPhotoDiscord.json

  "List Channel Discord (webHooks URL) Max (8) !": {
    "1": {
      "Url webHooks": "follow the tutorial",
      "Name": "Channel 1"
    "2": {
      "Url webHooks": "",
      "Name": "Channel 2"
    "3": {
      "Url webHooks": "",
      "Name": "Channel 3"
  "Url avatar ( https://exemple.com/?id={SteamId} )": "",
  "Enable location": true,
  "Enable server name": true,
  "Enable map name": true,
  "Enable server ip": true,
  "Enable comments": true,
  "The minimum limit of letter to comment": 3,
  "Photo limit per player": 3,
  "How long should the player wait": 600,
  "Photo limit per VIP players": 1,
  "How long should the VIP player wait": 10,
  "Save photos to inventory": false,
  "Block instant camera in Recycler": true,
  "Allow spawn command in chat": true,
  "Command spawn": "photo",
  "The text ( Localization )": " > :triangular_flag_on_post: Location : **{PositionPlayerCordinat}**  \n",
  "The text ( server name )": " > :mega: Server : **{NameServer}**  \n",
  "The text ( map name )": " > :map: Map : **{NameMap}**  \n",
  "The text ( server ip )": " > :desktop: Ip : **{IpServer}**:**{PortServer}** \n",
  "The text ( comment )": "\n {CommentairePhoto} "

Tutorial webHooks :




restart the plugin for any modification of the SendPhotoDiscord.json file

oxide.reload SendPhotoDiscord


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