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The Cursed Island 1.2.5

   (1 review)

86 Screenshots

About The Cursed Island

The cursed island has several custom monuments that your players will have to solve to access the loot of even a secret that will have to search at the cursed temple they will be able to discover places unique all that has several places of the map.

Number of entiter: 45K ( this value is an estimate it can change following an update! )
Map size: 4056

Personalized monuments:

- Abandoned town (several small houses can be visited)
- A hospital ( 2 possible access floors guarded by scientisques)
- Building under construction (an event is present on the crane with the plugin "" trigger the using the button in the crane)
- Cobalt apartment ( 2 possible access floors guarded by scientisques + a safe box)
- Ski Station (small puzzle kept by scientists)
- Cable Car ( loot + zip line )
- Abandoned House 1
- Abandoned House 2
- West Station ( Train )
- Central Station (small puzzle, Train)
- Convert Fuel Power ( Convert your fuel into electrical energy 3 levels posible max 750V )
- Blind + ( 2 scientisque and a green card ready from the caise and a red one that is hidden in the office trash)
- Gas Power ( jigsaw puzzle: run the central to unlock the loot 30min for the rest of the jigsaw.)
- OFC ( small puzzle)- Temple cursed ( Find the 4 Crane cursed to unlock the code )
- Dome Water build ( 2 underwater domes that is possible to build in and train station)
- Cursed Temple ( Find the 4 Cursed Crane to unlock the code )
- Dome Water Builld ( 2 underwater dome that is posible to build from in and station for train )
- Underground mine with resource (mine resources on the wall)
- Several Small Buil Monuments ( indicate on the map of an X  )
- Underground cannabis planting (puzzle: Ralumer the generator in the mine to unlock the door)
- Storm basin (a small sewer monument protected by scientists)

Monuments of Facepunch:
+ Ferry Terminal
+ Missile silo
- Launch site
- Outpost
- Dump
- Treatment plant
- Giant excavator pit
- Train yard
- Aerodrome
- Military tunnel
- Power plant
- Oil rig (2)
- port
- Bandit camp
- Sewer branch
- Desert Military Base
- Lighthouse
- Fishing village
- Ranch
- The dome
- Satellite antenna
- Road monument
- Underground tunnels
- Arctic Research Base
- Underwater laboratory

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