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About Storage Lock

Are you tired of filling up multiple "public" containers only to see that person X has walked by and completely looted them?

"STORAGE LOCK" is our solution. 

With a simple chat command you can now lock certain public containers.

The command will automatically fill the containers with 1 or more predefined items.

Already implemented containers:

- Hitchtrough
- Cursed Cauldron
- Lantern
- Tuna light
- Skull fire pit
- Hobo barrel
- Bonfire
- Chinese lantern
- Fireplace
- Fireplace
- Tool cabinet

Locked fireboxes do not turn off anymore, as far as the charcoal slot is full.
(Attention: these containers do not produce charcoal at all).

Just be sure to set the predefined amount of resources high enough so you don't get any nasty surprises.


Sind Sie es leid, immer wieder mehrere "öffentliche" Container aufzufüllen, nur um zu sehen, dass Person X vorbeigegangen ist und sie komplett geplündert hat?

"STORAGE LOCK" ist unsere Lösung. 

Mit einem einfachen Chatbefehl könnt ihr nun bestimmte öffentliche Container sperren.

Durch den Befehl werden die Container automatisch mit 1 oder mehreren vordefinierten Gegenständen gefüllt.

Bereits implementierte Containers:

- Hitchtrough
- Verfluchter Kessel
- Laterne
- Tunalicht
- Totenkopf-Feuergrube
- Hobo-Fass
- Lagerfeuer
- Chinesische Laterne
- Feuerstelle
- Feuerstelle
- Werkzeugschrank

Verschlossene Brennbehälter schalten sich nicht meh aus, insofern der Holzkohleslot voll ist.
(Achtung: Diese Container produzieren gar keine Holzkohle)

Achten Sie nur darauf, die vordefinierte Menge an Ressourcen hoch genug einzustellen, damit Sie keine bösen Überraschungen erleben.

  "Main config": {
    "Debug": false,
    "Use Permissions": true,
    "Use Permission": "storagelock.use",
    "Auto Lock Permission": "storagelock.autolock",
    "Chaticon": 76561199180049293,
    "Chat Prefix": "[<color=#00ffff>StorageLock</color>] ",
    "Chat Command": "lock",
    "Items set invulnerable?": true
  "Container Settings": {
    "hitchtrough.deployed": {
      "Items": [
          "Input Item": "pumpkin",
          "Input Amount": 10000
      "Remove charcoal": false,
      "Autolock when player has permission": true
    "cursedcauldron.deployed": {
      "Items": [
          "Input Item": "wood",
          "Input Amount": 100000
      "Remove charcoal": true,
      "Autolock when player has permission": true
    "lantern.deployed": {
      "Items": [
          "Input Item": "lowgradefuel",
          "Input Amount": 100000
      "Remove charcoal": false,
      "Autolock when player has permission": true
    "tunalight.deployed": {
      "Items": [
          "Input Item": "lowgradefuel",
          "Input Amount": 100000
      "Remove charcoal": false,
      "Autolock when player has permission": true
    "skull_fire_pit": {
      "Items": [
          "Input Item": "wood",
          "Input Amount": 100000
      "Remove charcoal": true,
      "Autolock when player has permission": true
    "hobobarrel.deployed": {
      "Items": [
          "Input Item": "wood",
          "Input Amount": 100000
      "Remove charcoal": true,
      "Autolock when player has permission": true
    "campfire": {
      "Items": [
          "Input Item": "wood",
          "Input Amount": 100000
      "Remove charcoal": true,
      "Autolock when player has permission": true
    "campfire_static": {
      "Items": [
          "Input Item": "wood",
          "Input Amount": 100000
      "Remove charcoal": true,
      "Autolock when player has permission": true
    "chineselantern.deployed": {
      "Items": [
          "Input Item": "lowgradefuel",
          "Input Amount": 100000
      "Remove charcoal": false,
      "Autolock when player has permission": true
    "furnace": {
      "Items": [
          "Input Item": "wood",
          "Input Amount": 100000
      "Remove charcoal": true,
      "Autolock when player has permission": true
    "fireplace.deployed": {
      "Items": [
          "Input Item": "wood",
          "Input Amount": 100000
      "Remove charcoal": true,
      "Autolock when player has permission": true
    "cupboard.tool.deployed": {
      "Items": [
          "Input Item": "wood",
          "Input Amount": 1000000
          "Input Item": "stones",
          "Input Amount": 1000000
          "Input Item": "metal.fragments",
          "Input Amount": 1000000
          "Input Item": "metal.refined",
          "Input Amount": 1000000
      "Remove charcoal": false,
      "Autolock when player has permission": true


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