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Fusion 3.64

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Everything posted by Fusion 3.64

  1. Fusion 3.64

    Raidable Bases

    @nivex Bases are still spawning in the ground. Procgen. Seed:4324444 Size:5000
  2. This is fuckin' glorious.
  3. Fusion 3.64


    @imthenewguyWhile you're working on the update. Would you be able to add the Halloween pickups to the to-do list? I just realized nobody is going to be able to get salt on my server. Or I'm just having crap luck. I've been spawning headstones like mad with no return.
  4. Fusion 3.64


    @Mevent There's no [I] (I'm assuming info?) button. The enroll studies button is way out of position (Yes I know I can move it). We should have the option to edit the text for that button because it's really unclear as to what it means.
  5. Fusion 3.64


    Not sure if you can do anything about this one. But my dumb ass just found out that you can put that bag into itself. You can get it back by making another bag. But figured it was worth mentioning. Maybe just blacklist the lootbag?
  6. Not a huge one. But cacti are trees. There's no entry for them in FriendlyNames or a setting in harvest. Just now getting around to setting things up for wipe. Last minute as always lol.
  7. Fusion 3.64

    Raidable Bases

    Bases are still spawning in the ground. Had to go clear out turrets that were shooting through the terrain. Size:4500 Seed:449534958
  8. Edit. Never mind. I found what I was looking for
  9. Fusion 3.64

    Quarry Levels

    @Death Okay. So I dropped the cap on quarries and jacks down to 5. I pulled every plugin on the server and am only running BackPumpJack so I can get oil strikes. QuarryLevels. ImageLibrary and SurveyInfo. And this is what I got from a stone only strike. { "SurveySettings": { "EnableOilCraters": true, "OilCraterChance": 20 }, "PlayerSettings": { "PreventUnauthorizedToggling": true, "PreventUnauthorizedLooting": false }, "QuarrySettings": { "QuarryMaxLevel": 5, "PumpjackMaxLevel": 5, "EnableEconomics": false, "EconomicsCost": 5000.0, "EconomicsCurrency": "credits" }, "QuarryOptions": { "Metal_Production": 4.0, "Sulfur_Production": 4.0, "HQM_Production": 50.0 }, "Button": { "ButtonBounds": { "xMin": 0.648, "yMin": 0.115, "xMax": 0.72, "yMax": 0.143 }, "ButtonColor": "FFFFF3", "ButtonOpacity": 0.16, "ButtonFontColor": "#f7ebe1" }, "Panel": { "PanelBounds": { "xMin": 0.39, "yMin": 0.55, "xMax": 0.61, "yMax": 0.75 }, "PanelColor": "FFFFF3", "PanelOpacity": 0.16, "PanelFontColor": "#e8ddd4" } } I have no idea what I could possibly be doing wrong here.
  10. Fusion 3.64

    Quarry Levels

    @DeathI'm not sure if this is a bug or a conflict with my settings because of the level cap I have it set to. But the upgrades are not applying properly. Level 2 is correct. But level 3 is just another upgrade of Level 2. Then the addition ore upgrades will start to apply.
  11. Hey there. So this is still a thing. I'll have pages set to receive version updates. I'll refresh the page to make sure because sometimes it doesn't stick and I'll have to activate it again and refresh to make sure that time worked. I'll even come back to the page later on and make sure it's still activated. So some time will pass. I'll scroll back through the discord feed and see there was an update. Or two. Or I'll check the plugin/assets page (sort by>recently updated) and I'll see that there's been updates and a decent number of the version update buttons have been deactivated. I have no idea what's going on here if it's on my end.
  12. This should do what you're looking for.
  13. Fusion 3.64


    I also want to know what "Chance" means. Is the player not guaranteed to get the referral reward unless it's set to 100? Or can you have multiple rewards for each tier and you roll for what they get?
  14. Fusion 3.64

    Quarry Levels

    So I read back through the discussions, I'm guessing to get oil strikes to work you need to use another plugin on top of it? I was under the impression that this was a standalone since it didn't mention any dependents other than good ol ImageLibrary. But I loaded BackPumpJack onto the server and I finally got a strike. The settings in QuarryLevels did nothing to change the chances of getting an oil strike.
  15. Fusion 3.64

    Quarry Levels

    @Death Okay so I'm not the only one. I have "EnableOilCraters": true, "OilCraterChance": 99 and nothing is spawning. The only plugins running right now are QuarryLevels and ImageLibrary. Edit: Error no longer showing.
  16. Quick question. "Conversions Before Destroying Base" Does this keep going until the number is reached, or does the base wipe after a raid has been initiated and the timer runs out? Not really a concern once the TC is taken out. Just curious.
  17. Fusion 3.64


    Yup. Same error here.
  18. Is it possible to add randomize codes and shut doors to the plugin?
    Does exactly what I need it to. Keeps players from spamming items unnecessarily and keeps entities in check. Example. No more quarry fields. What solo player really needs 10 pump jacks and 20 something quarries? None. So combine this with deaths Quarry Levels and problem solved.
  19. Fusion 3.64

    Lift locks

    I think this is already a thing, I just haven't been able to track it down. I run a pve server and recently someone figured out that if a player leaves a car on the lift they can strip it down. Is there a plugin that locks the lift to the owner of the lift or allows a player to slap a codelock onto the lift? I mean there has to be one by now, yeah?
  20. Fusion 3.64

    Raidable Bases

    I honestly have no idea. These were all conversations through RCON or Discord. I'll log onto the server and grab some screenshots next time if possible.
  21. Fusion 3.64

    Raidable Bases

    Easy = "Protection Radius": 50.0, Medium = "Protection Radius": 50.0, Hard = "Protection Radius": 50.0, Expert = "Protection Radius": 65.0, Nightmare = "Protection Radius": 65.0,
  22. Fusion 3.64

    Raidable Bases

    Thank you for the response. My current setting actually is "Anti Terrain Clipping Distance (Advanced Users Only)": 50.0, And at the moment I'm running a procedurally generated map. Size: 4000 Seed: 662900475 Edit: Forgot to mention. Yes I am running the current version.
  23. Fusion 3.64

    Raidable Bases

    Players are reporting bases spawning into cliffs and getting mowed down by unreachable turrets in the cliff.
  24. Would it be possible to change the plugin to use permission only for editing the shop? Already had one of my mods delete items from the shop because they didn't know what they were doing. And it's easy to do this if you aren't paying attention. I've trained myself to not click the red x unless that's what I actually want. But I don't really trust my mods to always remember that since a red is is usually your way out of a menu. Basically I want to be the only one on the server that can edit the shop. There's one other actual admin. But I don't want them getting into the editing menu either.


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