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Everything posted by ChristopherS

  1. Thanks. So I noticed that you mentioned professions. This is a skill tree and not a profession plugin. If you want to allow only certain people access to specific trees it would be possible but it would be a lot of work. You would have to set individual permissions for each player for this to be possible. Each permission that you see, like mining, woodcutting etc will allow that player to access that tree. If you give these permissions to the "default" group, then everyone in default will have access to it. There is another plugin for professions called "Professions" that would allow you to do what you ask for.
  2. ChristopherS

    Heli Signals

    You're welcome! Sorry it took so long, but I'm happy to hear you've managed to get it working!
  3. ChristopherS

    Heli Signals

    I've just ran this command from my console and it works fine for me. EDIT: I don't know your plugin or how it is supposed to work but maybe something like this could work for you: "Heli Supply (Easy)": { "DisplayName": "Heli Supply (Easy)" "Image": "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2920175997" "Message": "Here's an Easy Heli Signal" "Command": "hsgive Easy {steamid}" "BuyPrice": 500 "Currency": "rp" }
  4. ChristopherS

    Heli Signals

    Is there a data file that comes with your shop plugin? I have a plugin by someone called David "craft anything". You can craft things in-game but if the data file isn't completed too then it doesn't work in-game. EDIT: You said in an earlier comment that you're trying to get this to work on your Shop UI plugin. Is the name of that plugin actually Shop UI by David?
  5. ChristopherS

    Heli Signals

    This is so strange. When you have it like this, are you and your players getting a Heli Signal when they buy it but the images are just of a regular supply signal? Then when you change it to Heli Signal (Easy) it shows as the correct item but they get nothing? I do know that because there isn't such an item as a Heli Signal (Easy), is why they get nothing. My thoughts would be that if you are getting the signals with this config, then the issue with the images lie with the fact that codefling is not an image hosting site perhaps? When I go to that codefling image link it's a big white box with the signal in the middle. It may be better to direct that link to the steam workshop item like https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2920175997 etc.
  6. ChristopherS

    Heli Signals

    Does the plugin you're trying to use allow you to add a skin to it? Would you be able to share the supply signal section of config of the plugin you're trying to get to work?
  7. ChristopherS

    Heli Signals

    Curious. I have a plugin that runs the give command fine gives people the item. This is the config for a different plugin (so you won't be able to use it, it's just an example), but just to show that you can also give a player a skinned supply signal fine too. { "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Heli Signal (Medium)", "ID": 57901706, "Chance": 50, "Item type": "Item", "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "Heli Signal (Medium)", "Shortname": "supply.signal", "Skin": 2920175997, "Amount (for item)": 1, "Command": "", "Plugin": { "Hook to call": "Withdraw", "Plugin name": "Economics", "Amount": 0 } }, Maybe look to see if your plugin can give an item rather than running the command. EDIT: Just to confirm, can you use that /hsgive command okay from your chat bar?
  8. ChristopherS

    Heli Signals

    Yes there is. Just like how the store description page says, right under the command section there are many commands you can use. hsgive <Profile ShortName> <Steam64ID> <Amount>
  9. What are all the other permissions set to? There should be a first page before this.
    I've only recently bought this plugin but have had to use it 2 times already and it was brilliant! On one of these times, there was a team of people accusing another of cheating and raiding one of their external bases. With this I was able to stop that argument quickly and verify that their base did not get raided. Obviously I didn't give further information out, but being able to say to someone with certainty that they were not raided is really nice. This is a very lightweight plugin that works perfectly when you need it to, thank you for making a great plugin!
  10. Thanks for making this, I really like it. It's finally given a reason for more players to use binoculars which were hugely under-utilised/valued/appreciated etc. I love being able to use these for more effective kills. Not only that, but once you learn how far above a target you have to aim for a kill at a certain distance, it allows us noobs to improve our shooting accuracy too! It adds a new method of play for duos etc with one person being able to be a spotter.
    This is a simple plugin that adds more functionality to binoculars. This is a really good plugin if you want more use to them and helps you snipe a lot more effectively. You could have a duo where one is the shooter and the other is the spotter. I like this a lot! Great work :D
  11. I hope you don't mind that I've edited your post so it's a bit more understandable for me to reply to. Sorry if it's not what you meant, I just couldn't really understand your reply. Rustplugins.net from what I can tell is ran by David (in what way I'm not sure). There isn't a version history available there so I can't tell what the updates are compared to here. All I do know is that the last data associated with this plugin is June 2022, whereas the last date associated here is December 2021. This is why I'm asking if it's unmaintained on top of the version difference. I'm fully aware that version numbers can be placeholders or different etc. and have exactly the same code behind them. With regards to having to join someone on Discord to ask a question, that to me isn't why I buy my plugins on Codefling. I buy them here knowing that developers should be interacting with their customers and providing support at the place of purchase. Otherwise, what's the point of these discussion and support tabs on the product page.
  12. There's usually an option in the config close to the top if I remember correctly that gives you the option to change if you're having issues with stack controllers. If it's true, change it to false, if it's false change it to true. That should resolve your issue. EDIT: Just checked and it's line 6 and 7 right at the very top of your config that shows: "Use EpicLoot to prevent enhanced items from stacking? [Disable if you are having conflicts with stack control plugins]": true, "Use EpicLoot to handle item splitting for Epic Scrap? [Disable if you are having conflicts with stack control plugins]": false,
  13. The site "rustplugins.net" is ran I think perhaps by David. On that site it has Place Anything 1.0.6. Did you even check that website yourself before posting your "hmmmm" trying to somehow prove me wrong?
  14. Ahh that's awesome to hear. I thought I was maybe doing something a little wrong. Again though, you've done amazing work with this update I love how it is now compared to where it was. It's been in my server kitbag of crucial plugins for a while now, this is an amazing change to it.
  15. I love the way you're taking the plugin, it's much better than it was before this update. There is an issue that I can't fix though and that is it's still saying there are plugins to update when there is not. There are plugins it says it can't find even though I've added links to these ones in the config. I've not tried anything through the GUI because I thought doing it in the config would be sufficient, but I cannot resolve this at all. I've even checked the code of some plugins because it's saying there's a new version, for example 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2, and in the CS file there isn't a single mention of 1.0.1, and the config for Update Checker also says 1.0.2 which is correct. Has anyone come across this, is it worth learning how to use the GUI to try that way too? It's only 6 plugins I have issue with (out of 100+), but it's pinging my Discord every 90 minutes with messages I cannot resolve.
  16. I use update checker and it searches "rustplugins.net" and there is a version there, 1.0.6. Is that different to this, if so is codefling now being unmaintained?
  17. Thank you for starting work on updating this plugin. If anyone has any issues when installing the latest 1.0.4 version that adds the brick skin, all you'll need to do is delete the config and data file then reload it.
  18. My question was more curious than impatient. It was a genuine question. I wasn't sure if it's possible to update the plugin with the new skin Id or not.
  19. I'm getting an issue where it's not loading also and I don't know what this could mean: Error while compiling: EpicLoot.cs(3113,31): error CS1061: Type `ItemCraftTask' does not contain a definition for `owner' and no extension method `owner' of type `ItemCraftTask' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  20. Is it possible to update this to offer the latest building skins?
  21. Hey BlackLightning, When this plugin is installed, if you stand near the wheels of a minicopter you jitter. Players with a high ping have reported that they struggle to free themselves from certain situations and has left to their death recently . I noticed this with the fix you pushed at the start of the wipe but didn't think it was anything more than an annoyance with me not having a high ping. Cheers, Christopher.
  22. This is really great. Thanks to everyone that participates in this sale.


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