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Decay Logger 1.3.2

   (2 reviews)
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About Decay Logger

For Admin who want to stay on top of decayed entities, to settle disputes or dismiss accusations, or many other uses.

Effortlessly keep track of player-owned decayed entities.

This plugin logs the essential details and notifies players when their entities decay.


Twig is always ignored.

Features and Benefits:

Detailed Logging: Captures essential information about decayed entities, including the owner's SteamID, display name, entity type, grade, location and decay timestamp.

Player Notifications: Enable player notifications to keep your community informed about their decaying entities. Whenever a structure owned by a player decays, Decay Logger automatically sends them a notification, ensuring they're aware of what happened.

Discord Integration: Seamlessly integrate Decay Logger with your Discord server to request logs containing a player's decayed entities. Whenever a request is made from console or from in-game chat, the plugin can send the logs for a specified player to your designated Discord channel, allowing you and your team to quickly find the logs you want to examine.

Easy Configuration: Minimal configuration, define your desired chat and Discord prefixes, set a Discord webhook, adjust time zone settings, and enable or disable player notifications.

Efficient Logging: Optimized data storage through an efficient caching system. Stores logs in memory and seamlessly writes them to disk in JSON format when the plugin unloads or the predetermined cache limit is reached. This intelligent approach guarantees minimal performance impact, allowing you to maintain a comprehensive record of decayed entities, regardless of whether your server has 5 players or 500.


  • decaylogger.admin - Allows the log request to be made in chat. ***Note: Permission is automatically granted to those with Auth 2 and Auth 1 when they join, no need to grant it manually unless you are in-game when you load the plugin for the first time.***

Chat Commands:

  • /dlog <playersteamid> - Requests the logs for the specified player to Discord.
  • /cleardlog - Clears logs manually in chat.

Console Commands:

  • dlog <playersteamid> - Requests the logs for the specified player to Discord.
  • cleardlog - Clears logs manually in console.

Default Config:

  "Chat Prefix": "<color=#32CD32>Decay Logger</color>: ",
  "Discord Prefix": "Decay Logger: ",
  "Discord WebHook": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks",
  "Your time zone hours from UTC (eg: -4 or 4)": -4,
  "Log optional entities.": true,
  "Send player notifications when their entity decays.": true,
  "Clear Logs on wipe.": true


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