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DTags 2.2.3

   (2 reviews)
Message added by Gt403cyl2,

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About DTags

Rewards Dog tags to players when they kill players, NPCs, including Bradley and animals.

Customizable for color and amount of tags as well as if they drop into player death bags or into the killers inv. (PVP)

Adds players name to the tags (PVP).

- dtags.use - Allows players to receive tags.
- dtags.red - Forces players to drop red tags (use with teams/clans for events ect.)
- dtags.blue - Forces players to drop blue tags (use with teams/clans for events ect.)
- dtags.silver - Forces players to drop silver tags (use with teams/clans for events ect.)

Default Config:

  "Options": {
    "Player dog tags drop in body bag": true,
    "Player names on tags": true,
    "Use team tags": true
  "Rewards": {
    "Bradley reward tags": true,
    "Heli reward tags": true,
    "Animal reward tags": true,
    "Scientist/Human NPC reward tags": true
  "Colors": {
    "Player dog tags. (Blue / Red / Silver)": "Silver",
    "Animal dog tags. (Blue / Red / Silver)": "Red",
    "Scientists dog tags. (Blue / Red / Silver)": "Red",
    "Heavy Scientist dog tags. (Blue / Red / Silver)": "Red",
    "Tunnel Dweller dog tags. (Blue / Red / Silver)": "Red",
    "Attack Heli dog tags. (Blue / Red / Silver)": "Red",
    "Bradley dog tags. (Blue / Red / Silver)": "Red"
  "Amounts": {
    "Dog tags from Players. (Default is 1)": 1,
    "Dog tags from animals. (Default is 1)": 1,
    "Dog tags from Scientists. (Default is 1)": 1,
    "Dog tags from Heavy Scientists. (Default is 1)": 1,
    "Dog tags from Tunnel Dwellers. (Default is 1)": 1,
    "Dog tags from Attack Heli. (Default is 1)": 1,
    "Dog tags from Bradley. (Default is 1)": 1


Other information:

Comments, suggestions or for support message me here or on Discord: gt403cyl2

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