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Everything posted by Death

  1. There's nothing wrong with being blunt and to the point. The problem was, after several warnings, you continued to constantly attack people for random reasons almost on a daily basis. There's a difference between being "real" and being an "asshole" and I think you found that out. As Raul mentioned, we don't think any less of you for it. It's just a matter of upholding a relatively chill environment without the constant pointless drama and attacks.
  2. You can already do this with the premium license option, however, there's currently no way to separate the files. Alternatively, you can just upload the unlocked version as its own file. (Or just use the premium license option.)
  3. We have an incredible lineup of content to spice up your servers for Halloween this year with custom maps, prefabs, and plugins! You can check out the complete list (If we forgot anything, let us know) at https://codefling.com/tags/halloween/! We've also hand-picked a few files to feature until the end of October. You can check those out on our home page! Giveaway We're currently giving away a $100 Gift Card over on our Discord server to help improve our social media presence. Head on over and check it out! We'll be adding an additional gift card per 100 entries to increase the odds. https://discord.gg/codefling (or type "codefling" as the invite URL) In Case You Missed it Check out our Creator Spotlight where we highlight some of our favorite files available on Codefling! We'll have a new spotlight out every few months.
  4. Death

    quarry levels

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  5. Death

    quarry levels

    Hmm, have you tried increasing the production if everything else to balance it out? I'll include better config option for production rates in a future update.
  6. If that's the case, please do not share the link to the map download. That falls under redistribution and is a violation of the license. I know it wasn't intentional and just simply pointing it out.
  7. How old is the map? I have an automatic updater for 214 to 215 (Not the latest). Also, I would edit your screenshot to not include the link to the map, especially if it's one you bought. Map Prefab Replacer.zip
  8. Death

    Trading Platform

    @XAVIER your product images are broken btw.
  9. No idea without having a look. Afraid I can't dig that deep at the moment.
  10. VendingManager.cs
    Adding loot to toilets 10/10
  11. Death

    Clans missing

    That's the auto close that happens when no reply is given in a while. @Mevent
  12. Death

    Quarry restart problem

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  13. Death

    Quarry restart problem

    Levels are stored using the skin ID of the quarry, so if you're changing that on your end you'll adversely be changing the level of the quarry as well.
  14. Death

    negativer Saldo

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  15. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  16. Please download the dependency ImageLibrary. You can find this above the file's main description under Depends On.
  17. Death

    Quarry Levels

    That goes against the simplicity of the plugin, but I've already compromised by adding credit cost option so it's something I'll certainly consider in a future update.
  18. Death

    Quarry Levels

    You will need another plugin to spawn oil craters. While this is a planned feature, it's not implemented yet. The error you posted above is from not having ImageLibrary installed, or an older version. @iDodger24
  19. It'll be announced here soon. We're still getting all the submissions ready to go live.
  20. I see this is solved, but is this a temporary solution? If so, you could just ent kill the NPC or block it with a prefab.
  21. @bmgjet I'm curious if you could intercept the client command to access the map, and display a custom one instead.
  22. Death

    Needs HTML Color

    Here's the method I use to accept either an RGBA or hex while still allowing an opacity to be specified. public static string Color(string hexColor, float alpha) { if (hexColor.StartsWith("#")) hexColor = hexColor.Substring(1); int red = int.Parse(hexColor.Substring(0, 2), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier); int green = int.Parse(hexColor.Substring(2, 2), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier); int blue = int.Parse(hexColor.Substring(4, 2), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier); return $"{(double)red / 255} {(double)green / 255} {(double)blue / 255} {alpha}"; }
  23. Go here for support for this plugin https://codefling.com/plugins/coxygenui?tab=comments


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