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Everything posted by Death

  1. Appreciate the follow up! That looks pretty sexy.
  2. Marked this as fulfilled for you. Completely optional, but could you provide the source or the dev who fulfilled this for you so other users seeking the same thing can find it? Thanks!
  3. Death

    Item Skinning - Money?

    You set the skinid of the item via a plugin and it'll set the icon to the desired skin, assuming the skin was made correctly.
  4. Is this still needed? I have player target frames I can convert to work with both players and npcs. Let me know.
  5. For anyone interested:
    An awesome change of scenery for Rust. It looks spectacular at night also!
    A very much needed monument to bring life to the otherwise empty oceans!
    The screenshots does not give this monument justice. Very detailed and a joy to explore!
  6. Death

    Quarry Levels

    I'll see if I can't find a meaningful way to implement this. No promises
  7. Death


    @CASHR Some messages waiting when you get a chance.
  8. Death


    Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  9. Changed Fixed In from 1.0.2 to Next Version
  10. @Bumfuzzler It's set to auto close after so long with no reply. Don't worry though, it'll open itself once the author replies.
  11. Death


    Drag the two items together.
  12. Death

    Item Skinning - Money?

    Yes, it's possible. You could technically use any item and just change its skinid, however, you wouldn't be able to change the description. Notes are often used for physical currency though.
  13. Any plugin you can use to send commands to a player would work. You'd just need to do your own markdown to get the format how you want it. var formattedString = $"<size=30>Welcome to my Server</size>\n\n<color=#000000>Blah...blah...blah</color>\mDiscord: blah": player.SendConsoleCommand($"echo {formattedString}");
  14. Death


    Version 1.0.2


    This plugin will delete all instances of PhotoEntity that has a null imageData, resolving the rust Photo has no image! or Image entity has no image! Error spam in console. Icon by @SawyerWD
  15. Death

    Gesture Fix

    Version 1.0.0


    This plugin will only allow players to use gestures if their hands are empty. This is a temp fix to address the no recoil exploit for Rust.
  16. Since the original file is unlicensed, I'm unable to send an edited version. However, I can share a snippet of code shared by MJSU sometime ago. It's not tested, so I'm unsure if this makes it any better. The real issue is how the zoom level of maps fluctuates, so accurately calculating grids is a bit touchy now of days. private string GetGridPosition(Vector3 pos) { const float gridCellSize = 146.3f; int maxGridSize = Mathf.FloorToInt(World.Size / gridCellSize) - 1; float halfWorldSize = World.Size / 2f; int xGrid = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.FloorToInt((pos.x + halfWorldSize) / gridCellSize),0, maxGridSize); int zGrid = Mathf.Clamp(maxGridSize - Mathf.FloorToInt((pos.z + halfWorldSize) / gridCellSize),0, maxGridSize); string extraA = xGrid > 26 ? $"{(char) ('A' + (xGrid / 26 - 1))}" : string.Empty; return $"{extraA}{(char) ('A' + xGrid % 26)}{zGrid.ToString()}"; }
  17. @TenayaMasai That's a different plugin. That's for InstantSmelt which is not one of my plugins. This support section is for SmeltOnGather which I believe is the same thing?
  18. @Bumfuzzler This works with both beds and sleeping bags. I'm also certain it works with beach towels as well as they're treated as a sleeping bag. Hope this helps.
  19. Death


    @Maelep It's a base builder/planner called Fortify. It's available on Steam.
  20. @Bumfuzzler For files with renewals, you pay the base price which includes 6 months of updates (or however long the renewal is for.) After it expires, you'll no longer be able to download new updates until the renewal is paid. I hope this answers your questions
  21. @Bumfuzzler We're working on expanding our API to allow for developers to implement our services in a similar way. Won't be too much longer.


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