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Version 0.1.8
Allows automating the entire manure collection process and adds other useful features in this area, by adding Industial Adapters and BoxStorage to the HitchTrough and Composter. Also auto spliting dungs in the Composter container. Note: During plugin unloading, modified entities are not removed, to prevent the removal of pipes every time the plugin/server is restarted. To remove modifications from entities, you should use the "idung unload" command. industrialdung.admin - Provides unrestricted access to the plugin's functionality. This includes the ability to add/remove or clear modificated entities from other players. Note: In the configuration file, within the "Max ammount of modified entites per group" section, you can specify limits for any existing permission by simply listing its name. "Max amount of modified entites for each permission. Leave null or empty to recreate the default": { "industrialdung.default": { "HitchTroughs": 5, "Composters": 2 }, ... }, ... If you want to create a new permission, you can also include it in the list, but the name must begin with "industrialdung". { "Chat command": "idung", "Is it worth enabling GameTips for messages?": true, "Use auto-splitting in the Composter?": true, "Item's short name for auto-splitting in the Composter. Leave the field empty to use the default": "horsedung", "AutoModify - Default value for new players": true, "Wood Storage Box Workshop Skin ID": 2911301119, "The list of items(short name) available for the composter. Leave empty to use vanilla": [ "horsedung", "fertilizer", "plantfiber" ], "Popup - Duration": 6.0, "Popup - Position AnchorMin": "0 0.9", "Popup - Position AnchorMax": "0.25 1", "Popup - Position OffsetMin": "20 0", "Popup - Position OffsetMax": "0 -30", "Popup - Icon Url": "", "Popup - Icon Color": "#CCE699", "Popup - Icon Transparency": 0.8, "Popup - Text Font(": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Popup - Text Font Size": 14, "Popup - Text Font Color": "#FFFFFF", "Popup - Description Font": "RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf", "Popup - Description Font Size": 12, "Popup - Description Font Color": "#FFFFFF", "Popup - Text FadeIn": 1.0, "Popup - Sound Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/invite_notice.prefab", "Max amount of modified entites for each permission. Leave null or empty to recreate the default": { "industrialdung.default": { "HitchTroughs": 5, "Composters": 2 }, "": { "HitchTroughs": 10, "Composters": 4 }, "": { "HitchTroughs": 15, "Composters": 6 } }, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 8 } } EN: { "MsgNotAllowed": "You do not have permission to use this command!", "MsgNotHitchOwner": "You are not the owner of this hitch trough!", "MsgNotComposterOwner": "You are not the owner of this composter!", "MsgNotEntity": "You need to look at the hitch trough/composter or provide correct net ID!", "MsgNotModifiedEntity": "This entity is not modified!", "MsgLimitReached": "You cannot to modify this entity as you have reached your limit of {0}!", "MsgPopupTextHitch": "Modify this hitch trough?", "MsgPopupTextComposter": "Modify this composter?", "MsgPopupSubText": "Click on the notification to confirm", "MsgHitchTroughModified": "The hitch trough has been successfully modified!", "MsgComposterModified": "The composter has been successfully modified!", "MsgMyRemovedHitch": "The modification from the hitch trough has been successfully removed!", "MsgMyRemovedComposter": "The modification from the composter has been successfully removed!", "MsgMyAllRemoved": "All your modifications from the hitch troughs and composters have been successfully removed!", "MsgPlayerMsgAllRemoved": "All {0}'s modifications from the hitch troughs and composters have been successfully removed!", "MsgAllRemoved": "All modifications from the hitch troughs and composters have been successfully removed!", "MsgAutoModifyEntityEnabled": "Automatic entity modification is enabled!", "MsgAutoModifyEntityDisabled": "Automatic entity modification is disabled!" } RU: { "MsgNotAllowed": "У вас недостаточно прав для использования этой команды!", "MsgNotHitchOwner": "Вы не являетесь владельцем данной кормушки!", "MsgNotComposterOwner": "Вы не являетесь владельцем данного компостера!", "MsgNotEntity": "Вам необходимо смотреть на кормушку/компостер или указать корректный net ID!", "MsgNotModifiedEntity": "Данная сущность не является модифицированной!", "MsgLimitReached": "Вы не можете модифицировать данную сущность, так как вы превысили свой лимит в {0}!", "MsgPopupTextHitch": "Модифицировать данную кормушку?", "MsgPopupTextComposter": "Модифицировать данный компостер?", "MsgPopupSubText": "Нажмите на уведомление для подтверждения", "MsgHitchTroughModified": "Кормушка успешно модифицирована!", "MsgComposterModified": "Компостер успешно модифицирован!", "MsgMyRemovedHitch": "Модификация с кормушки успешно удалена!", "MsgMyRemovedComposter": "Модификация с компостера успешно удалена!", "MsgMyAllRemoved": "Все ваши модификации из кормушек и компостеров успешно удалены!", "MsgPlayerMsgAllRemoved": "Все модификации из кормушек и компостеров игрока {0} успешно удалены!", "MsgAllRemoved": "Все модификации из кормушек и компостеров успешно удалены!", "MsgAutoModifyEntityEnabled": "Автоматическая модификация сущностей включена!", "MsgAutoModifyEntityDisabled": "Автоматическая модификация сущностей выключена!" } add - Adding a modification to the HitchTrough/Composter that you are looking at from a distance of no more than 10 meters. *netID* - Adding a modification to the HitchTrough/Composter with the specified netID; remove - Removing a modification from the HitchTrough/Composter that you are looking at from a distance of no more than 10 meters. *netID* - Removing a modification from the HitchTrough/Composter with the specified netID; clear - Removing all modification from your HitchTroughs and Composters. *userID* - Removing all modification from specified player's HitchTroughs and Composters. Permission "industrialdung.admin" required. all - Removing all modification from all HitchTroughs and Composters. Permission "industrialdung.admin" required. auto - Enabling/Disabling automatic modification of HitchTroughs and Composters, if possible. aclear - Removing all modifications from the HitchTroughs and Composters that were not added to the data files for some reason. Permission "industrialdung.admin" required. unload - Unloading the plugin with the removal of all modifications from HitchTroughs and Composters without deleting them from the data file. Permission "industrialdung.admin" required. Example: /idung add /idung add *netID* /idung clear all /idung auto$9.99- 58 comments
- 2 reviews
- 1
- #rust
- #industrial
- (and 25 more)
Version 1.1.9
This plugin will add Caravans to your server that will attempt to transport valuable loot along the roads. Carriages are used to transport goods along the roads as configured, pulled by Horses. These convoys are accompanied by NPCs, Riders, and Balloons! By default, the plugin comes with 3 different caravan presets. The easiest caravan will be fun for early wipe and allows some basic loot for low effort Caravan raids. In order to rob the most difficult caravan, players will need to be tactical about their ambush and it will be much more challenging! The road selection system can make the Caravan less predictable as the NPCs try to find a safe route. The Caravan can traverse any road type, including good old country dirty roads. You can set up timers for each preset in the config file, to keep the more difficult Caravan from showing up until later in a wipe! Riders These can be very dangerous opponents! Unlike regular NPCs, they will quickly close the gap continually shooting at the players as they ride! Riders can be especially effective using short ranged weapons, they are deadly with a shotgun! Balloons These are mobile sniper towers on which several NPCs can be placed. In the config, armor can be added to the balloon, greatly increasing the protection for the Caravan snipers.When the caravan stops, Balloons will start moving around randomly, making it more difficult for players to hide! After defeating all of the snipers, Balloons will fall to the ground and explode. Required Dependency (must install this free plugin) NpcSpawn – link is included and can be found in the ReadMe file included with download Chat commands (admin only) /caravanstart - launches the event using a random preset based on your configuration /caravanstart PresetName - add the name of a preset from the configuration to launch a specific preset /caravanstop - stops the event /caravanroadblock - the event will not be held on the road where you are standing (clear the Blocked roads section of config when you change maps) /caravanpathstart - stand at starting point and enter command to start recording a custom route /caravanpathsave RoutePresetName - to save a custom route (enter anything you'd like in place of RoutePresetName) /caravanpathcancel - to reset the route Console commands (RCON only) caravanstart - launches the event using a random preset based on your configuration caravanstart PresetName - add the name of a preset from the configuration to launch a specific preset caravanstop - stops the event Plugin Config en – example of plugin configuration in English ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnCaravanStart() - сalled when a caravan appears void OnCaravanStop() - сalled when a caravan disappears void OnCaravanEventWin(ulong userId) Check out the rest of my work: Adem's Codefling Library You can reach out to me in Discord: Adem's Discord Profile Thanks to Jbird for writing, translation, & support: Jbird's Discord Profile Join the Mad Mappers Discord!$29.99 -
Version 0.1.8
Spawn any type of vehicle prefab with custom commands, permissions, cooldown, starting fuel, fuel consumption, extra seats and extra mounts. The default config contains every vehicle that currently exists in Rust. Using the default config as an example; - The chat command to spawn a Minicopter would be the SpawnCommandPrefix followed by the key in the config corresponding to the Minicopter: /mymini - The chat command to fetch the Minicopter would be the FetchCommandPrefix followed by the corresponding key: /gmini - The chat command to despawn the Minicopter would be the DespawnCommandPrefix followed by the corresponding key: /nomini Config "SpawnCommandPrefix" Prefix for the spawn chat command. "FetchCommandPrefix" Prefix for the fetch chat command. "DespawnCommandPrefix" Prefix for the despawn chat command. "AllowMultipleIdentical" Allows players to have multiple vehicles of the same type. "FetchOldVehicleInsteadOfSpawningIdentical" Fetches the old vehicle if the player attempts to spawn an identical vehicle. "AllowFetchingWhenOccupied" Allows players to fetch their vehicles when there are players mounted on it. "DismountOccupantsWhenFetching" Dismounts every occupant when the player fetches their vehicle. "AllowDespawningWhenOccupied" Allows players to despawn their vehicles when there are players mounted on it. "RefundFuelOnDespawn" Refunds any fuel left inside the fuel tank when the player despawns their vehicles using the chat command. "NotifyWhenVehicleDestroyed" Sends a chat message to the player when their vehicles are destroyed. "DestroyVehiclesOnDisconnect" Destroys every vehicle when their owner disconnects. "PreventVehiclesDecay" Prevents player spawned vehicles from taking decay damage. "ClearCooldownsOnMapWipe" Automatically clear the cooldowns from the data file when map wipes. "BlockWhenMountedOrParented" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are mounted or parented. "BlockWhenBuildingBlocked" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are building blocked. "BlockInSafeZone" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are in a safe zone. "BlockWhenCombatBlocked" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are combat blocked. (Requires NoEscape) "BlockWhenRaidBlocked" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are raid blocked. (Requires NoEscape) "RemoveChinookMapMarker" Removes the map marker from Chinooks. Vehicle settings: "Name" Name of the vehicle that will be shown in chat messages. "Prefab" Path of the prefab to spawn. "SpawnCooldown" A dictionary of permissions and their associated spawn cooldown. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. The player must have at least one of these permissions to be able to spawn the vehicle. A permission without name means no permission needed, or the whole dictionary can be set to null. "FetchCooldown" A dictionary of permissions and their associated fetch cooldown. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. The player must have at least one of these permissions to be able to fetch the vehicle. A permission without name means no permission needed, or the whole dictionary can be set to null. "MaxSpawnDistance" A dictionary of permissions and their associated max spawn distance. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, if the the whole dictionary is 'null' a maximum of 100.0 is used. "FetchDistanceLimit" A dictionary of permissions and their associated fetch distance limit. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, if the whole dictionary is 'null' there will be no fetch distance limits. "DespawnDistanceLimit" A dictionary of permissions and their associated despawn distance limit. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, if the whole dictionary is 'null' there will be no despawn distance limits. "StartingFuel" A dictionary of permissions and their associated starting fuel. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. "LockFuelContainer" A dictionary of permissions and their associated lock fuel container option. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. "FuelPerSecond" A dictionary of permissions and their associated fuel per second option. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. This options applies to Minicopters, Scrap Helicopters, Row Boats, RHIBs, Tug Boats and Hot Air Balloons. "IdleFuelPerSecond" A dictionary of permissions and their associated idle fuel per second option. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. This options applies to Submarines, Snowmobiles, Modular Cars, Magnet Cranes and Trains. "MaxFuelPerSecond" A dictionary of permissions and their associated max fuel per second option. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. This options applies to Submarines, Snowmobiles, Modular Cars, Magnet Cranes and Trains. "ExtraMounts" A dictionary of permissions and their associated list of extra mounts. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. Position and rotation are relative to the vehicle (position X, position Y, position Z, rotation X, rotation Y, rotation Z). "ExtraSeats" A dictionary of permissions and their associated list of extra seats. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. Position and rotation are relative to the vehicle (position X, position Y, position Z, rotation X, rotation Y, rotation Z). "YRotationSpawnOffset" Vehicle spawn rotation, relative to the looking direction of the player. (-90 is 90º left, 90 is 90º right) "CanOnlySpawnOnWater" Blocks vehicle from being spawned or fetched on land. "CanNotSpawnOnWater" Blocks vehicle from being spawned or fetched on water. { "SpawnCommandPrefix": "my", "FetchCommandPrefix": "g", "DespawnCommandPrefix": "no", "AllowMultipleIdentical": false, "FetchOldVehicleInsteadOfSpawningIdentical": true, "AllowFetchingWhenOccupied": false, "DismountOccupantsWhenFetching": true, "AllowDespawningWhenOccupied": false, "RefundFuelOnDespawn": false, "NotifyWhenVehicleDestroyed": false, "DestroyVehiclesOnDisconnect": false, "PreventVehiclesDecay": false, "ClearCooldownsOnMapWipe": true, "BlockWhenMountedOrParented": true, "BlockWhenBuildingBlocked": true, "BlockInSafeZone": true, "BlockWhenCombatBlocked": true, "BlockWhenRaidBlocked": true, "RemoveChinookMapMarker": true, "Vehicles": { "ball": { "Name": "Soccer Ball", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/ball/ball.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "": 86400.0, "vehicles.ball": 3600.0, "vehicles.ball.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "": 1800.0, "vehicles.ball": 60.0, "vehicles.ball.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.ball": 20.0, "vehicles.ball.VIP": 50.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": 0.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "attack": { "Name": "Attack Helicopter", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/attackhelicopter/attackhelicopter.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.attack": 3600.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.attack": 60.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.attack": 5.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 15.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.attack": 50.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.attack": 50.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.attack": 0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.attack": false, "vehicles.attack.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.attack": 0.5, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "mini": { "Name": "Minicopter", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/minicopter/minicopter.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.minicopter": 3600.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.minicopter": 60.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.minicopter": 5.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 15.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.minicopter": 50.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.minicopter": 50.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.minicopter": 0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.minicopter": false, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.minicopter": 0.5, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": { "vehicles.minicopter1": [ { "pX": 0.0, "pY": 0.35, "pZ": -1.45, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ], "vehicles.minicopter2": [ { "pX": 0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.2, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": -0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.2, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ], "vehicles.minicopter3": [ { "pX": 0.0, "pY": 0.35, "pZ": -1.45, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": 0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.2, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": -0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.2, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ] }, "ExtraSeats": { "vehicles.minicopter1": [ { "pX": 0.0, "pY": 0.4, "pZ": -1.1, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ], "vehicles.minicopter2": [ { "pX": 0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.5, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": -0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.5, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ], "vehicles.minicopter3": [ { "pX": 0.0, "pY": 0.4, "pZ": -1.1, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": 0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.5, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": -0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.5, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ] }, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "heli": { "Name": "Scrap Transport Helicopter", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/scrap heli carrier/scraptransporthelicopter.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 3600.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 60.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 5.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 15.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 50.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 50.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": false, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 0.5, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter2": [ { "pX": -1.235, "pY": 1.0, "pZ": -2.75, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": 1.2, "pY": 1.0, "pZ": -2.75, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ] }, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "boat": { "Name": "Row Boat", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rowboat/rowboat.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.rowboat": 3600.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.rowboat": 60.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.rowboat": 3.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.rowboat": 50.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.rowboat": 50.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.rowboat": 0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.rowboat": false, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.rowboat": 0.1, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "rhib": { "Name": "RHIB", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rhib/rhib.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.rhib": 3600.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.rhib": 60.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.rhib": 5.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 15.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.rhib": 50.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.rhib": 50.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.rhib": 0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.rhib": false, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.rhib": 0.25, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "kayak": { "Name": "Kayak", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/kayak/kayak.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.kayak": 3600.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.kayak": 60.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.kayak": 3.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.kayak": 50.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.kayak": 50.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "sub1": { "Name": "Solo Submarine", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/submarine/submarinesolo.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 3600.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 60.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 3.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 50.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 50.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": false, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 0.025, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 0.0 }, 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"vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 60.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 3.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 50.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 50.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": false, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 0.025, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 0.075, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true }, "agcart2": { "Name": "Above Ground Workcart 2", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/workcart/workcart_aboveground2.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 3600.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 60.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 3.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 50.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 50.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": false, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 0.025, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 0.075, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true }, "locomotive": { "Name": "Locomotive", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/locomotive/locomotive.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.locomotive": 3600.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.locomotive": 60.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.locomotive": 3.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.locomotive": 50.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.locomotive": 50.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.locomotive": 0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.locomotive": false, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.locomotive": 0.035, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.locomotive": 0.1, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true } }, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 8 } } Lang: { "NoPermissionSpawn": "You do not have permission to spawn {0}s.", "NoPermissionFetch": "You do not have permission to fetch {0}s.", "MountedOrParented": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles while mounted or parented.", "BuildingBlocked": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles while building blocked.", "InSafeZone": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles in a safe zone.", "CombatBlocked": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles while combat blocked.", "RaidBlocked": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles while raid blocked.", "NotOnWater": "You can only spawn or fetch {0}s on water.", "OnWater": "You can not spawn or fetch {0}s on water.", "TracksNotFound": "You can only spawn or fetch {0}s on train tracks.", "LookingTooFar": "You must be looking at a position closer to you to be able to spawn or fetch {0}s.", "Destroyed": "Your {0} has been destroyed.", "AlreadySpawned": "You already own a {0}.\nUse '/{1}' to fetch it or '/{2}' to despawn it.", "SpawnCooldown": "You must wait {0} before spawning another {1}.", "FetchCooldown": "You must wait {0} before fetching your {1}.", "Spawned": "Your {0} has spawned.", "NotFound": "You do not have a {0}.", "TooFarFetch": "Your {0} is too far away to be fetched.", "TooFarDespawn": "Your {0} is too far away to be despawned.", "BeingUsedFetch": "Cannot fetch your {0} as it is currently being used by another player", "BeingUsedDespawn": "Cannot despawn your {0} as it is currently being used by another player", "Fetched": "You have fetched your {0}.", "Despawned": "You have despawned your {0}.{1}", "Refunded": "\nRefunded {0} low grade fuel." } API List<Tuple<string, string, string>> GetConfig() Returns the suffix and its name and prefab for every vehicle in the config file. Example: List<Tuple<string, string, string>> suffixes = Vehicles.Call<List<Tuple<string, string, string>>>("GetConfig"); if (suffixes == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < suffixes.Count; i++) { string suffix = suffixes[i].Item1; string name = suffixes[i].Item2; string prefab = suffixes[i].Item3; } List<ulong> GetEntities(ulong playerID, string suffix) Returns a `List<ulong>` with the network ID of all available entities spawned by the player with this suffix, returns `null` if none found. Example: List<ulong> minis = Vehicles.Call<List<ulong>>("GetEntities", player.userID, "mini"); if (minis == null) return; BaseEntity newestMini = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[minis.Count - 1])) as BaseEntity; BaseEntity oldestMini = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[0])) as BaseEntity; Dictionary<string, List<ulong>> GetAllEntities(ulong playerID) Returns a `Dictionary<string, List<ulong>>` with the Key as the suffix and the Value as the network ID of all available entities spawned by the player, returns `null` if none found. Example: Dictionary<string, List<ulong>> entities = Vehicles.Call<Dictionary<string, List<ulong>>>("GetAllEntities", player.userID); if (entities == null) return; List<ulong> minis; if (entities.TryGetValue("mini", out minis)) { BaseEntity newestMini = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[minis.Count - 1])) as BaseEntity; BaseEntity oldestMini = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[0])) as BaseEntity; } List<ulong> boats; if (entities.TryGetValue("boat", out boats)) { BaseEntity newestBoat = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(boats[boats.Count - 1])) as BaseEntity; BaseEntity oldestBoat = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(boats[0])) as BaseEntity; } bool IsPlayerEntity(ulong entityID) Checks if the entity belongs to `Vehicles`. Example: bool isPlayerEntity = Vehicles.Call<bool>("IsPlayerEntity",; string GetSuffix(ulong entityID) Returns the suffix of the entity, returns `null` if the entity does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: string suffix = Vehicles.Call<string>("GetSuffix",; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(suffix)) return; ulong GetOwnerUserID(ulong entityID) Returns the userID of the player who spawned the entity (**not the entity's OwnerID**), returns `0uL` if the entity does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: ulong playerID = Vehicles.Call<ulong>("GetOwnerUserID",; if (playerID == 0uL) return; bool DespawnNewestEntity(ulong playerID, string suffix, bool refundFuel = false, bool notify = false) Despawns the newest available entity spawned by the player with this suffix, returns `false` if not found. Examples: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("DespawnNewestEntity", player.userID, "mini"); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("DespawnNewestEntity", player.userID, "mini", true, true); int DespawnAllEntities(ulong playerID, string suffix = "", bool refundFuel = false, bool notify = false) Despawns all the entities (optionally by suffix) spawned by the player, returns the amount of entities despawned. Examples: int despawnedAmount = Vehicles.Call<int>("DespawnAllEntities", player.userID); int despawnedAmount = Vehicles.Call<int>("DespawnAllEntities", player.userID, "", true, true); int despawnedAmount = Vehicles.Call<int>("DespawnAllEntities", player.userID, "mini"); int despawnedAmount = Vehicles.Call<int>("DespawnAllEntities", player.userID, "mini", true, true); bool AddEntity(ulong playerID, string suffix, ulong entityID) Adds the entity as the player's last spawned entity with this suffix, returns `false` if suffix does not exist. Example: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("AddEntity", player.userID, "mini",; bool RemoveEntity(ulong entityID, string suffix = "", ulong playerID = 0uL) Removes the entity so that it no longer belongs to `Vehicles`, faster if the two optional arguments are provided, returns `false` if entity does not belong to `Vehicles` or to the player's list of entities for this suffix. Examples: bool success = RemoveEntity(; bool isPlayerEntity = Vehicles.Call<bool>("IsPlayerEntity",; if (!isPlayerEntity) return; string suffix = Vehicles.Call<string>("GetSuffix",; ulong playerID = Vehicles.Call<ulong>("GetOwnerUserID",; bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("RemoveEntity",, suffix, playerID); double GetCooldownLeft(ulong playerID, string suffix, bool fetch = false) Returns how many seconds are left for the player's cooldown to expire for this suffix, returns a negative number if the player's cooldown has expired, returns `0.0` if suffix does not exist, returns `0.0` if the player's permissions do not have a cooldown for this suffix, or returns `-1.0` if the player does not yet contain a cooldown for this suffix. Examples: double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini"); bool canSpawn = (left <= 0 && left != -1); bool onSpawnCooldown = (left > 0.0); bool notFound = (left == -1); double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini", true); bool canFetch = (left <= 0 && left != -1); bool onFetchCooldown = (left > 0.0); bool notFound = (left == -1); bool AddCooldown(ulong playerID, string suffix, bool fetch = false) Adds a cooldown to the player with the current timestamp for this suffix, returns `false` if the suffix does not exist. Examples: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("AddCooldown", player.userID, "mini"); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("AddCooldown", player.userID, "mini", true); bool ClearCooldowns(ulong playerID, string suffix = "", bool fetch = false) Clears the spawn or the fetch cooldowns for the player, clears for every suffix unless one is provided, returns `false` if the player does not have any cooldowns or if the player does not have a cooldown for the provided suffix. Examples: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("ClearCooldowns", player.userID, "mini"); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("ClearCooldowns", player.userID, "mini", true); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("ClearCooldowns", player.userID); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("ClearCooldowns", player.userID, "", true); string CooldownToString(double cooldown) Returns a formatted `string` with the span of time. Example: double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini"); if (left == -1.0 || left > 0.0) return; string duration = Vehicles.Call<string>("CooldownToString", left); bool HasPermission(string playerId, string suffix, bool fetch = false) Checks if the player has permission to spawn or fetch this suffix, returns `false` if suffix does not exist. Examples: bool canSpawn = Vehicles.Call<bool>("HasPermission", player.UserIDString, "mini"); bool canFetch = Vehicles.Call<bool>("HasPermission", player.UserIDString, "mini", true); bool CanSpawn(BasePlayer player) Checks if the player can spawn or fetch according to the config options. Example: bool canspawn = Vehicles.Call<bool>("CanSpawn", player); bool CheckSurface(string suffix, Vector3 position, out bool water) Checks if this suffix may be spawned or fetched on the surface at this position, returns `false` if suffix does not exist, `out` parameter returns `true` if checked surface is water. Example: //bool water; //bool allowedSurface = CheckSurface("mini", position, out water); //if (!allowedSurface) //{ // if (water) player.ChatMessage("Can't spawn on water."); // else player.ChatMessage("Can't spawn on land."); //} bool TryMoveToTrainTrack(TrainCar train, Vector3 position) Moves the `TrainCar` to the nearest train track at this position, returns `false` if no train tracks are found. Example: bool moved = Vehicles.Call<bool>("TryMoveToTrainTrack", train, position); Vector3 GetGroundPositionLookingAt(BasePlayer player, float maxDistance) Returns the position of the surface at up to this maximum distance at the point that the player is looking at, returns `` if the distance between the position of the surface and the player's position is higher than the maximum distance. Example: Vector3 position = Vehicles.Call<Vector3>("GetGroundPositionLookingAt", player, 15.0f); if (position == return; void RemoveMapMarker(BaseEntity entity) Removes the map marker from chinooks. Example: Vehicles.Call("RemoveMapMarker", entity); bool SetFuelConsumption(BaseEntity entity) Sets the entity's fuel consumption and/or locks the fuel container as is configured for its suffix, returns `false` if entity does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("SetFuelConsumption", entity); bool SetModuleEngineFuelConsumption(VehicleModuleEngine moduleEngine) Sets the module engine's fuel consumption as is configured for the suffix that the engine is mounted on, returns `false` if the entity that the engine is mounted on does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("SetModuleEngineFuelConsumption", moduleEngine); int AddFuel(EntityFuelSystem fuelSystem) Adds starting fuel to the entity's fuel system as is configured for its suffix, returns the amount of fuel added or returns `0` if config is set to 0 or returns `-1` if entity does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: int addedFuel = Vehicles.Call<int>("AddFuel", vehicle.GetFuelSystem()); bool success = (addedFuel >= 1); bool configNoFuel = (addedFuel == 0); bool failed = (addedFuel == -1); int RefundFuel(EntityFuelSystem fuelSystem, BasePlayer player) Refunds the player of any fuel left in the entity's fuel tank, returns the amount of fuel refunded or returns `0` if no fuel left. Example: int returnedFuel = Vehicles.Call<int>("RefundFuel", vehicle.GetFuelSystem(), player); bool success = (returnedFuel >= 1); bool empty = (returnedFuel == 0); List<BaseVehicle.MountPointInfo> AddMounts(string playerId, string suffix, BaseVehicle vehicle) Adds mount points to the vehicle according to the permissions the player has for this suffix, must be called before spawning the entity, returns a `List<BaseVehicle.MountPointInfo>` of the mount points that were added to the vehicle. Example: BaseEntity entity = Vehicles.Call("CreateEntity", player.userID, "mini", position) as BaseEntity; if (entity == null) return; BaseVehicle vehicle = entity as BaseVehicle; if (vehicle != null) { List<BaseVehicle.MountPointInfo> mounts = Vehicles.Call<List<BaseVehicle.MountPointInfo>>("AddMounts", player.UserIDString, "mini", vehicle); int mountsAdded = mounts.Count; } entity.Spawn(); List<BaseEntity> AddSeats(string playerId, string suffix, BaseEntity entity) Adds seats to the vehicle according to the permissions the player has for this suffix, returns a `List<BaseEntity>` of the seats that were added to the vehicle. Example: List<BaseEntity> seats = Vehicles.Call<List<BaseEntity>>("AddSeats", player.UserIDString, "mini", entity); int seatsAdded = seats.Count; List<BasePlayer> GetMountedOccupants(BaseEntity entity) Returns a `List<BasePlayer>` of mounted players. Example: List<BasePlayer> mounted = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetMountedOccupants", entity); int numMounted = mounted.Count; List<BasePlayer> GetParentedOccupants(BaseEntity entity) Returns a `List<BasePlayer>` of parented players. Example: List<BasePlayer> parented = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetParentedOccupants", entity); int numParented = parented.Count; void DismountOccupants(List<BasePlayer> mounted) Dismounts every player on this List from the vehicle. Example: List<BasePlayer> mounted = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetMountedOccupants", entity); Vehicles.Call("DismountOccupants", mounted); void UnparentOccupants(List<BasePlayer> parented) Unparents every player on this List from the entity. Example: List<BasePlayer> parented = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetParentedOccupants", entity); Vehicles.Call("UnparentOccupants", parented); string GetMapGrid(Vector3 position) Returns the map grid from this position. Examples: string mapGrid = Vehicles.Call<string>("GetMapGrid", entity.transform.position); string mapGrid = Vehicles.Call<string>("GetMapGrid", player.transform.position); BaseEntity CreateEntity(ulong playerID, string suffix, Vector3 position, float YrotationOffset = -90.0f) Spawns a suffix for this userID, returns the `BaseEntity` or returns `null` if suffix does not exist. Example: bool hasSpawnPerm = Vehicles.Call<bool>("HasPermission", player.UserIDString, "mini"); if (!hasSpawnPerm) return; double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini"); if (left > 0.0) return; bool canSpawn = Vehicles.Call<bool>("CanSpawn", player); if (!canSpawn) return; Vector3 position = Vehicles.Call<Vector3>("GetGroundPositionLookingAt", player, 15.0f); if (position == return; BaseEntity entity = Vehicles.Call("CreateEntity", player.userID, "mini", position) as BaseEntity; if (entity == null) return; entity.Spawn(); Vehicles.Call("AddEntity", player.userID, "mini",; BaseVehicle vehicle = entity as BaseVehicle; if (vehicle != null) { Vehicles.Call("SetFuelConsumption", entity); Vehicles.Call("AddFuel", vehicle.GetFuelSystem()); } Vehicles.Call("AddCooldown", player.userID, "mini"); BaseEntity FetchEntity(ulong playerID, string suffix, Vector3 position, float YrotationOffset = -90.0f) Fetches the last available entity spawned by the player with this suffix, returns the `BaseEntity` or returns `null` if not found. Example: bool hasFetchPerm = Vehicles.Call<bool>("HasPermission", player.UserIDString, "mini", true); if (!hasFetchPerm) return; List<ulong> minis = Vehicles.Call<List<ulong>>("GetEntities", player.userID, "mini"); if (minis == null) return; BaseEntity entity = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[minis.Count - 1])) as BaseEntity; double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini", true); if (left > 0.0) return; bool canSpawn = Vehicles.Call<bool>("CanSpawn", player); if (!canSpawn) return; Vector3 position = Vehicles.Call<Vector3>("GetGroundPositionLookingAt", player, 15.0f); if (position == return; List<BasePlayer> mounted = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetMountedOccupants", entity); List<BasePlayer> parented = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetParentedOccupants", entity); if (!config.AllowFetchingWhenOccupied && (mounted.Count > 0 || parented.Count > 0)) return; if (config.DismountOccupantsWhenFetching) { Vehicles.Call("DismountOccupants", mounted); Vehicles.Call("UnparentOccupants", parented); } object obj = Vehicles.Call("FetchEntity", player.userID, "mini", position); .$12.00- 23 comments
- 5 reviews
- #vehicle
- #vehicles
(and 64 more)
Tagged with:
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- #transport helicopter
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Version 1.3.0
Allows your players to personalize their horses by naming them and displaying these names by sitting on the horse or using a command. This plugin fosters a deeper connection between players and their horses. Players often already get quite attached and like to call there horses names so this adds a nice little touch. Tired of players not knowing whos horse is who's? Do you want to know if that's really the stolen horse your looking for? This is the solution. Installation and Setup: 1. Permissions - nameyourhorse.use: Allows players to name their horses. - nameyourhorse.rename: Allows players to rename horses already named. 2. Commands /namehorse <name> - Names the horse the player is looking at with the specified name. /checkname - The /checkname command allows players to check the name of the horse they are currently looking at. This is useful for identifying horses, especially if multiple horses are present or if a player wants to confirm the name of their horse (Great for police). How It Works: Players use the `/namehorse` command to name horses they are looking at. If a horse is already named, players will need the `nameyourhorse.rename` permission to rename it. Example Usage: - A player with the `nameyourhorse.use` permission looks at their horse and types `/namehorse Shadowfrax`. The horse is now named Shadowfrax, and the name will be visible in the UI panel. Release Video$6.99 -
Version 1.1.3
Horse lock is a simple plugin that locks horses to players for a certain amount of time as set in the configuration. Once a rider dismounts, they have a set time to mount again before the horse is unlocked to use by anyone. If an unauthorised player attempts to mount the horse before that time they will be denied. However, If a horse is kept within a players building privilege, that horse will remain protected from unauthorised use indefinitely (or until building privilege is gone). Other config options allow friends, team and clan members to ride players horses and the horse can be configured to rear up if an unauthorised player attempts to mount a protected horse (just for fun). This is a great plugin for PVE servers, but equally it can come in useful on PVP servers too. No permissions and very few config options to worry about, so it couldn't be easier to set up. Default Config: { "Options": { "Use Friends Plugin (Friends Can Mount)": false, "Use Clans Plugin (Clan Can Mount)": false, "Use Teams Plugin (Team Can Mount)": false, "Custom Chat Icon (Default = 0)": 0, "Time Horse Locked After Dismount (Seconds)": 900.0, "Make Horse Rear When Unauthorised Player Attempts to Mount": true, "Use Chat Prefix": true, "Chat Prefix": "[Horse Lock]: " }, "Plugin Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 2 } }Free- 7 comments
- 1 review
Version 1.1.3
Command for spawn - /spawnrider FEATURES: Setup population, scan radius for rider, e.t.c. in the config If a scientist sees a player, he will be hunted Automatically spawns every 60 seconds at random if the population has not reached the limit P.s - (My Discord - tofurahie#4144) Config: { "Bonus damage to NPCs on horseback": 6.0, "Maximum Riders population": 10, "Kill horse after NPC death": true, "Rider types": [ { "Prefab of NPC": "assets/", "List of armor for NPC": [ "hazmatsuit" ], "Prefab of Horse": "assets/", "Horse armor": "horse.armor.roadsign", "Scan radius for Rider(Find player)": 100 } ] }$12.99- 15 comments
- 3 reviews
- 1
- #scientist
- #horse
- (and 4 more)
Version 1.0.2
AutoDungCollector The innovative "AutoDungCollector" plugin revolutionizes the way you deal with horse dung. This plugin has been specifically designed for horse enthusiasts and stable owners to simplify the laborious task of manually collecting horse manure. With the "AutoDungCollector" plugin, you can automatically collect horse dung within a specific radius. It utilizes state-of-the-art sensor technology and advanced algorithms to accurately detect the position and quantity of horse dung. Even the largest clumps are easily handled by the DungCollector due to its powerful suction technology! The plugin can be precisely configured through a Config to ensure smooth and efficient collection and disposal of horse waste. Permission This plugin utilizes the permission system. To grant a permission, use the command "oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>". To revoke a permission, use the command "oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or Steam ID> <permission>". AutoDungCollector.use - If a player possesses this permission and places a Dung Collector, the Dung Collector will automatically gather dung from horses. AutoDungCollector.give - Users with this permission also have the ability to execute the command. Note: Having this permission eliminates the need for the additional AutoDungCollector.use permission. Chat and Consolen Command This plugin includes a chat command that allows users to give themselves a DungCollector. To be able to use this command, the user needs the "AutoDungCollector.give" permission. Chat-Command: /dungbox - Allows users to obtain a DungCollector through a command. Console-Command: dungbox.give playername amount - With this command, you can give a specific user a certain number of DungCollectorBoxes. This command can be executed in the Rcon or server console. If you want to execute it in the F1 console, the user must be an admin. Config In the config, you have the option to set the name, skin, chat prefix for the NoGivePermission message, as well as the radius of the DungCollector. We recommend a range between 5.0-10.0 { "CollectionRadius": 5.0, "DungBoxChatPrefix": "<size=12><color=#AE3624>SERVERNAME</color> <size=18>|</size> <color=#738D45>Dung Collector</color>\n", "DungBoxName": "Dung Collector", "DungBoxSkinID": 1289528816 } Localization In the localization, you have the option to customize the NoGivPermission notification. This plugin supports both ENG and DE languages. {prefix} - Represents the chat prefix that you can set in the config. {playername} - Displays the player's name in the chat. { "NoGivePermission": "{prefix}<color=#AE3624>{playername}</color> you do not have permission for that!" } Skins Additionally, there are two skins that we have created specifically for this plugin. Item Name: Large Wood Box Item ShortName: box.wooden.large ENG-SkinID: 2976359133 DE-SkinID: 2976367851 If you encounter any issues or have any suggestions, please feel free to contact me privately or reach out to our support and discussion channels. We hope you enjoy using this small plugin, and we would greatly appreciate your feedback. Thank you! Info: The plugin "AutoDungCollector" is a plugin by @MeinRust & @NooBlet , make sure to check him out, he also has many cool plugins! The skins for this plugin were created by our server skinner @jerryvandamme$4.99 -
Version 1.0.2
Prefabs 3197 Here we have the long-awaited Rust Maps compatible merged outpost, a fair few people have been asking me for this for a while now so here it is. You can repair your car, buy a minicopter from the Airwolf vendor, pick up a trusty steed, or just gamble away all your hard-earned scrap. Fully integrated with the default outpost for a more natural look, a custom casino has been built on top of the garages, broken buildings have been rebuilt, and now house numerous new facilities. Compatible with the Rust maps custom generator or it can easily be placed manually in rust edit. Includes everything from the bandit camp as well as stables and a car lift, fully integrated into the default outpost. Includes All original features of the outpost All vending machines from the bandit camp Custom built casino with a gambling wheel, 5 slot machines, 4 custom poker tables, 3 blackjack tables, and a stage with microphone, instruments, and a large seating area. Garage building with 2 vehicle lifts and the 2 vehicle parts vending machines Airwolf vendor on the side of the tower with a large custom helipad Stables with 3 horses and vendor 7 recyclers with chairs 2 repair benches 3 refinery’s 4 research tables A few trading areas$24.99- 2 comments
- 2 reviews
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- #merged outpost
- #bandit camp
(and 7 more)
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Version 1.0.4
XTransportPrivat - private transport for your server - PvP/PvE. Transport limit. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XDataSystem/XTransportPrivat - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es. - Sound effects. - Ability to set up a limited number of private vehicles per player. [ You can set a total limit on the number of transport per player ] - Possibility to prohibit unprivatize transport. - The ability to prohibit interaction with non-private transport if the limit is reached. [ Settings in config ] - The ability to allow players to board the TAXI module without restrictions. [ Settings in config ] - It is forbidden to loot private vehicles. - It is forbidden to push private vehicles and lead a horse. [ Allowed in the area of your closet. For moments with blocking the passage and other obstacles to the game. ] - Transport can only be privatized within the range of your cupboard or anywhere on the map. You just need to get into the transport. - You can unprivatize a transport by hitting it with a mallet only in the area of action of someone else's cupboard or anywhere on the map. There is a list of trusted players. [ The player can add to this list those players whom he trusts and who are not in his team (green). ] - A tugboat can only be privatized when the transport privatization option is selected in the config: False - anywhere as soon as the player gets into a non-private transport. -> Overview - YouTube <- Commands /privatplayer - interaction with the trusted list. Config { "General settings": { "Use private transport limit": false, "Allow unprivatize transport": true, "Privatize transport option - [ True - only in the area of your cupboard | False - anywhere as soon as the player gets into a non-private transport ]": true, "Unprivatize transport option - [ True - only in the area of action of someone else's cupboard | False - anywhere ]": true, "Forbid buying a horse if the limit is reached": false, "Prohibit getting into non-private transport if the limit is reached": false, "Forbid leading a non-private horse if the limit is reached": false, "Allow to lead a non-private horse in the area of your cupboard. [ If prohibited by paragraph above ]": false, "Prohibit pushing non-private transport if the limit is reached": false, "Allow pushing non-private transport within the range of your cupboard. [ If prohibited by paragraph above ]": false, "Allow players to board the TAXI module without restrictions": true, "Transport limit setting - [ Change value only ]": { "kayak": 2, "rowboat": 2, "rhib": 1, "tugboat": 1, "testridablehorse": 3, "2module_car_spawned.entity": 1, "3module_car_spawned.entity": 1, "4module_car_spawned.entity": 1, "minicopter.entity": 2, "attackhelicopter.entity" : 1, "scraptransporthelicopter": 1, "submarinesolo.entity": 2, "submarineduo.entity": 1, "sled.deployed": 3, "sled.deployed.xmas": 3, "snowmobile": 1, "tomahasnowmobile": 1 } } }$16.99- 13 comments
- #private
- #transport
(and 10 more)
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Version 1.0.1
A recreation of Lon Lon Ranch from "The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time" but "Rusted" up a bit to fit the game. I made it as close to scale as possible without taking up too much space. This is meant to be a replacement for Stables. Does not have a safe zone. Has a footprint about the size of Outpost with 1244 prefabs. Total of 6 loot crates and 15 loot barrels. Has one recycler and one level 1 workbench. Has both Stables Mission Providers. Has 5 horse spawners and a vending machine with both Saddles, both Horse Shoes and Roadsign Horse Armor. To claim a horse buy a saddle and hold your action key until it says "Buy Horse". To install unzip the file and place all prefab files in your CustomPrefabs folder for RustEdit and place the lonlonranch.vprof file in VendingPresets. For support message me on discord at Explosive_Shart#5430$5.00-
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- #legend of zelda
- #zelda
- (and 7 more)
Version 1.0.2
The plugin that allows players to brand horses. A branded horse can only be saddled by its owner or his ally (if the option is enabled in the config). Config: { "Allow the owner's allies to mount his horse": false, "Horse limit command": "hlimit", "Command for claim horse": "hclaim", "Command for unclaim horse": "hrelease", "SteamID for icon in chat messages": 0, "Maximum number of horses that a player can brand(The player automatically gets the first permission)": { "privatehorse.default": 2, "": 3, "privatehorse.premium": 5 } } Lang: { "CM_NOOWNER": "This horse has no owner. You can become the owner of this horse (Type /{0}).", "CM_ONLYOWNER": "Only the owner of the horse can saddle it.", "CM_ONHORSE": "You must be on a horse to use this command.", "CM_LIMITISFULL": "Your horse limit is full", "CM_BECOMEAOWNER": "You have successfully become the owner of this horse.(Type /{0} for informaton about your horse limit)", "CM_NOTANOWNER": "You do not own this horse.", "CM_UNCLAIM": "You set the horse free. She can now be branded by other players", "CM_LIMIT": "Your horse limit: <color=green>{0}/{1}</color>", "CM_ALREADYHAVEOWNER": "This horse already has an owner" }Free -
Version 1.1.0
Allows players to change the breed of the horse they are currently riding. Permissions horsebreeds.use -- Allows players to use chat command /horse <breed type> horsebreeds.bypass -- Allows players to use the commands for free Chat Commands /horse {breed type} Console Commands horse {player} {breed type} Breed Types (can use either number or name with commands) 0 - Appalosa 1 - Bay 2 - Buckskin 3 - Chestnut 4 - Dapple Grey 5 - Piebald 6 - Pinto 7 - Red Roan 8 - White Thoroughbred 9 - Black Thoroughbred For more information about Breed Statistics, visit this page at Rust Labs:;sort=0,0,1 Configuration { "Use ServerRewards": false, "Use Economics": false, "Use Item as Currency": false, "Item Short Name": "scrap", "Horse Breed Costs": { "Dapple Grey": 20.0, "Red Roan": 20.0, "Appalosa": 30.0, "Bay": 30.0, "Buckskin": 30.0, "Pinto": 30.0, "Chestnut": 40.0, "Piebald": 40.0, "White Thoroughbred": 50.0, "Black Thoroughbred": 50.0 } } Setting up for use with a Server store (i.e. ServerRewards /s store) It is recommended to set the command price in the store settings as 0, and change the pricing in the HorseBreeds.json config. This way it will not charge a player for purchasing a command when not mounted on a horse. If both settings for ServerRewards and Economics are set to false, then the commands will be free to use. Examples of Commands Player Chat Commands /horse 8 -- changes current horse to a White Thoroughbred /horse pinto -- changes current horse to a Pinto /horse red -- changes current horse to a Red Roan Console Commands horse ilakskil black -- changes ilakskil's horse to a Black Thoroughbred and charges the corresponding amount if ilakskil does not have horsebreeds.bypass horse ilak 4 -- changes ilakskil's horse to a Dapple Grey and charges the corresponding amount if ilakskil does not have horsebreeds.bypassFree -
Version 1.0.0
If your horse is stuck and unable to move, you can use this command. ConfigFile { "Player-centered search radius": 10, "Chat Prefix": "[MyHorse]:", "Chat Prefix color": "#00FFFF", "Chat steamID icon": 0 } LanguageFile { "NotFound": "No horses found within a radius of {0} meters!", "ForbidByBuilding": "There's a building within a radius of {0} meters, you can't use this command!", "TpSuccess": "The horse within a radius of {0} meters has been teleported in front of you!" }Free -
Version 1.01
Here you find a Desert Combined Outpost. All Vendings from the Compound and the Bandit Camp are Combined. Also a Horse Vendor can be found here. The Camp also offers the Compound Extras like Blackjack, Big Wheel, Recycler, WB1, and so on. If you want to Edit the Prefabs: Make Sure to Copy the Vendig Profiles (included in the .Zip) into your Rustedit VendingProfil folder!$10.00-
- #merged outpost
- #bandit camp
- (and 8 more)
Version 1.2.0
This plugin allows players to reskin their horses! Configuration Example ReskinnableHorses.json { "(1) Use Permission": "reskinnablehorses.use", "(2) Unlock all breeds permission": "reskinnablehorses.all", "(3) Individual permissions (leave breed names intact)": { "Appaloosa": "reskinnablehorses.appaloosa", "Bay": "reskinnablehorses.bay", "Black": "", "Bucksin": "reskinnablehorses.bucksin", "Chestnut": "reskinnablehorses.chestnut", "DappleGrey": "reskinnablehorses.dapplegrey", "PieBald": "reskinnablehorses.piebald", "Pinto": "reskinnablehorses.pinto", "RedRoan": "reskinnablehorses.redroan", "White": "reskinnablehorses.white" }, "(4) Image URLs (leave breed names intact)": { "Appaloosa": "", "Bay": "", "Black": "", "Bucksin": "", "Chestnut": "", "DappleGrey": "", "PieBald": "", "Pinto": "", "RedRoan": "", "White": "" }, "(5) CUI container name": "reskinnablehorses" }$5.97 -
Version 1.0.1
Finally there is a horse racing track. a trail where you can test your riding skills. A really nice prefab and a must have for PVE servers. Let start your race! Prefabs: 560 Please note: Download the prefab files and place them in RustEdit/CustomPrefabs directory of RustEdit. The prefabs can be accessed in the custom section of prefab browser. To use sinlge letters, the prefab has to be broken by selecting it (once placed) and using the "break prefab" function. Important: I don't use "prevent building sphere/cubes" in any of my prefabs, also no monument markers are set. These need to be added by yourself. If the NPCs are not wanted, press the H key (overview of all prefabs) and delete them from the prefab. Questions and suggestions: If you have any problems you can contact me via Katalaner - Discord: Katalaner Webseite: Rustgame Infoseite: Youtube: PVE Urlaub Rust Server - Discord:$9.96 -
Version 1.0.1
This prefab is a highly detailed ranch inspired by the wild west. It features a small farm with 3 wild horses inside, in addition to a small house next to the farm. This ranch was made as a part of my project to create the Red Dead Redemption 2 map for Rust. General Prefab Features: High level of detail in the objects (e.g. farm gates have detailed wheels, handles and ropes). Offers pre-placed crate spawns (Basic crate, tools crate and one military crate). The prefab file comes with the splat and height files as well. Ranch House Details: There is a main living room with a fireplace, sofas, a desk and some storage crates. There is a backroom where moonshine is being made illegally and is being stored prior to selling (on the Western theme). There is a big bedroom with two beds and a fireplace (inspired from Red Dead Redemption 2). Each room has at least one crate spawn. Farm Details: Several hay bales are present to create some clutter. There are detailed gates placed under the shed, as well as in the main farm gate. Three wild horse spawns have been placed in the farm to add some life. The farm has three crate spawns. *Users who purchase this product will receive future updates for freeFree-
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- #wild west
- #cowboy
(and 3 more)
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