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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Will discuss the idea with the developer. I get your explanation now but I think there are still easier ways to do this. Example, you use this plugin to reload any plugins in the order you want them to load. Give a short timer in between and load them in the order that works for this situation. It's free so it seems worth trying to me.
  2. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Yes there is actually a plugin on this site that will restart plugins after the server has booted. Search for that it is very simple to use for this and works as intended.
  3. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Glad we could get that sorted out! Thank you for the feedback. Both custom or standard either works!
  4. Jbird


    The maps listed are just maps that come with custom locations for the bases. These will spawn on any map that has at least 1 or more of the default monuments such as Launch and Airfield as a spawn point.
  5. Jbird

    Request: Disable /remove

    Interesting, nice catch! Will get with K to see about sorting that out. Thanks for the heads up.
  6. Jbird

    not able to edit config

    That would be a server or host issue if so. There's nothing plugin side that could cause that, at least not that I've ever seen, experienced, or heard of. If you find any more information on this let me know but I'd get with your host to find out why you can't access simple config files.
  7. There is a different kind of fix, the one you suggested is not really the best way to do this but we have added fixes for this. There is an update for the plugin but also if you are in the Mad Mapper Discord we have posted instructions on how to patch the BradleyTiers plugin file in the patched plugins channel.
  8. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    Currently they are set at random no custom location or path, but you can configure the amount and such.
  9. This likely needs to be done again with any plugins using Bradley. I will discuss with Adem and KpucTaJl and get back with you soon.
  10. Jbird

    invisible mode

    You currently have all abilities turned off. "Radius (to disable all abilities, set the value to 0)": 0.0,
  11. I have not seen anything about using Bradley skin IDs yet to be honest so that would be new to me. Have you already spoken to that developer about this and asked them or their community if anyone has workarounds for this? I believe there are some but I don't recall what they might be it's been awhile since I've been a part of that conversation to be fair. But others in that community might have already sorted this out of others have both plugins.
  12. Jbird

    Team Info

    Got this in RCON. Exception while calling NextTick callback (KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.TeamInfo.GetImage (System.String url) [0x00000] in <35afef74c0b947edbefc6a1524d0cd16>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.TeamInfo.ShowUIMain (RelationshipManager+PlayerTeam team) [0x00394] in <35afef74c0b947edbefc6a1524d0cd16>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.TeamInfo+<OnTeamCreate>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () [0x00060] in <35afef74c0b947edbefc6a1524d0cd16>:0 at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.OnFrame (System.Single delta) [0x00051] in <bae5f1223fce49c493b01571c99dce02>:0 Also getting this in F1 console nonstop. AddUI: Unknown Parent for "UI_TeamInfo.pos": UI_TeamInfo.bg No UI at the moment as a result of one or both.
  13. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Just because it costs money, there is work to be done on your end. Can I get some context as to what you are trying to do, what you are struggling with, some details? How can I make this easier for you with no context at all? I am not the developer I provide support. 1) There are 2 commands listed in the Description panel. Read it again slowly. /WorldPOS - displays the player’s position on the map /SavePOS "Boss Name" - saves a new position to the configuration file for the boss with the name - "Boss Name", relative to the nearest monument 2) There is a ReadMe file, and most other questions should be answered in the config itself as you go through it. The plugin even now generates a default custom config for ease of use. 3) Let us know what you are having problems with otherwise.
  14. Jbird

    Better Npc

    I appreciate the honesty. You have unrealistic expectations in my opinion but as long as you can understand your faults along the way then I can at least reason and debate with you. I do think you have unrealistic expectations of support, for mods, for a video game. This is not a full time hourly job that people get paid to do. I in fact am not even the developer I just provide support for him because of how many questions, in many different places, he gets about his plugin. Waiting a day or two for a response is completely reasonable. Some developers take not only days but sometimes weeks to reply or fix something to be honest. Some valid points being made but no need to be disrespectful. I think there are simpler more relatable examples and metaphors as well. They did not need to be rude so I agree with you there but nobody is going to tell you that a day or two is entirely reasonable for a customer to have a response. This is a one time payment for a plugin that you share with your entire community, anyone who joins gets to share in its use. So the price is fair in that regard and since it is reasonable and expected that many servers are just trying to make some money, and do quite well in this regard. Servers that have stores set up can cover the cost quite easily enough. But as far as the time it takes to respond, are you paying a subscription fee? Are you paying for continued support? No you are paying for the file, and you should look for the best place to get the quickest response, which would be the Mad Mapper Discord in this case. Otherwise yes for the many other Discords, websites, forums, you should very well expect that there is nobody just sitting there waiting for issues and having nothing else to do with their time then to reply, immediately. Let the plugin developer or their support (me) reply though and you won't get mistaken for a developer or anything else. I get confused as the developer constantly because I provide support for him. Just a thought though. Point taken but be patient and take responsibility yourself as well. There is no place anywhere that says that you will get immediate responses. I am probably helping this developer to have some of the quickest turnaround possible and still it doesn't seem enough in an instance like this, which can really deter wanting to try to stay on top of things. Ensure you are able to manage your servers and put the work in yourself on your end, it shouldn't be a problem to communicate to your community what's going on or that something is being worked on.
  15. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    Looking into this and will get back to you. Interesting and good question.
  16. Jbird

    Water Event

    Are you familiar with or comfortable with editing a plugin CS file? I haven't looked yet but I'm sure in that regard it will be simple.
  17. Jbird

    prohibit building around boss

    There is no way to prevent building near the bosses. Not the boss itself. Alternatively one of the best things you can do in my opinion is to give the bosses places, generally inside works best, as custom locations and have them spawn there. Even spawning them at monuments will allow players to do things like this. I had issues with players doing things like this to get easy loot so the ones that spawn randomly have good weapons with range to counter this to some degree, but almost all of them are inside otherwise. I hope you find this helpful. I will discuss with the developer the possibility but I think that it might be a bit difficult to do, especially because by the time they get close enough generally the boss should already be giving them hell in most instances. This could also cause issues if a boss were to wander around near a player who is building up their base, they would suddenly not be able to build and could get attacked and lose their base because the Boss wandered near.
  18. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Just posting one time will be sufficient. I assure you we will reply. But I will reply in the other places this has been posted as well. The first think that I will ask is that you reload the plugin, and share the console response. It will show all of the files loading and give other details as well potentially. oxide.reload BetterNpc 1) These are BetterNpc NPCs? Can you give details on which ones, and what their loadouts are? 2) Confirm you have the most up to date versions of NpcSpawn, the core plugin for BetterNpc, and the NPC Raiders plugin. There should not be any issues with that plugin as this was addressed a short time ago. 3) You have no #3 4) You would have to be more specific on what glitch out means. There should be no issue customizing their outfits. As far as riding horses that's definitely another plugin. But customizing their weapons outfits and all of their stats should not ever be a problem. I could confirm that bone knives work, but they should, as I don't know of any other melee weapon that does not work. 5) So you have the plugin set as below? If so there should not be an issue here. I assume you've also reloaded the plugin since setting this. Some settings will work with the command where you reload the single file, but for a change like this you'll need to reload the whole plugin (not the server though). "Enabled? [true/false]": false, "The size of the monument": "(60.0, 1.0, 60.0)", "Remove other NPCs? [true/false]": false,
  19. Jbird

    Harbor Event

    Much appreciated. Other than oddly shaped or large builds like a custom monument, I've not found the root of this happening otherwise. But anything we can potentially counter with some coding could help so appreciate the follow up if you're able to find anything.
  20. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Glad that was so easily sorted. Thank you for the feedback @T-Nuts and for helping with that @hc4stillo.
  21. Jbird

    Harbor Event

    I wonder if there is anything about that particular map that's hanging it up. I have on occasion seen heli get stuck in the oddest places. Generally the only thing I have found to potentially be a factor is steep incline or declines. Would be odd to see that at harbor but maybe the terrain is steep near it, maybe even near the ocean? Hard to say but only guessing, have not heard or seen anything else about this. Any other details you can provide if you see a pattern, have map example and screenshots, anything like that. Otherwise we may not fix it and just need to see if it is a repeatable issue.
  22. No worries at all, you update the plugin often. Just wanted to put these somewhere easy to see and remember. You don't have to drop everything and do this quickly, would just be happy to see both addressed when you have the time. Thanks for the quick response.
  23. Need right side config option I've moved this to the right side of the screen so it is not behind chat when pulled up. This was easy to do with the config option but I get more and more negative feedback from players who have a zoomed in UI, as this pulls the UI into the center of the screen. Please add a config option for right side placement and anchoring so that using this option players can have a zoomed UI and have this stay on the right side of the screen instead of migrating towards the center of the screen the more they zoom out. Offline players still shown Tried true and false both for the config option but plugin still displays offline team members.
  24. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Where exactly have you tried to get a response or support? What is the exact same reason that you are referring to? Context helps a lot. Running a server does require work. So when I hear that people have given up and want to express that they paid money, all I can say is that I'm not sure who told you that this is easy and manages itself, but it is work, especially if you want your server to stand out and be successful. Regardless of the fact that they are paid plugins there is some work that you need to do to install them, or customize them to your liking. if somebody buys a computer desk that requires assembly, how often do you think people go back to the store and demand a refund because it doesn't build itself? Not very often, and of those few instances that they do, I guarantee you they won't get a refund based on that complaint. I provide support for KpucTaJl's plugins for the past several months, on every site they are sold, on every Discord involved including the Mad Mapper Discord, as well as get direct messages regularly seeking support or asking questions. The person you are quoting just wasn't getting an answer they liked. It's that simple. I answered them in every single place that they made the same suggestion of ripping off another developers work or taking it to rewrite it. Not liking an answer doesn't equate to not getting support. So if you're going to make a claim I hope you are ready to back it up because I am everywhere and anyone who knows my name will back that claim up. That being said support doesn't mean we are going to back down or change our mind when people decide to be rude or just go to another site and ask the same question that was already answered. If you truly have issues and need support, you have but to ask and you will receive it. A little respect goes a long way but I help even rude people on a regular basis because yes, if you paid for the plugin then you are a customer and I am cool with providing support and help even when people don't ask nicely. What I don't ever do is just ignore people even if I really want to. So if you need support, just ask.


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