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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    None at all? Have gotten reports about the HP issue it is next to get sorted out obviously. Thank you for the feedback. Is that RCON console? Do you have another console that gives more information? Sometimes I notice that RCON will have less than my main console so I always check there to see if it gives more specifics. If you stop the plugin does it stop the spam?
  2. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    No worries work started on this immediately after the update was released and was anticipated. Stay tuned!
  3. Jbird

    Better Npc

    No worries work started on this immediately after the update was released and was anticipated. Stay tuned!
  4. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    If AdvancedAlerts doesn't do it yet it will soon or I'll fight @ProCelle haha. DeathNotes does it and has a few different integrations for the kill feed. Anything with a kill feed of some kind might do it honestly and there are a few out there I'd look around a little bit because what I'm familiar with might not be what you're looking for. Notify and GUIAnnouncements both work with the plugin as well. /SetType 2 "Boss Name" sets appearance type for Boss Name to 2 (for standard monuments) /SavePos "Boss Name" saves a new position to config for the appearance of Boss Name uses whatever appearance type you have set for Boss Name (0, 1 or 2)
  5. Jbird


  6. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Nice suggestion. We expect a bumpy start to the wipe but this will definitely go into the suggestion pile. Many of the plugins will be getting updates soon for the forced wipe changes. We will discuss it and might integrate it into the QoL update to the plugins in the near future.
  7. Jbird


    No problem at all.
  8. Jbird


    It's not my plugin I had just helped sort out a couple things.
  9. Jbird

    Better Npc

    They are heavy scientist that are customized. But the main thing is that they are given names that the plugin needs to be able to recognize. I will dig into this soon though.
  10. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Let me see what I can do for you. Essentially the only places where that plugin works properly for a plugin like this, it needs patched to learn and recognize them by their names. I think I had a patched version at one point but I think the plugin has been updated since then as well so let me look into that for you.
  11. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Technically this already exists there are a couple plugins that do this to be honest. I just wanted to share that though you may already be aware of plugins that will show deaths and kills in different ways. I'll add this as a suggestion to consider for upcoming updates.
  12. Jbird

    Change harbors

    Currently there is not a simple way to do this @Terskipia. The plugin chooses at random. Can you share some of the reasoning you would want this option? We can consider this a suggestion and potentially add it to an update in the future.
  13. Jbird

    Unable to get mod to work

    Try keeping those removed @kategrrrl do you do restarts regularly? Wait for one and see if it happens to fix anything after a restart. It might would be something that you wouldn't see after a wipe if that was turned off, but to be fair that is a guess and not something I can guarantee. Worst case scenario the NPCs that are showing up in the wrong locations could be removed. Can view a default file to add them back in again at a later time, or make a backup of that file before you edit it.
  14. Jbird

    Unable to get mod to work

    Inside the cargo prefab @kategrrrl? We can look into it for sure. Are you using a proc gen map by chance, and do you have anything added to the monument like a recycler? Only thing we have sometimes been able to find in common that I can think of. It hasn't been 100% of the time that something odd like this occurs though. Spawn points can be removed or added. We could look into sorting out which spawn point that is and removing it for example. That's all in the config. Do you use AdminRadar or anything that allows you to identify which NPC it is? They always have locations before their name and configuration of each NPC preset.
  15. Jbird

    On all guns ?

    You're welcome @Gamebundle. I have a pretty hefty increase in ammo on my server to compensate haha. I do believe there are other plugins that allow it for certain weapons, so you could just pretend the belt on them is that much bigger, some even use permissions I think. I am just remembering them being a bit older and not updated as much recently but they may still work fine. You have a great day as well, I appreciate it. Thanks again for sharing the idea, don't count it out completely.
  16. Jbird

    Name of PVP Zone

    Thank you you've been helpful and informative. I just do support but I'll extend the shout out to the developer! They do the heavy work.
  17. Jbird

    On all guns ?

    The only problem with this idea is that those guns do not accept the extended magazine. There were more guns added that weren't compatible at first. The L96 and M39 were not able to accept the extended magazine at first. I think some others too if I'm not mistaken. But many of them do even having an extended SAR magazine is awesome, especially since you can customize the number. We can consider it a suggestion though just in case it can be done at some point, but currently that is why it is not an option. For me honestly since it works with the AK I'm happy, I don't need it for anything else. I can take a patrol heli down with 1 AK mag now haha. Since it makes it a bit realistic I also don't mind it myself. Who knows what the future may bring though! Thank you for sharing the suggestion.
  18. No worries at all. Have to make mistakes to learn from them! Let us know if you have any other issues. I'll see if I can be quicker than you figuring it out next time.
  19. Jbird

    Name of PVP Zone

    Thank you for sharing. I am pretty sure that was the plugin that I had in mind when you mentioned it so I appreciate you helping me to get straight to it. We will look into this soon and hope to have a response to you quickly. Thank you!
  20. Are you ensuring that you are killing the same boss that you have configured this way? Or are all bosses set up with this method? Do you get any errors when reloading the plugin or when you kill one of the bosses? What loot are they dropping instead, if any?
  21. Jbird

    Player Ranks

    Accurate as hell. As is usual for a wizard, this was fixed in short time when our schedules aligned. We dug in deep and sorted it out. I do get to at least say that one of my initial assumptions was correct! It's all @Sabby's fault! hahaha (I'm kidding). A little bit of debugging and a bit of testing on my end and it's all sorted. I hadn't heard of anyone else having the problem yet, but if they didn't already, as long as they stay up to date on their plugins then soon they will not have to worry about it. Just wanted to publicly thank you again for the plugins you have created and all that you do to support them @Steenamaroo!
  22. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Generally it is best to seek support on the account you purchased a plugin on. But that being said, reload the plugin and you can share what you get in console. This should lead to where there might be an error.
  23. Jbird

    Player Ranks

    Just as a follow up, still no animals being counted after another wipe. Was hoping whatever bug got in would get squished with a wipe but will disable that category and come back to it later. If I get caught up on some stuff I'll mess about testing it. If I figure anything out I'll let you know. Scratching my head on this one for sure.
  24. Jbird

    Name of PVP Zone

    Do you have a link to the plugin you are referring to? I'm not familiar with it. Sounds like another that I've seen before but I do not recognize it by name. It should already be displayed in chat though, there are options in the lang folder for this. Have you noticed them?
  25. Jbird

    Name of PVP Zone

    Thank you for the feedback, the idea, and the understanding. We will look into this and get back to you soon. I may have an idea that could work, but my only concern with it is that since this plugin is not using ZoneManager, I am not sure how simple or difficult it might be to incorporate into what you are already using. If an alternate way to see that the area were PvP would that still be acceptable? Just asking as we look into a potential resolution.


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