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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    This suggestion will shared with the developer as stated above. I still think there are creative ways to use the options in the current configuration options to mix things up and keep players on their toes. Will see what additional thoughts and ideas they may have though! Thank you.
  2. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    I am wondering if this isn't already something you can achieve in some ways. I will be forwarding this suggestion along as I can see ways this could work and might be used. But you can add multiple locations for each boss, as many as you'd like. Would it make sense to give them multiple locations, or allow some to roam randomly and others to have a list of locations for example? I have a mix myself of some that spawn randomly, some that spawn in certain areas that they always guard, some that have a few places that they might appear. What are you are suggesting sounds simple enough in theory but it can get complicated pretty quick and is something else that may confuse people. Just sharing thoughts though, as I said I will make sure the suggestion gets to the developer. Thank you for sharing the idea.
  3. Jbird


    Cargo is less likely, KpucTaJl has been working on and attempting to put NPCs on CargoShip, mainly BetterNpc NPCs. That one is less likely. Oil Rig might be more possible but perhaps an event could be created there in the future for it to make more sense. There is a bit less going on there than many of the events that PveMode is implemented into. However, I will still share this suggestion with the developer. Thank you for sharing the idea.
  4. Jbird


    Config does indeed look fine. I would try removing and uploading the plugin itself again. If the problem persists I'd be at a loss though. Config does look fine and I see that the code is having an issue trying to create the UI. Does the UI show up for you? Also when the error comes up did you share the entire error or is there more to it perhaps?
  5. Jbird


    Do you mind sharing your config?
  6. Jbird

    Custom Buttons

    I think I understand your issue to be that the permissions do not apply to the plugin immediately which still makes sense in this case. The buttons are generated with the current permissions. Changing the permission may give them access but the buttons were already generated client side with the original permissions if there were any. So I understand that it seems like extra steps, but this requires resetting things client side. The plugin has and knows the information but it needs to push that updated information to all of the clients. This is why there is a need for a reload. I mean of course you can suggest it to the developer who will read this I'm sure but the thing is that most of us would rather the plugin not require any unnecessary performance drain, it is a great lightweight plugin for the functionality it adds. To do what you are asking the plugin would need to add points to refresh and search for new stuff. Maybe a command could be added to refresh the plugin but at that point, why not just reload it? It takes like 5 seconds.
  7. Jbird

    Power Plant Event

    This event to me is more of a role playing event. The difficulty is a bit lower than some of the other events since you are really only dealing with NPCs. I will still forward the suggestion but the problem is that those doors, fuses, timers, are all built into the monument. There are additional prefabs and such that get added to the event to create the story and immersion for the event but I'm not sure if the monument items can be controlled or adjusted. It is definitely more of a 2 or more person event as it is though but otherwise just requires people to be quick and remember all the steps. Can be done with one person just have to know how the event works first.
  8. Jbird

    Harbor Event

    You can currently configure each Harbor in regards to difficulty to an extent in the config. Mostly with the NPCs for each Harbor would be one suggestion. But I can add that to the suggestions that KpucTaJl and I will discuss tomorrow (technically later today haha). Will see if this would be doable and something he might want to work on. Thanks for sharing the idea.
  9. Jbird

    Air Event

    There are very few subtle differences in the profiles but nothing that I can see that would affect them in this way. I think perhaps what may be causing this to some degree is that they are stationary and not mobile but that still doesn't really make much sense at all. They all are using the same kit. Would it be worth it to you to give them their items in the config instead of the kit to see if they shoot then? Otherwise my only ideas are to give them a bit of an aim cone (even though both have 0 and one of them does in fact shoot) as I've never tried 0 for an aim cone. Really unsure why it works for one and not the others but certainly something odd is going on. Is there ever any errors in console either when the plugin loads or when you engage the NPCs?
  10. Jbird

    Harbor Event

    Well Procedural maps seem to be something many odd issues like this have in common. Mostly this event and BetterNpc that we are getting reports of errors that do not seem to make any sense or have any reason. Just similar in that they usually are happening on procedural maps. Thank you for the feedback. I can not promise a quick fix for it but the information will be passed along to see what we can find out and do about it.
  11. Jbird

    Better Npc

    I am passing this on as a suggestion. Trying to keep them organized to help the developer out. I will add this to the list. Thank you for sharing the idea. No promises but they are all looked at and considered.
  12. Jbird


    Which version do you have of the plugin? Can you reload the plugin and share what console messages are given in response.
  13. Jbird

    Player Ranks

    At a loss myself. Checked the data file just to see if for some reason that category was missing, no idea how that would have happened but it's there and also all 0s. No errors, just console responses such as DeathNotes entries and BTTW responses, no errors. The only thing even remotely similar would be that I use convars in my server.cfg file to set population. Otherwise they are untouched. The only thing I am thinking at the moment is that BTTW sets animals HP. Perhaps when I unloaded the plugins I should also refresh all of the animal population. I forget that command and didn't think to do it earlier. Could test again but pop is picking up so would rather check that later on. Still seems odd that it wouldn't recognize it but running out of ideas.
  14. Jbird

    Custom Buttons

    The buttons and the permissions have not been added and saved to the configuration until you create them. Most plugins have the permissions already a part of the plugin when it is first loaded. I do not know of any plugins that can instantly accept permissions without being reloaded.
  15. Jbird

    Player Ranks

    2.2.0 is the version and no modifications. Only thing I have even considered modifying is renaming a couple of the categories as I mentioned before but I never have actually modified any of them just considered playing around with it. I know how much work it can be to change one seemingly small though though so I've not messed with it. Honestly might ask that the titles we set in config replace the category title in the rank UI at some point if that would be agreeable. Otherwise nothing to modify here has always worked like a charm otherwise.
  16. Jbird

    Player Ranks

    Yes I edited and added an actual answer to the previous prematurely sent reply. but might not have shown up for you without refreshing the screen, apologies. Only PlayerRanks was loaded, I killed a bear and 3 wolves and had not gotten credit for any of them. Same options as previous as well I had made sure that all the ranks and settings were mirrored on both servers before testing.
  17. Jbird

    Player Ranks

    oxide.load * Reload only unload and loads currently loaded plugins. But alas, no dice. Sorry for the premature post above I had quoted and had the window up so I could answer after testing and my 2 year old decided the message was ready to send with just your quote, nothing else.
  18. Jbird

    Player Ranks

    Fair just thinking of recent changes, and they obviously deal with animals so seemed like a good fit. Just needed to jump on my quieter server to test. Can confirm that with all other plugins unloaded, still getting no animal kills at the moment. Killed a bear and a few wolves and I got nothin.
  19. Jbird

    Player Ranks

    While we are on the subject I have been meaning to adjust the category names for some of these. I want to change PVE to Animal & NPC to Bot might do that while looking into this. Pretty sure I'm going to need to do this in the CS though right? Makes more sense for the newbs who have no idea what NPC stands for. Anyway as to your questions, I don't even see global stats collection to be completely honest am I blind? Don't see it in config either. Might just mean this in config though, don't see anything like it in the UI. "statCollection": true, Definitely have PVE enabled always have, have not touched the config on this one for quite some time. Last time I had it enabled was when I experimented with the reset on death option and it wasn't going well, so reverted back to what I have now and have not gone back. "PVEKills": { "CollectStats": true, "EnabledInPersonal": true, "EnabledInTop1": true, "EnabledInTop30": true, The only thing I am thinking is I recently added AlphaAnimals to my server, and updated BackToTheWild, both by @Sabby. This is the only thing that makes sense as being the culprit for these not being counted recently. Didn't notice it towards the end of this past biweekly wipe. But just looked at the leaderboard out of curiosity today and noticed that the whole category was 0's and people have been slaughtering animals the past couple days since wipe. Can look into this and reach out to him even though he might see it since I tagged him here. I'm not super pressed about it just wanted to bring it up and help sort it. No rush at all. Thanks for the quick reply!
  20. Jbird


    Yes. Save a copy of your config first if you would like, then delete it. Then reload the plugin, and reconfigure the new config file that will be generated using your old information. It should run fine after that.
  21. Jbird

    Player Ranks

    Noticed that PVE kills (animal kills) are not registering at all since wipe. Just wanted to let you know @Steenamaroo. Cannot think of anything on my end that would have changed to contribute to that happening but wanted to mention it to see if others are having that problem and to bring it to your attention. Just noticed it a few minutes ago surprised nobody has said anything here or in my server yet.
  22. Jbird

    Air Event

    What all do you have in the 'heavy' kit? I am initially drawing a blank other than one thing. Your aim cones are set to 0. I would imagine they don't miss many shots if any! Perhaps try raising that at least some. That is crazy accurate if it is working though. But perhaps the LR's don't work with such a small aim cone. Otherwise they seem to have the same stats and the same kit so I'm not 100% sure. Especially confused since they do not have grenades in their profiles, but their heavy kits should be overriding those entries unless I am mistaken.
  23. Jbird

    Harbor Event

    Do you usually use procedural maps? I ask in the sense of last wipe being also a procedural map. Have had some varying oddities on procedural maps it seems so we are starting to investigate why things would not work properly on procedural maps that work fine on custom maps. Currently there is not an easy way to do that but this is definitely being tested and looked at. I apologize if it isn't a quick fix but we will do what we can and get back to you.
  24. Jbird

    Erro after last patch

    You fixed that so fast I didn't even get to reply haha glad that got sorted out. Thank you for letting us know!
  25. Jbird

    console spam

    Do you have the oxide/data/BetterNpc/Custom folder installed? Some have left the folder out because it was empty at the time but that has caused this issue. Also certain missing files will cause this issue as well. With recent updates two folders have been added to the oxide/data/BetterNpc/Monument which are Tunnel and Underwater Lab folders that have several files included. Can you reload the plugin and share all of the text that follows regarding BetterNpc? This should lead us to where the error is. It can help to identify missing files or show where the process stops and help narrow it down so that we can find it.


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