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In the future for something that large, just add the file itself instead of copying and pasting all of the content. It's much easier to view in an editor than to use the sites format to look at it. I think you asked this somewhere else as well but did you confirm the versions you are running already? Do you mind confirming you have the most recent NpcSpawn and DefendableBases versions.
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Apologies I misunderstood, I thought you were wanting them to be able to damage a base not stop them from it. Look for this section of config. "Entity Groups": [ Then look for this group. "name": "npcs", Let me know what you have for the two categories of that group. "members": "", "exclusions": "" Just to see if maybe there's something else we can add there. Out of curiosity what type of damage are they doing? What are they using?
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It depends on what NPCs you are referring to but honestly he wouldn't need to fix it anyway because NpcSpawn NPCs can do damage to buildings and can raid. We just need to fix whatever is stopping it from happening in your case. If they are not NPCs generated by NpcSpawn then I would review your TruePVE settings as that plugin dictates what direction damage works or stops it. Otherwise if it is another developer who created those NPCs then you could go to them with the issue.
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Excellent maybe some of the changes hadn't actually set until the restart, usually you just need a reload. Either way glad to hear that sorted stuff for you! Have fun with it.
Few things. Do you have NpcSpawn loaded? It's a dependency for the plugin, link in the ReadMe file. You also (depending on your settings) need to have the Images folder installed and the images added inside it. oxide/data/Images If you already have all of that, or if you load them, reload the plugin and see what you get in console. oxide.reload JunkyardEvent If you get anything other than the plugin unloaded or loaded, and there is anything else, copy and paste that here. You'll otherwise be able to confirm you're good to go by running the command.
Awesome! Have fun with it and thank you for letting me know it worked. Enjoy, and have a great weekend yourself as well.
Nope. Have fun with it!
Thank you glad to hear that! KpucTaJl gets most of the praise they are the developer though. I provide for support for him. Still we are happy to hear that any time! Thank you. Consider dropping a review if you haven't already. I bet you have though! It's great to get good feedback and to be able to help get things sorted.
Perfect so everything was working again? It is difficult to run modded custom servers, for sure. It is not easy or quick work if you want to do it right.
Have you updated RustEdit dll? It would probably be worth some testing as much as it sucks having to restart multiple times, but I would try to narrow down which plugin is causing it. Do you have a custom map?
Actually... You did say that it was simple. First of all, I know of this time and one other time. So if you can list the other 3 I would be curious and interested. Sometimes you ask the same thing multiple times so yes you're going to get the same answer. Yes you asked about ZombieHorde multiple times. Yes you got the same answer. No you didn't wait patiently for a final answer. So you tried switching to another site to ask the same question as if you'll get a different answer. You aren't the only person to try to escape an answer they don't like or to be negative because they don't like the answers or because a developer doesn't accept and create every idea you have. About 20 times you spoke up when it wasn't even your place to do so on Lone's site since we are talking about all of the many sites you go to ask the same questions. You constantly spoke up negatively, complaining, and doing nothing to help fix the problems. Thankfully we were hard at work on the fix and it was released very early the next morning. I am not the developer and never claimed to be. The developer hired me so they didn't have to waste their time repeating the same thing like I am doing for you. I do support for the developer and I give them feedback, share ideas from the community, discuss plans. This is who I am. I am on a team of creators and developers with KpucTaJl. I am sorry if you don't like that but I am fully authorized to answer these questions and reply to these things. My position as a curator has nothing to do with this either and you probably don't even know what that title means. But even without the title of curator I did the exact same things and nobody else has really had much of a problem with it because I have always explained that I am not the developer, I just provide support and communicate with them. They are fully aware that I am here since they asked me to be. Sorry if you don't like that but if you are saying you are leaving, take care and good luck! First of all you came to me trying to get this developer to rewrite or steal a plugin. Yet you want to take this stance? Interesting. You were actually proposing that the content be stolen, I told you no, but now you want to take someones bullshit claim and come back here with it? NpcSpawn was updated in less than a day. It was communicated and there were no problems. There have been several updates since then because unlike some people we have moved on to other things for the moment. The plugin has been updated for different things that came up during the update but the initial fix and release was done in less than 24 hours. Other tweaks and updates as well as new content has been released since then. Just because someone has claimed that NpcSpawn was stolen, does not mean that it actually was. NpcSpawn has been around for a long time, has been updated multiple times including recently, and works just fine.
It's an interesting idea but you need to experiment with it some and try to find ways to make it work. I have given some suggestions on how you could do that. There are settings regarding turrets targeting NPC. It may be that simple in your mind but it doesn't make it that simple in reality. TruePVE controls damage and could do this and only this if you wanted even if you are not a PVE server so you can use that like I said.
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In what situation are you trying to achieve this? Generally all you have to do is to give them the right equipment for it, and for the player to go inside a building. There have been some updates to improve these methods recently. Let me know how that goes for you. Give some a rocket launcher that you want to raid and have fun with it!
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Radius is main config for the ability. What is your setting here? You have True or False for the vision cone setting? Just on the chance, is it possible that anything has been changed recently? You could open a ticket in the MM Discord and share your config if you're comfortable with that. Same issue with all bosses or just certain? This is for the attack range of the weapon they are holding. You can multiply the range of that weapon by this factor. One thing I have recommended before just because of the AI at certain ranges, is to put bosses in specific places that do not allow this. I even have indoor arenas for bosses myself to get them away from just being in the open and being an easy target. That should still be the behavior though so if you haven't already (there are a few to keep track of sorry) open one and we can get the developer involved as well. You do have the most recent version of NpcSpawn right? Silly question but it has been updated a few times.
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Good question. So it does spawn a premade base but not similar to RaidableBases and not using CopyPaste. It uses creations that can be recreated in game. There are multiple bases designs, base A & B come with the plugin. Bases C, D, and E all come with JTedal's expansion for this plugin. This definitely works on custom maps and some maps in the team even have custom locations for the bases to spawn into.
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- #abilities
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