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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Have you had the plugin running for some time and this just started? Can you confirm if the oxide and server files are all updated? There have been a few patches recently. Can you confirm your version of the plugin and of NpcSpawn? Perhaps one of the holiday updates is causing some kind of error with the Chinook event I've now seen it a few times recently.
  2. Jbird

    Fehler bei Airdop

    Haben Sie das Plugin schon seit einiger Zeit und dies hat gerade erst begonnen? Können Sie bestätigen, dass Ihre Oxid- und Serverdateien alle vollständig aktualisiert sind? Es wurden einige Patches veröffentlicht. Können Sie die Version des Plugins und auch Ihres NpcSpawn bestätigen?
  3. Jbird

    Better Npc

    I'm not sure the need for all of the exclamation marks haha. If this didn't happened before the Christmas update then the update possibly did something (stating the obvious sorry). You can confirm your event is definitely disabled? What's odd is that the Chinook event shouldn't have en error if you're not running it, and I'm not sure what changed with the update that would have affected it either? Will look into it a bit and see if anyone else is getting it or how much of a problem it is. If you have any other issues at the time let me know. If it's just the console error and you aren't running that event then I wouldn't be too concerned yet. The developer is traveling but I'm around and will make sure he knows about it so he can look into it and share his ideas as well for what might be the cause if it persists.
  4. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Is this happening multiple times? Noticing any other issues or just the console error? Might be a bad interaction with another Hackable Crate related plugin, possibly, since this is in relation to the Chinook mini event (hackable crate drop). If it's causing any issues, short term you can disable the Event in the data folder config file.
  5. Jbird

    formal request for support

    Cost has literally nothing to do with what the plugin includes. Read the description, period. The description has what you need and if a spawns database was that important you should have asked when you didn't see it in the description, before purchase. You should take it upon yourself to read first and ask nicer if you want to suggest things, also understanding that the developer (and their support) have every right to say NO. Especially in a case like this where the plugin was written entirely from scratch to be able to work on its own, and feedback or suggestions are taken from within the community. Especially when the plugin has the ability to have custom spawns and you're just either not understanding that or not wanting to hear it and want to use some other familiar plugin instead. Recommendation noted, will talk about it with KpucTaJl when we talk again next soon. Buying a file does not mean you have the right to take it anywhere you want, or give it to whomever you want. How do we know the integrity of any of the people you are going around and asking or offering the file to? How do you know they won't go and leak that file or do something malicious with it before giving it back to you? None of this idea is good at all so if you decide to pursue it, go for it, but don't mention it to me again or I will escalate it, or just issue you a warning myself on the site because you're admitting to trying to take the file somewhere and give it to someone who hasn't purchased the file. If you had a developer that worked for you, sure you guys can play with it and do whatever for your personal use, but if the moment you run into an obstacle, you decide to offer the file to others to work on even though mind you, the plugin can do what you want you just haven't listened or don't understand yet. The plugin can do custom spawns it just doesn't worth with spawns database and it doesn't say that it does. So you really don't have a leg to stand on in that debate and since you just go to bad reviews, refunds, or taking the file to others, who would really even want to help you at the end of the day? I appreciate the apology and I'm not trying to be a complete dickhead but I am also not gonna sugarcoat things especially to someone who has had similar issues in the past with over reacting and not asking the proper way for support or to offer suggestions. (Among other things not dragging any additional drama into this support request). Please know that I am here to help but not if you're going to just ignore that help or any of the other stuff that went on recently.
  6. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    Correct. I will add that this was suggested but it has been suggested in the past so I think it's already under consideration. There is currently no command such as what you are trying to achieve at the moment.
  7. Jbird

    formal request for support

    Well let me hurry up and reply to you so you can go give your review and request a refund. You really know how to ask for help! haha There is plenty of documentation explaining how to set up spawn points or edit the existing places the plugin can spawn. As well as support that can explain how to do that. Especially if you ask nicely! As I stated before when you ignored me and threatened to take the plugin to a developer on fiver, you can already configure the plugins spawn locations. There is a lot of documentation even a help guide that I wrote myself in the teams Discord. There is also the very simple ability to go into the config and remove the spawn location you are complaining about. Spend all this effort reading the support you get and doing some work yourself instead of just going from place to place complaining or making threats. Issues with the laptop not working are config errors that are not a part of the default settings. Anything added to the laptop loot table needs added to the main config file, and an image needs added to the oxide/data/Images folder. Otherwise any other issues with the laptop are a result of breaking the config. If you have plugins configured to allow NPCs to kill each other then that's your servers settings. This does not happen by default not even animals target him. We are willing to help but the issue is again on your end and all you want to do is throw a tantrum every time something doesn't go your way or just complain until someone does the work for you. Any other threats questions?
  8. Well it took me long enough! I was trying a few things and looking into it with my changed version as well. Did similar work on mine moved them around so of course I'm not gonna see anything. Finally the light bulb turned on though. haha Glad that sorted it out for ya!
  9. Jbird

    Server load spike

    No problem, I get nervous sometimes that I will miss something simple reviewing a file but I was pretty sure that would be helpful. Glad to hear it seems to have sorted it, will be here if anything else comes up!
  10. Jbird

    Server load spike

    In your config you've built an 8 item loot table but 2 items have 0.0% probability of dropping. Perhaps this is causing an error as the min max is 8 and 8. { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 500, "Maximum": 750, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 0.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Minimum": 15, "Maximum": 25, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 0.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" },
  11. I looked into this a bit and it finally dawned on me I think I have information that will help. Check to see if you have any of these locations, and remove all of them. I made a list and added them to Discord but couldn't figure out what would be causing this for you. I think these might be causing the problem you're having. They were placed on moving parts of the excavator and end up floating when the arm moves and they respawn back where it used to be. oxide/data/BetterNpc/Monument/Giant Excavator Pit.json NPC Set # 2 "Workman" Position # 14 "(54.9, 15.1, -31.4)", Position # 15 "(53.3, 17.6, -38.6)", Position # 16 "(38.5, 17.6, -36.0)", Position # 17 "(43.3, 17.6, -43.5)", Position # 18 "(50.4, 22.1, -39.5)", Position # 19 "(41.6, 22.1, -41.5)", Position # 20 "(40.4, 24.6, -33.7)", Position # 21 "(39.6, 24.6, -20.6)", Position # 22 "(30.7, 30.1, -0.4)", Position # 23 "(27.2, 31.1, 8.3)", Position # 24 "(26.1, 35.6, -8.0)", Position # 25 "(21.2, 35.7, 5.1)", Position # 26 "(28.5, 35.7, 8.1)", NPC Set # 3 "Porter" Position # 1 "(61.0, 10.0, -89.6)", Position # 2 "(78.6, 10.0, -81.1)", If that doesn't help though let me know and we will continue to look into the source of the issue.
  12. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    I think this was addressed also in the Mad Mapper Discord but currently one way to do this would be to remove the files for what bosses you do not want active and only have certain bosses active at any time. There may be other additions in updates to come where there might be more options otherwise but currently there is a lot of control and simply removing and adding the files back is easy enough as well. Currently there is not a command for spawning a boss but you can customize exactly where they will spawn if you so choose. This is in the config already.
  13. Jbird

    Server load spike

    What is your loot table setup like if you don't mind me asking. That's where you are talking about changing that option correct? It was hanging up in the loot creation it seems if that's the case, odd though. No other similar issues that I'm aware of. We do appreciate the feedback and information though.
  14. Jbird

    Server load spike

    How do you have your server hosted @bbmj214 What are the specs for the machine and the server itself (if different). I can't recall that we have ever gotten feedback of that much impact on the server, or issues to that degree. Do you create your own loot table? Not sure it would have anything to do with it just curious. I don't want to assume but it almost sounds like server side there could be issues or that another process is running at the same time, I just don't have a guess at what it could be since we haven't run into an issue this severe with the plugin before. Try unloading other plugins and run only BossMonster and NpcSpawn to see if it persists. If the problem doesn't persist when only those two plugins run then the answer would be that there are too many plugins for the server specs, or that there is another plugin interacting with the death of that NPC or its spawning in again, and eating up resources.
  15. Jbird

    Defendable Bases

    Usually everything included will be in the Description tab. The locations of the base can be configured very easily. Remove locations you don't want to use. Or before a wipe you can create a custom map setup, the basic explanation is in the Description tab. Many Mad Mapper team maps come with custom locations. These can also be trimmed if any of them are not desirable. The location at train yard is one of my favorites. Also regarding being partially into the ground we would need to see this, but perhaps the terrain near train yard was raised in the editor after the monument had been placed. Otherwise the event location is meant to be built directly out of the ground, not above it, which is also a plus in my opinion to run around on the ground inside the base, especially as the barricades come down. The error you described with the laptop (targeting computer) happens when you add custom items to the laptop loot table and do not follow the instructions that their names need placed into the main config file, and their images to the oxide/data/Images folder. This is assuming that the folder exists, it also needs moved per instructions, from within the file download. The Images are needed as the entire laptop interface was created within the plugin. It needs images that match the short.name or Custom SteamID of the loot table items.
  16. Honestly that would be also be a question for the developer of DeathNotes to be honest. If they were able to add zone manager options for example I feel like that would be helpful large scale. I feel like this is going to be much more difficult in code than it is in theory. But still considering and discussing with the developer though and will let you know. I've looked around a bit for something like this and haven't seen anything myself but always look around the communities to see if anyone else has tried and achieved something like this.
  17. Jbird

    Server load spike

    Are you seeing anything else in console when this happens? Check the server console not in game or RCON. There are no known issues that I know of at all, we would take a look at anything of course. But I'm not seeing a big impact on my end or hearing more accounts of this happening. How do you have their loot configured? Perhaps something else is leading to a hangup of sorts. Is anyone experiencing lag though by the way? At those frame rates I doubt anything is noticed.
  18. Jbird

    Air Event

    Will forward this suggestion to the developer to see what they think.
  19. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Glad to hear that and I'm sure @KpucTaJl is too! Feel free to mention that here too. https://codefling.com/plugins/better-npc?tab=reviews
  20. Jbird

    Advanced Hit Bar

    Lookin good on my end! Only a coupe things @ProCelle Forgot to update plugin version in the CS file, still showing 1.0.8 Might need a slight visual update or code revision. Seeing some small lines that I don't remember seeing before in and around the bar when it's popping up. Just visible lines especially near transparent boundaries that didn't really show before. Shows up more with some colors than others. Darker colors its less noticeable with. Attached an image so you can see what I'm talking about. Will check it more periodically and ask others to see if it's just on my end for any reason. Functionality is spot on though good and quick work as always, thank you!
  21. Jbird

    Advanced Hit Bar

    I will help to test this my friend. Will reply back later to confirm.
  22. Jbird


    That's what I like to hear. Thank you for confirming.
  23. Jbird


    As far as the event continuing, they will go until they've raided the base and then it would stop, that is the worst case. I don't think generally it would be desired to allow players to just cancel the event, it defeats the purpose in some ways if you ask me. But there might be ways to set that up through other plugins you might have. Just a thought. As far as TruePVE yes I looked again and you have TurretsIgnoreScientist flag set. You need to remove that or make some more rules, but that is actually why. Apologies that I didn't catch it sooner. I removed the flag that is necessary from the most recent version I had sent you. Try that and you should be good to go. TruePVE.json
  24. Jbird

    Silly question?

    No problem at all. If you continue to run into issues and think that we might be able to help please let us know. I'm sorry that wasn't more helpful already but hopefully that gets you set in the right direction!
  25. Jbird


    Sounds like a plan.


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