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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Jbird


    The update was also released to help understand errors with the event not starting.
  2. Jbird

    hook error

    Did this error happen along with any issues? Or did you just notice it in console? Are there any issues running the plugin?
  3. Jbird

    Silly question?

    There are a few reasons this might happen, one of the main reasons would be the way that prefab is created, they might not have a proper place to stand. Alternatively it could also be an issue with how much room they have, as we had noticed that some who used to be able to spawn in a tight space, were being pushed above or below a prefab due to their hit box growing with certain updates. Sometimes it is immediate but sometimes it takes a player being near them. There is some documentation similar to a help guide that I created, it's posted in the Mad Mappers Discord. That might potentially be helpful. But it looks like you're getting the hang of it just having issues with them spawning where you want to. Initially try giving them more clearance and go from there. It might be all that is needed. Otherwise it may be something to do with the floor needing a trigger or something that they would be able to spawn onto and walk on.
  4. Jbird


    That is actually work checking absolutely. Would be interesting but I try anything because there have been some odd fixes in the past that you wouldn't have thought of without asking these types of questions. The update will be revealing and might potentially fix some issues right away. We appreciate the feedback, any detailed information helps to resolve issues that much faster.
  5. There will be an update out very soon. The main culprit we are finding is due to copy and paste issues. Are you building any of the bases yourself or relying only on copy and paste bases? Either way there is an update coming soon that will help to diagnose and fix this issue. Thank you for the feedback.
  6. Jbird

    Defendable Homes

    Thank you for the feedback. There is an update already in the works. Stay tuned on this. Thank you for the feedback. Keep an eye out for this update that's coming and keep the feedback coming. It is indeed being fine tuned and we are finding any or all of the common denominators to there being any issue. Thank you for sharing this. It might be worth trying to mention it to the developer of StackModifier, but we may find another way to sort it out on our end as I think this happens with a few plugins that use custom skinned items. Thank you for the feedback here as well. Likely there is a stack related plugin that is doing something similar, by creating a conflicting sub ID for the item when it is stacked or split. It is worth looking into that plugin and it's handling of the item, but with the feedback we might be able to have that taken care of.
  7. Jbird


    Updating coming soon to address some of the issues. Turret issue still need some more information on, anything you can think of or find let us know.
  8. Jbird

    Better Npc

    You quoted me answering the question you're asking but it's okay I can answer it again. NpcSpawn has a configuration option and all you have to do is enter true into the config option in the CS file. It's in the 2nd quote, which included directions to ignore the 1st quote because the option had been added to the base plugin and it's config. It's also in the update notes. We have had the plugins configured this way for a very long time without any issue or complaints. I don't know of many servers out there that need NPCs to fight each other because there are players on them to fight the NPCs instead. But the option has been added so please update NpcSpawn and use the config for it to add any NPC types you have that need added.
  9. Jbird


    You said you're at the same spot but you've tried it other places on the map too? Just confirming, it's just the way that it was worded that's throwing me off a bit and want to clarify. Are you building any of the bases or are you copy pasting all of them? Can you ensure that none of the buildings are ending up under the terrain and that they are basic builds that you would be able to create with a building plan? Try this config in regards to the turret. TruePVE.json
  10. Jbird


    Yes that's fine, either here or in a ticket in the Mad Mapper Discord server. Might be a bit till I can check it but will try to keep an eye out.
  11. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    The above should work. If you're adding it to their belt (it's own category it's own slot) it's not going to work. This ammo parameter was added to the config to allow different ammo types but they won't recognize separate belt items unless it is a healing item, throwable, or a weapon. That's a bit confusing though because I see that everything is technically a belt item, I just meant if you were to place it outside of the ammo config option for the weapon it is being used with. I blame lack of sleep for my poor explanation but hopefully I'm at least starting to make sense. You would not need to unload it but you would need to reload it once you saved the new config version. Just the plugin. Otherwise it is good practice to unload to make changes and load again after.
  12. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    That makes so much more sense, apologies. I didn't realize you were replying to the other comment. Good point though. "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "multiplegrenadelauncher", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.holosight" ], "Ammo": "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot" }, Should look like this in that section. Were you adding it to their held items? (This is an edited version of the default config supplied so yours may look different but it's to show where the Ammo section is and how to change it.
  13. Jbird


    You said that we did not tell how to get flares, and I said that there is a paragraph that explains how to get them. I was responding to your claim and I did not say that you did not read the description. Then as you just said there is also the command. We can and will do some more testing in this regard as well as asking the developer if he'd like to add those Steam Skin IDs anywhere more accessible like perhaps the description. We have had a little bit of feedback of people getting the location error, generally we have an idea of what might be happening and I don't think it has anything to do with roads or monuments, those would be more of an issue for building the base to begin with. I think if anything it may be regarding terrain or placement of the build. Will look more into this and the more detail we can get about locations and bases that are getting this error the better we can find solutions. Do you have TruePVE or any similar plugins that dictate damage on the server? Regarding the turrets that sounds like what might be stopping it but unfortunately need more information there as well. Thank you for the feedback, and we appreciate any extra detail you can offer as well. Otherwise we will be continuing to look into it from our end as well.
  14. Jbird


    Actually the description has a paragraph that explains how to get flares in detail. Give yourself a flare by using your SteamID, and it needs to be one of the SkinIDs from the plugin. If you can give more feedback on it not working when given otherwise with detail then we can look into it further. Was the player throwing the flare on their own base? I would need quite a few more details to troubleshoot that issue but perhaps the one throwing the flare wasn't the owner, or when you copied and pasted it if you were still the one throwing it then perhaps it worked because you became the owner when you 'moved' the base. But otherwise if those instances are not the case just give as much detail as you can and we can sort it out.
  15. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    Currently that isn't an option but I'll bring it up with the developer as a suggestion. My recommendation would just be to have a low amount of patrols or the amount of NPCs in each patrol to make them less troublesome. In my opinion having them set as neutral unless attacked somewhat defeats the purpose of having them, still I will bring it up as perhaps others might like that idea for various reasons as well. Do you have any video of this happening? Are you saying that they are able to do this without the NPCs fighting back or that this is a tactic being used to fight them? There just isn't much context here to know if you're saying that this is an issue or more details on it in general but let us know a bit more to go on.
  16. Jbird

    Defendable Homes

    Will look into this, it somewhat defeats the purpose and the difficulty of building a base and defending it, if you can simply copy and paste bases for it. However many people do use copy paste in many different ways so it is likely we will find at least one solution to this issue if we find that there is one. The reason that it is any kind of an issue is in regards to ownership or something to do with the build, as copy and paste depending on the way things are being pasted, will not always give ownership to the person pasting it, especially when it is used through another plugin for example, or bases that would not normally be able to be built might also be used. The plugin does verify a few things about the base before allowing the event to launch. Thank you for the feedback and suggestion.
  17. Jbird

    Request: Disable /remove

    Drop a ticket if you would in Mad Mappers Discord and we can see what we could do.
  18. Jbird

    Request: Disable /remove

    @Covfefe I think otherwise he is saying, and I'm pretty sure he is right, that you can set this up to allow friends and teammates to do this without allowing it outside of teammates. Basically anyone can edit anything depending on how it's set up.
  19. Jbird

    Request: Disable /remove

  20. Jbird

    Better Npc

    UPDATE NpcSpawn has been updated in anticipation of an upcoming plugin, as well as to allow this option moving forward a bit more easily. The previous message can be ignored, simply update NpcSpawn and change the new option added to the config file to allow targeting custom NPC. Have fun with it! And keep your eyes out for a new plugin coming soon!
  21. Jbird

    Better Npc

    For anyone looking to allow NPCs to attack each other, including plugins that don't really get support otherwise. WARNING: This will use up more of your servers performance Depending on the amount of NPCs you are running between plugins this can cause a noticeable difference, keep that in mind. I am including the direction to change it for yourself as well as a copy of the current file so that it can be used currently. Keep in mind when the plugin updates you will want to take note of these changes and make the changes again. There are 3 changes to be made in the NpcSpawn cs file. Step 1 Change this if (!target.IsPlayer() || target.Health() <= 0f) return false; To this if (target == null || target.Health() <= 0f) return false; Step 2 Remove these lines if (IsCustomScientist(attacker)) { if ((entity as BasePlayer).IsPlayer() || entity.OwnerID.IsSteamId() || entity.skinID == 15446541672) return null; else return true; } Step 3 Change this BasePlayer attackerBP = attacker as BasePlayer; if (attackerBP.IsPlayer()) { if (victimNpc.CurrentTarget == null && victimNpc.CanTargetBasePlayer(attackerBP)) victimNpc.CurrentTarget = attackerBP; return null; } To this BasePlayer attackerBP = attacker as BasePlayer; if (attackerBP != null) { if (victimNpc.CurrentTarget == null && victimNpc.CanTargetBasePlayer(attackerBP)) victimNpc.CurrentTarget = attackerBP; return null; } NpcSpawn.cs Remember that this is the current version of the plugin and once updated will be come outdated and will need the changes above made again. If someone comes here in the future just come to the Mad Mapper Discord though it's easiest to just sort it out there and make any changes at that time. We have a channel for patches just for instances like this.
  22. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Do you have all of the specific quotes? This feels really instigating and unnecessary. First of all the developer likely did not say that, if anyone it was probably me since I do nearly all support for the English speaking community that uses KpucTaJl's plugins. I am not the developer. And depending on the context there are some things that another developer should address to be honest. I know there have been times I have suggested this and I am not flawless, but I usually have a decent idea of what I'm talking about when I speak. So perhaps if all of the names above are going to be dropped why don't any of those people have a conversation with each other instead of you making a public claim about it yourself? The developer and I are actively walking a customer through changing this in the Mad Mapper Discord ticket system. We are aware that NpcSpawn is the reason that it acts the way it does in this context. NpcSpawn has been specifically written to ignore other NPC and only be on the lookout for players. I will not go to look at the name of that person or call them out publicly because that's fucking ridiculous in this context to be honest, but it was literally just within 24-48 hours tops that we were working through this and the developer was able to quickly have them attack back. Progress has already been made and I think the final step was just going to be to allow damage in one particular direction. So to make a callout video was a really unnecessary waste of time when you could instead just ask about it and we could offer a resolution. KpucTaJl has no intention to add this functionality for all NPCs because the most of us in the community do not need NPCs to attack each other and use additional server resources, the players should be the ones killing the NPCs for most of us but as customers and as people in the community, one has but to ask for help and I've rarely known the Mad Mapper team say they won't or can't do something. Perhaps it is for immersion or perhaps it's just a reason to stir shit up. But either way, I will share in this conversation, the final collection of steps (so far only 2) that will allow this to happen as desired. Thank you for the information and I'm sorry you feel the need to present it the way you do, but regardless of what anyone else is saying, this can easily be quoted, there is a button below this message. Please use it if you're going to quote me and do so accurately, as well as other people in the community. If you have any other questions about BetterNpc this would be a great place for those though.
  23. Jbird

    cargo spawning incorrectly

    This is a glitch either thrown by something to do with procedurally generated maps from what we can tell, or otherwise from the plugin that adds recyclers to monuments including Cargo Ship. If you by chance use that plugin I recommend coming to the Mad Mapper Discord @tacman1981 and we could help get that sorted for you. We have a channel for patching interactions like this with plugins that we know of.
  24. Jbird

    Loot Table

    You need to customize the two following locations. oxide/data/DefendableBases/Config This folder will have the config files and in them is the loot table for the Laptop and the Crates oxide/config/DefendableBases.json Has the list of images for additional loot for the Laptop The Mad Mapper discord has a lot of resources in regards to support. I've created a text document to help with customizing DefendableBases loot tables especially the Laptop. I hope that helps @Azraelkekw keep me informed of your progress. You are welcome to open a ticket if you end up joining the Discord.


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