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Everything posted by Jbird
Richtig, wenn es das Update wäre, wäre es wahrscheinlich universell. Es gibt jedoch viele Variablen, einschließlich der Plugins, die wir alle verwenden und welche nicht. Im Wesentlichen schaue ich auf Communities wie die Mad Mapper Community. Sie lernen sehr schnell und teilen mit, was kaputt ist, was sich geändert hat. Zuletzt wurde Rock Splash aus dem Spiel entfernt und der Rangierbahnhof aktualisiert. Weitere Änderungen sind mir selbst nicht bekannt. Es gibt Rust Admin Discord, das hilfreich sein kann, aber Sie bekommen dort auch Idioten, die denken, dass sie wichtiger sind, als sie wirklich sind, und mit anderen herablassen. Danke übrigens für die netten Worte. Ich schätze es sehr. Es war in letzter Zeit etwas rau, also ist jedes gute Feedback nett und wäscht den Schmutz der negativen Leute weg. Excellent, happy to hear this! You are quite welcome.
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You're welcome @S1L3NT happy to help! It was updated a couple times so keep an eye on it since those AI changes just came out.
Thank you for the suggestion. Potential updates are currently being considered so I will add this to the conversation. What version of NpcSpawn do you have currently? What is happening when you get this error? It doesn't look familiar or tell me what is happening with regards to the plugin. If you have Discord the Mad Mapper Discord has a support ticket system and we could look into it even further. The more details you can give us the better in regards to what is happening, when the error occurs, what parts are working what parts are not. I need to know more about what you've tried and what isn't working. Try unloading all plugins, (there is a single command for this) then load just AirEvent and see if it runs properly. If it does, then you'll know that some other plugin is interacting. Let me know if any of that helps and we will go from there and get it working. If I haven't said it yet, making sure everything is up to date including the plugin, and your server files as well. There have been a few oxide and server file updates as well as client side updates since Thursday.
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Have you by chance spoken to that developer to see if they have any ideas themselves? They would know how they are created and might have a simple fix honestly. Did the version update sort things for you in this regard? Will look to see if I know anything more about this but currently don't know what that might be about. Do you have any loot related plugins that control your loot tables?
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NpcSpawn was updated twice since the Rust update has been released.
@WarKingz it's really hard to say, I would potentially open your own Support request to look into it further. Without any context or details I have absolutely no idea though, possible but hard to say without more detail and some context about what would be conflicting. Plugin was also updated again just a couple hours ago.
Glad to hear it! Awesome well at least got one part sorted. Will keep an eye and ear on those errors and see what we can figure out and what you let us know as the wipe goes on. Try removing this plugin or any other that might conflict and could be causing the issues themselves, then reloading the plugin to see if they are possibly causing an issue, perhaps by renaming the boss they are breaking them.
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Patched again just recently @romanulrich
No problem. Let me know if you have any major issues and just get as much detail as possible and we will take care of things.
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NpcSpawn was updated close to 12 hours ago. You can get it at the google drive link in the ReadMe file.
NpcSpawn was updated close to 12 hours ago. You can get it at the google drive link in the ReadMe file.
NpcSpawn was updated close to 12 hours ago. You can get it at the google drive link in the ReadMe file.
NpcSpawn was updated close to 12 hours ago. You can get it at the google drive link in the ReadMe file.
NpcSpawn, the free plugin that you can get via the link in the ReadMe file, has been updated as of this morning maybe around 12 hours ago. That solves the main problems and the rest of the kinks are being worked out ongoing. Stay tuned for more updates and information and let me know if you have any particular issues as we go along.
Thank you for confirming. Need to reproduce sometimes to get the quickest fix but will sort it out. Just need to see what we can do to reproduce this instances since it's not happening everywhere, at least I'm not getting those. A lot of work was put into making NpcSpawn sufficient without requiring much coding changes on all of the other plugins. So this is somewhat intentional to be honest as far as there not being an update for BossMonster just yet. Most of it just needs rewritten due to the AI changes that were implemented. Thank you for the feedback. Need to see what this is referring to especially for it to be frequently. If you have another main console that has more detail with that error or your logs or something that has more information might be helpful to diagnose what the cause of some of the errors that are popping up. The bugs and plugin not working as desired with things like HP and proper navigation so just stay tuned and we will sort it all out as quickly as possible.
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Download the newest version of NpcSpawn. NpcSpawn was released early this morning and an update for DefendableBases was released as well. The Mad Mapper discord had done our best to keep everyone up to date. There are a few reports of issues but they will be addressed quickly. There was a complex system based on the old AI, so it may seem simple but it can be very complex to update. It is being worked on though I assure you it is all being sorted out and should not take long to get back to where we were. Discord servers are easiest honestly to get news out in that regard but I will do my best to help get through the discussions and support requests to take care of this there as well. Sorry that the enemies are derpy but they will be fixed soon. Stay tuned!