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Everything posted by Jbird
@Kleementin you do what you need to do and I'm sorry to hear that, but if your only other option is unreasonable expectations, then that will have to be the direction things go. The team puts out some of the best work that you will find anywhere so it will be an unfortunate loss. We do not have access to every single plugin available. That plugin is also a sold plugin, so myself, or the developer, should buy every plugin that someone else wants to know if it will work? If you don't see how absolutely ridiculous that is then I cannot help you. I want to help you, but I cannot if you refuse to be reasonable. I'm not buying a plugin just to test it for you. I can actually speak for the developer @KpucTaJl and say that he won't want to buy it either. But this is as simple as having a conversation with another person and you refuse to do that, but give me attitude and say you won't buy from the entire team because of it? We have plenty of other customers if you feel that way. Sorry. I have answered your question multiple times, I will reach out to the other developer myself merely out of curiosity, and because I know that like I already told you, they are a responsive and direct developer and will have a very clear answer for your question. At that point that you have the information from the plugin you actually are asking a question about, you can make your decision. Otherwise I am not sure what else I can possibly say friend.
Excellent, glad to hear things are running well! Just let us know if anything else comes up @DarkShdw.
Okay, the wording was confusing then @Kleementin but I thought that might be the case. Perhaps a translation thing, Sounds like a plan, and yes we can see what they say. In regards to the refund request. I will attach the refund policy for you to review KpucTaJl is the only one who could approve this, he is the developer I give support for his work That is not a valid reason to ask for a refund if you ask me The plugin functions as intended You are receiving support Digital purchases are generally always final That being said KpucTaJl is helpful and usually willing to issue discounts on other products or find a compromise <https://codefling.com/refunds/>
You said you still have to confirm it. What should we do if you have not even confirmed if this is an issue? Or if you meant to say that you have confirmed it, then my recommendation would be to ask the developer of that plugin if they can help on their end. As I stated before those plugins are intended for players to my knowledge or at least I would assume. It really seems as simple to ask the developer if they can add a config option to also block NPC damage to bases during those times. If your server revolves around that plugin I hope you area going to them for assistance. They are a responsive developer and I think it would be something that can be done. Cannot hurt to ask.
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Are you by chance in the Mad Mapper Discord? I wouldn't mind taking a look at the config and giving some suggestions or a set of eyes to look over it and make corrections if you're welcome to it. This issue gets a lot of people really lost and sometimes even myself I have to sit down and look at it to be confident in an answer. If you're there or you join just create a ticket and tag me, you can tag KpucTaJl too if you'd like.
There is no such function at the moment. But instead what I would recommend is that instead of doing this, increase the NPC difficulty and firepower? Just a thought and idea. You could for example give rocket launchers to another group that doesn't have them so that there is much more damage and mayhem. The NPC will attack the base even if no players are there, are you sure that perhaps the case is that they have strong bases, and are taking little to no damage due to it being an easier raid intended for smaller weaker bases? Again I think perhaps similarly to the above, the plugin can be balanced to your server if your server, so perhaps if they are made more difficult there would be a better balance?
Hello @DarkShdw no problem at all. First question is, do you use the PveMode plugin? This section is referring to owners of the PveMode plugin and who have it installed. If you do not then these options will not be activated. The definition of the owner is within the config by the default or your own settings, at which point there is an Event Owner. Once that happens then the options above will take place. So if someone and their team get enough points to become the Event Owner (team by association gets the same privileges as the Event Owner. Anyone outside that team or that person would not be able to do certain things if you configure it as such, but only with PveMode installed. Otherwise anyone and everyone can play loot damage and counter.
Excellent, thank you for the follow up and will await that final confirmation as well. If anything else does arise just let us know.
I appreciate that @DarkShdw it does help on support requests to keep them separate even if they are very similar. In your case it appears that there is an error in the config that you should be able to find and fix relatively easily. Line 147 of the config, 8 characters in, the plugin is reading a character that is throwing it off. So either right there or very close to it there was an error, a comma is missing, an extra character is there, a period instead of a comma, something like this perhaps. Please take a look and let us know if you cannot find it, you can share your config here and I can likely fix it quickly. It will be good for you if you can find and fix it though so give that a try first. Either way we will be here until the resolution is found.
Sounds like a plan we will await those results.
- #arctic research base
- #ch47
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Most of them are coming from the hackable crate, the chinook event. If you'd like to disable that event until we are able to patch that issue and keep it from happening. They are spawning with the crate and not despawning if it leaves. Most of us like that it works this way but it does add up in regards to the hackable crate event, it works better in other context.
So the only thing is that I'm not 100% sure on mixing the two if it's going to be that simple, but I do believe that yes it actually is. Most people just use very high percentages and don't realize that even giving something a 50% chance is going to actually spawn A LOT. Organizing smaller percentages makes way more sense otherwise they get too spread out and you nearly never see some things. I would say this is a safe way to use the probabilities. Repeating myself I suppose but yes definitely on to something here and I think once you adjust you'll be happy with the results. No worries I think I've understood everything.
Of course any time. And unfortunately that is the case a lot of times until you start to dive into the code side of things if you do, and you start to think more in code than in just what makes sense. So often things seem simple in our mind but trying to make that happen isn't often nearly as simple. You don't have to disable prefab loot but what you have to understand is that prefabs will have their own percentages and chances, you can only give min and maximums between your choices and then adjust from there. It is assumed that your prefab path or loot table will have it's own chances in place and if you use a plugin then perhaps you can control that as well. To me though it starts to get just as complicated that my advice is nearly always build your own loot table, if you are able and willing. You get exactly what you want that way and so much less confusion and trial and error. You are not the first and won't be the last to try to combine them but get very specific outcomes and it can be very difficult to find those percentages and settings that will get it fine tuned, versus taking the extra time to build it yourself and having very little work to do afterwards. The confidence in getting the right things is too high not to want to do the work for it, for myself. Alternatively I would say to just use the path and items that you want but realize that doing a hybrid like that, getting the percentages and chances to work in a specific way is always going to be much easier if you just build the loot table yourself. Solid thought and tactic as well simply adjusting the percentages sometimes you can find a balance. I still think that when combining two loot table options though it is best to expect some chaos or a lot of trial and error testing different settings until it's dialed in.
- #arctic research base
- #ch47
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It does make sense but that works differently than what you are looking to do. That is for adding multiple prefabs to pull from, so lets say you use 3 prefab paths, you can then use the chance to make one more likely than another. I think it might be a bit too complicated to try to do probability between multiple loot types that starts getting very complex. Within one loot type though it is much simpler. Hopefully my explanation makes sense as well.
You could get creative and sell the command or something like that, where the server would send the command which would allow it to properly work. Giving them admin to use the command would be less than ideal. This would be my suggestion at least. There are a few ways that could be done at this point in the modding game. I don't know of any off the top of my head by name but I know that they aren't hard to find and even most store type plugins allow commands to be sold.
- #broken cars
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So far we have had a few instances of this but have not found a culprit yet @Ondraasek. What do you use for loot tables on your server? Wondering if I might be on my way to the common denominator.
Forgot to actually reply to this before but did take note of the suggestion and just wanted to say thanks for the feedback. Perhaps simply finding a larger number of patrols that fits better might work. There is likely a reason they are preferring that side, would need to see the map to know though so just a guess. But perhaps a larger number would fill in the gaps.
- #boat
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