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Share what happens in console when you reload the plugin. oxide.reload HarborEvent Most likely issues might be that you did not install NpcSpawn.cs (see ReadMe file) or perhaps are missing data files? Take a look at those two possibilities and also give me the reload notes and response and we can see what's going on.
By the way what happens is they were standing on the arm in the beginning of wipe. But once the arm moves it stops in random positions. This was an oversight when the plugin was originally released, actually took awhile for people to notice to be honest or some people noticed and fixed it quicker than others haha.
I have this list posted in the Mad Mapper Discord @WarKingz but I will just post it here. BetterNPCs that I could do without Different position # means you have a newer version of the plugin Positions are being removed as we find them in updated versions of the plugin In those instances just go by the actual X,Y,Z as opposed to the position # Airfield Data File oxide/data/BetterNpc/Monument/Airfield.json Npc Set #2 "Mercenary" Position #2 "(-106.6, 3.2, -96.6)", Position #5 "(-109.5, 3.2, 49.9)", Position #17 "(96.8, 3.2, -88.9)", Npc Set # 4 "Porter" Position # 4 "(-17.0, 3.3, -96.4)" (delete the comma above it as well) Npc Set # 5 "Scientist Position # 2 "(-29.1, 3.3, -91.1)", Launch Site Data File oxide/data/BetterNpc/Monument/Launch Site.json Npc Set # 5 "Scientist" Position # 32 "(114.4, 5.0, -79.7)" (delete the comma above it as well) Giant Excavator Pit Data File oxide/data/BetterNpc/Monument/Giant Excavator Pit.json NPC Set # 2 "Workman" Position # 14 "(54.9, 15.1, -31.4)", Position # 15 "(53.3, 17.6, -38.6)", Position # 16 "(38.5, 17.6, -36.0)", Position # 17 "(43.3, 17.6, -43.5)", Position # 18 "(50.4, 22.1, -39.5)", Position # 19 "(41.6, 22.1, -41.5)", Position # 20 "(40.4, 24.6, -33.7)", Position # 21 "(39.6, 24.6, -20.6)", Position # 22 "(30.7, 30.1, -0.4)", Position # 23 "(27.2, 31.1, 8.3)", Position # 24 "(26.1, 35.6, -8.0)", Position # 25 "(21.2, 35.7, 5.1)", Position # 26 "(28.5, 35.7, 8.1)", NPC Set # 3 "Porter" Position # 1 "(61.0, 10.0, -89.6)", Position # 2 "(78.6, 10.0, -81.1)", Thank you for the reminder as I believe I'll be adding 1-2 lighthouse positions to add to that list and update soon. If you want to look into those it may be good practice to troubleshooting and removing NPCs with problematic paths or spawn points.
Just wanted to check in @Kleementin have you had a chance to look into this further lately?
Are you by chance in the Mad Mapper Discord? If you are start a ticket and tag me. Either way have you tried running the command to start the event manually? Perhaps the timer is longer than you're expecting for it to start. You can reduce the time between the event spawns it will just run often. This isn't any issue until you add multiple events and you may want to then spread them out.
I think what you might need to do would be to continue to work with the balance of the percentages. It is still slightly confused as it seems to make sense but I'm not sure if I am simplifying it in my head. I think just perhaps the loot coming from the prefab is going to have the prefab chances, which I am assuming is the largest reason for this not working as you're intending as of yet. One part does sound contradictory though because you ask for it to have individual chance added but then in the same sentence said that they have each individual config options to change it, which is true. So you may need to clarify there just a bit for me.
Being discussed @Covfefe really there are simpler ways if you're asking me haha. But yes I get where you are coming from and only need to confirm this and go through the library to consider this suggestion in regards to all events. Can this be achieved with all in case it might be desired again by others. We are looking into and considering this especially once I've had a chance to test it myself likely tonight to confirm that there is no other way to trigger the end of the event. Sometimes it's hard to really be confident without going and running the event myself. Stay tuned and thank you for the suggestion.
To be honest my initial response would be to try reducing the timer. Would that potentially work? Some events have a longer timer than necessary in some opinion but that would be my initial suggestion. Then have a short window to begin again if you like for it to run often.
This will be updated the same way any plugin would be updated, but to also reword it, the process is the same as installing it in the beginning. Exactly the same honestly. Download this new version, then place it into your plugins folder. It is generally that simple unless the directions add more notes or the config (rarely happens) needs to be deleted and reconfigured. If you have any issues with that and need help with it though just let us know @tonipink1981.
@Paul H. @0athbound Are you by chance in the Mad Mapper Discord or would you mind joining? If you are there or if you join open a ticket and tag me. I can get you a list of locations to remove. They will be fine there until someone runs Excavator when the arm moves, they will float in place or they will respawn back in their same location even though the arm moved. This was just an oversight on the original locations. But we have a list compiled so that you can remove those and will not have the issue again. It resolved itself likely by the excavator being placed back into the default position for you @Paul H..
To be honest I feel like it would be something that veteran players are really going to abuse against players with less knowledge of the plugin the server or the game in general. Just a thought though I feel like maybe PvE servers would find this more interesting if anything. Suggestion noted though and will discuss. Suggestion noted but foundation wipes are awesome! I do feel like that's a solid idea, again definitely will be discussed and considered. You could just choose timer or amount, but part of the difficulty with that is that the config is set up to give X amount of NPC every X seconds for X seconds. There is already a lot being calculated and written into the plugin. So while it is a simple idea it might actually be a bit complicated or time consuming to add in. That being said maybe an option for X short waves at X seconds and that event wave will end when the final short wave were all killed. I used to be very partial to things looking more realistic like things not despawning for example. But with time I have let a lot of that go and am more concerned with performance and compatibility between events and plugins. Trying to keep everything working as they are all updated or Facepunch breaks stuff. Stay tuned though I like this idea and maybe K will too! This should be doable. We have a bit of a rotation on workload like updates versus new projects, in my head it seems like this one should be simpler even in regards to the code side of things. But as with all of the ideas and suggestions, will be discussed with K and see what we come up with! Thank you for all the ideas and suggestions.
Kicking around ideas for how to potentially implement this idea. Will be brought forward as a suggestion and considered for when the developer is doing updates to older plugins as opposed to working on new ones. PVE mode was built more for the events originally but it was adapted to work for Bosses so that another team could not come up and do minimal damage to the boss but get the last shot and take the loot. It's a way to make that part of competing for a boss fair. At the moment I don't have an idea for making that work but as I said we will consider it and see what we can come up with. Thank you for sharing the idea.
- #abilities
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Set a limit to the amount of turrets allowed on a base to be eligible to start the event. To save peoples computers from having an aneurysm you can set a maximum amount of turrets on the base for defenses. It cheapens the event and can cause strong frame drops especially with certain ammo or attachments people could crash peoples gameplay potentially even the server in some instances if not limited. This was requested by the community.
Absolutely, any time @ErMonito especially easy fixes like that!
- #broken cars
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No you did nothing wrong at all this is normal. Teaching NPCs to walk on the prefab properly is challenging so at the moment they are stationary. I do believe that it is coming up in the queue before long that this will be attempted again and may change soon but at the moment due to the placement of the monument and also part of it being submerged, they are indeed stationary. We hope you still enjoy the event and it does not take too much from the realistic feel. If you have other questions let us know, but you can also keep an eye out for a future update that may add movement to this plugin and to the AirEvent!
Nexus I'm most interested in but that was something the modded community was trying to do that they said hey we are gonna do that, then it's been pretty quiet lately. The Industrial stuff while it's cool, is way too much. I like things that have happened that balance the game and have sweaty players struggling a bit against average players where they didn't use to. But the recoil update was awesome, absolutely awesome. Most of this other shit I have no idea why it keeps getting added and why server owners end up tasked with several bug fixing updates at various intervals most months. Yeah balancing events can be difficult for many owners for sure, there are quite a few that are better than just good, but trying to have all of them and keep them from all running at the same time is a must unless you want to wonder where your RAM has gone. Haven't heard much about the multithread move but that would potentially be epic if they did!
- #abilities
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Nice good call @0athbound not work some people want to do but I pretty much always recommend it when people ask my opinion on what to do. We are here any time you need it, so you are quite welcome. Thank you for letting us know it's been sorted.
Correct @ErMonitoyou will change that line to true like you've done as an example. Reload the plugin and you will be good to go.
I totally respect and agree with a good amount of your opinion. I think too much is added and too little is optimized. The game has been improved but not optimized in my eyes. But at the same time, I have seen hosts mishandle files or have poorly written applications and dashboards, I have seen server owner/admins, myself included, do all kinds of stuff, usually innocent or by trial and error. I've seen sever hosts withhold access to things or have a process that deletes or corrupts files on an unfortunately regular basis. Allow me to ask questions because with only the information that something is happening on the server, during the operation of this plugin, it is reasonable to question the server limits. When the server hits its limit, NPCs and animals will become inactive or dormant, whatever word you want to use for it they will stop moving and if anything attack from where they are, but sometimes will stop all movement and action. Sometimes when asking a question nobody is assuming anything, pointing fingers, or firing bullets. They are just asking a question and if the answer is no then that option is ruled out and the solution can continue to be worked towards.
- #abilities
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You have done fine, something changed it might have even been other things that were added to the minicopter with other plugins so no worries, originally the button was higher and not noticable but eventually an update by Facepunch or another plugin had pushed it down. The new update is awesome! The location and angle are perfect. The fuel spawn amount is perfect. I had an issue with not being able to put fuel into a locked fuel container but I figure with that you give a starting amount of fuel and let them respawn a new one if they get low on fuel, so no worries there and I have the ability to add locks so it's not necessary I just tested it. I have them all spawn with 0 fuel so people would not abuse it and spawn it repeatedly to load up on fuel. Just to explain, the other plugin added a search light, so when it had both plugins adding a search light, what ended up happening is one light would always be on once you pressed the button, when you would press the toggle button the one from your plugin would turn off, and the one from the other would turn on. I wanted to keep both so that even players without the ability to use these, could still have a search light. You can close this out again everything is perfect, I just wanted to clarify and say great work!
The best hosts actually look into it first and make sure. As long as you think they did or they said they did then perhaps they are correct but it's always worth double checking that things are as they should be and nothing is out of place. Mad Mapper Discord has a ticket system and a lot of resources so it could definitely be worth it if you'd like. Thank you for checking and verifying. Is that by chance then shared with multiple users, or do you have access to the whole thing? Looks like solid stats so I'm not thinking it is performance unless it is loaded with users running games and might be maxed out enough. I am looking for anything that could be in common between the two of you reporting the same thing though to be honest as well so any ideas might help while we look into it.
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KpucTaJl is back soon so I can have him watch this and see what he thinks. Got a good chuckle out of the idea from me so we will see ha. If he does not have a specific idea for it, we could still simply just be creative and use the Boss ability to spawn animals and have them be bears. I know that I have seen animal HP changed so perhaps parameter to change the animal health would be a possibility. Stay tuned!