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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Jbird

    Defendable Bases

    For something like this I would recommend DefendableHomes, it is much more flexible in this way. Consider adding it to a store though you could sell the command to run the event if you really like the idea of buying it.
  2. Jbird

    Power Plant Event

    Those should still arrive on the train actually. Double check your settings and make sure that the timer delay for the train is not too great. Perhaps you shortened the time on the event and the timer for the water to show up is too long. It could be something like this for example. If not then we would need to look to other possibilities if you can confirm that everything is accurate in that regard.
  3. Jbird

    Defendable Homes

    Just to confirm you're talking about allowing the command to work for players not just admin correct? I feel like that negates the reward quite a bit to be honest but I'm sure he might consider making that optionally available for players as well if that's what you meant.
  4. Jbird

    Air Event

    Do you have any video of this by chance? There is nothing built into the AirEvent plugin itself that would cause it so there might be a config option of some kind in that plugin, or an interaction with a 3rd plugin? Have never heard of this happening but have not heard a lot of feedback in regards to that plugin.
  5. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    Coordinate based. They are not able to spawn near or go too close to monuments due to the fact that most of the monuments they could reach, they could get stuck on. This is actually in the roadmap for the plugin but there is no time window at the moment of when that might happen. Depends partially on the min max. If min and max is the same number then it will work to maintain that number. If there is variance in the min and max then perhaps there will not immediately be a replacement in some instances.
  6. Jbird

    Air Event

    There should be yes. What is preventing them in the gyrocopter from landing there? My guess would be it might have a limit in regards to height and that might need edited in some way. You can lower the height of the ship as well but you don't want to go too low and interfere with commercial flights haha.
  7. Jbird

    Defendable Homes

    Can you share what you changed and I can tell you what probably happened. There are parts that you cannot change or you will break the file as it's missing something it needs. Did you perhaps try to remove something? If so you just change that line so that the text is empty "" but the quotations are still there.
  8. Jbird

    Defendable Homes

    Can you explain more of what you mean and what you're asking? Unaware of such an issue and not 100% sure that I follow the question to be honest. If you can clarify a bit I'm sure I should be able to help though.
  9. Jbird

    NPCs flying in the air

    This can be done at any time during a wipe just so you know, the next time the server restarts or the plugin is reloaded, the change will take place. Where were you having floating NPCs by the way? I realized just now that perhaps you had some guys floating at Excavator? That would be a different issue entirely.
  10. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Which custom files are not working, and in what way are they not working? What steps did you take to create the custom file and in what way they are not working? Please provide more context so that we can find a resolution.
  11. Jbird

    Better Npc

    /SpawnPointPos Airfield This will give you the POS in relation to that monument, which is how the plugin is written. It uses locations based on that monument and can be very useful going from one map to another without needing to change these constantly. If it were in relation to the map then they would need changed every single time you change maps, because monuments are not in the same place on the map each time. "Dead Eye" is the 1st preset in that file now. So to add more locations to that file you need to use this command. /SpawnPointAddPOS 1 Airfield The 1 is the preset number, so since you have I believe 6, you will put 1-6 depending on which preset you are trying to add the POS to.
  12. Jbird


    In what way are they not working with that plugin that you're aware of? Have you been speaking to the dev about this already? You could have them reach out to myself on Discord Jbird#1983 and I'll see what it is we are after. We have a few patches for plugins in the Discord but if there is something that can be done I'm sure the devs either way would be willing to make it happen. Thank you for the feedback and suggestion. Keep me posted and I'm sure we can get this working smoothly, shouldn't be a problem.
  13. Jbird


    Welcome to the show! Do you already have it installed? There is some documentation in the description and it is actually pretty well rounded, included default versions of the config files in case you customize them and want to compare to the default again. But if you have specific questions let us know. There are some basic commands that are quite useful there in the description but beyond those everything will be handled in the config files. Again if you have any specific questions just let us know. The Mad Mapper Discord can be very helpful too you can create a ticket there and get one on one help if you get stuck. Have fun with it!
  14. Jbird

    NPCs flying in the air

    Remove custom map files that you are no longer using when you move to a new map, or disable them if you'd like to keep them.
  15. Jbird

    Silly question?

    Huh @Paul H.?
  16. Jbird

    Defendable Homes

    Are you by chance in the Mad Mapper Discord? If you're interested we have a small patch for these types of issues there.
  17. Jbird

    Defendable Homes

    它有助于翻译您所说的内容该网站主要提供英语支持。 目前只有三种类型的 NPC,但您可以自定义每一种,并以您选择的任何方式更改它们。 感谢您的赞美,我们很高兴您喜欢这个插件!让我解决你的帖子。 1)这个想法的问题是插件与计时器相关。它正在倒计时,等待下一批NPC派出。因此,在计时器完成之前,不一定会有一定数量。如果没有出现最终波,您可以调整该波的长度。 2) 欢迎您自定义任何预设。虽然无法按波改变它们,但每波的数量可以极大地改变难度本身。 3)你的想法确实有道理,但他们的目的是让玩家受到攻击,以便较小的 NPC 可以攻击基地,因为他们的目标只是打破那些障碍,火箭是为了压制玩家。它在某些情况下更有意义,但更适合 DefendableHomes 插件。 谢谢你的想法,我很高兴你喜欢这个插件!我希望这些解释是有道理的。
  18. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Not currently, but I think this code might be cracked in the near future! See answer above.
  19. Jbird


    In what way are the magazines not being recognized if I can ask? Are other custom items showing up? Just a little more context if you would please @Raylin it should accept the extended magazine and custom skin ID but if something isn't working we should be able to sort it out one way or another, surely.
  20. Jbird


    Did you continue to pursue using it as a command or did you change to using it as an item with a skin ID? Just curious @Ondraasek
  21. Glad to hear that, thank you for the feedback and follow up! Just let us know if it reoccurs or if anything else comes up.
  22. Did speak to the dev a bit today @Paul H. and essentially it looks like perhaps the prefab path was changed. 1st would you mind reloading the plugin and making sure it loads through all the way up to the Biome files and has no errors? If so would you want to look at maybe a couple examples and check that their loot path is not the issue by either changing to another asset path or a different loot option? You could then reload the plugin and test those specific NPC to see if they throw an error still when killed. Does it appear to perform correctly other than the error? Do you customize your files much, might you have chanced the prefab path for loot tables? Let me know if any of that is helpful if you still wanted to sort this out before 2023!
  23. Jbird

    formal request for support

    In this same "support request" you've discussed not being able to find a dev to work on it, then turned around and said that you won't pass the file on. Not sure how a dev would work on the plugin unless you share the file. Digging that hole deeper. As far as all the things you are saying are happening here on the site, I'm not sure who would continue to purchase plugins from a site if they are truly having those types of issues. It seems to me that if you hear something you don't like you just make claims, deny everything, and make demands on what you expect moving forward. Let me guarantee you that the world doesn't work like that. But good luck if you want to continue to stick to those tactics. Codefling standards are on point with any company that has digital goods for sale like this site does. So you can tell me to calm down and relax all you want to but I've told you multiple times that you can do exactly what you are trying to say that you can't do with the plugin. Beyond that it functions and it is a digital purchase, all sales are final on digital purchase most places you go. The plugin is okay in its current state. It functions as intended, as described, and as shown in the video. You can customize the spawn points. Directions are given in the description. I even wrote a helpful guide and shared in the Mad Mapper Discord. You can remove current spawn locations that you don't want. Nobody has asked you to fix anything. Just configure it the way you want to. Everything you've complained about is fixed by following directions and configuring the plugin. You may owe us no loyalty but you do have to abide by the expectations and policies. If you don't like them there are other places that you can get Rust mods. You can ask for a refund if the plugin doesn't function as it is intended to, or if you are getting no support. You don't get to ask for a refund just because you want the plugin to be rewritten for you to force compatibility with other plugins. I suggest you review the refund policy. https://codefling.com/refunds/ If it is an L then take the L and drop the whole exaggerated drama.
  24. Jbird

    Defendable Bases

    You can disagree all you want to but the plugin comes with a complete Description that explains how spawns work. Yes you should have read the description or even read anything that I've explained to you. I also suggest you read these policies for future reference. The refund policy is included. <https://codefling.com/legal/>
  25. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Thanks for confirming. I am only asking for additional information or follow up questions to find out what is causing the error and if it is affecting you. For peace of mind if you reload the plugin, and it fully loads through all files ending with the Biome files, then you should not have much at all to worry about if anything. Can you confirm your oxide and server files are up to date? There have been a few patches that have come out most of them are optional. Maybe something in oxide has been fixed. If you can confirm all of that then obviously the holiday updates have messed with something and we will get to the bottom of it.


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