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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Jbird


    No worries @tyler macdowell the support tab is there for a reason! In the download there is an Images folder. That whole folder and it's contents need moved into your oxide/data folder then reload the plugin again and let's see if that doesn't take care of things for you.
  2. Jbird

    Defendable Bases

    How did you make it look like I said that too? haha The NPC names can be configured in the data files, they act similar to config files they are just located in the data folder.
  3. Jbird


    Try reloading the plugin and show us what it says then @tyler macdowell oxide.reload AirEvent
  4. Jbird


    Hello @Looneytunes thank you for the heads up. Can you check again? I was about to share the file here or another link to it but I've just tested it and I am getting 2.5.1 at the moment. Let me know if you're still having problems though but you should be getting latest right now.
  5. Jbird

    Defendable Bases

    Yes they can. Quite a bit about them as well including even their look if you wanted to change it.
  6. Jbird

    Exclude NPC_spawner Rustedit

    Hello @GamingHQ you can turn that off in each file, just set the option to false. As far as underground and in caves that is fine as well but if it is under water then you need to put the name of the monument in the main config file. You'll see plenty of examples of how to do it, just create a new line and match the name of your monument and you should be good in that regard.
  7. Jbird

    Not removing other NPC's

    Can you confirm the version of both plugins @Jayson? NpcSpawn BetterNpc One potentially simple fix would be to increase the radius though. Usually isn't a problem to my knowledge so there could be other interactions as well. Are you using oxide or are you using anything else like Carbon or Harmony?
  8. Jbird


    What version of BossMonster and NpcSpawn are you using? When you load or reload the plugin is the plugin fully loading without any errors? What is the min and max on time for them to reappear? If you are not already a member you're welcome to join the Mad Mapper Discord to share any files in a ticket if you'd like.
  9. Jbird

    Arctic Base Event

    We are glad to hear it! I'm sure the creator will never get enough of hearing compliments like that. This and Junkyard are two of my favorites.
  10. Jbird

    Arctic Base Event

    I totally answered your support ticket first haha generally the errors should at least have you able to be looking in the right location. Glad you guys had already sorted it though!
  11. Jbird

    server not loading plugin

    Hi @tonipink1981 along with the download there is a folder with images. This should be placed as follows, if it is not there you can drag the whole folder or create one and move the images. oxide/data/Images Let me know if you have any issue with that.
  12. Jbird

    Server Backup - Error on dupe

    I like to explain it this way as it makes more sense in my opinion. If you increase the aim cone, the cone gets larger that they shoot, and the cone is the spread of their shots. If you picture a cone coming out of the gun, it makes more sense to me that the larger number will make a larger cone for shots, and they will miss. A tiny cone will be precise.
  13. Jbird


  14. Jbird

    roaming across the map

    The fact that they seem to group up is certainly a bit odd, but all of this depends quite a bit on how they are configured. What kind of roam ranges they have, spawn points, things like this can affect it the most in this case. Where are they starting and what are your settings for their roam distance? Their locations can be made more specific or more random and their config can keep them close to those spawns or let them roam. Let me know if that helps @ranna or if you can give more detail, example like screenshots or video, of what you're referring to after looking into your configuration.
  15. Absolutely, if you are to reduce their Sense Range, and give them a very small Vision cone they will essentially do whatever else you tell them to do with their configurations, but those two things will make them essentially blind until provoked. They just still need a long chase range to do anything if attacked from a distance. If you need more help beyond that @Skengerella then feel free to tag me or the developer, and you can also get faster responses from us usually in the Mad Mapper Discord if you use Discord and would like to join us there. It's faster and easier and you can also more privately share your config for review for example. Hopefully those questions help though!
  16. Jbird


    Can you explain what you mean by no effect? Give some example or explanation please.
  17. Jbird


    Can you expand on this a bit? I'm wondering if the main thing you might be asking would be actually referring to PveMode instead of TruePVE which you mentioned.
  18. Jbird

    Plugin Crashes the Server

    Wanted to follow up here @Glew has this issue persisted for you?
  19. Jbird

    No Loot in Lockers.

    No worries especially this plugin has a large configuration file haha. Glad that was so easily sorted though thank you. I believe you might be able to mark this as completed but if not no worries the developer can later. If you have any other questions let us know.
  20. Jbird

    Server Backup - Error on dupe

    An empty folder is not a waste of resources. Also your removal of the empty folder is the reason you are having this error. Return the folder and reload the plugin. The errors will go away because the plugin will fully load, instead of stopping when it gets to the Custom folder, nothing after that has been loading for you.
  21. Jbird

    Server Backup - Error on dupe

    My guess is that one or more files or folders were not created in BetterNpc. Reload the plugin and check console, it does have an extensive loading list but review it and look for anything that does not load or shows an error. You can share the whole list here if you need to.
  22. Jbird

    Water Event

    "List of commands banned in the event zone": [ "/remove", "remove.toggle" ],
  23. Jbird

    Water Event

    "Interrupt the teleport in a submarine? (only for users NTeleportation plugin) [true/false]": true,
  24. Jbird

    No Loot in Lockers.

    Look for this section early in the config. "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/locker/locker.deployed.prefab", "Is it necessary for loot to appear in the container? [true/false]": false, "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/locker/locker.deployed.prefab", "Is it necessary for loot to appear in the container? [true/false]": false,


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