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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Jbird

    Water Patrol

    No they spawn automatically. No they spawn automatically. No they spawn automatically. No they spawn automatically. haha sorry I had to
  2. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    What loot option do you have selected? If you have the time I would recommend coming to the Mad Mapper Discord and opening a ticket to be honest might be faster back and forth and easier to sort that otherwise.
  3. You can use the one that is there by default as an example. You can add multiple as well, and it will pull a whole loot pull from that container. Does that make sense @CaptainNebulous?
  4. Jbird


    If you have not yet, you should consider creating a ticket in the Mad Mapper Discord server so that we can more quickly respond and review information including configs, videos, or anything else. I think we might get lucky and one plugin is the only thing we need to deal with that is affecting multiple damage related scenarios for you. Can you give an example for when the error is occurring? What is the other activity in which this error was found? You may be misunderstanding PveMode. It is used to lock the loot to the person or team who does the most damage for BetterNpc. It does not just automatically block damage for anything it is used as API for other plugins. It can block damage within event plugins, by going into the config for that event and setting the configuration the way you would like it. There still is damage until an event owner is designated. There are other plugins like TruePVE that can restrict damage further. PvP zones can be created inside the event areas for example with something like this. But the other specifics like this I will allow you to consider what you're looking for. If you have questions about PveMode just let me know.
  5. Jbird

    Harbor Event

    My suggestion would be to join the Mad Mapper Discord and create a ticket there. None of this is normal behavior so surely there is a reason you are having these issues. We can more quickly review your specific issues and investigate how they are coming to be. We need to be able to reproduce issues or diagnose them to be of more help.
  6. Jbird

    Npc Spawn

    I would teleport to those areas and investigate a bit to begin to narrow down which NPCs they are and why they are having problems spawning there. That should allow you to explain which NPCs they are. What map is this happening on?
  7. Jbird

    Arctic Base Event

    Are you in the Mad Mapper Discord? I think maybe something is missing or broken in the config. Try making a copy of it then deleting it from the server, reload the plugin again and see if you still have this issue.
  8. Jbird

    Arctic Base Event

    Reload the plugin and show me everything you get in response from your server console.
  9. Sledge is an example and killfeed is being shown blocked both directions.
  10. @GamingHQ { "KillerType": "Sledge", "VictimType": "Player", "DamageType": "*", "Messages": [ "" ] }, { "KillerType": "Player", "VictimType": "Sledge", "DamageType": "*", "Messages": [ "" ] } As an example you could empty out the message for anything coming from a bunch of Sledge NPCs. I would just remove their messages this way "" instead for whatever NPCs you wish to remove from chat.
  11. @Robert Stevens you were showing a chinook leaving the map and the entities all being destroyed as it left the map. example.cmd looks like an error from copying and pasting or leaving text in an example field. It's not a command and should be removed from wherever the command was being submitted.
  12. I think you mean the CS file. It is included as a link in a few different places @NadeMurdoXx. Have you not installed the plugin?
  13. Jbird

    Request: Max active bosses

    I would say that TimedExecute is a very ideal format in my opinion, once set up initially if it works to your liking then you don't have to touch it for quite some time again and it will continue to do what it is scheduled to do. You also mentioned with BetterSay as with some other plugins these alerts can be made pretty noticeable which I like, agree on, and also find it worth it @thepiercedweirdo. Understand that my main reason for suggesting these things is so that you have an immediate answer to your question and thought. I forward and organize all ideas for KpucTaJl and always have him look for himself at suggestions like this, and we communicate very well and try to organize all ideas. This is a human method so it has flaws things are missed forgotten or not able to be done sometimes. At some point he likes to spend time creating new things. Often though after making a large update to an existing plugin we get many suggestions again immediately after releasing it. I only say this in the developers defense and because he would never say it himself he is very proud and is a hard worker. This is just something to consider that I see as a third party and would like to voice as his lead and sole support. When I can see a solution that doesn't require more work and updates for an existing plugin, I like to suggest and work with those whenever possible so that he can go through his large library and to rotate through them, while also finding time to work on new projects as well. All ideas are shared and considered but some may take months to come back around and get worked on. I only want to make sure you have options now as this plugin was updated recently and it will be at least a little while before it will be given new features again. I do appreciate your understanding. That final decision is with KpucTaJl anyway I can only speak for him to such an extent and I will allow him to speak for himself as a final decision. I hope that's a more thorough answer to your question. I've recently considered and will have a better method in his and my communication gathering and sharing of community requests and ideas as well as our internal plans and ideas so this will help to make sure ideas do not slip through the cracks. It is not to say that every idea that we hear will get approved eventually, but all will be considered and any that are able and make sense to myself the developer and with the whole community in mind, then I am sure it is just a matter of time.
  14. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Just in case this doesn't get noticed or responded two fast enough, I would say the Mad Mapper Discord would be my first suggested stop and otherwise the Carbon Discord would be a good stop or resource as well to ask this. The Discussion tabs on the site are not usually terribly busy, steady but not busy if that makes sense.
  15. Jbird

    Harbor Event

    Harbor Event was given a very large update and the 2.1.1 notes warn that making a copy of, and deleting the old config is necessary. You may have upgraded past this version without realizing it or noticing the notes. What version of NpcSpawn and Convoy do you have?
  16. Jbird

    Request: Max active bosses

    Can do a countdown and keep showing the message every minute as an example for the last few minutes. With that much experience @thepiercedweirdo I have faith that you would be able to communicate this to your player base or explain it or to set it up to warn them enough. Start the timer at 10 minutes and then maybe when you get to 30 seconds you add a chat command every 5 seconds. If the players don't see it, well that's kind of on them at that point. Just an idea, at some point the players need to pay attention, some things end when you don't want them to, sometimes you're on Oil Rig a bit late and it starts leaving the island and you just started hacking the crates, hey this is Rust!
  17. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    There is already an ability to call a specific bot in. Forwarded this to the developer as a suggestion though. Thank you for sharing!
  18. Jbird

    Rubberband Effect

    Awesome thank you for confirming @Bones64Z and glad to hear it!
  19. Jbird


    Try this to see if it helps with the problem. Open the PveMode plugin, the CS file. Change Line 858 from this if (bradley == null) return; to this if (bradley == null || bradley.net == null) return; then test it when you have a moment and see if you still get the error.
  20. Jbird

    Bugged Bad!

    Sounds like a plan @Stampy let us know either way.
  21. Jbird

    Request: Max active bosses

    Makes sense @thepiercedweirdo , only issue I see with that is that you can spawn them at certain intervals but will not be able to only have X number active at a time without killing them at some point. But I'll let you chew on that I'm sure you'll find something that works. Maybe use the plugin to issue a message to chat that says "Boss Name will die in X minutes" so that they have a warning and know not to waste any more ammo or meds or to hurry up and kill it ha.


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