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Everything posted by Wrecks

  1. Wrecks

    Bot Purge Event

    Should be, I don’t see why not
  2. Wrecks


    Version 0.0.3


    Spice up your chat with Factoid. Factoid is a light plugin I made to drop little bitesize pieces of info here and there. API KEY NEEDED You can grab a free API key from this site https://api-ninjas.com/api/facts using my API Requests at the default interval allows me to print messages all wipe long, But you can adjust as needed. Config { "API KEY": "INSERT_API_HERE", "Announcement Interval": 631, "Chat Icon": 0 } Thanks for viewing! - Wrecks
  3. Wrecks

    Mercenary Ranks

    Thank you! Enjoy
  4. Wrecks

    Mercenary Ranks

    Its already in there , completely forgot
  5. Wrecks

    Mercenary Ranks

    Let me try to take a look into this, thanks for reminding me
  6. Wrecks


    Got this done, working on a few more additions before i update it.
  7. Wrecks


    Thank you! Same to you as well
  8. Wrecks


    I’d have to take a look at it and see I’m sure it’s possible. Busy with kids birthdays and holidays been doing family stuff so I’m backed up, but will add it to the list
  9. Wrecks


    Thank you! Will work on that
  10. Wrecks


    { "Crate Chance (Out of 100%)": 0, "Crate To Spawn In": "crate_elite", "Explosion Damage": 1000, "Explosion Radius": 1, "Maximum in Crate": 0, "Minimum In Crate": 0, "Splash Damage": 450 } using this config, it almost one shots bradley on test, True PVE is unloaded while doing this test.
  11. Wrecks


    Send the configuration
  12. Wrecks

    Loot Crate

    Yeah you could just add the item, which is a large Halloween loot bag, and skin it. you can also set the spawn rate to 0 in the world to prevent it from being obtained any other way.
  13. Wrecks

    Trouble loading image

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to 0.0.3
  14. Wrecks

    Trouble loading image

    No problem glad you got it working!
  15. Wrecks

    Trouble loading image

    Just verified on the server i run, the image is loaded and displays on headshot kill
  16. Wrecks

    Trouble loading image

    I hosted on Dropbox and Discord before shouldn’t be an issue, but you can also try refreshallimages in f1 and then reload those plugins that use image library. I find that to work when I have image library issues. and I haven’t had any issues with headshot or long shot with the people that have been running them
  17. Wrecks


    Thank you!
  18. Wrecks


    Will mess with it when I get a chance
  19. Wrecks


    Maybe but it would probably overlap and get annoying with many audio cues unless it was on a cooldown basis. I know XdQuest has custom audio in data so I’m sure it’s possible in a way..
    This map hits the theme perfectly! The custom monuments are very nicely done. My favorite Monument is the Castle, it looks crazy spooky at night The Players are super excited to explore this one! Great work as always!
  20. Wrecks


    In the description, its advertised as 3 configurable Geodes. Adding new ones is not in this, and if they were they would probably be geode items and not crystals as crystals wont fit my plugin theme.
  21. Wrecks


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  22. Wrecks


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  23. Wrecks


    At the moment just these I have setup
  24. Wrecks


    Version 0.0.6


    Compliment your Players Long distance kills, with the Longshot Plugin. Drag and drop this into your plugins folder, and Longshot Kills will be complimented with a customizable Icon for distances ranging from 100m, 200m, 300m & 400m. Position is easily modifiable. Icon pops on Longshot and Fades away smoothly. This plugin is also compatible with Headshot. If Headshot is Loaded, the Longshot medal will show once the UI position is clear, so no need to have the Longshot UI and Headshot UI in different Locations. Works on NPCS / Animals. Medal Tracking Players can use the command /longshots To view medals they have earned, medals can also be cleared on wipe via config. { "100M Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/md1n0dka5ecs2ly61mczn/100M.png?rlkey=ar61af2coyz5vwqsjjf6rbtkt&dl=1", "200M Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dyjtshcpvxjpxub6tgw61/200M.png?rlkey=9tmwih3erdxqvyxnq3p5fhfoy&dl=1", "300M Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7lqmy1fzvyir7rfo5xjpv/300M.png?rlkey=idomesobc9uwlswrkjw1dwkje&dl=1", "400M Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yrt06v9h25e1z17d65rwp/400M.png?rlkey=oduadtjddq4n7ywmuavuzmvx4&dl=1", "UI Location (top right, top center, top left, center, mid center": "top right", "Longshot SFX": "assets/prefabs/misc/easter/painted eggs/effects/silver_open.prefab", "Clear Medals on Wipe?": false }


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