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Everything posted by Wrecks

  1. Send your config I’ll try on test in a few
  2. Wrecks


    Version 0.0.5


    During my Halo and COD Days Sniping was extra satisfying where you would get a "MarksMan" Icon on Headshot Kills. Drag and drop this into your plugins folder, and Headshot Kills will be complimented with a customizable Icon. Position is easily modifiable. Icon pops on headshot and Fades away smoothly. HEADSHOT ICON IF YOU NEED TO HOST YOURSELF Medal Tracking Players can use the command /headshots To view medals they have earned, medals can also be cleared on wipe via config. Config { "Headshot Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/szx56bu8zh99hgon258ii/HEADSHOT.png?rlkey=dvf34q6jjeuqntx2o1yad44ns&dl=1", "UI Location (top right, top center, top left, center, mid center)": "top left", "Clear Medals on Wipe?": false } Video Demo
  3. Wrecks

    Launch Pad

    Easy to setup and super fun! Paired it with paraplanes, Its a blast!
  4. Wrecks


    Yeah limit is one, was to prevent dupes I’ll look to change that soon. Glad you enjoy!
    This plugin makes developing plugins that much quicker for me, even though the file is for VS, I was still able to copy over my commonly used snippets over to Jetbrains, Takes a bit of effort, but it works! Thank you for making this, and I hope you can add some of the newer hooks soon
  5. Already added that but it announces on a timer or via command.
    Was needing a Plugin with this utility for a minute! MuB was quick to answer any questions I had about using the plugin, and would add any event via request which is great support as there is new events popping up all the time its hard to keep up Overall the UI sells it for me, as easy as it is to setup all your events, as often as you want them to roll out and even on a Randomizer!
  6. Wrecks


    Anytime, Glad I could be of assistance!
    I thought about grabbing the free version but I ended up grabbing this one for the extra features. Setup was fairly simple, but it does take a bit of effort on the end user, but that was to be expected Now my players get their Votes in and get their Loot Crates and Skill Points based on how many votes they accumulate that wipe. I wish I had gotten it sooner!
    Give your players a break from the Vanilla Rust Fishing Experience Plug-in Setup is very easy and the Config Settings make it very simple to set up Randomized Fishing Zones that you can fine tune to meet your servers needs. This is another New Guy PvE / RP Server Gem.
  7. Wrecks

    Mercenary Ranks

    Yeah every level is configurable as long as it increments from the previous. NPCS track by default animals is configurable. players I need to work on as I’m usually on test solo. and yeah the effect can always be changed later in config when I get all that done
  8. Wrecks

    Mercenary Ranks

    Going to push this soon for the people that own it, going to add fields for personalization , example, importing your own background, rank up text, pre max rank icon, max rank icon, etc. (Customization options will come when i get a chance to set all that up)
  9. Wrecks

    Mercenary Ranks

    Thanks for the feedback, def in the plans
  10. Version 0.3.1


    Reward your players based on a "XP" (Per Kill System) UI Elements can be disabled in config, Image Library Isn't needed. You can configure how many levels, and how many kills per level to grant your players a "Rank Up" Messages show to chat that players have increased their Rank level upon Completion. Pay your players via Economics, Server Rewards, Items / Customized Items, And even Commands. Log Rank Ups to Discord. SERVER PANEL HOOKS HOOK TO SHOW ACCOLADES - OPENMERCRANKSPANEL HOOK TO SHOW PRESTIGE - OPENMERCRANKSPRESTIGE Using the rank system needs the use permission. Receiving items needs the items permission, and to receive commands needs the commands permission. Payout Payout is as followed. Rank 1 , receives a payout of 1k if you set 1k as base pay grade. Rank 2 receives a payout of 2k, so on and so forth. Paygrade percentage bonus is for VIP permission holders. Rank Setup When setting up Ranks, Be sure to have unique keys in incrementing values on the way up the ladder, Do not , for example set, Rank 1-20 1 kill each, as the player will shoot straight to the last rank. Increment like i have it in the config example. Plugin now handles stepping correctly. Unique keys are needed but kills can be the same amount. Prestige Setup This is optional, You can setup as many prestige ranks as you want. Setup Item rewards and command rewards as a one off on prestige acceptance. You can setup Lang Keys in the Lang File, To show Custom Descriptions per Prestige. You can setup a Base Emblem and Max Rank Emblem, There is a "ShadowBox Feature, Which unlocks for the player once they prestige." This will Display Current Emblem Holdings and Max Rank Emblems if they maxed that Prestige. Customization There are fields in config where you can personalize your Base Icon, Max Rank Icon, Rank Up BG, Rank Up Image, And Rank Up Text Banner. Doing this would take a bit of image editing software skills. In the config below I paste in The Alternate Theme I used in the screenshots. You can Download the file links in config, and use the dimensions to make your own, It may take a bit of work but it is possible If anyone needs help and needs a custom theme setup, feel free to message me on Discord - WrecksOnTheBeat Command Setup Target your player that ranks up with the {id} for the tag when running a command, ill also show you in config how to do this. Commands /topmercs - will print to the executor the top 5 merc ranks on the server /wiperank "playername" - wipes data for that specific player /mrwipe - will wipe data for everyone /myrank - will display current rank if ranked, and how many kills to hit the next rank /rankui - will display a UI with current rank in left hand corner (Custom Pos settings coming soon) Needs Use Perm /MRPRESTIGE - OPTIONAL, THE RANK UI EMBLEM CAN BE USED AS A BUTTON TO OPEN THIS MENU. THIS OPENS THE PRESTIGE MENU /MRMAX - REQ ADMIN PERM - SETS USER TO MAX RANK, USEFUL FOR TESTING PRESTIGE Data clear commands need the admin perm. UI Demo Toggleable Merc Rank Counter, When the player reaches the Max Rank Defined in Config, The Skull goes Red to show they are at Max. Rank up Will pop up and Fade away on level up. Video Demo LANG { "RankUp": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] <color=#20f0a0>{0}</color> has reached Mercenary Rank <color=#20f0a0>{1}</color>", "RankCheck": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] Your current Rank: <color=#20f0a0>{0}</color> \nTo rank up, Confirm <color=#20f0a0>{1}</color> Kill(s).", "NoRank": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] You are currently <color=#5ccdcd>Unranked</color>, in order to Rank Up, Confirm <color=#cd5c5c>{0}</color> Kill(s).", "RankMax": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] Your <color=#20f0a0>Rank</color> is at the highest Tier, Outstanding!", "PayoutEco": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Payout</color>] Payment in the form of <color=#bb9b65>$</color><color=#85bb65>{0}</color> has been credited to your account.", "PayoutSR": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Payout</color>] Payment in the form of <color=#5ccdcd>{0}</color> <color=#cd5c5c>RP</color> has been credited to your account.", "WipeData": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] <color=#5ccdcd>All</color> Player Data has been <color=#cd5c5c>Wiped</color>.", "WipePlayer": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] Player Data has been wiped for <color=#cd5c5c>{0}</color>.", "WipeFail": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] Player Data not found.", "NoPerms": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] You do not have the <color=#5ccdcd>Clearance</color> to run this <color=#cd5c5c>Command</color>.", "Hardcore": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] <color=#5ccdcd>Hardcore Mode</color> is Enabled, Your <color=#5ccdcd>Rank</color> Has been <color=#cd5c5c>Reset</color>.", "NotifyPrestige": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] You are currently able to Prestige, To enter Prestige, Click the Rank UI or Type <color=#cd5c5c>/MRPRESTIGE</color>.", "MaxPrestige": "Your <color=#5ccdcd>Prestige Rank</color> is at the Top Rank, Outstanding!", "LastPrestigeNotMaxRank": "You are at the final <color=#5ccdcd>Prestige</color> but still have Ranks to Complete!", "Prestige": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] You have reached Prestige Rank <color=#cd5c5c>{0}</color>.", "CannotPrestige": "You do not meet the requirements to Prestige, In order to Prestige, You need to reach the Max Rank of <color=#cd5c5c>{0}</color>", "Prestige1": "Welcome To Prestige 1\n Upon Accepting, Your Rank will reset, but you will gain these Instant Rewards \nADD IN LANG. \nYou will also gain a payout percentage increase of ADD IN LANG", "Prestige2": "Welcome To Prestige 2\n Upon Accepting, Your Rank will reset, but you will gain these Instant Rewards \nADD IN LANG. \nYou will also gain a payout percentage increase of ADD IN LANG\nAdd More keys like this for more Prestige Levels" } CONFIG { "Announce Top Mercs To Chat Every x Seconds": 3600, "Discord Webhook URL": "INSERTURLHERE", "UI Location (top right, top center, top left | left center, right center | bottom left)": "bottom left", "UI Base Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vz60n3lvqekn9abj5vywg/mriconbase2.png?rlkey=aqq27j36kyz6vi9qtmdth5bdm&dl=1", "UI Max Rank Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/99jg9ztca9qpcui8mf4kn/mriconmax2.png?rlkey=qlp7bxy28gg1c7h56x5sbz2fr&dl=1", "Rank Up Background": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7z4icxe54kigytu4fmbgv/Untitled.png?rlkey=yguxnrqxmgri5gyrkrdszg7il&dl=1", "Rank Up Main Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ugd5b9x02d0bzg7spfh4q/mriconmax256.png?rlkey=k7o841nyzu66hrcwrmpd920c9&dl=1", "Rank Up Text Banner": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/i9jie4ueo69krotb4pnak/Rank-Up-Blue.png?rlkey=ikpj0vbfd1ibpz1ehjg9s5i45&dl=1", "Prestige Banner": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m73enxmlaoba6zixl6v8g/PRESTIGEMENUBANNER.png?rlkey=ahtj2qm7y14gua43mwyvltwr5&st=cp73kax8&dl=1", "Accolades Banner": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/buoo5mzkcip98y0hu9vy4/ACC.png?rlkey=nwufwsl5svbyprhfm7r22ylbl&st=jhodfh4e&dl=1", "Prestige Main Text Color": "0.4745098 0.09803922 0.8627452 1", "Prestige Accept Text Color": "0.09803923 0.854902 0.7552722 1", "Prestige Close Text Color": "0.854902 0.5248789 0.09803923 1", "Current Prestige Text Color": "#20f0a0", "Next Prestige Text Color": "#20f0a0", "Prestige Text Font": "permanentmarker.ttf", "Rank Up SFX": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/gold_open.prefab", "Economics Payout SFX": "assets/prefabs/deployable/vendingmachine/effects/vending-machine-purchase-human.prefab", "Server Rewards Payout SFX": "assets/prefabs/deployable/dropbox/effects/submit_items.prefab", "Economics Enabled?": true, "Economics Payout Amount": 500, "Server Rewards Enabled?": false, "Server Rewards Payout Amount": 2000, "Payout Bonus Per Level For VIPS (%) (On top of PayGrade Increase)": 5, "Register Animal Kills Towards Rank?": true, "Register Player Kills?": false, "Hardcore Mode Enabled? (Resets Rank)": false, "Clear Ranks on Wipe?": true, "Kills Required Per Level": { "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3 }, "Enable Global Rank Up Messages?": true, "Enable Rank Up UI?": true, "Enable Rank Rewards?": false, "Rank Rewards": [ { "Rank": 1, "Name": "Rank 1 Bonus", "Amount": 200, "SkinId": 3027539724, "ShortName": "scrap" }, { "Rank": 2, "Name": "Semtex", "Amount": 3, "SkinId": 3031605679, "ShortName": "grenade.f1" } ], "Enable Rank Commands?": false, "Rank Commands": [ { "Rank": 1, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 1 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 2, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 2 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 3, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 3 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 13, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 4 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 14, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 5 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 15, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 6 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 16, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 7 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 17, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 8 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 18, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 9 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 19, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 10 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 20, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 11 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] } ], "Enable Prestige?": true, "Enable Prestige Rewards?": true, "Prestige Rewards": [ { "PrestigeLevel": 1, "Name": "Prestige 1 Bonus", "Amount": 1000, "SkinId": 3027539724, "ShortName": "scrap" }, { "PrestigeLevel": 2, "Name": "Prestige 2 Semtex", "Amount": 3, "SkinId": 3031605679, "ShortName": "grenade.f1" } ], "Enable Prestige Commands?": true, "Prestige Commands": [ { "PrestigeLevel": 1, "Commands": [ "inventory.giveto {id} rifle.ak 1" ] }, { "PrestigeLevel": 2, "Commands": [ "inventory.giveto {id} explosive.timed 20" ] } ], "Enable Prestige Payout Bonus?": true, "Payout Bonus Per Prestige Rank For (%)": { "1": { "BonusPercentage": 10, "PrestigeLangKey": "Prestige1", "PrestigeBaseIcon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wyro948zufsyv774n0psy/SkullPrestige1.png?rlkey=zjeu45p3vash0vv6yrdd7adun&st=d91uihf6&dl=1", "PrestigeMaxIcon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0fwewnp4nsgut3mro4bba/SkullPrestige1Max.png?rlkey=ncvukia59ixjx3ee2nuly72zt&st=89a26n6h&dl=1" }, "2": { "BonusPercentage": 20, "PrestigeLangKey": "Prestige2", "PrestigeBaseIcon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fydbtc44bnwplgugmhn5w/BadgePrestige2.png?rlkey=q8rytweurnczvnk199gr6wbbi&st=d0gvsqzd&dl=1", "PrestigeMaxIcon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0wjijumgbur472p1b2q2u/BadgePrestige2Max.png?rlkey=27w8xxlyqiccpesg2cg5sq8fq&st=rrymoy9e&dl=1" } } }
  11. Wrecks

    Eradication Event

    No bot purge is the original, I migrated uis but forgot to add the refresh onkill*
  12. Wrecks

    Eradication Event

    Goof on my part, i got it fixed working on upload, Good catch!
  13. Wrecks

    Eradication Event

    I see what youre talking about , working on it, it does add, but isnt updating in real time like it should
  14. Wrecks

    Eradication Event

    It should be, first i heard of this, is this all the time?
  15. Wrecks

    Bot Purge Event

    I’m adding that into config right now, might be a bit as I am adding a few things but I am working on it.
  16. Wrecks

    Bot Purge Event

  17. Wrecks

    Bot Purge Event

    Hope that resolves it for you @SirApesALotThank you for the kind words, glad you enjoy!
  18. Wrecks

    Bot Purge Event

    That looks ugly! lol { "EconomicRewards": 1000, "EnableEconomicRewards": true, "EnableLootTable": true, "EnableScheduledEvents": true, "EnableServerRewards": true, "EnableStartSFX": true, "Event Duration (Seconds)": 600, "Maximum Time Between Events (Seconds)": 7200, "Minimum Players To Start": 1, "Minimum Time Between Events (Seconds)": 3600, "RandomItemsMax": 4, "RandomItemsMin": 1, "ServerRewards": 1000, "Winner Rewards": [ { "maxQuantity": 5, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "paper", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "scrap", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 5, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "glue", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "sticks", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 1, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "rifle.ak", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "blood", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 5, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "ducttape", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "sulfur", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 5, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "gunpowder", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "wood", "skinid": null } ] } the min max is missing
  19. Wrecks

    Bot Purge Event

    Current Config is this way { "EconomicRewards": 1000, "EnableEconomicRewards": true, "EnableLootTable": true, "EnableScheduledEvents": true, "EnableServerRewards": true, "EnableStartSFX": true, "Event Duration (Seconds)": 600, "Maximum Time Between Events (Seconds)": 7200, "Minimum Players To Start": 1, "Minimum Time Between Events (Seconds)": 3600, "RandomItemsMax": 4, "RandomItemsMin": 1, "ServerRewards": 1000, "Winner Rewards": [ { "maxQuantity": 5, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "paper", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "scrap", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 5, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "glue", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "sticks", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 1, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "rifle.ak", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "blood", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 5, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "ducttape", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "sulfur", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 5, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "gunpowder", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "wood", "skinid": null } ] }
  20. Wrecks

    supply signal

    May do it for you
  21. Wrecks

    Building crumbles

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug


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