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Everything posted by Iftebinjan
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
Bradley rockets of fire not doing damage to player
Iftebinjan replied to tamwilson1979's Support Request in Support
Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug -
Bradley rockets of fire not doing damage to player
Iftebinjan replied to tamwilson1979's Support Request in Support
I intentionally removed fire damage, as its way to grief other bases also their entitys. as rust fire is same prefab for all fire damage entity thats why we cant fix it. I will check it either way and set a todo list for it. See if I can do something else fire damage. -
Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.8
Great. Please leave a review :))
Changed Status from Pending to Closed
Check Out the Version 1.1.8 & Let me know if its fixed
@Notzare you available on discord? Join our discord server pls, & open a ticket
KOTH Event - King of the Hill: Battle of Supremacy
Iftebinjan commented on Iftebinjan's file in Plugins
- #koth
- #king of the hill
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KOTH Event - King of the Hill: Battle of Supremacy
Iftebinjan commented on Iftebinjan's file in Plugins
- #koth
- #king of the hill
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Changed Status from Pending to Closed
I thought that as well. Lets see what I can do. Maybe will add a share command for better loot protection. Thanks
No customization for the koth end results.
Iftebinjan replied to Nocturnal209's Support Request in Support
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress -
No customization for the koth end results.
Iftebinjan replied to Nocturnal209's Support Request in Support
On the next update. -
Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
Checking asap
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
Version 1.0.8
King of the Hill: Battle of Supremacy Introduction: The King of the Hill event is an exhilarating competition that dares participants to rack up the highest number of kills within a set time limit on a confined island where there's no escape. Join the KOTH event when it kicks off, whether you're going solo or teaming up with your squad or clan. With the ability to rejoin multiple times, aim to secure the most kills and claim the coveted KOTH rewards. Features: Easy setup Repeatable event with easy configuration Choose the winner from Top Player or Top Clan Kills Shows TOP players or TOP clans Shows Personal or Clan statistics Setup rewards for KOTH winner Discord event webhook messages Commands: KOTH Player COMMANDS: /koth - Join KOTH event when it starts. /koth_stats - Show koths top players & Clans. KOTH Event COMMANDS: /kotheventstart - Randomly start a event from the list. /kotheventstart <ArenaName> - Start KOTH event in the selected arena. /kotheventstop - Stop if any event is running. SETUP COMMANDS: /koth setup - Show all available setup commands /koth create <ArenaName> - Creates a KOTH arena /koth edit <ArenaName> - Select the KOTH arena to change Radius or Location /koth radius <Number> - Change KOTH arena radius /koth location - Change KOTH arena location /koth setspawn - Set spawn point location for players KOTH Data COMMANDS: /koth_reset_players - Reset all player data. /koth_reset_clans - Reset all clans data. Youtube Video Coming Soon CONFIG { "KOTH automatic event holding": true, "KOTH automatic event repeat Timer in seconds": 7200, "KOTH event notification time in seconds": 300, "KOTH event timer in seconds": 600, "KOTH teleport timer in seconds": 15, "KOTH Winner(Individual/Clan)": "Individual", "KOTH Automatic event schedule random from list": [ "koth1" ], "Blocked items in KOTH zone": [ "grenade.beancan", "grenade.f1", "rock", "rocket.launcher", "ammo.rocket.basic", "ammo.rocket.smoke", "ammo.rocket.hv", "ammo.rocket.seeker", "ammo.rocket.fire", "explosive.satchel", "explosive.timed", "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke", "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot", "ammo.grenadelauncher.he", "grenade.flashbang", "grenade.molotov", "multiplegrenadelauncher", "grenade.smoke" ], "Enable remove entitys before event start from List": true, "Remove Entitys from the list when Event Start": [ "wall", "sleepingbag", "beachtowel", "barricade", "corpse", "deployed", "ladder", "floor", "foundation", "item_drop", "item_drop_backpack", "frame", "generic_world", "generic_deploy", "gates.external.high.stone", "gates.external.high.wood", "wall.external.high.stone", "wall.external.high.wood", "barricade.concrete", "barricade.cover.wood", "barricade.metal", "barricade.sandbags", "barricade.stone", "icewall", "wall.external.high.ice", "minicopter" ], "Blocked Commands in the Arena": [ "kit", "home", "outpost", "tpr" ], "Allowed items in the Arena": [ "gates.external.high.stone", "gates.external.high.wood", "wall.external.high.stone", "wall.external.high.wood", "barricade.concrete", "barricade.cover.wood", "barricade.metal", "barricade.sandbags", "barricade.stone", "icewall", "wall.external.high.ice" ], "KOTH Create Sphere Bubble": true, "KOTH Sphere Amount": 5, "KOTH give rewards upon winning({PLAYER})": [ "inventory.giveto {PLAYER} supply.signal 1" ], "More Presetup rewards": { "Spawn Hackable crate at event end": true, "Hackable crate spawn amount": 2, "Hackable crate timer": 60, "Spawn Minicopter at event end": true, "Minicopter spawn amount": 2, "Spawn Elite Crate at event end": true, "Elite Crate spawn amount": 2 }, "Map Marker Setting": { "Display Name": "KOTH", "Marker Radius": 0.4, "Marker Transparency": 0.75, "Marker Color": "#FFFF00" }, "Messages chat avatar": 0, "KOTH TOP Bar message": [ "<size=20><color=#FFFF00><b>KOTH</b></color></size>", "<size=14><color=#FFFF00><b>Time Remaining: {TIME:Format}</b></color></size>", "", "<size=14><color=#FFFF00>{TotalPlayers}</color><b> Players Remaining</b></size>" ], "KOTH Show Top team on the running events in UI": true, "Enable discord webhook message": false, "Webhook URL": "", "Individual Winner Message": [ "<color=#FFD700>King of the Hill (KOTH) Results:</color>", "\n", "Match Winner: <color=#FFD700>{Winner_Name}</color>", "", "Winner's Performance:", "- Kills: <color=#FFD700>{Kills}</color>", "- Deaths: <color=#FFD700>{Deaths}</color>", "- KDR: <color=#FFD700>{KDR}</color>", "- Total Damage: <color=#FFD700>{Damages}</color>", "- HeadShots: <color=#FFD700>{Headshots}</color>", "- Shooting Accuracy: <color=#FFD700>{Accuracy}%</color>", "- HeadShot Accuracy: <color=#FFD700>{HeadshotAccuracy}%</color>", "", "<color=#FFD700>Aggregate KOTH Totals:</color>", "- Total Kills: <color=#FFD700>{TotalKills}</color>", "- Total Damage: <color=#FFD700>{TotalDamages}</color>", "- Number of Participants: <color=#FFD700>{Participents}</color>" ], "Clan Winner Message": [ "<color=#FFD700>King of the Hill (KOTH) Results:</color>", "\n", "Winning Clan: <color=#FFFF00>{WinningClanName}</color>", "", "{PlayerStats}", "", "<color=#FFD700>Clan Totals:</color> Kills: {ClanTotalKills}, Deaths: {ClanTotalDeaths}, KDR: {ClanTotalKDR}", "Damage: {ClanTotalDamage}, Headshots: {ClanTotalHeadshots}", "", "<color=#FFD700>Aggregate KOTH Totals:</color>", "- Total Kills: <color=#FFD700>{TotalKills}</color>", "- Total Damage: <color=#FFD700>{TotalDamages}</color>", "- Number of Participants: <color=#FFD700>{Participents}</color>" ], "Participents Message": [ "<color=#FFD700>Personal Stats</color>", "Kills: <color=#FFD700>{Kills}</color>, Deaths: <color=#FFD700>{Deaths}</color>, KDR: <color=#FFD700>{KDR}</color>, Total Damage: <color=#FFD700>{Damages}</color>, HeadShots: <color=#FFD700>{Headshots}</color>", "Shooting Accuracy: <color=#FFD700>{Accuracy}%</color>, HeadShot Accuracy: <color=#FFD700>{HeadshotAccuracy}%</color>" ] } Event Screenshots Get faster support on my Discord! DISCORD Check Out My Other plugins as Well$14.99- 12 comments
- 6 reviews
- #koth
- #king of the hill
(and 6 more)
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Could you please separate the route settings?
Iftebinjan replied to hid333's Support Request in Support
Changed Status from Pending to Closed -
I couldnt recreate the situation. Might be a glitch with one or other rules. I am recoding this, hopefull fixed on next update
Could you please separate the route settings?
Iftebinjan replied to hid333's Support Request in Support
Hey, any update? -
Changed Status from Pending to Closed