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Everything posted by Iftebinjan

  1. Iftebinjan


    if you are trying to raid someone or testing, please make sure you don't have the AdminDamage permission. if that's not the case then please contact me on discord we will check and resolve the issue
  2. Iftebinjan


    Is there any other loot protection plugin you are using? like PreventLooting and such?
  3. Iftebinjan


    Is this giving constant that error or just 1 time?
  4. Iftebinjan

    Fix Please

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  5. I will do something like hours to minutes then on the new update.
  6. Iftebinjan

    Fix Please

    if you need help on setting this. please contact me on discord
  7. Iftebinjan

    Fix Please

    Hey did you properly set up the arena? It's working fine as I tested it.
  8. Iftebinjan

    Zone error console spam

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  9. Iftebinjan

    Walls not removing

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  10. working on it asap
  11. working on it
  12. Iftebinjan

    Major PVP zone bug

    Please test this and let me know if this really happens.
  13. Iftebinjan


    Yes it has support for that plugin Maze New Update V1.0.3 Added support for FClan Bug Fixes Fixed where you can't do command when the event is ended Fixed participants count not showing accurately Fixed discord messages not sending properly Fixed where players still counted in the arena list after his death and before respawn Fixed where it waits for shrink time event winner is found
  14. Iftebinjan

    Walls not removing

    Hey if the maze found only one team when the event is running after door closed then it stop the event before going to wall removing. If the arena has more than 1 team then it will start wall removing
  15. Iftebinjan

    Zone error console spam

  16. Iftebinjan


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.2
  17. Iftebinjan

    cant use /sprules

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  18. Iftebinjan


    Is this clan plugin has api? Or Api same as the other clans plugin?
  19. Iftebinjan


    Hey, I will need more information. If you cant join discord then send me your files oxide/data/Maze/MazeArenas.json file also oxide/config/Maze.json
  20. Iftebinjan


    @LUVMYSELF Hey, can you join my discord server, so that I can understand that problem https://discord.gg/7DmHfZQk
  21. Iftebinjan


    Version 2.0.1


    The Maze plugin adds intensive pvp combat within a maze environment. Players navigate through the maze, engaging in intense battles to eliminate opponents and be on top Easy to setup Automation of maze arena Includes Free 2 Maze Arena with pre-setuped arenas Door Animation Multiple arena setup Easy configurable Setup winning rewards Discord Webhook support Need help setting up the arena or customization? Knock me on Discord Setup Commands /maze create <ArenaName> - Create a maze arena where you are standing /maze edit <ArenaName> - Select an arena to edit /maze radius <Number> - Change arena radius /maze wallradius <Number> - Change arena wall radius which is your arena walls radius from center /maze meshheight <Number> - Change arena mesh height is top and bottom from corner mesh /maze location - Change arena location to where you are standing /maze setcorner - Set corner location to where you are standing /maze showmesh - Show created mesh after setting corners /maze copywalls - Copy all the walls in the arena radius and store them /maze pastewalls - Copy all the walls in the arena radius and store them /maze setspawn - Set spawn postion for arena players to teleport /maze spawnclear - Clear all spawn points /maze adddoor - Place an arena door to your standing location /maze removedoor - Remove arena door to your standing location (Radius 5f) /maze cleandoors <ArenaName> - Remove all the arena doors from the arena /maze list - Show all arena and its settings /maze cleanarena - Clears the entire arena /maze delete/remove <ArenaName> - Remove or deletes an arena /maze start <ArenaName> - Starts a Maze(For Testing) Start Commands /maze_setup - Starts Automatic Maze setup if arena available also a console command /mazestart - Starts a random maze from the config if available /mazestart <ArenaName> - Starts the specific arena /mazestop - Stops the running maze event Maze.admin - To use all maze available commands { "Maze Automatic Event": true, "Maze Automatic Event Interval Minimum (In Seconds)": 3600, "Maze Automatic Event Interval Maximum (In Seconds)": 7200, "Maze Minimum player requires to starts Auto": 2, "Maze Automatic Event Random From List": [ "mazeareana", "maze2areana" ], "Maze Event Player Teleport Timer (In Seconds)": 15, "Maze Event Before Notification (In Seconds)": 300, "Maze Event Door Opening Notification (In Seconds)": 300, "Maze Event Door Closing In (In Seconds)": 600, "Maze Event Removing Walls Radius": 10, "Maze Event Shrink Amount": 3, "Maze Event Removing Walls Timer (In Seconds)": 15, "Save old postion to teleport players back when event ends": true, "Teleport winning players after x seconds of maze ends": 300, "Show Kill Streak Messages": true, "Maze Event Door Prefab": "assets/content/structures/interactive_garage_door/sliding_blast_door.prefab", "Maze Walls Item List": [ "assets/prefabs/building/wall.external.high.stone/wall.external.high.stone.prefab" ], "Maze Event Blocked items": [ "grenade.beancan", "grenade.f1", "rock", "rocket.launcher", "ammo.rocket.basic", "ammo.rocket.smoke", "ammo.rocket.hv", "ammo.rocket.seeker", "ammo.rocket.fire", "explosive.satchel", "explosive.timed", "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke", "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot", "ammo.grenadelauncher.he", "grenade.flashbang", "grenade.molotov", "multiplegrenadelauncher", "grenade.smoke" ], "Maze Event Blocked Commands": [ "kit", "trade", "remove", "tpa", "home", "shop", "clan" ], "Maze Map Marker Setting": { "Display Name": "Maze", "Marker Radius": 0.4, "Marker Transparency": 0.75, "Marker Color": "#FFFF00" }, "Maze Rewards": { "Give commmands rewards upon winning the event": true, "Rewards player with higest kill from winning clan": true, "Rewards upon winning({PLAYER})": [ "inventory.giveto {PLAYER} supply.signal 1" ], "Spawn Hackablelocked crates upon winning the event": true, "Spawn Hackablelocked crates amount": 1 }, "Maze Chat Setting": { "Chat Avatar Icon": 0, "Chat Prefix": "<color=#FFFF00>Maze</color> -> ", "Winner Message": [ "<color=#FFD700>Maze Results:</color>", "\n", "Winner -> <color=#FFFF00>{WinningClanName}</color>", "", "{PlayerStats}", "", "<color=#FFD700>Totals:</color> Kills: {ClanTotalKills}, Deaths: {ClanTotalDeaths}, KDR: {ClanTotalKDR}", "Damage: {ClanTotalDamage}, Headshots: {ClanTotalHeadshots}", "", "<color=#FFD700>Aggregate Maze Totals:</color>", "- Total Kills: <color=#FFD700>{TotalKills}</color>", "- Total Damage: <color=#FFD700>{TotalDamages}</color>", "- Number of Participants: <color=#FFD700>{Participents}</color>" ], "Participents Message": [ "<color=#FFD700>Personal Stats</color>", "Kills: <color=#FFD700>{Kills}</color>, Deaths: <color=#FFD700>{Deaths}</color>, KDR: <color=#FFD700>{KDR}</color>, Total Damage: <color=#FFD700>{Damages}</color>, HeadShots: <color=#FFD700>{Headshots}</color>", "Shooting Accuracy: <color=#FFD700>{Accuracy}%</color>, HeadShot Accuracy: <color=#FFD700>{HeadshotAccuracy}%</color>" ], "Maze Event Top Bar Message": [ "<size=25><color=#FFFF00><b>MAZE</b></color></size>", "<size=15><color=#FFFF00><b>{DYNAMIC_TIMER}</b></color></size>", "", "<size=15><color=#FFFF00>{TotalTeams}</color><b> TEAMS REMAINING</b></size>", "<size=15><color=#FFFF00>{TotalPlayers}</color><b> PLAYERS REMAINING</b></size>" ] }, "Discord Setting": { "Enable Discord Webhook": false, "Discord Webhook URL": "", "Discord Webhook Message": [ "**MAZE ARENA**", "", "**Details**", "Total Kills: `{TotalKills}`", "Total Teams: `{TotalTeams}`", "Total Players: `{Participents}`", "", "**Winners**", "**{WinnerClanName}**", " Kills: `{ClanKills}` Deaths: `{ClanDeaths}`", " Headshots: `{ClanHeadshots}` Damages: `{ClanDamages}`", "", "**Members**", "{MembersStats}" ] }, "Auto Maze Arena Setup": { "Start Maze Arena Setup": true, "Auto Arena Setup": { "AutoMaze1": { "Maze Center Item": "skullspikes.candles", "Maze Arena Locate Radius": 100.0, "Maze Arena Wall Radius": 40.0, "Maze Arena Mesh Top & Bottom Height": 50.0, "Maze Spawn Points Item": "woodbox_deployed", "Maze Door Item": "workbench1.deployed", "Maze Corner Item": "mailbox" } } } } OnMazeStarts(string ArenaName, DateTime timeNow) OnMazeWinnerAnnounce(HashSet<ulong> winnerList, DateTime timeNow)
  22. Iftebinjan

    Help with Server Tags

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  23. Iftebinjan

    Help with Server Tags

    Sorry, then rust doesn't add pve tags unless its server.pve is true.
  24. Iftebinjan

    Help with Server Tags

    @OldRusty this will show ur server as pve server even though it don't have pve enable with command
  25. Iftebinjan

    Help with Server Tags

    command in console - server.tags "pve" then use command - writecfg this should work to show ur server tag as pve, you add more tags from here https://wiki.facepunch.com/rust/server-browser-tags Example: server.tags "pve, NA, monthly" then do command writecfg to save this


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