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Better Chat Gradients 1.0.2

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About Better Chat Gradients

Better Chat Gradients allows you to use gradients to color titles, username, and message in Better Chat, rather than just a single color.



  • gradient <color> <color> [color...] - Shows a preview for a gradient with the given colors in chat



  • betterchatgradients.admin - Allows to use the 'gradient' command


This plugin does not have a configuration file.
With this plugin installed, you can simply specify lists of colors in Better Chat to use as a gradient.

Colors can be color names like red or lime, or hex codes like #ff0000 or #00ff00 (also without #).


5L8hAeY - Imgur.png

    "GroupName": "default",
    "Priority": 0,
    "Title": {
      "Text": "[Player]",
      "Color": "red,yellow",
      "Size": 15,
      "Hidden": false,
      "HiddenIfNotPrimary": false
    "Username": {
      "Color": "yellow,lime,yellow",
      "Size": 15
    "Message": {
      "Color": "yellow,#FFFFFF",
      "Size": 15
    "Format": {
      "Chat": "{Title} {Username}: {Message}",
      "Console": "{Title} {Username}: {Message}"


Other Plugin Titles

Better Chat Gradients also supports clan tags and should work with any other plugin adding titles via Better Chat 🙂


"Clan Tag Options": {
    "Enable clan tags (requires BetterChat)": true,
    "Tag opening character": "[",
    "Tag closing character": "]",
    "Tag color (hex)": "aqua,lime,aqua",
    "Allow clan leaders to set custom tag colors (BetterChat only)": false,
    "Tag size": 15,
    "Tag character limits": {
      "Minimum": 2,
      "Maximum": 5


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