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- #lighting
- #automation
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Listing 194 plugins: 01 "Admin Radar" (5.1.5) by nivex (37.03s) - AdminRadar.cs 02 "AdminSleigh" (0.1.4) by k1lly0u (0.02s) - AdminSleigh.cs 03 "AdvancedGather" (2.0.3) by Khan (0.37s) - AdvancedGather.cs 04 "AirEvent" (1.1.8) by KpucTaJl (0.28s) - AirEvent.cs 05 "AnimalBoxes" (1.0.5) by ThePitereq (3.59s) - AnimalBoxes.cs 06 "AnimalHumanNpcTarget" (1.0.0) by Krungh Crow (6.16s) - AnimalHumanNpcTarget.cs 07 "Auto CCTV Stations" (1.0.7) by Khan (0.05s) - AutoCCTVStations.cs 08 "AutoCodeLock" (2.2.13) by FuJiCuRa (6.15s) - AutoCodeLock.cs 09 "Auto Farm" (1.0.22) by Ts3Hosting (31.81s) - AutoFarm.cs 10 "Automatic Authorization" (1.3.0) by k1lly0u/Arainrr (1.18s) - AutomaticAuthorization.cs 11 "Auto Spectate" (0.0.12) by Aspectdev (0.03s) - AutoSpectate.cs 12 "Auto Turret Authorization" (1.2.2) by haggbart (10.18s) - AutoTurretAuth.cs 13 "Backpacks" (3.6.2) by LaserHydra (26.01s) - Backpacks.cs 14 "Barrelless" (3.0.1) by Krungh Crow (12.64s) - Barrelless.cs 15 "Base Repair" (1.0.19) by MJSU (2.31s) - BaseRepair.cs 16 "Better Chat" (5.2.7) by LaserHydra (0.96s) - BetterChat.cs 17 "Better Chat Mentions" (1.2.3) by Death (0.01s) - BetterChatMentions.cs 18 "Better Chat Mute" (1.2.1) by LaserHydra (0.19s) - BetterChatMute.cs 19 "Better Elevators" (1.2.2) by WhiteThunder (16.24s) - BetterElevators.cs 20 "BoatCommander" (0.1.40) by k1lly0u (6.74s) - BoatCommander.cs 21 "Boom Box Health" (1.0.1) by Waldobert (1.33s) - BoomBoxHealth.cs 22 "BotReSpawn" (1.0.4) by Steenamaroo (16.91s) - BotReSpawn.cs 23 "Bradley" (1.3.4) by Ts3Hosting (13.44s) - Bradley.cs 24 "Bradley Guards" (1.3.2) by Krungh Crow (88.13s) - BradleyGuards.cs 25 "Building Grades" (0.5.1) by Default (0.05s) - BuildingGrades.cs 26 "Building Workbench" (1.3.2) by MJSU (3.90s) - BuildingWorkbench.cs 27 "CargoTrainEvent" (1.0.10) by Nikedemos (22.40s) - CargoTrainEvent.cs 28 "Car Spawn Settings" (2.0.3) by WhiteThunder (0.03s) - CarSpawnSettings.cs 29 "Modular Car Turrets" (1.4.0) by WhiteThunder (2.37s) - CarTurrets.cs 30 "Chat Head" (1.4.2) by Ujiou (5.45s) - ChatHead.cs 31 "Chat Notice" (0.0.3) by Tricky (0.01s) - ChatNotice.cs 32 "Chest Stacks" (1.3.1) by supreme (0.45s) - ChestStacks.cs 33 "Christmas" (2.0.6) by FastBurst (0.03s) - Christmas.cs 34 "ChristmasTreePresents" (1.0.1) by redBDGR (15.31s) - ChristmasTreePresents.cs 35 "Clans" (0.2.5) by k1lly0u (0.75s) - Clans.cs 36 "Compound Options" (1.2.1) by FastBurst (4.15s) - CompoundOptions.cs 37 "Compound Teleport" (2.0.0) by kwamaking (0.26s) - CompoundTeleport.cs 38 "ConnectMessages" (1.2.0) by Mroczny (0.02s) - ConnectMessages.cs 39 "Convoy" (1.1.8) by Adem (3.91s) - Convoy.cs 40 "Copy Paste" (4.1.31) by misticos (0.31s) - CopyPaste.cs 41 "CovertAdmin" (1.0.9) by redBDGR (0.04s) - CovertAdmin.cs 42 "Creeper Gunpowder" (1.0.0) by Orange (0.03s) - CreeperGunpowder.cs 43 "xmasBoxZombieGirlFriendGift" (1.0.0) by CowboyBlob (0.11s) - CreeperInPresent.cs 44 "CustomClothingCombinations" (1.0.0) by AhigaO#4485 (3.36s) - CustomClothingCombinations.cs 45 "CustomNPC" (2.0.4) by k1lly0u (2.80s) - CustomNPC.cs 46 "PilotEject" (3.1.4) by k1lly0u (9.95s) - PilotEject.cs 47 "PlaneCrash" (0.3.3) by k1lly0u (0.50s) - PlaneCrash.cs 48 "Custom Skins Stacks Fix" (1.0.4) by The Friendly Chap (16.44s) - CustomSkinsStacksFix.cs 49 "Mini-Copter Options" (2.0.8) by Pho3niX90 (1.19s) - MiniCopterOptions.cs 50 "Death Notes" (6.3.6) by LaserHydra (7.77s) - DeathNotes.cs 51 "Double Jump" (1.1.2) by Raul-Sorin Sorban (204.65s) - DoubleJump.cs 52 "DroneTaxi" (1.0.9) by Cameron (0.06s) - DroneTaxi.cs 53 "Earthquake" (0.1.5) by k1lly0u (0.06s) - Earthquake.cs 54 "Enhanced Hammer" (2.0.7) by Iv Misticos (36.67s) - EnhancedHammer.cs 55 "ExcavatorLock" (0.4.6) by Lorenzo (0.37s) - ExcavatorLock.cs 56 "Explosive Objects" (1.0.0) by Orange (15.75s) - ExplosiveObjects.cs 57 "Extra Seating" (1.0.2) by Pho3niX90 (fixes added by CowboyBlob) (5.32s) - ExtraSeating.cs 58 "F1 Server Console Log" (0.1.5) by NooBlet (0.01s) - F1ServerConsoleLog.cs 59 "F1Spawn" (1.0.8) by Colon Blow (0.49s) - F1Spawn.cs 60 "FireWorksShow" (1.0.0) by CowboyBlob (0.21s) - FireWorks.cs 61 "Fireworks Monitor" (1.0.0) by hoppel & Mr. Blue (4.03s) - FireworksMonitor.cs 62 "FlareGun" (0.1.17) by k1lly0u (51.76s) - FlareGun.cs 63 "Free Driving Vehicles" (1.1.4) by MON@H (8.94s) - FreeDrivingVehicles.cs 64 "Friends" (3.1.2) by Wulf (0.05s) - Friends.cs 65 "Furnace Splitter" (2.3.3) by FastBurst (18.17s) - FurnaceSplitter.cs 66 "GatherControl" (1.8.1) by CaseMan (2.99s) - GatherControl.cs 67 "Giveaways" (1.0.7) by Absolut (0.60s) - Giveaways.cs 68 "Healer" (2.5.0) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.13s) - Healer.cs 69 "Helicopter Instant Takeoff" (0.0.5) by bsdinis (0.02s) - HelicopterInstantTakeoff.cs 70 "HeliVote" (0.1.32) by k1lly0u (1.43s) - HeliVote.cs 71 "HomeRecycler" (1.4.6) by wazzzup (6.78s) - HomeRecycler.cs 72 "Image Library" (2.0.60) by Absolut & K1lly0u (0.21s) - ImageLibrary.cs 73 "Inside Terrain" (0.1.0) by nivex (0.04s) - InsideTerrain.cs 74 "Instant Craft" (2.1.5) by Orange (0.55s) - InstantCraft.cs 75 "Admin / Player Inventory Cleaner" (1.5.1) by TheDoc - Uprising Servers (0.03s) - InventoryCleaner.cs 76 "Invite Command" (1.0.0) by Farkas (0.00s) - Invite.cs 77 "IQSphereEvent" (1.1.59) by Mercury (0.17s) - IQSphereEvent.cs 78 "Item Skin Randomizer" (1.5.3) by Orange (0.19s) - ItemSkinRandomizer.cs 79 "Jail" (4.0.5) by Reneb / k1lly0u (5.24s) - Jail.cs 80 "JetPack" (1.0.7) by Adem (59.32s) - JetPack.cs 81 "JPipes" (0.6.10) by TheGreatJ (36.33s) - JPipes.cs 82 "JunkyardEvent" (2.0.1) by KpucTaJl (4.56s) - JunkyardEvent.cs 83 "Kits" (4.0.14) by k1lly0u (2.81s) - Kits.cs 84 "Lights On" (2.0.16) by mspeedie (29.76s) - LightsOn.cs 85 "Lockable Shutters" (1.0.1) by OG61 (0.63s) - LockableShutters.cs 86 "Lock composter" (1.0.0) by Julio Juajez (1.76s) - Lockcomposter.cs 87 "LockOnRockets" (0.3.11) by k1lly0u (1.60s) - LockOnRockets.cs 88 "Lock oven" (1.0.1) by Julio Juajez (1.64s) - Lockoven.cs 89 "MyBot" (1.0.25) by Razor/Verbatim from Killy0u (0.18s) - MyBot.cs 90 "Metabolism" (1.0.0) by Orange (0.01s) - Metabolism.cs 91 "MeteorEvent" (1.1.7) by ThePitereq (37.26s) - MeteorEvent.cs 92 "DeathMessage" (1.1.8) by Damo (0.58s) - DeathMessage.cs 93 "Mini Trails" (2.1.3) by Salsa (0.79s) - MiniTrails.cs 94 "MLRS Damage" (1.0.0) by iLakSkiL (5.41s) - MLRSDamage.cs 95 "MonumentPumpjacks" (1.0.7) by ZTL/FastBurst (0.23s) - MonumentPumpjacks.cs 96 "Monuments Recycler" (0.2.6) by Dana (0.42s) - MonumentsRecycler.cs 97 "Mushroom Effects" (1.1.0) by supreme (2.21s) - MushroomEffects.cs 98 "My Snowmobile" (1.0.2) by MasterSplinter (0.49s) - MySnowmobile.cs 99 "Nav Killer" (0.1.3) by nivex (0.00s) - NavKiller.cs 100 "Nav Mesh Error Fix" (1.1.1) by Ryz0r (0.00s) - NavMeshErrorFix.cs 101 "NeonSkins" (1.0.12) by Colon Blow (5.99s) - NeonSkins.cs 102 "Night Zombies" (3.3.10) by 0x89A (2.22s) - NightZombies.cs 103 "No Boom Box Condition Loss" (1.0.0) by WhiteThunder (0.50s) - NoBoomBoxConditionLoss.cs 104 "No Compound" (1.0.1) by Orange (1.97s) - NoCompound.cs 105 "No Engine Parts" (1.0.0) by WhiteThunder (0.06s) - NoEngineParts.cs 106 "No Flykick" (1.3.3) by August (0.03s) - NoFlykick.cs 107 "NoGiveNotices" (0.1.0) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.00s) - NoGiveNotices.cs 108 "NoNapalm" (1.0.0) by Steenamaroo (8.44s) - NoNapalm.cs 109 "NPC Drop Gun" (2.0.8) by 2CHEVSKII (3.32s) - NPCDropGun.cs 110 "NpcHorses" (2.0.9) by Ts3Hosting (55.32s) - NpcHorses.cs 111 "NpcSpawn" (2.1.9) by KpucTaJl (54.26s) - NpcSpawn.cs 112 "NPCTaxi" (0.1.13) by k1lly0u (2.29s) - NPCTaxi.cs 113 "Offline Doors" (1.1.2) by Slydelix (1.30s) - OfflineDoors.cs 114 "OldSchoolQuarries" (1.0.8) by S0N_0F_BISCUIT (14.99s) - OldSchoolQuarries.cs 115 "OxidationNoBagCooldown" (1.0.0) by kasvoton (0.08s) - OxidationNoBagCooldown.cs 116 "PathFinding" (1.1.3) by Reneb / Nogrod (0.19s) - PathFinding.cs 117 "Human NPC" (0.3.54) by Ts3Hosting (50.53s) - HumanNPC.cs 118 "PersonalFarm" (1.0.6) by bmgjet (73.67s) - PersonalFarm.cs 119 "Personal Heli" (1.1.8) by Egor Blagov (10.02s) - PersonalHeli.cs 120 "Placeholder API" (2.2.0) by misticos (0.08s) - PlaceholderAPI.cs 121 "Player Challenges" (2.0.47) by k1lly0u (5.70s) - PlayerChallenges.cs 122 "PlayerList" (0.3.2) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.02s) - PlayerList.cs 123 "Player Markers" (1.0.3) by Orange (0.01s) - PlayerMarkers.cs 124 "Player Poop" (2.0.0) by Kopter (1.51s) - PlayerPoop.cs 125 "PlayerRanks" (2.1.9) by Steenamaroo (10.33s) - PlayerRanks.cs 126 "PoliceVehicles" (1.3.1) by HexOptimal (1.91s) - PoliceVehicles.cs 127 "Predator Missile" (1.0.3) by supreme (0.98s) - PredatorMissile.cs 128 "PrivateMessages" (1.1.11) by MisterPixie (0.01s) - PrivateMessages.cs 129 "Prod" (2.5.4) by Quapi (1.47s) - Prod.cs 130 "PVZHackableCrateSpawns" (1.0.2) by Orange (0.22s) - PVZHackableCrateSpawns.cs 131 "Quarry Locks" (1.2.1) by Orange (0.02s) - QuarryLocks.cs 132 "Raidable Bases" (2.4.2) by nivex (16.95s) - RaidableBases.cs 133 "Random Deployables" (1.0.4) by Norn/Arainrr (0.05s) - RandomDeployables.cs 134 "Remover Tool" (4.3.31) by Reneb/Fuji/Arainrr (0.17s) - RemoverTool.cs 135 "Rename" (0.3.0) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.10s) - Rename.cs 136 "Roulette Broadcast" (1.2.0) by supreme (1.36s) - RouletteBroadcast.cs 137 "Rustcord" (3.2.3) by Kirollos & OuTSMoKE (2.37s) - Rustcord.cs 138 "RustNET" (0.1.32) by k1lly0u (45.53s) - RustNET.cs 139 "AutomatedSearchlights" (0.2.30) by k1lly0u (95.12s) - AutomatedSearchlights.cs 140 "SAMSiteAuth" (2.3.4) by haggbart (0.01s) - SAMSiteAuth.cs 141 "SatDishEvent" (2.0.0) by KpucTaJl (0.03s) - SatDishEvent.cs 142 "Save Announcer" (1.0.4) by Ryan (0.01s) - SaveAnnouncer.cs 143 "Screamer" (1.0.1) by Orange (0.02s) - Screamer.cs 144 "Server Chat" (1.1.5) by Tricky (0.01s) - ServerChat.cs 145 "ServerInfo" (0.5.4) by FastBurst (0.14s) - ServerInfo.cs 146 "SharkBait" (2.0.0) by Colon Blow (5.38s) - SharkBait.cs 147 "SharkLoot" (1.0.0) by Krungh Crow (0.87s) - SharkLoot.cs 148 "Sign Artist" (1.4.0) by Whispers88 (0.02s) - SignArtist.cs 149 "Sirens" (2.1.1) by ZockiRR (0.58s) - Sirens.cs 150 "SkillTree" (1.1.13) by imthenewguy (49.23s) - SkillTree.cs 151 "SkinBox" (2.1.0) by k1lly0u (0.72s) - SkinBox.cs 152 "SkipNightUI" (0.1.21) by k1lly0u (5.76s) - SkipNightUI.cs 153 "Skull Crusher" (1.1.1) by Krungh Crow (0.10s) - SkullCrusher.cs 154 "Skyfall" (1.0.22) by Colon Blow (45.53s) - Skyfall.cs 155 "Slap" (2.0.2) by Wulf (0.00s) - Slap.cs 156 "Sleeper Guard" (1.1.1) by Wulf/lukespragg/Arainrr (23.13s) - SleeperGuard.cs 157 "Smart Chat Bot" (2.0.13) by Iv Misticos (0.06s) - SmartChatBot.cs 158 "Spawn Mini" (2.11.1) by SpooksAU (6.40s) - SpawnMini.cs 159 "Spawn Modular Car" (5.0.4) by WhiteThunder (0.42s) - SpawnModularCar.cs 160 "Spawns" (2.0.36) by Reneb / k1lly0u (0.01s) - Spawns.cs 161 "Stack Size Controller" (4.0.0) by AnExiledDev (0.00s) - StackSizeController.cs 162 "StaticDispensers" (1.3.3) by Raul-Sorin Sorban (6.61s) - StaticDispensers.cs 163 "StaticLootables" (2.0.6) by Raul-Sorin Sorban (2919.63s) - StaticLootables.cs 164 "SuperTestGen" (1.0.0) by bmgjet (0.02s) - SuperTestGen.cs 165 "Supply Signal Alerts" (3.0.1) by LaserHydra (0.03s) - SupplySignalAlerts.cs 166 "TargetHealthHUD" (1.0.4) by NubbbZ (29.62s) - TargetHealthHUD.cs 167 "Team Fix" (1.0.3) by Khan (0.13s) - TeamFix.cs 168 "Team Gather Bonus" (1.0.2) by Khan (0.50s) - TeamGatherBonus.cs 169 "Tell Me C" (0.0.3) by BuzZ[PHOQUE] (0.08s) - TellMeC.cs 170 "Tell Me X" (0.0.3) by BuzZ[PHOQUE] (1.28s) - TellMeX.cs 171 "Terrain Violation Fix" (1.0.2) by Tryhard (0.05s) - TerrainViolationFix.cs 172 "Timed Execute" (0.7.4) by PaiN & misticos (22.14s) - TimedExecute.cs 173 "Tree Planter" (1.2.2) by Bazz3l (0.22s) - TreePlanter.cs 174 "TruePVE" (2.0.6) by nivex (92.31s) - TruePVE.cs 175 "TsunHorse" (3.1.7) by k1lly0u (63.53s) - TsunHorse.cs 176 "Turret Weapons" (1.0.1) by Iv Misticos (1.01s) - TurretWeapons.cs 177 "UiPlus" (1.1.3) by RedKenrok (499.71s) - UiPlus.cs 178 "Underwater Vehicles" (1.3.0) by WhiteThunder (0.45s) - UnderwaterVehicles.cs 179 "Vanish" (1.5.6) by Whispers88 (0.95s) - Vanish.cs 180 "Vehicle Deployed Locks" (1.7.2) by WhiteThunder (0.54s) - VehicleDeployedLocks.cs 181 "Vending In Stock" (1.1.0) by AVOcoder / rostov114 (0.03s) - VendingInStock.cs 182 "Voice UI" (1.0.3) by Pinkstink (10.99s) - VoiceUI.cs 183 "Walking Dead" (1.2.1) by Krungh Crow (7.98s) - WalkingDead.cs 184 "WaterBases" (1.0.4) by Nikedemos (2.91s) - WaterBases.cs 185 "Waterless Sprinklers" (1.0.0) by Lorenzo (0.41s) - WaterlessSprinklers.cs 186 "Water Works" (1.0.4) by nivex (0.36s) - WaterWorks.cs 187 "Weapon Changer" (1.0.1) by Orange (1.89s) - WeaponChanger.cs 188 "Who Knocks" (0.0.7) by Hockeygel23 (0.01s) - WhoKnocks.cs 189 "Wizardry" (1.1.6) by Colon Blow (87.13s) - Wizardry.cs 190 "Wounded Screams" (2.2.3) by Death (0.07s) - WoundedScreams.cs 191 "Xmas Mini" (1.0.3) by The Friendly Chap (0.44s) - XmasMini.cs 192 ElevatorFallFix - Failed to compile: ElevatorFallFix.cs(1833,12): error CS1056: Unexpected character `’' 193 MapProtection - Unloaded 194 PveMode - Unloaded
- #lighting
- #automation
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- #lighting
- #automation
- (and 6 more)
- #lighting
- #automation
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- #broken cars
- #cargoplane
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- #broken cars
- #cargoplane
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- #alarm
- #biological weapon
(and 32 more)
Tagged with:
- #alarm
- #biological weapon
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- #umod
- #zombie
- #halloween
- #pvemode
- #npcspawn
- #server event
- #alarm
- #biological weapon
(and 32 more)
Tagged with:
- #alarm
- #biological weapon
- #bradley
- #call
- #cargoplane
- #ch47
- #chinook
- #crates
- #event
- #facepunch
- #kpu
- #kpuc
- #kpuctajl
- #mad mappers
- #npc
- #oxide
- #parachute
- #phone
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- #plugin
- #plugins
- #premium
- #pve
- #pvp
- #rust
- #satdishevent
- #satellite
- #satellite dish
- #umod
- #zombie
- #halloween
- #pvemode
- #npcspawn
- #server event
- #broken cars
- #cargoplane
- (and 26 more)
- #alarm
- #biological weapon
(and 32 more)
Tagged with:
- #alarm
- #biological weapon
- #bradley
- #call
- #cargoplane
- #ch47
- #chinook
- #crates
- #event
- #facepunch
- #kpu
- #kpuc
- #kpuctajl
- #mad mappers
- #npc
- #oxide
- #parachute
- #phone
- #plane
- #plugin
- #plugins
- #premium
- #pve
- #pvp
- #rust
- #satdishevent
- #satellite
- #satellite dish
- #umod
- #zombie
- #halloween
- #pvemode
- #npcspawn
- #server event
- #broken cars
- #cargoplane
- (and 26 more)