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  1. Version 3.4.13


    The ultimate base protection plugin that allows players to pay a resource in exchange for configurable protection for their base or tugboat. This plugin has been rewritten from the ground up for performance, quality, and integrating community suggested features. Features There are many different ways you can configure this plugin to fit the needs of your server. Many features can be modified or disabled entirely through the plugin configuration file. These include: Both online and/or offline base protection Trade currency for protection or provide it for free Players can turn on/off protection Permission based protection tiers Configure what gets protected and who it is protected from Set limits on how long protection lasts Indicator(s) for displaying base protection Option for allowing raiders to bypass protection if they can drain the protection balance with damage Options for making protection more expensive for larger bases/clans and cheaper for small groups. UI that blends in seamlessly with vanilla Rust. Disclaimer This plugin will be updated at the owners discretion. Before purchasing any plugin, I recommend checking the date of the last update and refer to support tickets to see if there might be any issues with the latest Rust game version. If a game update breaks this plugin, please open a support ticket (if it doesn't already exist) and direct message me on Discord (link found below). How to Use Configure the plugin and load it Once loaded, assign yourself (or your group) one of the protection level permissions. Place a new tool cupboard, or find one that YOU have previously placed. Open the tool cupboard inventory, at the top you should see two tabs: "Upkeep" and "Protection". Select the protection tab to view the raid protection info. On this screen, you will be able to spend the configured currency in order to purchase hours of protection. By default, this currency is scrap. Use the buttons on the right to add some hours of protection, you should see that status change to show the time you are protected. Your base will now be protected for the amount of time specified. Notes You can use the Clear button to withdraw all balance, and stop protection The Pause/Resume button can be used to start/stop protection without changing the balance. The Info button will reveal a panel which displays additional information on protection. The +Max button will deposit the maximum amount of time that you can afford Quick Start Presets There is a lot of documentation for this plugin because there is a lot you can do with it! However, it doesn't have to be complicated. If you have a simple use case in mind, you can use one of these preset configurations to get what you need or use as a starting point without having to figure it out yourself! Important: You will want to assign your default permission group the raidprotection.level.1 permission for any of these configurations. Always Free Provides free raid protection for all players with the level 1 permission Protection for tugboat bases Recommended for PvE or light PvP servers Offline Only Same as the default config, but only offers offline protection Has a limit of 48 hours of protection for level 1 Includes a level 2 permission with unlimited hours of protection (VIP) Protection for tugboat bases Recommended for PvP servers Hardcore Offline only protection Two protection levels, one with a 48 hour limit and one with no limit Additional costs that scale with number of owners and building size Raiders can damage a structure and cause it to "bleed" protection balance to attempt to disable the protection with enough damage Significant delay for activating protection No protection for tugboat bases Recommended for hardcore PvP servers Upgrading Versions When a new version is released, you may need delete your config and lang files and reload them to accommodate the new changes. You do NOT need to delete the data file, unless specifically instructed. As long as you do not delete the data file, then all of your protection balances will persist, even between versions. Not all updates will require this process, but if it does, you will be notified with a message like this: To resolve this, simply delete the config and lang files and reload the plugin. You will need to manually update these files to align with what you want. As of v3.4.0 you no longer need to delete your config files when upgrading from a previous version. However, you still should check the config after the update is installed to verify no unintended changes have occurred. Protection Levels Protection levels are how you assign a particular set of rules to a player. These protection levels are added in the configuration file, and are then assigned to an auto-generated permission. Each protection level needs a unique Rank property, this rank determines the order of precedence when a player is assigned multiple protection levels. In this event, a player's protection level will always be the highest ranked protection level they are granted. Protection levels are managed in the configuration file, here is some information on some of the properties: Cost per damage protected - This amount will be deducted from the protection balance for each point of damage that was protected. So if this value is set to 1 and someone attempts to deal 100 damage to a protected structure, and that structure has 100% protection, then 100 balance will be deducted. If in that same example it was only 50% protection, then only 50 balance would be deducted. Entity resistances are taken into account as well (twig will take more damage than metal, ect). Hourly base cost - This is a fixed cost that is charged per hour of protection. Hourly cost per authorized player - This amount will be charged for each owner every hour. Can be used to charge players more if they have a larger clan. Hourly cost per floor - This amount will be charged for each floor every hour. Can be used to charge players more for protecting a larger base. Max protection time - The max number of hours protection can be applied for. If set to null, then there will be no limit. Offline protection percent - The percent of protection a structure will receive when all the owners are offline. A value of 0 will be unprotected, and a value of 100 will be fully protected. Online protection percent - The percent of protection a structure will receive when at least one owner is online. A value of 0 will be unprotected, and a value of 100 will be fully protected. Rank - A number value indicating the order of importance when a player is assigned multiple protection ranks. Higher values indicate a greater importance. For example, if a player is assigned both protection rank 1 and protection rank 2, then tool cupboards they place will be of protection rank 2 instead of 1. These ranks must be unique DO NOT create protection levels with the same rank. This value needs to be 1 or higher, it cannot be 0. Delay after taking damage - The number of seconds before protection may begin after a structure has taken unprotected damage. It is recommended to set this to a higher amount on PvP servers. Delay for offline protection - The number of seconds before offline protection kicks in after the last owner has gone offline. It is recommended to set this to a higher amount on PvP servers. Damage resets timer when owner is offline - If this is set to true, then if a raid has already started on a structure that has offline only protection, but the protection hasn't kicked in yet (due to a delay timer) then the attackers can continue to raid indefinitely as long as they continue to do damage while the owner(s) are offline. If this is set to false, then the attackers will only have a certain amount of time to continue their raid if the owner(s) are offline. Allow tugboat protection - If this is set to true, then players with this protection level may receive protection for tugboat bases. For these tugboat bases the protection panel can be accessed in the fuel inventory of the boat. The founder of a tugboat base is whomever is the FIRST player to authorize on a tugboat. Founder Limit - The number of tool cupboards that a player can be a Founder of and receive raid protection. If a player exceeds this limit, then future tool cupboards will not receive protection until enough previously placed ones have been destroyed in order to be within the limit. If a player places a tool cupboard, and they have exceeded the limit, once they are no longer exceeding the limit they can "activate" that tool cupboard in the info panel to have it gain raid protection. If this value is set to null then there is no limit. Founders and Owners When a tool cupboard is placed, the player who places it is permanently labeled as the "Founder" of that tool cupboard and building privilege. The protection level of that building privilege is derived soley from the founder's protection level, and therefore won't change unless the founder's protection level changes. Whenever a player is authorized on a tool cupboard, they will be permanently branded as an "Owner" of that tool cupboard. Owners are all the players, including the founder, who have EVER been authorized on the tool cupboard. This means that players will still be listed as an owner even if they deauthorize themselves. Owners are important because they affect how Online/Offline protection will be triggered. A base will only be granted offline protection if ALL the owners are offline, otherwise online protection (if available) will be granted if at least one owner is online. For tugboat bases, the founder is whomever is the first player to authorize themselves on the tugboat. Permissions raidprotection.admin raidprotection.level.x - these permissions are autogenerated based on your protection level settings in the config, they will show up in the server console when the plugin is loaded (unless you have Enable Console Messages set to false) raidprotection.ignore - raid protection will not count any player with this permission towards being an owner. They will not show up in the owner list and will not count toward team member count for offline protection. They also will not receive protection on bases they build even if they have a protection level assigned. This is useful for admin groups so that you don't have to remember to deauth on tool cupboards. However, if this permission is ever revoked, that player will be retroactively counted as an owner on ALL tool cupboards they are currently authed on. Commands Player Commands These commands require no permissions and can be used by any player. /pro - displays the raid protection information panel, requires authorization on the tool cupboard in the current area. /lev - displays a screen that tells the player their personal assigned protection level and explains the benefits that comes with it. Admin Commands These commands require the raidprotection.admin permission to use. /tc - displays a screen with all the available admin commands /tc help - same as /tc Use the above commands to see a full command list in game. Configuration The default config file: Here is an explanation for some of the fields: Enable Logging - Set to true to keep logs of tool cupboards protection activity. Logs will be saved to the oxide/logs/RaidProtection folder. It is recommended only to enable this only for debugging purposes, as it will take a significant amount of storage space if you have a larger server. Enable Ledger - Set to true to keep track of protection balance changes for tool cupboard. These ledger files are stored in oxide/data/RaidProtection/Ledgers. It is recommended to keep this enabled, as it will help you roll back balances if a player has an issue. This does not take up as much storage space as logging does as it only keeps track of balances. Enable Console Messages - Set to false to disable the info messages upon plugin reload. Commands - You can change the prefix for the commands this plugin uses here. Chat Message Icon ID - A steam id for the portrait of chat messages. Protection Tabs Offset - This value will adjust the vertical placement of the Protection Tabs in the tool cupboard menu. Positive values will move it up, negative values will move it down. Useful for making it so those tabs don't conflict with other UI plugins that use that area. Image Settings - Links for the images the plugin uses. Indicator Settings - Settings for the indicator that (by default) appears in the top right when you attack a protected structure. You can change its size and position or disable it. Plugin Integration - Set any of these to true if you want this plugin to take advantage of the features of another supported plugin. Custom Status Framework Settings (Ignore if you do not have Custom Status Framework integration enabled) Popup Attack Indicator - If set to true, a status will briefly appear when a player attacks a protected structure. Persistent Status For Owners - If set to true, a status will appear while a player is in a protected area that they are an owner for. Slight performance cost when enabled. Persistent Status For Non Owners - If set to true, a status will appear while a player is in a protected area that they are NOT an owner for. Slight performance cost when enabled. Popup Status When Hammer Equipped - If set to true, a status indicating the protection level of the area they are in will appear while they are holding a hammer. This will appear regardless of if you are an owner of that area or not. Protection Settings Admin owners removed when deauthorized - Normally, you cannot remove an owner even if they deauthorize. But if this setting is enabled, it allows admins to remove themselves as owners when they deauthorize from a tool cupboard. They can also achieve this with commands. Allow balance withdraw - If set to true, then players will see a "Clear" button in the tool cupboard panel that allows them to withdraw any protection balance. Allow max deposit - If set to true, there will be a "+Max" button that will purchase the maximum number of protection hours a player can afford. Award remaining balance when cupboard is destroyed - If set to true, whomever destroys a tool cupboard will be awarded whatever amount was in the protection balance. Currency item - The item that will be used as currency for protection, this will only be overridden if you are using Server Rewards or Economics for your currency. If you want it to be a custom item that has a skin, you can put # followed by the skin id after the item name. For example "scrap#12345" would only accept scrap items with the skin 12345. Protected entities - If any of these are set to true, then that type of entity will be covered under Raid Protection. If you are using other protection plugins like TruePvE, then you will want to configure these to not overlap with what other plugins are protecting. Protected from - If these are set to true, then damage from that type of source will be protected. By default Authed Players is set to false, which means that players will be able to damage their own structures, but enemy players cannot. Protection levels - See the section about protection levels for information. Protect twig - If set to true, then twig building blocks will receive raid protection. If set to false, then twig building blocks will not receive raid protection, even if placed by an owner of the base. Ledgers As of Raid Protection v3.2.0, you can optionally configure ledgers to be enabled. When enabled, the plugin will keep logs protection balance changes for all tool cupboards. These logs will be saved to oxide/data/RaidProtection/Ledgers. There is a ledger file for each tool cupboard, and it's filename will make the entity ID of that tool cupboard. You can use the /tc id command to see what the ID of a tool cupboard is (see commands section). The benefit of ledgers is that each balance change has a specific GUID identifier attached to it that can be used to restore a tool cupboard's balance to that exact state in the event that a player has an issue. An example of a ledger file might look like this: Ledger file for tool cupboard with ID 2250729 [ "05/26/2023 16:17:56,ad87f16e-52eb-4689-887f-ecc53cd3ff13,0,Withdraw", "05/26/2023 16:18:20,108e54c0-98c4-46df-9eb3-e17192c37bb3,0,CollectionStopped", "05/26/2023 16:18:23,a2f03162-200c-47ce-948e-b0c703435e51,0,CollectionStarted", "05/26/2023 16:18:28,5c83390e-bbd2-4049-8ec9-8f2951746159,0,Withdraw", "05/26/2023 16:19:29,cd892a3f-249b-4cad-8949-abf904656288,20,Added", "05/26/2023 16:19:31,6e710dfc-23c2-4375-8c4f-07017d4d44c6,40,Added", "05/26/2023 16:19:31,bc51f8c7-3f3a-4abc-8fd2-8bb4c47fe454,60,Added", "05/26/2023 16:20:25,f08cfa34-a623-4de3-9027-7c3acb3e3ec3,60,CollectionStarted", "05/26/2023 16:20:52,a849be59-899c-4779-bba6-2f5f1b0ffb8d,59.93055,CollectionStopped" ] The format of each row goes as follows, from left to right separated by commands. Date and Time of balance activity GUID identifier, used by the /tc restore command to roll back a balance The protection balance of the tool cupboard at that given time A brief descriptive reason as to what changed about that balance For example, using the ledger file listed above, if we wanted to rollback the tool cupboard to before the collection started (the last "Added" one), we could run the following command. /tc restore 2250729 bc51f8c7-3f3a-4abc-8fd2-8bb4c47fe454 Running this command will set the balance of the tool cupboard with ID 2250729 back to its balance of 60. As of v3.2.3 you can also mass restore all tool cupboards to a specific time or date. For example, using the ledger file listed above, if we wanted to rollback the tool cupboard to the time 16:19:00. We could run the following command. /tc ledger rollback 16:19 This will rollback ALL TOOL CUPBOARDS to the first ledger entry that comes BEFORE the given time. In this case that entry would be GUID=5c83390e-bbd2-4049-8ec9-8f2951746159 at time 16:18:28 because that is the latest entry before 16:19:00. Thus the balance will be 0. Rollbacks can also accept a date in addition to a time. For example, if you wanted to rollback to noon the following day you could run the following command. /tc ledger rollback "5/25/2023 12:00" Notice that there is no ledger entry for this tool cupboard that goes back that far. In this case, the balance of the cupboard will be set to ZERO. Please note that if you include a date and time the value MUST be enclosed in quotes (see the example above). Tugboat Bases As of v3.3.0, Raid Protection can optionally be allowed for tugboat bases. This is configurable per protection level. Tugboat bases can utilize all the features of a normal tool cupboard base. You can access the protection panel for tugboat bases in the fuel inventory in the drivers seat. For tugboat bases, the founder of the base is considered to be the FIRST player to authorize on the tugboat. Plugin Integration Clans This plugin provides built-in support for Clans. If a player is in a Clan, it will automatically treat all clan members as owners. This of course means that the owners will not be removed even when a member is kicked from a clan. True PVE This plugin is compatible with True PVE as long as both plugins are configured in a non-conflicting way. For example, if you use True PVE to provide protection to players, then in your Raid Protection config file under the Protected entities section you should set Authed Players and Unauthed Players both to false to avoid hook conflict errors. If you do see hook conflicts, see the section of this documentation about how to resolve hook conflict errors. Zone Manager This plugin is compatible with ZoneManager without any extra configuration. ZoneManager will take priority if the zone has the "undestr" flag. Custom Status Framework If you have CustomStatusFramework installed and want to take advantage of the status indicators (that appear in the bottom right) in your Raid Protection config file under the Plugin Integration section set Custom Status Framework to true. Simple Status Simple Status is a plugin that is still being developed, and will be an alternative, more performance friendly option to Custom Status Framework. This plugin is not yet available, but as of v3.4.0, configuration options have been added to support this plugin when it releases. Preview of indicators: Economics and Server Rewards If you wish to use economics balance or server rewards points as a currency instead of an item, you can set ONE of these to true in the plugin integration section of the config. It is important to set ONLY ONE of these to true, or else both will be disabled and you will get a warning in the console. Protection panel with Economics: NoDecay This plugin is compatible with NoDecay without any extra configuration. Notify If you want to use Notify as your source of indicators you can enable the flag for it in the Raid Protection config. Abandoned Bases If you enable Abandoned Bases in the integration config, then bases that are labeled as Abandoned will not receive raid protection. Raidable Bases Bases spawned by Raidable Bases will be ignored by Raid Protection. They should not show up in ledgers and players cannot add balance to them. Skill Tree If Skill Tree is enabled in the integration config then it will prevent players with the lockpicking skill from picking locks in raid protected areas. Other Plugins Should be compatible with most other plugins given they don't use the onEntityTakeDamage hook. If they do use this hook, it just means you have to change your configuration settings, see the hook conflicts section for more info. Images If you experience any issues with the default images provided by this plugin I recommend hosting them yourself. The urls can be changed in the config. Here is a zip file containing all the images. icons.zip Carbon As of 8/19/2023 I can confirm that this plugin is compatible with Carbon. Please open a support ticket if you experience any Carbon related issues. Hook Conflicts If you're getting messages in the server console that looks similar to this: OnEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: NoDecay - True (Boolean), RaidProtection (False (Boolean)) That means that another plugin is conflicting with Raid Protection. In most cases this is an easy fix, and it just means that you need to update your Raid Protection config file to not protect the same entities that another plugin is already protecting. So for example, if you have a plugin already that makes it so player's cannot attack each other, then there is no need for Raid Protection to do that job, and therefore in the Protected entities section of the config you should set Authed players and Unauthed players to false to avoid conflicts. Previous Versions You may have seen the free version of this plugin available on uMod. That version (2.X.X) will stay available for free on umod, but is no longer supported. If you are upgrading from the free version, you must first delete the config/lang/data files before installing v3.0.0 and above. If you do not delete these files, you will likely run into issues, as despite having the same name, the plugin has been completely rewritten, and therefore is completely incompatible with the free version. Developer API /* * Returns 0 if entity unprotected and 100 if entity fully protected */ private float GetProtectionPercent(BaseEntity entity) /* * Returns a list of the owners of the structure associated with the given entity */ private List<BasePlayer> GetOwners(BaseEntity entity) /* * Returns the player who is the founder of the structure associated with the given entity. Can be null. */ private BasePlayer GetFounder(BaseEntity entity) /* * Returns the protection balance of the structure associated with the given entity */ private float GetProtectionBalance(BaseEntity entity) /* * Returns the hours of protection remaining of the structure associated with the given entity */ private float GetProtectionHours(BaseEntity entity) Discord If you want to report a bug, require support, have a suggestion or want to be notified when I release an update you can join my plugin development discord with this link: Plugin Development Discord Link Donate Writing and maintaining these plugins takes a tremendous amount of work. Donating is one way to give some positive feedback which helps me continue making them! Buy me a coffee here! FAQ Please check out this section before opening a support ticket, it may save us both some time! Q: I don't see the status indicators in the bottom right. A: The status indicators come from another plugin called CustomStatusFramework, you must install it and enable it in the config file to get the indicators. Q: I have protection time, but I am able to damage my own structure. By default "Authed players" are able to damage their own structures. You can change this in the config file. Q: The add hours buttons aren't showing for me in the tool cupboard panel. A: The hours buttons will not show if the protection has 0 cost. Q: I have a max protection time set, but it says "protected for forever" A: If the protection cost is 0, then there cannot be a max protection time. Q: I deauthorized myself from the tool cupboard, but I am still listed as an owner. A: Owners are not removed after deauthorization. Only admins can remove owners. Q: How are overlapping tool cupboards handled? A: If a player has a base with overlapping tool cupboards, then each cupboard will need its own protection. Which entities are protected depend upon which tool cupboard governs that entity. Q: Can player's exploit offline only protection by deauthorizing? A:Deauthorizing will not help players looking to exploit offline only protection because they will still be considered an Owner even if they deauthorize. Q: Can a player exploit offline only protection by never authorizing? A: If a player is never authorized on a cupboard, then they will not count toward being online, and therefore offline protection can occur. However, players cannot add or manage protection balance unless they are authorized, and therefore the protection balance will run out, especially if a max protection time is set. Q: I have protection for horses on, but now the horses never poop A: If horses don't lose health, they will never eat and therefore never poop, this is a side effect of protection for horses. Q: Why does protection say "pending" in the bottom right? A: Pending either means that you have offline only protection or your structure has recently taken damage and therefore protection is delayed. See the tool cupboard protection panel for more info. Q: I'm seeing conflict warnings in my console between Raid Protection and True PvE A: Please refer to the sections of documentation for TruePvE and Hook Conflicts Q: I'm seeing Image failed to download! Error: HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests A: Refer to the Images section of the documentation.
  2. ninco90


    Version 1.4.7


    Fed up with the need to use multiple addons on my server for functions that players could execute from within the game, and considering the constant increase of new Skins for builds, I found myself dissatisfied with the limited supply of automatic upgrades on the market. For this reason, I have reworked the most used TC-related features on my server into a single plugin, which has been enriched with ideas contributed by players and other Rust administrators. All this under an attractive graphical interface, inspired by the item store of the game itself. Video Update 1.4.0 Old Video Features LIST OF AUTHORIZED PLAYERS It allows players or simply the rest of the Staff to easily see which players are authorized in the locker. Except for the administrators themselves, if you activate it in the config. (I don't think any player needs to know that the admin was authorized in their locker to check something) You can also allow authorizations to be deleted individually. AUTOMATIC CONSTRUCTION SKINS With BetterTC your players will be able to improve their builds to any level of improvement, but they will also be able to choose their favorite Skin (if you enable it) completely free of charge or offering it to the VIPS on your server. Update system: I have added a small system that checks for new skins to automatically add them to the configuration. When you install the plugin for the first time and once you obtain permission from bettertc.admin, you must click on "Check Update" so that it performs an internal check and adds all the skins and options that exist to date. AUTOMATIC IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM Allows your players to upgrade the grade of their bases automatically by obtaining resources directly from the TC. As long as they don't have RaidBlock (if you use NoEscape/RaidBlock plugin of course). You can configure different speed levels and costs depending on the player's permission from the plugin's own settings. That is, you can have players improve a building every 5 seconds for free and VIPs can improve every 2 or 1... Use your imagination! In addition, you can also calculate the cost of materials that will be required to carry out said improvement by clicking on the info button. AUTOMATIC REPAIR SYSTEM Allows your players to repair their bases automatically by obtaining resources directly from the TC. As long as they don't have RaidBlock (if you use NoEscape of course). Now since version 1.4.0 it will also repair damaged objects such as doors, trapdoors, windows, boxes! CONSTRUCTION DEGRADATION It allows players to regret upgrading their huge base to metal and not being able to afford it anymore. Of course, it will charge them resources as if they improved it from 0. However, if you do not want to allow downgrade you can disable it from the config. WALLPAPER PLACEMENT Allows your players to place any wallpaper available in the game automatically based on the building type. You will get the closet interior fabric as a placement cost. The skin list is remotely updatable, so if new skins are added they will be added without the need to update the plugin. You will just have to click (as admin) on the check for update button. In addition, with BetterTC you can place wallpapers on both sides of the walls, even if they are on the outside of the building, as it includes an option in the configuration to force this placement. TC SKINS Give your players the ability to change the appearance of their TC. CONSTRUCTION EFFECTS Allows players to disable auto-build buff effects and reduces headaches.However, if you do not want to allow them to disable this, you can disable it from the config. BETTER GUI The plugin's interface has been programmed so that it maintains its size regardless of the interface scaling settings of each player. It has also been taken into account that perhaps not everyone wants to enable all options for their players. Therefore, the buttons that appear at the top of the TC have been programmed so that if a player does not have permission for a specific function, instead of leaving the space empty, the buttons adapt their position automatically. The player list GUI and construction SKINS have also been prepared with a pagination system if necessary. 90% of the images used in the plugin are loaded directly from the client side, thus optimizing the loading and rendering of the interface and reducing the use of Image Library. Permissions bettertc.admin Exclusive for Admin. It allows you to check if there are new skins to add. You will not appear in the list of authorized players if the option in the settings is activated. bettertc.authlist Shows a button at the top of the TC to check which players are authorized. bettertc.deleteauth Allows you to individually revoke an authorized player. You can give this permission to players if you want them to be able to delete individually. bettertc.use It is the basic degree of use found in the configuration. bettertc.vip It is the level of use for advanced that is found in the configuration. Depending on how you configure it, it makes players with this permission improve/repair/change skin faster. Or it simply costs them less resources. bettertc.repair Displays a button on top of the TC to repair the build automatically. bettertc.repair.nocost No explanation needed I think. (USE WITH CAUTION) bettertc.reskin Allows players to change the skin of their build automatically. Imagine one day you upgrade your entire foundation to container and the next day you regret losing FPS and would like to leave it on normal metal. bettertc.reskin.nocost No explanation needed I think. bettertc.updefault Shows players the default upgrade options. Without SKINS. bettertc.upskin Show players upgrade options with SKINS. bettertc.upgrade Permission to evade blocking of all items. bettertc.upgrade.nocost No explanation needed I think. (USE WITH CAUTION) bettertc.wallpaper Allows players to place Wallpaper. bettertc.wallpaper.nocost No explanation needed I think. (USE WITH CAUTION) Commands There are no chat commands. Everything is managed from the TC interface. Configuration DEFAULT CONFIGURATION { "Use NoEscape Plugin": true, "Use RaidBlock Plugin": true, "GUI Buttons TC - Color Default": "0.3 0.40 0.3 0.60", "GUI Buttons TC - Color Active": "0.90 0.20 0.20 0.50", "GUI Buttons TC - AnchorMin": "0.71 0.862", "GUI Buttons TC - AnchorMax": "0.947 0.892", "Alert Gametip": true, "Alert Chat": true, "Alert Notify Plugin": false, "Notify: select what notification type to be used": { "error": 0, "info": 0 }, "Color Prefix Chat": "#f74d31", "Show Admin Auth List": false, "Show SteamID Auth List": true, "Upgrade Effect": true, "Reskin Enable": true, "Deployables Repair": true, "Downgrade Enable": true, "Downgrade only Owner Entity Build": false, "Upgrade only Owner Entity Build": false, "Upgrade / Downgrade only Owner and Team": true, "Wallpaper placement Cost (Cloth)": 5, "Wallpaper both sides": true, "Force both sides including external sides": true, "Cooldown Frequency Upgrade (larger number is slower)": { "bettertc.use": 2.0, "bettertc.vip": 1.0 }, "Cooldown Frequency Reskin (larger number is slower)": { "bettertc.use": 2.0, "bettertc.vip": 1.0 }, "Cooldown Frequency Repair (larger number is slower)": { "bettertc.use": 2.0, "bettertc.vip": 1.0 }, "Cooldown Frequency Wallpaper (larger number is slower)": { "bettertc.use": 2.0, "bettertc.vip": 1.0 }, "Cost Modifier for repairs": { "bettertc.use": 1.5, "bettertc.vip": 1.0 }, ... ] } Bonus For any problem, doubt, suggestion or assistance do not hesitate to contact me by Discord ninco90#6219 If you need me to configure everything from scratch, according to your tastes, for your server I can also do it for an additional fee. Although you should be able to configure everything yourself
  3. Version 1.5.4


    Open UI - /tssettings (use permission - tcauth.use) FEATURES: The maximum number of players that can authorize in a cupboard Only authorized players can open crates (on/off) Only authorized players can look inside and open Furnaces (on/off) Authorized players are automatically not attacked by turrets and SAM site (on/off) Authorized players no longer need codes and keys to open doors (on/off) Automatically if players are registered on the TC (remove building parts) (on/off) Automatically registered your teammates on the TC PERMISSIONS: "tcauth.use" - you can use UI (only for config setup) "tcauth.bypass" - you can use all the functionality "tcauth.ignore" - you ignore all the functionality "tcauth.auth.use" - you are automatically authorizing in your teammates TC (AutoTurrets + SAM optional) "tcauth.lock.use" - you can open what's under lock and key "tcauth.chest.use" - you can open chests "tcauth.turret.use" - you are automatically authorized in the turrets and SAM "tcauth.furnace.use" - you can open the ovens "tcauth.removebp.use" - you can destroy parts of the building at any time P.s - (My Discord - tofurahie#4144)
  4. Version 1.1.5


    Defend your home.. well.. defend what's left of it! Welcome to an epic new event where the players will defend their bases against waves of Frankenraiders! They will use any weapons they have available to try to raid your base. Some will come with whatever they can swing at you and your base, some will just try to defend their kin, some have found some heavy weaponry too! I think that one has a rocket launcher?! Description To launch the event first you must find a flare bright enough to attract their attention. You'll be able to find flares bright enough to attract an Easy Frankenraid in Bradley, Elite, Military, and Supply crates. When you've found a flare just toss it on or near the base within Tool Cupboard range. Once you successfully defend an Easy Frankenraiding party, you will be rewarded with a flare bright enough for a Medium party. Then upon defending successfully against a Medium raid, well if you really want to risk your wipe being wiped by a full Frankenraider party, then you will have earned a flare bright enough to attract a Hard Frankenraid! When you complete any difficulty level and are able to defend your base, a chinook will be sent to your location with rewards for your service to the island in clearing out the threat! If your base is destroyed, the event ends, chat notifications are sent, and there you stand in shame. Hopefully you're on a low pop server and not too many people noticed. It's okay champ, happens to the best of us some days! Just keep an eye on the in game UI like the timer and wave information to give yourself the best shot at keeping your base standing! There are various ways to configure this plugin to customize it for your server, for any level and number of players. The creativity is in your hands with the configuration file as well as your communities wants or needs. The loot table, the flare spawns, the different enemy types and their setups, everything is there for you to customize this if you so choose. Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE GUI Announcements Notify AlphaLoot CustomLoot Base Repair Chat commands /defstop - in game command to end event in your current Tool Cupboard range (be near the event you are trying to end) - only for administrators! /checkfoundations - checks all the foundations of the house for the event (it is necessary to be inside the Cupboard area of the house) ⊘ - you or your friends are not the owner of the foundation ⊝ - the foundation does not match in height/depth ⊛ - the foundation does not match the topology (prohibited topologies: Cliff, Cliffside, Decor, Building, Monument, Clutter, Mountain) ◉ - the foundation is located within a radius of 40 meters from the custom monument Console commands (RCON only) giveflare {skinid} {steamid} - Console command to give a custom flare with a Steam Workshop SkinID ({skinid}) to a player using their SteamID ({steamid}) Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here! Creator of the default configuration – jtedal Help in creating a plugin description – Jbird
  5. Wolfurr

    The Cupboard

    Version 1.0.0


    The Cupboard - is a powerful tool that every Rust server needs. Rust gameplay is based on the opportunity to raid and take the loot but there is a problem that raiders usually destroy the tool cupboard and take the base under their control. This affects base owners and most of them leave from the server and you lose your online. The Cupboard solves the problem It provides many combinations for server owners to keep their lovely project PVP-based (or even PVP/PVE) and prevents losing online because of “base griefing”. Example of usage (default): TC can be destroyed by authorized players anytime TC can be destroyed by not authorized players during 24 hours after placement If a raider attacks a TC it will drop 90% of loot needed for the base upkeep and all the loot not needed for the upkeep This case allows the base owner to keep his base safe after 24 hours of the TC being placed and allows anti-raiders completely destroy a small base built by raiders as a spawn point near the base they are going to raid. Default plugin setup improves the experience of players who do not want to lose their base during their gameplay on your server and keeps the opportunity for anti-raiding in a classic way (or allows players to destroy new structures around their base during next 24 hours). Time preset can be adjusted according to your wishes. The feature that allows dropping resources from the TC is very useful (even if the TC can not be destroyed). It allows your players to get the loot and reduce time left for the upkeep, and on the other hand it gives the opportunity for the base owners to have some time to fill it back with needed resources and to keep control under their base. The Cupboard provides as many combinations as possible to control damage dealt to the TC. You even can control the rules of damage dealing for authorized players. Your players can type in chat “/tc” and they will get full information about TC damage dealing rules and of course they can receive the same information while attacking the TC (or you can just remove any notifications using config). Players will also receive in chat your TC damage rules after the TC being placed. Commands /tc Configuration Config:{ "Plugin Settings": { "skipPlacementByAdmin": false, "removeNonExistentTCFromDB": true }, "Settings": { "canTakeDamageFromAuthedPlayers": true, "canTakeDamageFromAuthedPlayersAfterACertainTime": false, "canTakeDamageFromAuthedPlayersBeforeACertainTimeHasPassed": false, "amountOfMinutesForTimeModeForAuthedPlayers": 1440, "canTakeDamageFromNotAuthedPlayers": true, "canTakeDamageFromNotAuthedPlayersAfterACertainTime": false, "canTakeDamageFromNotAuthedPlayersBeforeACertainTimeHasPassed": true, "amountOfMinutesForTimeModeForNotAuthedPlayers": 1440, "dropLootOnHitByNotAuthedPlayer": true, "percentOfEachStackOfLootToKeep": 10, "dropLootNotNeededForUpkeepOnHitByNotAuthedPlayer": true, "sendNotificationsWhenDamageProhibited": true, "sendDetailedNotificationsWithTimeInfo": true, "convertMinutesToHoursForNotifications": true }, "Loot": { "StoneStackQty": 1000, "WoodStackQty": 1000, "MetalFragmentsStackQty": 1000, "HighQualityMetalStackQty": 100 } } Config explanation Plugin settings skipPlacementByAdmin - set it to "true" if you want to skip this plugin logic for a TC placed by an admin (for example if you are using CopyPaste etc.) removeNonExistentTCFromDB - if set to "true" will remove all non-existent entities(TC) in the world from the database on server/plugin load (useful after the server wipe, you do not need to clean the data file yourself) Damage control for authorized players canTakeDamageFromAuthedPlayers - if set to “true” allows damage to the TC provided by authorized players Time modes (requires dropLootOnHitByAuthedPlayer to be “true”) canTakeDamageFromAuthedPlayersAfterACertainTime - if set to “true” allows damage (made by authorized players) to the TC only after a certain time after the TC being placed. canTakeDamageFromAuthedPlayersBeforeACertainTimeHasPassed - if set to “true” allows damage (made by authorized players) during a certain time after the TC being placed (after the timer ends damage will be prohibited). * you need to choice canTakeDamageFromAuthedPlayersAfterACertainTime OR canTakeDamageFromAuthedPlayersBeforeACertainTimeHasPassed (only one presset works at a time). Or you can turn both off. amountOfMinutesForTimeModeForAuthedPlayers - controls the amount of minutes for the chosen time mode for authorized players. Damage control for not authorized players canTakeDamageFromNotAuthedPlayers - if set to “true” allows damage to the TC provided by not authorized players Time modes (requires dropLootOnHitByNotAuthedPlayer to be “true”) canTakeDamageFromNotAuthedPlayersAfterACertainTime - if set to “true” allows damage (made by not authorized players) to the TC only after a certain time after the TC being placed. canTakeDamageFromNotAuthedPlayersBeforeACertainTimeHasPassed - if set to “true” allows damage (made by not authorized players) during a certain time after the TC being placed (after the timer ends damage will be prohibited). * you need to choice canTakeDamageFromNotAuthedPlayersAfterACertainTime OR canTakeDamageFromNotAuthedPlayersBeforeACertainTimeHasPassed (only one presset works at a time). Or you can turn both off. amountOfMinutesForTimeModeForNotAuthedPlayers - controls the amount of minutes for the chosen time mode for not authorized players. Other options dropLootOnHitByNotAuthedPlayer - if set to “true” and the TC being attacked it will drop some resources. percentOfEachStackOfLootToKeep - if set to “10” the TC will drop on the ground 90% of each stack of resources needed for the base upkeep dropLootNotNeededForUpkeepOnHitByNotAuthedPlayer - if set to “true” the TC will drop on the ground 100% of each stack of resources not needed for the base upkeep. sendNotificationsWhenDamageProhibited - if set to “true” will send notifications for the TC attacker about damage prohibition. sendDetailedNotificationsWithTimeInfo - if set to “true” will send detailed notifications for the TC attacker about damage prohibition with time values convertMinutesToHoursForNotifications - if set to “true” will convert minutes to hours (for example if you have southands of minutes for your time values) and it also affects messages that players receive. sendNotificationOnTCPlacement - if set to “true” will send your TC damage rules (based on your setup) to the player in the chat after the TC being placed. Loot quantity setup Adjust these values if your server has modified values for the max stack quantity of each time of resources the TC can store. Config has values for resources needed for the base upkeep only: StoneStackQty - 1000 of Stone (default) WoodStackQty - 1000 of Wood (default) MetalFragmentsStackQty - 1000 of Metal Fragments (default) HighQualityMetalStackQty - 100 of High Quality Metal (default)
  6. Version 1.1.4


    Allow the administrator to limit the number of authorized players per Tool Cupboard. It can also sync turret auth with Tool Cupboard. Features: Parameters "syncTurret: true" to make Turrets don't attack players who have Building Privilege. "limitPerRank => default" is the default amount of allowed authorization per Tool Cupboard. Permission "ToolCupboardAuthLimiter.rank.zero" players with this permission will upgrade (from default) the amount of allowed authorization per Tool Cupboard. "ToolCupboardAuthLimiter.rank.one" players with this permission will upgrade (from zero) the amount of allowed authorization per Tool Cupboard. "ToolCupboardAuthLimiter.rank.two" players with this permission will upgrade (from one) the amount of allowed authorization per Tool Cupboard. "ToolCupboardAuthLimiter.bypass" allow the player to bypass the limitation. Demonstration: Video coming soon... Live test: You can try all my public plugins on my servers at https://Rust.Maelep.be This plugin is available on the following servers: Maelust: Extended Official, Maelust: Wildman, Maelust: Escape From Rust. Warranty The customers benefits from a 28-day warranty from the date of the last sell of the plugin. This warranty covers bugs related to the script and, as far as possible, bugs related to Rust and uMod updates. Bugs: Bugs because of my script will always fixed as soon as possible. Bugs because of uMod or Rust changes will be fixed as soon as possible but I'm not responsible for the inability to continue to maintain the plugin due to incompatibility. No refund will be made.
  7. Version 1.2.1


    XRaidProtection - night protection of buildings from raids. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es/fr/pt-PT/pt-BR. - Sound effects when interacting with protection. - Setting the protection time range. - Setting the protection percentage. - Customize GUI/chat messages. [ Custom setting for each type of protection ] - Setting up a list of protected prefabs in addition to building blocks, doors, large walls and gates (they are protected by default). - Support for the IQChat plugin. - Setting up protection in the first N days after the wipe. - Setting the protection percentage for privileges. [ The highest in the list of permissions is valid ] - Setting protection activity on certain days of the week. [ Example: weekdays only ] - Possibility to allow twigs to be broken during protection. - Notification of players in the chat about the activation and deactivation of protection. - The ability to always display the UI when protection is active/inactive. - The ability to include vehicle protection. - The ability to configure a different percentage of protection for each day after a wipe. -> Overview - YouTube <- Commands /protect - view protection status. Config { "Messages in chat and GUI": { "Interval between messages. Min - 10 sec": 30 }, "Setting the protection duration": { "Start protection | Hour": 22, "Start protection | Minute": 0, "End protection | Hour": 7, "End protection | Minute": 0, "Timezone - UTC+0:00": 0, "Protection activity check timer (.sec)": 120, "Use local computer/hosting time. [ Requests to an external time service and time zone will be disabled ]": true }, "General settings": { "Sound effect": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/invite_notice.prefab", "Protection percentage for all players. 1.0 - 100%": 0.5, "Protection percentage for all vehicles. 1.0 - 100%": 0.5, "Protected all vehicles": false, "Enable sound effect": true, "Protection activity only in the first days of the wipe": false, "How protection will work in the early days of the wipe - [ True - all day | False - only in the specified time range ]": false, "How many first days after the wipe will be active protection": 3, "Percentage of protection by day, only at ( Protection activity only in the first days of the wipe ). If the list is empty or no day is specified, the protection percentage will be taken from ( Protection percentage for all players. 1.0 - 100% )": { "1": 1.0, "2": 0.7, "3": 0.5 }, "Enable GUI message": true, "Enable chat message": false, "Allow breaking twigs during defense": true, "Enable protection for players with permission when the main protect is not active": false, "Enable protection against damage from helicopters, MLRS, submarines, etc. [ Excluding rot damage ]": true, "0 - Protection only for players with permission, 1 - Protection for all players, 2 - Protection for players with permission and for all players": 1, "What days of the week protection can be active - [ Does not apply to protection in the early days of the wipe ] - [ Sun - 1, Mon - 2, Tue - 3, Wed - 4, Thu - 5, Fri - 6, Sat - 7 ]": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, "GUI settings": { "AnchorMin [ When damage is dealt ]": "0.5 0", "AnchorMax [ When damage is dealt ]": "0.5 0", "OffsetMin [ When damage is dealt ]": "-194.5 80", "OffsetMax [ When damage is dealt ]": "175.5 110", "Use icons [ When damage is dealt ]": true, "AnchorMin [ Status is always displayed ]": "0.5 0", "AnchorMax [ Status is always displayed ]": "0.5 0", "OffsetMin [ Status is always displayed ]": "-194.5 -6", "OffsetMax [ Status is always displayed ]": "175.5 24", "Use icons [ Status is always displayed ]": false, "Text color": "1 1 1 0.4", "Text size": 12, "Always display UI when protection is active": true, "Always display UI when protection is inactive": true }, "List of prefabs that will be protected": [ "cupboard.tool.deployed", "wall.frame.shopfront.metal" ], "Setting permissions - [ Permisssion | The percentage of protection by permission. 1.0 - 100% ]": { "xraidprotection.elite": 0.9, "xraidprotection.perm": 0.8, "xraidprotection.vip": 0.7 }, "Wipe date": "01/01/2023", "Time": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.00+00:00" }
  8. RustFlash


    Version 1.4.0


    "MyHouse" is an extensive plugin for Rust that enhances and improves the house management system in the game. It offers players the ability to name, find, and manage their houses, as well as use additional features like doorbells and mailboxes. The plugin aims to enhance the social player experience in Rust by providing players with more opportunities to personalize their houses and interact with others. It adds an extra layer of community and competition to the game by encouraging players to build impressive houses and share them with others. Features: House Naming: Players can name their Tool Cupboards (TCs) to make their houses easier to identify. House Searching: Players can find named houses of other players on the map by searching for the player’s name. Doorbells: Install and manage doorbells with 7 different sound options. Mailboxes: Enhanced functionality for mailboxes, displaying information about the house. House Rating System: A complex rating system that considers various factors like player votes, house statistics, house age, and number of owners. UI System: A user-friendly interface for managing and displaying all house functions. Commands: /myhouse <name> - Names the Tool Cupboard the player is looking at. /rename <name> - Renames an already named Tool Cupboard. /removemyhouse - Removes the name from a Tool Cupboard, making it unsearchable by other players. /findhouse <player name> - Finds and marks the named houses of another player on the map. /myhousehelp - Opens the help menu with an overview of all commands. /addbell - Adds a doorbell at the location the player is looking at. /removebell - Removes an installed doorbell. /set bell [1-7] - Changes the doorbell sound. Permissions: myhouse.use - Allows basic use of the plugin (house naming, house searching). myhouse.doorbell - Allows installation and management of doorbells. myhouse.mailbox - Allows use of advanced mailbox functions. Config: The plugin settings can be adjusted in the MyHouse.json file in the config folder. Here you can change properties like cooldown times, sound effects, and default language. { "CooldownSeconds": 20.0, "EggActiveDuration": 20.0, "DefaultSound": "assets/prefabs/misc/easter/painted eggs/effects/egg_upgrade.prefab", "DefaultLanguage": "en" } Multilingual Support: The plugin supports multiple languages. Language files are located in the lang folder and can be edited or expanded as needed. Currently supported languages: default: EN DE | FR | ES | IT | TR | RU | UK Please note that the language files were translated using the DeepL Language Tool load, run, enjoy Join my Discord pick the Role -> Flash and find Free Plugins Support Discord
  9. Version 2.0.3


    A lightweight plugin that disables various teaming methods to restrict players to solo gameplay. Now featuring an automated warning system with kick/ban abilities! Permissions soloenforcement.enforce Configuration { "Restrict tool cupboards" : true, "Require destruction of tool cupboards": true, "Ignore tool cupboard restrictions on decaying bases": true, "Restrict turrets": true, "Restrict sleeping bags & beds": true, "Restrict team creation": true, "Restrict codelock & keylock crafting": true, "Discord webhook URL": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks", "Discord message color": 9109504, "Log tool cupboard alerts to discord": false, "Log turret alerts to discord": false, "Log respawn alerts to discord": false, "Log revive alerts to discord": false, "Log team alerts to discord": false, "Log craft alerts to discord": false, "Log auto kicks/bans from warning system to discord": false, "Show violation messages to players in chat": true, "Use automatic warning system": false, "Maximum warnings": 3, "Show popup on warning": false, "Warning popup time (seconds)": 5, "Ban after maximum warnings (will kick otherwise)": false, "Use temporary bans for warning system (must have ban after maximum warnings enabled)": false, "Temporary ban time (seconds) - default is 24 hours": 86400, "Administer warning for tool cupboard violations": false, "Administer warning for turret authorization violations": false, "Administer warning for turret assign violations": false, "Administer warning for respawn violations": false, "Administer warning for revive violations": false, "Administer warning for team violations": false, "Administer warning for crafting violations": false } Localization { "Discord_Title" = "Solo Enforcement", "Discord_Alert_Tool_Cupboard" = "{player1} ({player1_id}) attempted to authorize on an already claimed tool cupboard!", "Discord_Alert_Turret_Authorize" = "{player1} ({player1_id}) attempted to authorize on an already claimed auto turret!", "Discord_Alert_Turret_Assign" = "{player1} ({player1_id}) attempted to assign {player2} ({player2_id}) to their auto turret!", "Discord_Alert_Respawn_Assign" = "{player1} ({player1_id}) attempted to assign their sleeping bag/bed to {player2} ({player2_id})!", "Discord_Alert_Respawn_Public" = "{player1} ({player1_id}) attempted to set their bed to public!", "Discord_Alert_Revive" = "{player1} ({player1_id}) revived {player2} ({player2_id})!", "Discord_Alert_Team_Create" = "{player1} ({player1_id}) attempted to create a team!", "Discord_Alert_Craft" = "{player1} ({player1_id}) attempted to craft a keylock/codelock!", "Discord_Alert_Auto_Kick" = "{player1} ({player1_id}) was auto-kicked from the server for too many teaming violations!", "Discord_Alert_Auto_Ban" = "{player1} ({player1_id}) was auto-banned from the server for too many teaming violations!", "Chat_Message_Tool_Cupboard" = "Another player is already authorized on this tool cupboard!", "Chat_Message_Turret_Authorize" = "Another player is already authorized on this auto turret!", "Chat_Message_Turret_Assign" = "You are not allowed to assign other players to your auto turret!", "Chat_Message_Respawn_Assign" = "You are not allowed to assign your sleeping bag/bed to another player!", "Chat_Message_Respawn_Public" = "You are not allowed to set your bed to public!", "Chat_Message_Team_Create" = "Teams have been disabled on this server!", "Chat_Message_Craft" = "Crafting for this item has been disabled!", "Auto_Kick_Message" = "Too many teaming violations detected (auto kick).", "Auto_Ban_Message" = "Too many teaming violations detected (auto ban).", "Warning_Popup" = "Warning {0}/{1}" }
  10. Iftebinjan

    TC Levels

    Version 1.3.3


    Reduce the decay damage by tick; Upgrade the authorizations limit; Upgrade the building grade limit; Upgrade the storage capacity of the cupboard; Unlock some deployable items; Upgrade the stack size limit of the cupboard; Set a default building grade for the server; Modify the default decay; Keep the cupboard attributes when remove; Make your server fun ^u^ The plugin has a unique permission, which allows the player to use the cupboard upgrade: tclevels.use F.A.Q How many items can be blocked? and which? You can block unlimited items and all items must be deployable or they will not be blocked. Which area will be checked when I place my cupboard? The entire privilege area will be checked. But you can also disable checks in the configuration file. Could it cause conflict with any plugin? Yes, but i am providing an API for the plugin so that other developers can integrate with it, so if there is a conflict, just go to the developer's plugin support and ask them to integrate it. Also if it is possible for me to integrate it from my plugin, i will do so without any problem.
  11. Version 1.0.1


    Prevent Add Friends Bag, Bed, Cupboard Permissions: preventaddfriends.bypass Image Made by @Azmo thanks
  12. Khan

    Better Hammer

    Version 1.0.0


    With just one tap, you can fully repair your base blocks and base items—no more having to tap repeatedly! Includes permission support and is optimized for top performance Permissions betterhammer.use ( required to do full 1 tap hit repairs with hammer )
  13. Version 1.0.4


    Cupboard auths will add an interactive UI to your server that will allow players to manage authed users list in cupboards. Permission: cupboardauths.use - permission required to use the plugin How it works? Contacts: Need help or custom plugin for your server? Contact me using Discord: metangerine ----------------------------------------------------------------------


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