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Everything posted by Jbird

  1. Jbird

    Automatic start

    You just configure this section as such at the beginning of the config file. "Minimum time between events [sec.]": 7200.0, "Maximum time between events [sec.]": 7200.0, "Is active the timer on to start the event? [true/false]": true,
  2. Jbird

    random spawn locations

    If you have no spawn points in their configuration, whether in the boss file or the custom map file, they will spawn randomly.
  3. Jbird

    Better Npc

    Do you have chinook crates and supply drops enabled? More often than not these errors have been around for awhile but we've never had to fix most occurrences of the errors popping up because generally the plugin is still functioning fine. It seems to mostly be that other plugins that are using those same hooks end up causing the errors but the plugin generally still functions just fine. That's what it's referring to though is supply drops and chinook crate drops.
  4. Jbird

    Event stopping at random times.

    Yes you may need to tweak it a bit to find a sweet spot but you'd want to give it a delay, I believe the timer is in seconds too just a heads up. Once you get it dialed into a good spot I think there is some slight difference on other maps depending on the chinooks spawn point but at that point it should not be a big difference just like a minute or two if that makes sense.
  5. Jbird

    Event stopping at random times.

    Check the delay you have for the chinooks departure. If you have the event running for a longer time, you will want to have a longer departure delay for the chinook. Picking up the prototypes is essentially the end of the event, so if it gets to that point it's not random, it's just already reached the final point of the event. Delaying the chinook will allow it to run the full time that you are intending.
  6. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    You know what I normally would recommend that because there's more chance they could roam into people, but that's actually a good point letting them roam they'll move on instead of being right in the same spot if you need to get your stuff back. Glad to hear it's workin out for ya though!
  7. Jbird

    AirEvent NullReference

    Checks like this were introduced in version 2.1.3. But possibly just related to the update. Let me know if you run into additional issues.
  8. Jbird

    Automatic start

    No problem, what are you trying to achieve and I'll recommend configuration or something else depending on what you're trying to do.
  9. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    No problem any time! Hope it's a quick fix for sure.
  10. Jbird

    Boss Monster

    This is actually already something you can do by changing their configuration. Here are the key configuration options that will keep them from so quickly finding and attacking players. /// How far the boss wanders from its spawn "Roam Range": 25.0, ///How far the boss will chase a player "Chase Range": 100.0, /// How far the boss will sense a player "Sense Range": 50.0, /// How long they will remember the players last location "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 10.0, /// Set to true and the boss will only see in front of itself "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, /// Decrease this value to take away some of their peripheral view "Vision Cone": 135.0, Basically the sense range would probably be what you're going to want to reduce, make it like 5 or something like that so they have to literally almost walk right up to it. At that point it's on them! haha
  11. Jbird

    AirEvent NullReference

    Generally NRE's can often be something off with a config or data file, though obviously sometimes the plugin as well. Not getting any other reports recently and was not able to reproduce. What version of the plugin are you running? Would you mind reloading the plugin and sharing the loading messages? If you're in the MM Discord you could create a ticket and share your config, or you can share it here if you're comfortable sharing it publicly.
  12. Jbird

    Automatic start

    By default with the plugin installed it has a timer and will automatically start after the timer, and the timer resets when the event ends. A few things to check for that might be holding you up. Ensure NpcSpawn is installed Ensure you moved the data files from the download into your server Reload the plugin and watch the loading messages in console for any errors If you do this and receive errors share them here Ensure the map you are using has the Junkyard monument on it If you get stuck on any of that just let me know. Also feel free to join the Mad Mapper Discord and you can create a ticket there, tag me and the developer if you do.
  13. Reload the plugin and check console for the loading messages, if it fails to load it should tell you why. Here are a couple common things to check for. Ensure NpcSpawn is installed Ensure all Data files were moved and are in the exact same format as they are in the download Folder structure inside the data folder of the download should match your server Reload the plugin and check console for the loading messages If it fails to load you should also see the reason Feel free to create a support ticket on the site where Death linked you or you can also jump into the Mad Mapper Discord to create a ticket there, and stay in touch with the team in the future.
  14. Jbird

    Supermarket Event

    I believe this was already sorted but please let me know if this issue persisted for you.
  15. Jbird

    Supermarket Event

    There has been at least one or two plugins that have been found to cause issues with the codelocks in these plugins. If you have any try unloading them, check to see if there are any at the location, then run the event to see if it persists. Absolutely always an option in the configuration. Just make sure the amount of NPCs does not exceed the amount of spawn points available.
  16. Jbird

    Supermarket Event

    The map marker issues were all resolved. NPCs stuck in the heli likely means that you increased the amount of NPCs in the helicopter but did not add additional spawn points for them.
  17. Jbird

    Supermarket Event

    This should be resolved but if you notice any issues ensure that heavy scientists are added to NPC group set(s). These are the default base for all NpcSpawn NPCs. There may be additional checks for their exact type as that's a general term for them that you would likely not want to use in the configuration.
  18. Jbird

    Supermarket Event

    I just want to apologize to anyone here that went without replies! Somehow two of the more recent plugins have not been giving me any notifications for discussion entries although I am following both of them the same as the other plugins in the library. Generally I get all notifications but due to missing this somehow these two plugins went without replies. Sorry to all and please forgive the barrage of replies that will now ensue!
  19. Jbird


    Nope no permissions. Just make sure Images files are installed or the UI is disabled, make sure NpcSpawn is installed, and make sure you are not using F1 to issue commands if the Description says it must be sent through an RCON connection.
  20. Jbird


    So far we have RustRewards, SkillTree, and XPerience requested. We have to know what plugins to be able to do anything but otherwise yes it should be possible in most if not all cases if the API is available to be able to block it.
  21. Jbird


    Reload the plugin to check for errors during loading of the plugin. There are no permissions needed. Here are the most common reasons. Some commands are only able to be used in an RCON console, not in F1 console Missing NpcSpawn Missing Images files


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