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Everything posted by S0TR

  1. S0TR

    Better Npc

    I thought of that too, that BetterNpc is loading first, then NpcSpawn after and it's in the wrong order. He's also using the Atlanta Walking Dead Map with Zone Manager and Dynamic Pve, but I am fairly certain something is a miss here. There's only 1 custom monument data folder, named "atlanta.json" with a radius of 220 for the zone he wants. I am guessing there needs to be more monument names, a higher radius etc BUT he says that they spawn fine when he /spawnpointreload <name>. Attempting to trouble shoot in different ways.
  2. S0TR

    Better Npc

    Couple things to check First, I would make sure you have the "NPCSpawn" plugin installed as well. If that additional plugin is installed and working, then second go down both config files "NPCSpawn" and "BetterNpc", and see if any settings regarding the spawning of said NPCs are turned off 3rd: Make sure inside your data folder for BetterNpc - /oxide/data/BetterNpc - you go through each monument, road, event type etc that you want them to spawn at, and at the top of those .json files there is an option to actually enable their spawning Still stuck? Post your configs, or DM and I can help you. Both plugins should immediately spawn NPCs during restarts, you'll see BetterNpcs almost "spam" your console as it loads each data folder; if you're not seeing that then something is wrong!
  3. S0TR

    Npc Random Raids

    I am not sure if I am dumb and can't find the option in the config (or if I'm misunderstanding one I've already seen), or if it doesn't exist yet.. My playerbase LOVES these raids, especially when they complete a bunch of Raidable Bases, they love feeling like the NPCs are pissed off and come back to get them. What they DON'T love is how fast the Revenge Raids start after they receive the warning message. By the time they get back to base, they have been tunneled through to TC and have to fully rebuild leaving them no chance to defend the raid; especially if they are on Cargo or doing some other event. Is there an option I am missing, or that we could have added, where we can set a timer after the warning message is sent before the raid actually starts? Maybe a "Between X and Y mins and/or seconds - the raid will start" sort of thing. That way, it's not a guaranteed "in 10mins the raid will start" but a "sometime within 5-10mins the raid will start" leaving a sense uncertainty and random to it at the same time! I want to give my playerbase a chance to get back home, set up defenses and prepare for the raid; because right now (maybe due to my overlooking for the option in the config) they will get the warning message, and then almost immediately the raid will start! On a side note, for a newbie in dealing with config files and server management, having a ReadMe (or somewhere in the plugin's page description like some other plugins) explaining what each option in the config does specifically would super helpful. I have been able to decipher and understand them fairly well, but that's just because I've been dealing with configs for years. An average server manager, or newbie to server owner life, might be incredibly confused simply due to how the config is laid out! But I digress, this plugin has been amazing; I just want to find the option to delay the raid long enough for my players to get home and actually defend
  4. S0TR


    The plugin doesn't actually have a feature yet to override the spray can behavior, though it has been asked for recently so I can only guess it's coming! If you hold the spray can, and use /si, changing the skins will create the spray can animation and sound, but the plugin doesn't actually change what happens when you use the spray can on its own - and there isn't anything in the description that says it does so don't get confused there! Again, spray can behavior has been asked for and I would agree that it would make /si a much faster process but for now it is not a feature
  5. S0TR

    Raidable Bases

    All good man! @nivex Seems like a lot of plugins are dealing with RPC Kicks since the update; Skinner has been kicking my players all the time! I wouldn't know where to start with that as a plugin dev to fix that but if you find out, share to some insight to everyone! I know there used to be some server convars handling RPC, I don't really know what they do, if they are still functional or if they can help devs understand what's happening antihack.rpcstallfade - antihack.rpcstallmode - antihack.rpcstallthreshold - nexus.rpctimeoutmultiplier - profile.rpc_lagspike_threshold - server.maxpacketspersecond_rpc - server.maxpacketspersecond_rpc_signal - server.maxrpcspersecond - server.rpclog_enabled I'm personally testing value changes on some of these for my server to see if they avoid the kicks
  6. S0TR


    Not a problem! This is a pretty in-depth plugin with so many features, I even still have to come back to the main page to remember what some of the commands are or what they do! This is THE best skin plugin out there! If you haven't seen some of the earlier comments, there is a nasty little bug going around that I could only guess the developer is working on the patch for - RPC Error In Move Item - Take it slow when skinning, using /skinbox specifically, or you may get kicked simply due to Rust logic!
  7. S0TR

    Raidable Bases

    Hi friend! Nivex is talking aboout your Profiles, inside the Data Folder for Raidable Bases. Open each profile, Easy, Medium, Hard etc, and make sure inside the .json date files you have "Include PVP Bases: true" This does not mean your bases will spawn PVP, since inside the main Config you have "Convert PVP to PVE: true", all PVP bases will be converted - you just need to set so they spawn
  8. S0TR


    The main page and description of this Plugin explains what those are, but here's a rundown skinauto - /sauto Perm (if there is one) - allows the player to use feature Feature - Automatically skins any items that enters the inventory to the skinset that has been created skinautotoggle - /sauto Perm (if there is one) - I would assume allows the player to turn it on and off Feature - Stated above, ties with skinauto skinteam - /skinteam Perm (if there is one) - Allows player to use feature Feature - Automatically skin items in player and their team's inventories to the skinset that has been created Skinsets are made by typing /sc and defining each set in the GUI, there are 3. To choose a set to use, /sc <1, 2, or 3>
  9. S0TR

    Better Npc

    On a side note to this! I think a viable solution to consider is giving an option in the BetterNpc data folders (or maybe NpcSpawn for each plugin as an earlier comment made?) for us to define which prefab we want each Npc type to use and whether or not AlphaLoot will control it. While that does sound like the options already available to us, we are specifically given the choice of "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": and then "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_oilrig.prefab" } which ultimately splits up and removes AlphaLoot from the equation. I would believe that if AlphaLoot wasn't removed from the options in someway, per example - "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 2, 4 or 5)": and we chose 2 above, AlphaLoot would then take over the spawning of the Npc prefab we have defined as it does with everything else I'm new to plugin development, but this seems like it would work and allowing better compatibility with AlphaLoot is possible
  10. S0TR

    Better Npc

    I just came here looking for answers on how I can get Npcs raoming the roads or at my monuments to spawn different loot than Npcs at Oil, Brad or Events since I am also using AlphaLoot and running into this tricky situation where all my Npcs, regardless of which ones, are spawning high tier items A player got a bolty from a road Npc and suddenly this was brought to my attention! Seems like extracting the loot table from my AlphaLoot json, converting it, and throwing it into the BetterNpc data folders I need while choosing the option to define my own loot is going to be the way to go for now!
  11. S0TR

    Move image

    I second this, well done and will add to help others Rust CUI Editor Link <- I used this site when configure GUIs for my server. It can be tedious to change a few values, then reload whatever plugin I am using just to see the changes and if I like them only to then have to go back and change values again to make adjustments (and in many of my cases, change them too much) The CUI site allows users (who don't want the technical side of things) to input a box and use any anchors/offset values already determined by a plugin if there are any and in real time make changes before transferring the values to the config files. This just allowed me specifically to fine tune exactly where I want certain aspect of a GUI to be, as I have OCD when it comes to those things (1 pixel off and I'll lose it lol) Using that CUI Editor is how I took WelcomePanel by David from its most basic template form, to what it is today on my server - *Rust CUI Editor helped a bunch with the rocket ship*
  12. S0TR

    Raidable Bases

    Purchased this main plugin along with the Tier 3 package in a bundle a few months ago, and boy do I have something to say. NOT ONLY does this, and the Tier Packages if you got them, work right out of the box - although I would recommend going through the configs, the profiles, and your loot tables, in detail to personalize for your server - but this plugin IT WORKS FLAWLESSLY. You have the ability to control every aspect of the Raidable. Where it spawns, how it spawns, what it looks like, the behavior the NPCs, turrets, and the entire building itself. Nivex was extremely thorough in creating the options you have available to you. After some extensive testing for the past few months, I have absolutely NO COMPLAINTS. This is easily one of my best purchases on CodeFling, and if you don't have Raidable Bases yet for your server I highly recommend. Not to mention, the Developer is at the top of the list for fastest response times should you have a question. And the community here at CodeFling will also jump at chance to help you, if you're confused about something; ASK! HEADS UP: If something isn't working for you, I can 99% guarantee it has to do with something you missed inside the config or profile settings. While not necessarily required, you really should be going down each setting, and ensuring you understand what a specific option does when changing values or choosing true or false. In my experience, when something "broke" or wasn't working, it was always my fault for missing an option. There's a lot of them, and like I said Nivex was extremely thorough
  13. S0TR

    Raidable Bases

    I was able to make the Imported Skins file work for me by using the Bee Skin Editor and converting my Skinner layout into something Skinbox would use instead, then doing a copy/pasta into your ImportedWorkshopSkins.json; so no worries there!
  14. S0TR

    Raidable Bases

    Apologizes if this has been asked before! Is there the ability to make gunracks a usable container? I see we can add vendingmachine to the config, and I was able to add coffins and storage_barrel_b/c, but I am curious if the plugin will place guns on the gunracks during loot spawn if I add those item.shortnames to the config?
  15. Hmm, but I love, and am highly addicted, to CodeFling and everything about this site; it's hard to think of anything that might need improved upon! HOWEVER, while sitting on this topic for a few days since I've first seen it because I just could not think of anything this site needed to change, I do finally have a few suggestions that may or may not have been said already In regard to the Discussions tab of a Plugin's page Discussions open the most recent comments first Whether that means you jump us to the last page immediately, and we can work backwards to read most previous comments, or if that means you swap the positions and where page 1 the most recent instead and the last page is now some of the first discussions; I don't really mind which, but I am more favorable to the latter here. This came to mind as I am currently going through some Discussions about RaidableBases, (love you nivex), just seems backwards in my mind to click the last page (page 129), then go backwards to read most recent comments; maybe that's just me In regard to both Discussions and Reviews tabs of a Plugin's page Keyword search features As I mentioned, I am going through Discussions of a plugin to not only entertain myself, because I am addicted to CodeFling, but also to see if a question I have has already been talked about. Having a search feature where we can type in specific keywords, in my case I would be searching for "gunrack", and have comments/replies returned to us with our keyword in it would be extremely helpful as I am finding myself going back page after page just to see if other users have talked about it prior to being redundant myself and posting about something that has already been discussed! Although very minor improvements, I believe these could help with the QoL of this site. As a new plugin Developer hoping to find my footing and make a home here at CodeFling, I love every ounce this site has to offer, the community that surrounds this place, and would be the first to say if asked that CodeFling has other plugin sites beat by a landslide
  16. S0TR


    Kicked: RPC Error in MoveItem Kicked: <other various RPC Errors> Been running into this recent issue ever since the World 2.0 update, and I am not sure if it's Skinner, another plugin, or Rust in general BUT I am posting it here simply because players on my server only seem to experience the issue when using Skinner. I've looked through some of my other plugins, tried to replicate the issue myself and yet I can't seem to be kicked for RPC Error like my players are. Puzzling. Again, I am not blaming Skinner, I am just deducing here that maybe Whispers could give some insight into what's happening since this only ever happens when Skinner is in use. UPDATE as of 10/11: I've been logging these incidents and having players describe to me what they are doing before this happens. They have Skinner open and are reskinning their items. One player was simply just reskinning a wooden box, nothing in particular to note but this was the first time the error had occurred. The majority of other players noted that they are skinning fast, still shouldn't have been an issue to cause the error. One player specifically gave a bit more insight as he's been getting kicked for the error the most. He noted that when he wants to skin items, even though he knows he can create sets and use /sauto - he doesn't do so - when he goes to reskin all the items in his inventory he clicks an item, then clicks the first skin (his most recent and/or favorite - I'm guessing the one he should be setting as an /sauto lol) and he does that with multiple items all at once. Right click an item, right click the first skin listed and then move to the next one - and he clicks between everything fast. I, myself, have not been able to replicate the error and get kicked. Even following this specific player's footstep and spamming the skinner across multiple items and the same - first listed - skin. Still very puzzling. I hope this helps Whisper; we all know you'll soon narrow down what's happening! UPDATE 2 10/12: Was finally able to get myself kicked for RPC Error in MoveItem, and I wasn't even trying. Here's what happened. I have two large wooden boxes in my inventory, both were skinned with the same skin but was not stacked on top of each other; they are in different slots. I right clicked and skinned one box with a new skin, then right clicked on the second box to skin it - the skinner skinbox did not update to the first page upon clicking the 2nd large box, it remained on page x where I chose my first new skin. I still proceeded to reskin the 2nd box with a different skin than the first - instantly, my 2nd box within my inventory disappeared, (it was just deleted from my inventory) and I was booted from my server for RPC Error. Upon relogging, the 1st box I skinned is still there with the new skin I chose, the 2nd box is gone. I replicated the issue; I understand how it's happening now on my server. I'll inform my players to be careful when skinning the same item different skins from different slots until this error is fixed. Happy hunting Whisper UPDATE 3 10/20: Issue is only affecting new players now, as my regulars and I are aware to be very careful when skinning multiple items of the same type (ie. multiple large boxes). New players aren't aware, and we have to teach them the work around until it gets patched. Work around: Go VERY slow when skinning multiple items of the same type OR use the other commands the plugin offers as they are not affected by RPC Error. Example: Place ALL your doors, and use /si on each one if you want a different skin for each one, or create skinsets, /sc, and then use /sinv, or /sauto, or /skinbase to just automatically skin them all, or define what in your base you want skinned, /skinbase <itemshortname>
  17. S0TR

    Welcome Panel

    I would copy your config into a notepad, and then delete it off your server, reload the plugin and let the updated WelcomePanel version generate a new default config file. Looking through that error you showed, it essentially says WelcomePanel can't use the method CheckConfig() which tells me it does not recognize your current (old version) configuration file. This must mean that the default config file has been updated over time and your old version is giving NREs, which I cannot confirm since I haven't had this plugin for very long in general, due to a change in config layout or a change in values/options that were added or removed over time. I'm not an experienced Developer, but using what I know this is how I would troubleshoot and fix your error TL:DR: Copy your config text into a notepad. Delete the whole config off your server, and reload WP, allowing it to generate a new file. Go into the new file, and copy/pasta the individual information you have in your old file, while leaving the new updated file intact (Do not just copy/pasta the entirety of your old file in the new one, replacing everything; only add the information you need from the old to the new where applicable - if that makes sense.
  18. S0TR

    Welcome Panel

    They shouldn't. I'd have to assume Emigo was using a very old version. When I went from the last most recent version, to this new one, I did not have to change anything or lose any of my work. Worst case! Copy your entire config into a text doc and then update the plugin. Should it all get wiped (though I don't think it will) just patch up what you need to with some copy/pasta from your text doc I backup and save all my configs in another text doc when editing them just in case the worst happens, and everything gets erased. It's a good habit to get into
  19. S0TR

    Welcome Panel

    Share with us how you found the error and what you did to solve it. This will help other users who encounter similar issues. Happy Rusting!
  20. If you have a server backup file already, look in your /data/PermissionManager and see if you have the perms (or at least some) written already. Just copy/pasta it over. There has been way too many times where I've had to redo all my perms. Worst case! You can always just redo them in-game with command /perms. The GUI makes it real simple Best of luck!
  21. S0TR

    Welcome Panel

    You can rest assure it will get done! If I am correct in my logic, Rustplugins.net was the main, and original, home for a lot of plugins such as WelcomePanel. There is no reason to believe WP 4.3.6 won't be pushed to the website!
  22. S0TR


    I would recommend using the SkinBox/Skinner editor from the developer Beee! It works amazing with Skinner! This editor is clean, and shows you ALL the skins you have installed with their SteamWorkshop photos allowing you to quickly find the skin you want to remove and just simply... remove it! Then save the file as a Skinner.json and replace the file inside your Oxide Config and reload Skinner! Happy Rust Wipe Day! Here's to the World 2.0 update! Cheers! Skinbox/Skinner/Skins Editor <- Click here!
  23. S0TR


    An Absolute BEAST of a plugin This bad boi achieves the highest grade on the list of ALL Skin plugins. Not to super bash the other skin-type plugins, they do the job, and some are free so if it works then it works - to each their own! - BUT if you want ultimate control of your in-game skins, advanced features that other plugins don't have (such as skinning your whole base at once, setting clan/team skins, requesting and approving skins), AND live skin items/deployables while maintaining the best performance of all the skin-type plugins, this is the one! You WILL NOT be disappointed *Side note for anyone who may be looking through the discussion forums or reviews for answers. The Skinbox -> Skinner editor/converter advertised within the Skinner description on the main page did not work for me; it spawned a few errors, and I was unable to use the application. However, a workaround I found was to use Skinbox/Skinner editor from the developer Bee, add your skins through that application, then save the file as a Skinner.json. Upload to your config and you are set* <- This however does not make me think the Skinner plugin itself has issues, it does NOT. It's amazing
    Well done This is my go-to whenever I need to add a skin to my file. I first used it for Skinbox, keeping a copy of the file on my desktop for whenever I wanted to add another skin, and just uploading the new version each time. Then I swapped over to Skinner, and while Skinner has it's own "Convert Skinbox.js file to Skinner.js" it did not work for me, SO I took my Skinbox file, opened it in this editor and just re-saved it as a Skinner file instead - Worked perfectly Well Done
  24. S0TR

    Rust GPT

    I've returned again, and after much headache (partly due to not knowing what tf I am doing in regard to Rust Plugin coding, or C# coding in general) I have successfully integrated the different plugins that spawn their own NPCs into RustGPT, and its OnEntityDeath method, so there are no reports for the NPC deaths! My code has changed, and gotten simpler, or more complicated? Not sure what it is, I'm new to this! Convoy.cs did not need a CallHook or any modification, this plugin also classifies its NPCs with "ScientistNPC", therefore RustGPT automatically recognized the deaths and skipped over generating a Death Message. RandomRaids.cs, however, was more of a headache than it needed to be. This plugin classifies its NPCs in multiple different ways, and even my GPT couldn't help me figure out how to find and implement the identifier or which identifier to be using for that matter! With the help of my GPT (I made one specifically to help me do Rust Server things), we've came up with an idea. In my RandomRaids.json configuration file, I've named every single NPC the same name (makes sense since they are all technically spawned for the same reason). In my RustGPT.cs, we wrote a check inside the OnEntityDeath method to look for NPCs specifically with that display name in order to skip over a reported Death Message; and it works, thank the heavens it works, or I would have been up until sunrise trying to get this functioning. Below is my new code for RustGPT. The previous Hooks I wrote inside the other plugins remain the same. private void OnEntityDeath(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info) { if (!_config.OptionalPlugins.UseDeathComment || entity == null || info == null) return; BasePlayer victim = entity.ToPlayer(); BasePlayer attacker = info.InitiatorPlayer; // Check if the victim's display name is "Revenge Raider" if (victim != null && victim.displayName == "Revenge Raider") { // Handled if NPC was specifically named "Revenge Raider" return; } // Check if the victim is any ScientistNPC managed by other plugins if (victim is ScientistNPC) { // Handled if NPC was classified as ScientistNPC return; } if (victim != null && attacker != null) { string attackerName = StripRichText(attacker.displayName); string victimName = StripRichText(victim.displayName); string weaponName = GetWeaponDisplayName(attacker); string hitBone = GetHitBone(info); string deathMessage = $"{attackerName} killed {victimName} with a {weaponName} in the {hitBone}"; Side Note to all this: I am not sure exactly why Convoy.cs did not need a CallHook integrated into its code for RustGPT to automatically recognize its NPCs and avoid reporting a Death Message, and quite frankly I'm too tired to care and find out. However, this was an incredible amount of fun, and as I install more plugins that handle NPCs, such as my upcoming Armored Train, I'll be sure to always modify the source codes, so they cooperate with RustGPT. In fact, I'm thinking of other plugins that aren't NPC related that I could modify (not necessarily for use with RustGPT) and have even been thinking about plugins of my own creation I can create for the world Happy Coding !


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