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Everything posted by MatthiasBM

  1. Thank You, Much Appreciated Amazing Plugin Just A Shame About These Issues It Caused But Thanks For Being Responsible and Correcting Great Support. Fingers Crossed For A Fix! All The Best!
  2. For Weeks Players Of My Server Have Been Popping Up Left Right Saying they Think They Can See Things They Shouldn't i.e Have Permissions They Shouldn't access to admin version of Shop From "Mevent" Being Able to Adjust Item Prices And Add Items That I Have Disabled. Then People Have Been Able to Bypass Purchasing RaidBases By "Nivex" By Using /rbe Command Which No Perms have Been Given. Many Other Admin access Commands Have also Been Used By NONE Admin Players Luckily Enough My Players Have Been Honest And Haven't Abused This. But Other Server owners Be Careful When Using "NoClip" as it messes up With Another Plugin Yet To Be Determined But the effect is Every Player is Given Admin flag and it will not show in server.cfg or Your Permission Manager/ Admin Menu It Will Not Always Give access to The commands But Every So Often A Player will Get random Access to plugins and Perms, I thought at first Reload Plugin Check Perms And Boom They No Longer Had Access, however the issue reoccured several times i could not find the issue, But its just took me hrs and finally with the help of Nivex Have Found The Culprit "NOCLIP"- Plugin Hopefully This Can Be Fixed and if Not Warnings Should Be included In Description But This Error Could Of Caused Significant Damage To My Server Thankfully its been Removed Now But Just Thinking Of The Damage That could Of Been Done! Geeezzz MuB-Studio Please Fix Urgently!
  3. MatthiasBM

    Raidable Bases

    Seen that happening too on my server also weird spawn points since force wipe or even raids stacking ontop of eachother
  4. upon server restart players have been disbanded from team or a group of two will be joined with another duo making them a four man team when they were separate teams and don't even know each other now with plugin taken out teams keep disappearing until someone leaves and is invited back then everyone shows again its strange dont know if plugin is broken or if facepunch has messed something up in general but the plugin isnt working as intended
  5. MatthiasBM

    Plugin Images

    Can We Get The PNG's For All Casino Items So We Can Add Them Into IG Shop instead of running through command?
  6. none for oilrig its just been since the update that facepunch put out for oilrig restructure
  7. from the 9th this has stopped working tried a fresh install new config fresh webhook but it will not send discord messages no more was working perfectly before but it wont notify me anymore
  8. Im having Issue For use in pocket dimensions ive set false for ground check but it will not allow me to place is there a fix or something i can do to change this
  9. MatthiasBM

    Raidable Bases

    Im admin on servers that have this plugin- Turrets are not attacking players unless attacked first and even then not responsive everytime. acting very strangely
  10. does this even work? most other plugins that do this function dont work and i dont wanna buy just to see it doesnt work like all the rest like is this still active?
  11. plugin failed to remove turrets upon event end just noticed on my server maybe in need of a check over with the changes to Oil Rig
  12. MatthiasBM


    anyone know what is the start and stop Hooks for pookies spawning and despawning
  13. MatthiasBM


    Server Mod- Where Shop Plugin is On And Paid For.... So we Have resources selling for Decimal Numbers Such As 0.2 But in Shop They Show As 0 Making it look like they are not worth selling, This must be something with the most recent update as it was showing the decimals before anyway for us to rectify this?
  14. MatthiasBM


    I Appreciate that But At The Same Time, Treating all As Piracy cases Will Only Damage Your Products Reputation Plus Your Own, Why Have A Discussions Page If you only want Private Messages From Owners Of The Plugin. Just Seems To Be A You Thing Haven't Had The Accusatory Response From Any Other Creator? Don't Get Me Wrong Very Sympathetic To The Cause But Unnecessary Suspicion is Uncalled For. Especially On A Suggestion, Just Saying...
  15. MatthiasBM


    Ok Little Rude, Im A Mod On the Server With EvilDips Who Just Purchased It But Because ill be The one Working On It I Thought id Ask, I Can Understand Your Concern But There Is No Need For A Hostile Introduction To Already Paying Customers LOL
  16. MatthiasBM


    Suggestion.. Is there a way that when you search for a particular skin name that it shows all Item skins that are in that collection instead of manually having to search in each category for skins within that collection or Name?
  17. MatthiasBM


    just wondering how to enable the location marker on map i have "Show map markers when they spawn?": true, but they dont show?


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