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Everything posted by Flammable

  1. Flammable

    Admin Menu

    It's time to try this fantastic plugin. EDIT: After a quick test of the plugin, I LOVE IT. Almost all of these plugin tabs/features should already be in the vanilla client/server. There are only a few feedback suggestions/bug reports. @0xF 1. Visually, the item categories hardly fit in the panel (1st and the last one). Facepunch will not add more categories, so it's okay. By the way, we can't have mouse scrolling, right? 2. When you click the menu button to delete/clone a specific group, you can click on the group name and then type (rename it, maybe), but I need to figure out how to save the new name afterward. 3. I like the permission borders. Blue = granted, Green = Granted and Inherited, right? That said, when there's a "plugin.perm1" given to the "group1" and "group2," then the same perm is given to the User123, this user will have a green border for the perm. When you click to remove it from the user, it will change to a blue border, but there's no way to see where he inherits the perm from (unless you run the console oxide commands). Please add simple text in the permission box: "Inherited from GroupName (if applicable)." Sometimes, you might need to reverse-track how and from where "Player X" still has access to "Permission X." 4. I'm from Bulgaria but noticed the UK flag while looking at my player profile tab. The flag may be for something else, or is it broken? 5. When I clicked the kick button, there was no prompt to type a reason; my game instantly froze, and I was kicked. It may be the same with the ban as well. I was going to suggest confirmation, but instead, we can have a reason type box and then OK or Cancel to execute the kick/ban that will act as confirmation, too. If there's anything else, I'll mention it as well.
  2. Late reply but might be helpful. Alongside ChillRoleplay suggestions you can check - https://umod.org/plugins/timed-progression If I remember right, that helped me in the past to do one primitive start server like Rust Ages through the wipe. Maybe you can use the plugin and set crazy values for the time unlock on anything that's not primitive. Also, if you need a truly permanent primitive server, just buy the AlphaLoot plugin and edit your loot tables to contain only primitive stuff. Then use CraftingController to block all nonprimitive items from crafting (then you can keep the workbench tech tree still), and then you can look for a NoUpgrade plugin of some sort to block upgrading to more than wood/stone, for example. Just use plugins if available to block whatever gameplay feature you don't want.
  3. It would be best if you decided for yourself, but I would definitely go with the SkillTree. I never played deep with any of the plugins as a player (only as admin to configure them) and wasn't able to experience them fully in gameplay. As I remember XPerience had shit upgrades. Don't get me wrong, all the work done by the developer of the XPerience plugin and the fact that it's a free one is FANTASTIC. It has many features and skills, but I like the more OP weird/cool stuff that needs to be added. While in XPerience, you have mainly multipliers and reductions to upgrade, SkillTree has skills to see nodes/animals nearby, like ESP, on your screen for X amount of time. Also, spawn new ore on the same spot after breaking the 1st one by % chance, shop trees in a nearby radius, open doors with any card color, call MLRS to strike, respawn on your death point, etc. It's stuff that's NOT welcome for a PVP server but truly fabulous for PVE.
  4. @LaserHydraNot sure where the issue comes from, but all my players have 1 kilometer HTML code above their heads. I'm using BetterChat and ClansReborn. Default players have blue color nicks, while Supporters have a gradient of blue/white nicks. No chat titles but ClanTags are also gradient colored for supporters. Any ideas?
  5. Not sure what are the current default convars (this can easily be checked on a vanilla server), and I never noticed the difference. Maybe it's a placebo effect or it actually works. Anyway I have it on my server still.
  6. Hello, I'm getting many complaints on my server about players doing grief after raids on purpose. This is part of the game, but it's getting out of control. Can someone make me some anti-grief plugin to either prevent TC/doors placement in a recently raided base for X time or auto authorize on TC/Doors the player whose base was, if possible? When the raiders place TC and Doors, you'll instantly get auth on everything as long as it is your base. (Calculating the foundations to check ownership - 50+ % are yours, etc)... If you want to grief, then you'll have to do a full foundation wipe. Maybe if you have a better idea of how this can be implemented, let me know. That's a serious request; I'm only worried if I can break a lot of the game balance this way. I was thinking about how I could possibly make a remover tool work to ungrief yourself without giving players a way of abusing it to demolish someone else base. And I don't tell me I can add this as a forced rule without a plugin preventing the action because I'm tired of babysitting.
  7. Flammable

    Admin Menu

    Added to my 'TO=GET' list for sure... The design is amazing, like the native Rust main menu, and I see there are a lot of features. I think it might replace the PlayerAdministration plugin
  8. Flammable

    Sulfur Explosive

    The idea of this plugin is cool and fun but unless Facepucnh adds it to the game, my players will always complain. Anyway, I'm happy that supported your work. Please only fix this kick RPC Error. https://clips.twitch.tv/DepressedFilthyToothTTours-FouWjfAuNJBeQfwk
  9. Then how can you unlock the VoicePropsDLC, SunburnDLC, etc., for example? I still have hopes, but we'll see if there should be a way with Harmony or other deep server modifications; of course, if the only way is to modify the client, that's impossible, and nobody will like this idea.
  10. I have David's plugin. I also uploaded my config here a long time ago for free. That's not what I'm looking for because it involves modded, even close to vanilla, still modded craft menu UI. I hope someone can go further and completely unlock everything in the vanilla crafting menu. I'm sure it's possible somehow.
  11. I'm currently using CraftMenu by David for all of the special seasonal/other craftable DLC/Steam items on my Vanilla X2 server. This is a fantastic plugin, but I also use another one for DLCItemUnlock, and players can craft half of the items from the Vanilla crafting menu (DLC ones). That said, it doesn't support the rest (the Halloween/Xmas store items, fireworks, etc.), and I'm willing to TIP/PAY to get my current plugin updated or a new version created to fully support everything that's an exclusive item blueprint in the vanilla craft menu. (redirected particular item skins are already included inside SkinBox so that they can be ignored.) This is one of the main plugins I've been hunting for a long time. Unless there's a 0% chance (I doubt it's completely impossible), I can pay whatever is needed to get it done. Trust me, I'm crazy, and It's not about the cost. If you can use Harmony or whatever else to unlock these items and implement a proper auto-update system or a configuration to specify all the shorts.names, I'm OK. I can provide a link to the free plugin I already use. Maybe it can help. This is a serious request, and I still have hopes. I'm sure other will like this request as well.
  12. I'm good, thanks for all the explanations. I have changed the offset to something that pushes the UI out of the screen. Also disabled the legacy mode and only have 1 upgrade level with 2.0 speed and the rest is vanilla in this upgrade. I like it because it doesn't opens the UI at max level. Only still can't get what's best for x2 speed config. Do I have to use this "Base Fuel Speed in Casting Speed Multiplier?" or nope. Maybe for x2 speed is not a big deal if it's enabled or disabled.
  13. Is it possible to completely remove this oven status? Or do I have to push it out of the screen by setting the anchors/offsets to something weird? I know that I might sound ridiculous for trying to disable half of the plugin, but I want to force players to upgrade with scrap for their x2 furnace speed, nothing more.
  14. Bought the plugin but need some information about the following things: 1. Is this the VANILLA default furnace behaviour, or is it the plugin default stats before any upgrades are applied? "Default Oven Settings (This will override the ovens' default attributes)": { "Speed multiplier (Default = 1.0)": 1.0, "Fuel Efficiency (Default = 0.75)": 0.75, "Resource Output Multiplier (Default = 1.0)": 1.0, "Charcoal Multiplier (Default = 1.0)": 1.0 }, Fuel Efficiency especially? Also, what's this exactly? - "Base fuel speed on smelting speed multiplier?": false, And what's the difference between using legacy mode and the normal mode? I don't want to revert the official furnace changes if this legacy mode modifies how furnaces work with the old UI. I only want to implement proper x2 smelting speed while disabling the rest of the multipliers completely and only have 1 upgrade. I'm unsure which of the 2 modes is better for my purpose.
  15. Do you know if we can see the Bradley capture thing only in a standalone plugin? I'll be happy to pay for the plugin if released. I don't like the whole end-game event, but I want to be able to capture any Bradley or destroy it for loot.
  16. Thanks UPDATE: Request done already!
  17. I'm looking for someone who can make me a simple plugin to store backpacks inside lockers when you have items inside. I know why Facepunch implemented this restriction. I don't want my players to be able to keep 10 backpacks full of loot inside their player inventories as well. But I want to SWAP full backpacks inside the locker properly, only in the backpack slot between the player-locker. Could there be a vanilla server command for this that I can use instead? Let me know. I hope this plugin idea is possible and inexpensive to create.
  18. It will be the best solution if the badly restricted host you're using can add this argument to the command line upon your ticket request. Or subscribe to RustAdminOnline and use their 24/7 console logs feature.
  19. Actually, you can add "-logfile logs/$(date +%Y-%m-%d.%H-%M-%S).log" parameter to your server command line (if you have access to do so) and save your console to a new file every time you start/restart the server. Then, unless you delete these log files, they'll stay forever. By the way, I have never had to use this in general because I use RustAdmin for most of my chat/console logs. I only had to look at these saved logs a few times when my server was crashing/freezing, and it is useful to see the raw server logs before it happens (sadly, I can't show the reason for these randomly freezes, but still useful)
  20. There was a plugin on uMod about this combat log thing you want, but it broke a long time ago and never got updated after that. I don't see a problem with allowing everyone to check someone else combat log because there's no sensitive information displayed in it. Allowing player X to see player Y's combat log instead of making them complain about cheaters and calling admins all the time for no reason would be better to let them view the scenario themselves. I want to get this done as well if possible.
  21. Not exactly sure if I mentioned this somewhere but that's true, I agree. Zombies wearing frankenstein parts have more melee/arrow resistance and you can fix this by adjusting settings in your plugin BotRespawn, BetterNPC, etc)
  22. Sorry if looks sus but I just archived the damn video. Also had to skip a lot to make the size smaller ooof.In short it just redirect me to and yeah. That's it. Desktop 2023.12.08 -
  23. I do it properly. It's the correct server IP and Port. Can it be because I have to enable something on the servers for the nexus redirect thing or idk? I'll make a video later and upload it.
  24. { "RedirectDelay": 10, "RedirectMessage": "This server has moved IP, you will be redirected in {0} seconds.", "TargetServerIP": "", "TargetServerPort": 28365 }
  25. Not working Reloaded the plugin, still the same connecting and game stays on switching server.


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