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Everything posted by Flammable

  1. Same when pickup corn for example, I see only the seeds. No +1 corn
  2. The scrap pickup is still an issue. I do not even see the message for +2scrap now when break a barrel. Safezone works fine btw.
  3. Thanks for the update. I was going to report these issue but you already fixed them.
  4. Event Duration time is real-time or server-time? Also can this be combined with existing rate from GatherManager to achieve the following: GatherManager Sulfur rate - 1.5 Using this plugin to start resource rush event where sulfur will go from 1.5 up to x2 final, NOT 1.5x+2x=3.5x rate.
  5. Flammable

    Team Marker

    Thanks for the fast update. By the way is there any way to just allow usage of the binoculars menu without using binoculars? When in aim mode to be able to open the same UI and select one from all 5 pings.
  6. Flammable

    UAV Drones

  7. Flammable

    Team Marker

    Also, I want to use vanilla binoculars spot system and I have another plugin to see crate contents when using E with binoculars. Can you push an update to blacklist binoculars from being used with this plugin? Because now I have to uninstall the plugin because of this ;(
  8. Flammable

    Team Marker

    @LAGZYAI set color to purple for example but still red if marker is enemy. I set color to red for example but changes to blue if marker is dollar. Ideas? I guess if do everything right then game just forces binoculars markers with their colors.
  9. Flammable

    UAV Drones

    Maybe I am stupid but I can't understand the idea of this plugin well. Can you do a preview video in the future, or can I test it somewhere?
  10. Flammable


    If the plugin auto respawns, the despawned/looted items would be fantastic; otherwise, manually spawning stuff even if see the logs is not something I like. And yeah, I agree that this sucks. I knew it was about this raid despawn but wasn't entirely sure. In the future might buy the plugin if see it fit..
  11. Flammable


    Deloot of the player? Maybe I am stupid, but what's the point of these logs and the plugin at all? Can you explain? Plugins sound useful but for what?
  12. Oh ok, got it. Maybe with permission only can be added?
  13. I got a suggestion from a player who said that, currently, the plugin works only if the UI is open. Do you think this can be fixed/updated somehow? What does he mean? When you type /recycler, it opens the UI and you put items. If you close the UI, items are returned to your inventory, making it impossible to do something else while recycling in the background. If you use a recycler at the monument or personal at home (spawned) you can leave it working and do your other tasks. Not sure if that's possible with the portable recycler, let me know.
  14. Flammable

    Team Marker

    If deletes after 5 seconds that's great!
  15. Flammable

    Team Marker

    I already use another plugin that works the same. This one looks better because it uses tnew Rustnew markers and works with the compass as well. The problem is that I do not see duration in the example config you showcase. I want to allow players to mark enemy player sport on the got and auto disappear after 5-10sec or so.
  16. If you put the config .json file first in the oxide/config and then download and put the .cs plugin file in oxide/plugins then you should be able to get custom ingredients by gathering berries, ore, wood, hemp, etc Extra Gather Bonuses configuration comes with This purchase/download Extra Gather Bonuses plugin is free for download at uMod.
  17. Does this plugin replace the default UI or only make it possible to add other additional UI elements without replacing/modifying the vanilla status stuff like HP, Hunger, Thirst, etc.?
  18. Sorry for the late reply. When plugin is loaded water does not convert from salty to normal in the small purifier, electric purifier and etc. When unload the plugin everything works normal.
  19. Flammable

    Forbidden Lands

    Players are reporting RPC errors in the Hotel Maelstrom location. Can you check what's going on? It's a PvE server but I am sure it's map related.
  20. Flammable


    Thank you, got it.
  21. Flammable


    Am I blind, or XP boost per rank is not a thing? I want to make it, for example - VIP 0.5% boost, VIP+ 10% boost, MVP 30% boost, etc. Instead, there's a single boost permission to change its value and give it to specific groups. For example, everyone will have the default boost value while MVP, and VIP (if granted this permission) will have a 0.5% boost (same value for both groups). I want to add more boost permissions instead.
  22. Water purifiers are not working when this plugin is loaded? Any ideas?
  23. Flammable


    Because my server auto started after the restart, not sure how when your plugin only stop it but OK, it's all fine I guess. My host use pterodactyl. And do you know if can be added a server.backup command to this plugin to auto execute it after trigger the restart one.
  24. Flammable


    I can't understand good what you both talk about. I bought the plugin, so it its supposed to restart the server when set time 00:00 in the config and when the time comes it will count down then the server will be back online and I do not need any external scripts to do this, right? Also is it possible to add the ability to trigger/run/execute "server.backup" command X minutes before the restart in-case something corrupts.
    A great plugin to add easily scheduled restarts with nice UI and game tip support. Highly recommend it!


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